Families of Orlando nightclub shooting victims sue Facebook, twitter, and google

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Families of Orlando Nightclub Shooting Victims Sue Facebook, Twitter and Google

Complaint argues that the web platforms "provided the terrorist group ISIS with accounts they use to spread extremist propaganda" and more

Families of the victims of the Orlando gay nightclub shooting on Monday filed a federal civil suit against Twitter, Facebook and Google for allegedly providing “material support” to the Islamic State and helping to radicalize shooter Omar Mateen..........................

Are these platforms really to blame? who would there to be to blame if we did not have a social network, this crime could have stilled occurred even without social media but would it have been as well organized?

No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
Why would we revolt against Google?
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
I wonder how many family members of those murdered, voted for Big Ears and Cankles? Those who did, would seem to have a death wish.

How many Americans must die, before we dump these Islamic sympathizing asshole politicians?
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
Why would we revolt against Google?
I seldom use Google anymore because their search engine has become left leaning and politically correct. It is almost impossible to find any websites critical of Big Ears or any Democrat, on a first page search.

Don't believe me? Do a Google search then compare it to others.
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
No different than passing a background check...Or selling an illegal weapon.....They are culpable
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
Why would we revolt against Google?
I seldom use Google anymore because their search engine has become left leaning and politically correct. It is almost impossible to find any websites critical of Big Ears or any Democrat, on a first page search.

Don't believe me? Do a Google search then compare it to others.
I use it as a dictionary, encyclopedia and if there is a breaking news event. It is hard to imagine teaching without a Google within reach anymore. If I want slanted news, I come here.
To be honest I don't understand why they're suing facebook twitter and google..
These social networks have nothing to do with the man who did the carnage :dunno:
Guess I never grew up with the entitled expecations that I would ever have any control over the actions and/or decisions of others. The courts can handle it.
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
No different than passing a background check...Or selling an illegal weapon.....They are culpable
Yes, social media is absolutely responsible for a mass murder...
Come on man.
The only one responsible is the one who did it.
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
No different than passing a background check...Or selling an illegal weapon.....They are culpable
Yes, social media is absolutely responsible for a mass murder...
Come on man.
The only one responsible is the one who did it.
Come on nothing........Make up your minds people either take common sense steps to protect yourself or get rdy for extreme measures as it gets worse. Ya think FDR...TRUMAN.. EISENHOWER Would allow this.....Isis is enemy.....There is a declared war............I'm tired of govt showing up and mocking the dead by admitting they knew about a terrorist and did nothing
No they aren't. Its like blaming a gun for a murder.
I wish they weren't flaming hypocrites but they are. The people should revolt against these assholes. Not bring in the government.
No different than passing a background check...Or selling an illegal weapon.....They are culpable
Yes, social media is absolutely responsible for a mass murder...
Come on man.
The only one responsible is the one who did it.
Come on nothing........Make up your minds people either take common sense steps to protect yourself or get rdy for extreme measures as it gets worse. Ya think FDR...TRUMAN.. EISENHOWER Would allow this.....Isis is enemy.....There is a declared war............I'm tired of govt showing up and mocking the dead by admitting they knew about a terrorist and did nothing
That has nothing to do with whether social media is responsible for a mass murder.
We haven't "declared war" on Isis. There was an AUMF but that isn't the same thing. And besides, that's over with.
I can actually see the point the families are making. Of course, Google, Facebook and Twitter don't approve of terrorism, but by allowing the bastards to use their boards to spread their hate and their knowledge, Mateen was possibly radicalized. Everyone is screaming that we must STOP the jihadi's, but they are equally good at squirming out of taking responsibility or making any personal sacrifices. Even a community bulletin board at the laundromat has some kind of "censorship" by the owners, and the only way to keep total garbage like ISIS propaganda and Pizzagate out of circulation is to hold the "publishers" liable. SOMEONE has to step up and take responsibility.
I can actually see the point the families are making. Of course, Google, Facebook and Twitter don't approve of terrorism, but by allowing the bastards to use their boards to spread their hate and their knowledge, Mateen was possibly radicalized. Everyone is screaming that we must STOP the jihadi's, but they are equally good at squirming out of taking responsibility or making any personal sacrifices. Even a community bulletin board at the laundromat has some kind of "censorship" by the owners, and the only way to keep total garbage like ISIS propaganda and Pizzagate out of circulation is to hold the "publishers" liable. SOMEONE has to step up and take responsibility.
This is a pandoras box. I mean, they should verify every post and account? Is that even plausible? Probably not. Unless they hire another 10 million people.
So lets treat this like everything else Americans are too lazy to do and let the government do it. Then, when they are regulated to death, they can start charging for the shit. Ruin everyone elses enjoyment because a few people cant put the blame where it belongs..
To be honest I don't understand why they're suing facebook twitter and google..
These social networks have nothing to do with the man who did the carnage :dunno:

"Complicity is the act of helping or encouraging another individual to commit a crime. It is also commonly referred to as aiding and abetting. One who is complicit is said to be an accomplice. But, even though an accomplice does not actually commit the crime, his or her actions helped someone in the commission of the crime.

The concept of accomplice liability means an accomplice faces the same degree of guilt and punishment as the individual who committed the crime."
I can actually see the point the families are making. Of course, Google, Facebook and Twitter don't approve of terrorism, but by allowing the bastards to use their boards to spread their hate and their knowledge, Mateen was possibly radicalized. Everyone is screaming that we must STOP the jihadi's, but they are equally good at squirming out of taking responsibility or making any personal sacrifices. Even a community bulletin board at the laundromat has some kind of "censorship" by the owners, and the only way to keep total garbage like ISIS propaganda and Pizzagate out of circulation is to hold the "publishers" liable. SOMEONE has to step up and take responsibility.
This is a pandoras box. I mean, they should verify every post and account? Is that even plausible? Probably not. Unless they hire another 10 million people.
So lets treat this like everything else Americans are too lazy to do and let the government do it. Then, when they are regulated to death, they can start charging for the shit. Ruin everyone elses enjoyment because a few people cant put the blame where it belongs..
Of course it's possible because it gets reported by users.
Not to mention tracking and spying on you for profit is their game.,...That is their only "product"
It's about time these Liberal sites are held responsible for their aid in advancing Moslem terrorism. Good for these families. I hope they win bigtime. I've had it with this alt-Left tolerance bull shit.
To be honest I don't understand why they're suing facebook twitter and google..
These social networks have nothing to do with the man who did the carnage :dunno:

I agree and no one forced them to have a Twitter, Facebook or any other social media account.

These morons but all their personal info on social media and wonder why bad things can happen??
To be honest I don't understand why they're suing facebook twitter and google..
These social networks have nothing to do with the man who did the carnage :dunno:
Amen to this. No one is responsible for what took place that night except for the man who did the shooting.

God bless you and the families of his victims always!!!


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