Covington Kids Should Sue Facebook and Twitter

I just saw a clip of the MAGA hat-wearing ringleader saying "in hindsight I wish we would have walked away."

Looking like a dear caught in the headlights. Trying his best to engender sympathy from the American public.


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He is just a 16 year old kid. They do stupid shit. That is the definition of teenager. They don’t think about consequences because their brains haven’t caught up with their passions. The only difference between when we were kids and now is that now some one tapes it, edits it of context, and it goes viral in minutes. The whole world judges these kids on a snap shot in time, in a situation that normally would have been handled quietly in the family...and should never have been blown up and politicized (by both sides) like this.

I feel for the kids.

Just a pity that their devoted defenders of the moment are most likely the same beasts who were shredding the Parkland kids in last big upheaval.

Poor kids all around.

Those kids were targeted and assaulted by adults out of their gourds.. THE KIDS did NOTHING wrong. Now they have B List actresses and SNL "comedy writers" wishing them death or assault. Their school and innocent members of their town have received death threats and bomb threats.

And the MEDIA largely cooperated.. That media is gonna be responsible for mass violence and deaths sometime soon in the future....

Agree, the kids did nothing wrong. Just like thre Parkland kids. And the media cooperated in smears and attacks.

People forget these are kids. Death threats? What the hell is wrong with people who claim to be adults!
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.

Facebook and Twitter provide platforms for other people to air their opinions. Facebook and Twitter themselves were not slandering anybody, so I don't think there is a lawsuit here, but they certainly have no face left to claim they are unbiased. Conservative posters have had their accounts removed for offenses far less egregious than threatening the lives of children like plenty of leftists were doing.
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.

Facebook and Twitter provide platforms for other people to air their opinions. Facebook and Twitter themselves were not slandering anybody, so I don't think there is a lawsuit here, but they certainly have no face left to claim they are unbiased. Conservative posters have had their accounts removed for offenses far less egregious than threatening the lives of children like plenty of leftists were doing.
i think they have some responsibility to act if users issue threats. Isnt that partly why Alex Jones was booted?
I just saw a clip of the MAGA hat-wearing ringleader saying "in hindsight I wish we would have walked away."

Looking like a dear caught in the headlights. Trying his best to engender sympathy from the American public.


Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

He is just a 16 year old kid. They do stupid shit. That is the definition of teenager. They don’t think about consequences because their brains haven’t caught up with their passions. The only difference between when we were kids and now is that now some one tapes it, edits it of context, and it goes viral in minutes. The whole world judges these kids on a snap shot in time, in a situation that normally would have been handled quietly in the family...and should never have been blown up and politicized (by both sides) like this.

I feel for the kids.

Just a pity that their devoted defenders of the moment are most likely the same beasts who were shredding the Parkland kids in last big upheaval.

Poor kids all around.

Those kids were targeted and assaulted by adults out of their gourds.. THE KIDS did NOTHING wrong. Now they have B List actresses and SNL "comedy writers" wishing them death or assault. Their school and innocent members of their town have received death threats and bomb threats.

And the MEDIA largely cooperated.. That media is gonna be responsible for mass violence and deaths sometime soon in the future....

Agree, the kids did nothing wrong. Just like thre Parkland kids. And the media cooperated in smears and attacks.

People forget these are kids. Death threats? What the hell is wrong with people who claim to be adults!

OK.. Because you started off with Teens do Goofy Things. These kids were inserted into a hostile rally which is the SCHOOL'S fault and they did nothing wrong..

I agree the pushback on the Parkland went too far.. But it was centered on just a couple that were USED as political hand grenades to score points. The media and political leadership inserted them (D. Hogge in particular) as weapons. And once THAT happens, people get hurt. Just like with the "women hand grenades" that got tossed during Kavanaugh confirmation.. Those media/political leaders who DO that are immoral and lower than snake shit..

And it's happening over and over again... When you get to the point where you're fucking with people's kids, the gloves come off...
It worked. Everyone is deleting tweets and retracting their stories now. Democrats fucked up bad this time. Many swing voters are disgusted by your party right now.
No they're not drama queen. It's just the same old Republican sycophants that are wailing, bawling and claiming to be outraged.


Those kids were targeted and assaulted by adults out of their gourds.. THE KIDS did NOTHING wrong. Now they have B List actresses and SNL "comedy writers" wishing them death or assault. Their school and innocent members of their town have received death threats and bomb threats.

And the MEDIA largely cooperated.. That media is gonna be responsible for mass violence and deaths sometime soon in the future....
They already are. The entity known as FOXNEWS is responsible for the death of Dr. Tiller, getting him gunned down as he was worshiping in church no doubt, with Bill "Tiller the Baby Killer" O'Reilly being directly responsible for it.
Those kids were targeted and assaulted by adults out of their gourds.. THE KIDS did NOTHING wrong. Now they have B List actresses and SNL "comedy writers" wishing them death or assault. Their school and innocent members of their town have received death threats and bomb threats.

And the MEDIA largely cooperated.. That media is gonna be responsible for mass violence and deaths sometime soon in the future....
They already are. The entity known as FOXNEWS is responsible for the death of Dr. Tiller, getting him gunned down as he was worshiping in church no doubt, with Bill "Tiller the Baby Killer" O'Reilly being directly responsible for it.

Not even close to the MASS coast to coast sadistically violent rhetoric coming from the "resistance"... The threats are mounting in VOLUME to the point where they probably can't be contained.. Dr. Tiller was a target of tthe demented long before any minutes of airtime by O'Reilly.. And I'm not gonna sit here and go one on one on anecdotal violence.. Because we have SAVAGE reactions from the left every day now in the media with the complicit HELP of 80% of America's failed major media.

THE theater for this war is widening every day now.. Only a matter of time...
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
Sue them for showing a video of an asshole in a MAGA hat disrespecting others?
You think a PR firm, lawyer coached spiuled rich kid told the truth?

They went to protest the taking away of a woman's right to choose. They mocked girls, they chanted crap about rape, they chanted build the wall.

They were fucking assholes.
They've retained a legal firm. They plan to sue everyone in sight, including the school officials who slandered them.
Good. Should bankrupt them into oblivion trying to repeal the 1st amendment.

Slander is not protected.
If I post a video of you being an asshole, it’s not slander
And in this case ALL of the video proves the indian punk was the asshole
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
The Covington deplorables will not be able to repeal the 1st amendment, little snowflake :itsok:
Slander is not protected by the Constitution, freak. You freaks get sexual kicks by making children suffer.
It's not like we stole them from their parents & didn't give therm back and kept them in determent camps in the desert..
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
Sue them for showing a video of an asshole in a MAGA hat disrespecting others?
You think a PR firm, lawyer coached spiuled rich kid told the truth?

They went to protest the taking away of a woman's right to choose. They mocked girls, they chanted crap about rape, they chanted build the wall.

They were fucking assholes.
Well you are a liar.

They did not mock girls or chant rape.

They did not chant build the wall.

A few laughed and one stood and smiled NOTHING more.
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
The Covington deplorables will not be able to repeal the 1st amendment, little snowflake :itsok:
Slander is not protected by the Constitution, freak. You freaks get sexual kicks by making children suffer.
It's not like we stole them from their parents & didn't give therm back and kept them in determent camps in the desert..
Thats true it was their distant ancestors.

And it was not us it was our distant ancestors.
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
Sue them for showing a video of an asshole in a MAGA hat disrespecting others?
You think a PR firm, lawyer coached spiuled rich kid told the truth?

They went to protest the taking away of a woman's right to choose. They mocked girls, they chanted crap about rape, they chanted build the wall.

They were fucking assholes.

First of all, they have a right to go to a march and chant whatever the fuck they want without being attacked, even if what they say makes them assholes

Second of al, you can't produce a shred of evidence that what you just claimed is true

Third of all, the black Jews were the ones being assholes, and thus if being an asshole concerned you in the least you would have condemned THOSE assholes.
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
Sue them for showing a video of an asshole in a MAGA hat disrespecting others?
You think a PR firm, lawyer coached spiuled rich kid told the truth?

They went to protest the taking away of a woman's right to choose. They mocked girls, they chanted crap about rape, they chanted build the wall.

They were fucking assholes.
The video shows a respectful kid taking the moral high ground,

They never chanted rape or mocked girls or chanted build the wall which is not racist even if they had
Cool. I’ll post everything, including your name and address on my website as the trial progresses.
How sad these conservative republicans have sad and desperate and shrill.....:71:
Says the freak cheering death threats for children.
Never did that. If they do things that earn them death threats, they should probably change what they do.

Pretty pathetic that you can't just say "sending death threats to kids isn't right, even if they did do something wrong" which these kids did not.
Sending death threats is wrong. There. Now would you like to re-enter the real world and teach kids not to be assholes?
SUre and these kids were in fact taught how to behave well
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
The Covington deplorables will not be able to repeal the 1st amendment, little snowflake :itsok:
Slander is not protected by the Constitution, freak. You freaks get sexual kicks by making children suffer.
That sounds like slander. I’m going to sue you now. Let me PM the mods for your details.
You’re on. Love to show you and why you attack children in a public court.

Really....after the way you and yours attacked the Parkland kids, smeared them and photo shopped images, when pundits trashed them publically....and you said they deserved it?

Now it is not ok to attack children cause they be your side?

What a joke you guys are.

Frankly the whole situation is overblown in the media, the kids should have never been targeted in that way, but your hypocrisy is the worst.

Welcome to the world of rampant dishonest out of control viral media. Kids these days don’t stand a chance.

Apples and oranges.

The parkland kids acted far worse in the after math of the shooting. And while no one should get deaths threats anyone is open to being insulted for their behavior
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
Sue them for showing a video of an asshole in a MAGA hat disrespecting others?
You think a PR firm, lawyer coached spiuled rich kid told the truth?

They went to protest the taking away of a woman's right to choose. They mocked girls, they chanted crap about rape, they chanted build the wall.

They were fucking assholes.
The video shows them being respectful/

They did not say or chant anything about rape they did not mock girls and they never said build the wall

Opposing abortion is a common opinion and so is supporting the wall
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
The Covington deplorables will not be able to repeal the 1st amendment, little snowflake :itsok:
Slander is not protected by the Constitution, freak. You freaks get sexual kicks by making children suffer.
It's not like we stole them from their parents & didn't give therm back and kept them in determent camps in the desert..

We did not do that
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
The Covington deplorables will not be able to repeal the 1st amendment, little snowflake :itsok:
Slander is not protected by the Constitution, freak. You freaks get sexual kicks by making children suffer.
It's not like we stole them from their parents & didn't give therm back and kept them in determent camps in the desert..

Any suffering of the children of illegals is on their parents' heads.
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
The Covington deplorables will not be able to repeal the 1st amendment, little snowflake :itsok:
Slander is not protected by the Constitution, freak. You freaks get sexual kicks by making children suffer.
It's not like we stole them from their parents & didn't give therm back and kept them in determent camps in the desert..

Any suffering of the children of illegals is on their parents' heads.

So they should have kept them at home in the danger i9nstead of coming here LEGALLY for Asylum.

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