Covington Kids Should Sue Facebook and Twitter

I would like to see some of the postings on USMB sent to the kids lawyers. Plenty of purposely uninformed slanderous allegations bandied about in many of these threads.

The slander isn't limited to Facebook and Twitter posters.
95% of the posts on this very message board could be considered slander. Should Joe Biden be able to sue USMB because hundreds of people here have called him a pedophile?
I just saw a clip of the MAGA hat-wearing ringleader saying "in hindsight I wish we would have walked away."

Looking like a dear caught in the headlights. Trying his best to engender sympathy from the American public.


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I just saw a clip of the MAGA hat-wearing ringleader saying "in hindsight I wish we would have walked away."

Looking like a dear caught in the headlights. Trying his best to engender sympathy from the American public.


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You people are making fools of yourself. I'm embarrassed for your purposeful ignorance.
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
Well, goodluck with ALLL that!!

Yeah, cuz its sooo hard to sue someone in the US. :laugh:
I just saw a clip of the MAGA hat-wearing ringleader saying "in hindsight I wish we would have walked away."

Looking like a dear caught in the headlights. Trying his best to engender sympathy from the American public.


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It worked. Everyone is deleting tweets and retracting their stories now. Democrats fucked up bad this time. Many swing voters are disgusted by your party right now.
Good. Hope there are arrests & prosecutions.

I guess because of school shootings there’s a law in KY where if kids of a school are threatened with physical harm it’s a felony with penalties of 1-5 years in prison.

Posts calling for the kids to die by wood chipper or whatever are a big mistake as it turns out. Twitter facilitating the threats makes the company an accomplice to felony.
95% of the posts on this very message board could be considered slander. Should Joe Biden be able to sue USMB because hundreds of people here have called him a pedophile?
I wouldn't be caught mauling the little girls he's been filmed doing. Very inappropriate.

It's definitely creepy, but there's no proof he's a pedophile. Being called a pedophile is one of the worst things you can be accused of. Should he be able to sue USMB, or any other message board where people call him one?
DOJ should declare any threat to anyone wearing a MAGA hat to be a hate crime. Because that's all it is. They even admit it.
I just saw a clip of the MAGA hat-wearing ringleader saying "in hindsight I wish we would have walked away."

Looking like a dear caught in the headlights. Trying his best to engender sympathy from the American public.


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He is just a 16 year old kid. They do stupid shit. That is the definition of teenager. They don’t think about consequences because their brains haven’t caught up with their passions. The only difference between when we were kids and now is that now some one tapes it, edits it of context, and it goes viral in minutes. The whole world judges these kids on a snap shot in time, in a situation that normally would have been handled quietly in the family...and should never have been blown up and politicized (by both sides) like this.

I feel for the kids.

Just a pity that their devoted defenders of the moment are most likely the same beasts who were shredding the Parkland kids in last big upheaval.

Poor kids all around.
KY Prosecutor Confirms: Multiple Investigations Underway Into Twitter Users For TERRORIST THREATS Against Covington Kids
Rob Sanders, a Kenton County Prosecutor, confirmed Tuesday that there are multiple investigations into Twitter users who made terroristic threats against Covington Catholic High School.

Good because this lying media needs to stop their bs, it is becoming dangerous for kids now because of leftist MSM and their sheep asses.
Deja vous...don’t forget the rightwing sheepasses...

Death threats force Parkland shooting survivor to leave Facebook
I just saw a clip of the MAGA hat-wearing ringleader saying "in hindsight I wish we would have walked away."

Looking like a dear caught in the headlights. Trying his best to engender sympathy from the American public.


Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

He is just a 16 year old kid. They do stupid shit. That is the definition of teenager. They don’t think about consequences because their brains haven’t caught up with their passions. The only difference between when we were kids and now is that now some one tapes it, edits it of context, and it goes viral in minutes. The whole world judges these kids on a snap shot in time, in a situation that normally would have been handled quietly in the family...and should never have been blown up and politicized (by both sides) like this.

I feel for the kids.

Just a pity that their devoted defenders of the moment are most likely the same beasts who were shredding the Parkland kids in last big upheaval.

Poor kids all around.

Those kids were targeted and assaulted by adults out of their gourds.. THE KIDS did NOTHING wrong. Now they have B List actresses and SNL "comedy writers" wishing them death or assault. Their school and innocent members of their town have received death threats and bomb threats.

And the MEDIA largely cooperated.. That media is gonna be responsible for mass violence and deaths sometime soon in the future....
“I believe the kids at Covington Catholic High should sue the social network giants Facebook and Twitter for publishing death threats and the like.

Call it the Revenge of Info Wars, Milo Yiannopoulos and all conservatives.

You see, by censoring conservative tweets on Facebook and Twitter, these multi-national corporations became publishers and not impartial web platforms -- especially since death threats are against their rules but they allowed these tweets anyway.

You allow them, you own them.

The kids at Covington Catholic High went from the Cincinnati area to Washington to protest abortion. At the Lincoln Memorial, Nathan Phillips and others confronted them.

The New York Times and other Fake News operations libeled them by portraying them as rich white kids mocking an ancient Indian veteran. The opposite was true.

The outrage conformists attacked the boys on Facebook and Twitter.”

Don Surber: Covington kids should sue Twitter

Dead on. Facebook and Twitter took political sides, voiding their protection.
The Covington deplorables will not be able to repeal the 1st amendment, little snowflake :itsok:

The 1st Amendment doesn't protect death threats, bub.
There weren’t any, snowflake :itsok:

Of course there were. School got all forms of threats. So did students that did not EVEN GO to the demonstration.. Even INNOCENT CITIZENS of Covington Ky reported threats and harassment because their names matched some kid enrolled in that school...

Should take a day off from AntiFa duty and actually get some news....
95% of the posts on this very message board could be considered slander. Should Joe Biden be able to sue USMB because hundreds of people here have called him a pedophile?

Joe Biden is a public figure. And nobody here has threatened him. HE COULD sue... But politicians have a hard slog picking out someone that MATTERS to them. If it was journalist or a competitor -- you betchyourass -- he MIGHT consider it if had an issue with the person...

We're not important enough.. Get over it..

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