Families of victims of the Bataclan attack file a complaint for "no assistance to anyone in danger"


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Hello families of the victims are reacting it did take a long time before the intervention Inside of the bataclan
First shot in front of the Bataclan

Several victims and families of victims of the Bataclan attack call for the opening of an investigation into the lack of intervention of soldiers present on the spot on November 13, 2015.
Thirty victims or families of victims of the Bataclan attack will file a lawsuit against X, Friday, June 8 in Paris, for "non-assistance to person in danger" so that an investigation is conducted on the lack of intervention soldiers on the evening of November 13, 2015, we learned from their lawyers.
"Two and a half years after the attacks, the families of the victims still do not understand why we have prevented eight soldiers from Operation Sentinel present in front of the Bataclan from intervening, we want a precise answer," he explained. to AFP one of the lawyers, Samia Maktouf, confirming information from the Parisian.
"They were forbidden physical intervention, that is to say to return [to the Bataclan], but also the loan of medical equipment for first aid to police officers," she said, saying that " it might not have prevented the death of 90 people, but at least avoided haemorrhaging that gave death.
"We are not in a war zone"
On the evening of November 13, when the hostage-taking began in the Bataclan, eight soldiers of the 1st Fighter Regiment of Thierville (Meuse) were among the first forces of the order on the spot alongside police Brigade anti-crime (BAC) of Val-de-Marne.
Video in French Graphic Images

In a report of the parliamentary commission of inquiry on the attacks of 13-November, an officer of the BAC of Val-de-Marne said inter alia have requested permission to intervene to "to reach the terrorist ambushed behind the 'emergency exit".
"Before the commission, he explained that he had received a response from the Paris Police Prefecture: 'Negative, you do not engage the military, we are not in a war zone'. indicated that he could not fire, for lack of an order to that effect, "describes the report.
During the hearings, the question of the non-engagement of the military had also been put to the military governor of Paris, General Bruno Le Ray. "His response has been as cold and violent as it is unacceptable: 'It is unthinkable to put soldiers at risk in the hypothetical hope of saving others'," say the lawyers in a joint statement.
According to them, other victims could join this approach "which aims to establish clearly all the responsibilities and to know precisely what the missions of Sentinelle, if it is not to intervene when civilians are attacked with the 'war weapon".
With AFP
Des familles de victimes de l'attentat du Bataclan portent plainte pour "non assistance à personne en péril" - France 24
Who the hell would expect help from selfish French cowards in a dangerous situation? A couple of years ago when those 3 unarmed American Air Force boys bravely took down that terrorist on that French train, the French train crew ran away and locked themselves in a closet. And even after the terrorist was tied up, those dishonorable bastards wouldn't even open the door long enough to give the Americans a medical kit for the injured passengers. Things like that are the reason why the French disgust people in a deep down visceral manner.
Who the hell would expect help from selfish French cowards in a dangerous situation? A couple of years ago when those 3 unarmed American Air Force boys bravely took down that terrorist on that French train, the French train crew ran away and locked themselves in a closet. And even after the terrorist was tied up, those dishonorable bastards wouldn't even open the door long enough to give the Americans a medical kit for the injured passengers. Things like that are the reason why the French disgust people in a deep down visceral manner.
You are right, the French are cowards I have witnessed this attitude many times, and if the brave American soldiers would not have been in the train it would have a massacre of a great magnitude.
But for the Bataclan there we are talking of a soldier precisely who was in front of the bataclan and was waiting and people keep on getting shot
Several people caught and frightened hidden in bataclan did phoned the police for help but they were treated with contempt sometimes.
It's really incomprehensible.
Well... the problem is the "alleged" attack never actually happened. It is a fact that fully automatic military rifles are completely banned in France... so the so called muslim terrorists obviously could not have used fully automatic military rifles, so therefore the attack did not really happen.....
Well... the problem is the "alleged" attack never actually happened. It is a fact that fully automatic military rifles are completely banned in France... so the so called muslim terrorists obviously could not have used fully automatic military rifles, so therefore the attack did not really happen.....
2aguy, I had already explained in detail the course of November 13, 2015 in the private section of me and Tilly the terrorists came in France but there arms came from Belgium there they crossed the borders of Europe without problem because it is a windmill.


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