'Family Annihilators': When Conservative America's Fetish for Guns and Patriarchy Turns Deadly


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.
‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.

Well, apparently we have a lot of black conservative gang members in America.

I don't disagree with certain aspects of your analysis, but it is a tad simplistic to jump to your conclusion. Perhaps it is that people who are more poorly educated tend to be more emotional and trying to operate from your emotions instead of rationally has deadly consequences.
‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.
and you know that the perpetrators are conservative because?
‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.
I'd like to see a graph on that. I'd bet there was an uptick beginning in the 1960's with the rise of feminism and the sexual revolution. Individual case histories would be helpful as well.
‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.
First of all, this is a massive gaslight on facts.
Stating that conservative men that own guns are insecure may be true for a tiny percentage but we also aren't confused by which bathroom to use or afraid to defend ourselves.
The lefty men aren't even secure enough to tell their Fembots to turn down the crazy dial or stand up to mentally deranged trannies.

This all goes to the dichotomy of the right/left paradigm.
Leftists = collectivists.
Collectivists are basically herd animals that are typically afraid of standing up or out. Like lemmings wanting to be lead so they don't have to make many decisions or take the blame for mistakes.
Motto- All for the greater good

Righties = individualists
Individualists are freedom lovers that aren't afraid to go against the herd. Braver, self sufficient, more willing to take chances & face consequences.
Motto- Live & let live

It's very understandable that the low-T lefty men are less likely to do this because:
1) The right owns many times more guns
2) Lemmings are more likely to kill themselves.

It's kinda contradictory that most of the mass shooters come from traditional Dem areas though....
I call bullshit here. I am 67 years old, and I've never personally known anyone who wiped out their whole family with a firearm. I know of such cases, like done by Canadian boxer Chris Benoit.

But I don't know of any personally, and many are with people like the Canadians who are ultraliberal and gunophobic.
I call bullshit here. I am 67 years old, and I've never personally known anyone who wiped out their whole family with a firearm. I know of such cases, like done by Canadian boxer Chris Benoit.

But I don't know of any personally, and many are with people like the Canadians who are ultraliberal and gunophobic.
I've never personally known any gun owners who've killed their families (or anyone else in the community for that matter) with their guns. My dad owned guns my entire life growing up in that household, and I've owned a gun since I was 12. All good and no deaths.
So you're opposed to the inner-city gang killings that happen in the Blue Cities on a daily basis?

The fact of the matter is that the crimes you describe above are rare. More people die of medical malpractice (by a long shot) than they do by family gun violence.
Call it toxic conservativism – whose dogma pollutes and poisons the American nation.
‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.
Intrafamily murder is worse among blacks, who are not known to be very conservative.

"Homicide rates for black and white victims and offenders followed similar patterns, but the black rates were much higher."

‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.
Not conservatism, but toxic conservatism, which is actually radical in nature, not conservative at all.

I've never personally known any gun owners who've killed their families (or anyone else in the community for that matter) with their guns. My dad owned guns my entire life growing up in that household, and I've owned a gun since I was 12. All good and no deaths.
True. Every year over 70 million gun owners in America don't shoot anyone.
‘I’m not sure a more disturbing term exists than “family annihilator.” Every five days, according to an analysis by the Indianapolis Star, a person murders his family.

94 percent of the time, the killer is a man.

86 percent of the time, he uses a gun.

84 percent of the time, his victim is a woman.

And, notably, these killings happen largely in the South and the Midwest: the conservative swaths of the U.S. where guns are broadly accessible, and where gender roles are more traditional. The question of why men kill their families isn’t all that complicated. These men are often deep narcissists who demand subservience and control. But that sense of entitlement is not inborn; it’s cultural, and it comes from a society, and particular communities, that tell men it is their birthright to lead, to be in charge, to provide, and to enjoy the respect of women, children, and broader society.

This kind of entitlement is supercharged in conservative communities that enforce traditional gender roles, and the sense of humiliation that comes with perceived “emasculation” can be supercharged in return. Communities in which traditional marriage remains a chief aspiration may also see more women tying themselves to less-than-ideal men, and more men believing that marriage imbues them with vast rights over their wife’s agency, her body and her future. And then there are the guns. The very presence of a handgun in the house makes a person seven times more likely to be killed. And men who are insecure about their masculinity, and men with more sexist beliefs, are more likely to be gun proponents and gun owners. No wonder we see these killings so much more often in conservative states, where guns are easy to get and there’s a higher concentration of sexist, insecure men who expect their wives to behave.’

The problem is conservativism, not guns.

Conservativism is the bane of the American nation.
/——/ All those gang banger killers in Blue State cities are Conservatives. Who knew.
Call it toxic conservativism – whose dogma pollutes and poisons the American nation.


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