Family mourns man killed trying to stop shooting spree

He shouldn't have tried to play the hero. The safest thing to do is to protect yourself.

He may not have been trying to 'play the hero.' His only thought may have been to stop the shooting. However, it didn't work, and, to me, this is a salient point. The pro-gun people are always saying that if people were armed, they could stop things like mass shootings. Obviously, as we can see from this incident, that isn't true.

They have, but they aren't always successful. Funny thing is that you probably never criticize cops who get killed in the line of duty, even if their deaths actually end up with more people dying as a result of their inability to stop someone from killing others. That makes you wrong, just like it makes Duddly wrong.
You just lost any credibility you ever had, not only on here, but as a human being. You should be ashamed, but I doubt if you know what shame is.

I have not lost any "credibility". You just don't like my opinion- an opinion that I have absolutely no reason to feel ashamed for.

Then no one should have no reason to feel any sympathy when the world loses you, huh?

When that fateful day happens, your sympathy will not be necessary.
Having a gun doesn't GUARANTEE you safety, but it DOES give you a fightging chance against criminals.

Liberals are ALWAYS looking to make you defenseless and dependent.

And, yet, this fellow had no fighting chance at all.

He did, he just missed the second shooter, and preferred not to kill in the heat of the moment. You should be praising him for not just shooting without being sure of the situation, instead you choose to hold him up as an example of why no one should carry a gun. If you can explain that you are smarter than anyone else in the universe, which is a statistical impossibility, so don't even try.
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In the US, we have more guns per capita than any country on Earth, nearly twice as many per capita as Yemen or Serbia. Doesn't that say anything to anyone? Don't the right wing gun enthusiasts get it at all? This is a very, very violent country. For private citizens to own so many guns is sick; it's a sickness.

Guns per 100 people: US = 97, Serbia = 58.2, and Yemen = 54.8

It says you can't think coherently about the issues.

Any other questions?
Military men and women, police officers, etc., professionals, are trained. This man wasn't trained. Apparently, he didn't think to look around, to look behind him, to make sure he wouldn't be a target. It's a sad, needless death.

Gosh, the guy wasn't perfect. I will accept that as a criticism the day you prove you have never made a mistake. Until then, I suggest you shut the fuck up.
Nice job using this man's needless death to sell more guns. But, he knew what he was doing. Its his family who's suffering because he had to play Mighty Mouse.

Like I said, we've got to end this madness.

Gun control works if you take all guns away, but that only works if the vast majority of the people support that type of ban. There is no such support for that type of ban in the US, so it's not going to happen.
With 300 million guns in our nation i believe you are right. I would not give mine up

Me neither.

I am not in favor of a ban, have never said I was in favor of a ban, don't believe a ban would or could happen.

And, I'm keeping my guns.
The guy was a hero. He didn't figure on being blindsided by some vicious babe. Why is it important to note that "his family mourns him". Don't we take that for granted?
He shouldn't have tried to play the hero. The safest thing to do is to protect yourself.

He may not have been trying to 'play the hero.' His only thought may have been to stop the shooting. However, it didn't work, and, to me, this is a salient point. The pro-gun people are always saying that if people were armed, they could stop things like mass shootings. Obviously, as we can see from this incident, that isn't true.


Further, guns draw fire.

You want to get shot at, pull out a gun.
He shouldn't have tried to play the hero. The safest thing to do is to protect yourself.

He may not have been trying to 'play the hero.' His only thought may have been to stop the shooting. However, it didn't work, and, to me, this is a salient point. The pro-gun people are always saying that if people were armed, they could stop things like mass shootings. Obviously, as we can see from this incident, that isn't true.


Further, guns draw fire.

You want to get shot at, pull out a gun.

the more that vicious attackers are distracted, the better chance there is in them failing to achieve their goal of more killing. If someone is breaking to your house you will call a man carrying a weapon to help you
Military men and women, police officers, etc., professionals, are trained. This man wasn't trained. Apparently, he didn't think to look around, to look behind him, to make sure he wouldn't be a target. It's a sad, needless death.

He tried---he cared. Are you really going to castigate him for that ?

Where did I castigate him? Nowhere. I am simply saying his death was needless. Had he not been armed, he would not have considered doing what he did and needlessly losing his life. The way he died points to the fact that only trained professionals should have guns.

And even well trained people get shot or even shoot themselves.

The nutters live in LaLaLand. They think that any discussion about guns is all black or white. Its more guns everywhere or ban all guns. They can't think in terms of safety, of keeping people safe. All they care about is swaggering around, pretending to be what they are not and never will be.
He tried---he cared. Are you really going to castigate him for that ?

Where did I castigate him? Nowhere. I am simply saying his death was needless. Had he not been armed, he would not have considered doing what he did and needlessly losing his life.

You don't know that, it's not possible for you to know that. He may have tried to tackle the assailant and pin him to the ground with his bare hands, if he didn't have a gun, would that have spared him?

Carrying a gun does not make one stronger, that strength to overcome overwhelming fear is something you either have or you don't. He had that strength, and until someone is put into a life or death situation, you don't know if you do, or if you don't.

"he may have"????????????

Why is it, with every single news story, out comes the fiction?

Read the news articles.

His was a needless death. Period. And no amount of fiction will change that any more than it will change the fact that more than 30 people in the US die needless gun deaths every day in the US.
He tried---he cared. Are you really going to castigate him for that ?

Where did I castigate him? Nowhere. I am simply saying his death was needless. Had he not been armed, he would not have considered doing what he did and needlessly losing his life. The way he died points to the fact that only trained professionals should have guns.

And even well trained people get shot or even shoot themselves.

The nutters live in LaLaLand. They think that any discussion about guns is all black or white. Its more guns everywhere or ban all guns. They can't think in terms of safety, of keeping people safe. All they care about is swaggering around, pretending to be what they are not and never will be.

Wrong again-----2nd Amendment advocates have never advocated that EVERYONE be armed nor are they dumb enough to want them banned. They also know that there is no such thing as security and depending on someone else to provide it will not always work.
You really want a gun but are afraid of them, aren't you ?
He wasn't trying to be safe. He was trying to make others safe. It's a choice he made.

Comparatively speaking, Luddley's cut-n-paste nonsense from the Daily Kos seems to accomplished as much, but interestingly, that OP-Ed piece omits what happened AFTER the "Good Guy" was shot?

Do we assume that the Miller's shooting spree continued? Or did he actually die preventing it from going on?

This very relevant fact is, I believe purposefully omitted because the Good Guy actually did STOP the shooting spree when he interrupted it, and had he been unarmed, then he may not have made the attempt.

Which is exactly why I posted TWO links. So that some partisan hack could not LIE about what I posted.

If you don't like the TWO links I posted, post your own.

silly little twerp
Remember the shooting insurance so when a nutter shoots someone, they've got insurance to pay for their defense...

Might be a good idea to include coverage for the poor families to bury their dead.

You nutters who are afraid to leave the house without your gun - Do you carry life insurance so your family can afford to bury you? And, how many of you will send a few bucks to this poor family?

Excuse me? Who the fuck did the good guy with a gun you want to penalize shoot? You are a fucking idiot when it comes to discussing guns in any way, why the fuck do you hate the fact that people have a right to live? Would you prefer that people just drop dead on the street to satisfy your fucking blood lust? Maybe you would like to see their heads explode.



His family cannot afford to bury him.

No he can't.

His honesty is exactly what you dislike about him most. He's got a different point of view than you....and he states it. You'd prefer that he wouldn't.

The dishonesty here comes from Yurt....who knows that Luddy wasn't referring to Yurt personally selling guns. Why is it that Yurt keyed in on that? Is it because he's so honest?

How the fuck is calling for insurance on a guy that dies honest? Or did you miss the fact that he wants to penalize heroes for trying to save lives?

As usual, you're making stuff up to fit your own agenda. Quit lying and read the links.

The man is dead.
His family cannot afford to bury him.
If he had been insured, they might have enough to $ to bury him.
There's a link if you want put your money where your big mouth is.
He shouldn't have tried to play the hero. The safest thing to do is to protect yourself.

He may not have been trying to 'play the hero.' His only thought may have been to stop the shooting. However, it didn't work, and, to me, this is a salient point. The pro-gun people are always saying that if people were armed, they could stop things like mass shootings. Obviously, as we can see from this incident, that isn't true.

They have, but they aren't always successful. Funny thing is that you probably never criticize cops who get killed in the line of duty, even if their deaths actually end up with more people dying as a result of their inability to stop someone from killing others. That makes you wrong, just like it makes Duddly wrong.

Oh gawd. Now you've got him being a cop shot in the line of duty.
Or, you're saying I criticize cops killed in the line of duty.
Or, you have no frikken idea what you're saying.

Carry on.

Where did I castigate him? Nowhere. I am simply saying his death was needless. Had he not been armed, he would not have considered doing what he did and needlessly losing his life.

You don't know that, it's not possible for you to know that. He may have tried to tackle the assailant and pin him to the ground with his bare hands, if he didn't have a gun, would that have spared him?

Carrying a gun does not make one stronger, that strength to overcome overwhelming fear is something you either have or you don't. He had that strength, and until someone is put into a life or death situation, you don't know if you do, or if you don't.

"he may have"????????????

Why is it, with every single news story, out comes the fiction?

Read the news articles.

His was a needless death. Period. And no amount of fiction will change that any more than it will change the fact that more than 30 people in the US die needless gun deaths every day in the US.

Needless death--what a dramatic word. Care to describe a needful death to us ?
Having a gun doesn't GUARANTEE you safety, but it DOES give you a fightging chance against criminals.

Liberals are ALWAYS looking to make you defenseless and dependent.

And, yet, this fellow had no fighting chance at all.

He did, he just missed the second shooter, and preferred not to kill in the heat of the moment. You should be praising him for not just shooting without being sure of the situation, instead you choose to hold him up as an example of why no one should carry a gun. If you can explain that you are smarter than anyone else in the universe, which is a statistical impossibility, so don't even try.

More fiction.

You really should stop digging.
He wasn't trying to be safe. He was trying to make others safe. It's a choice he made.

Comparatively speaking, Luddley's cut-n-paste nonsense from the Daily Kos seems to accomplished as much, but interestingly, that OP-Ed piece omits what happened AFTER the "Good Guy" was shot?

Do we assume that the Miller's shooting spree continued? Or did he actually die preventing it from going on?

This very relevant fact is, I believe purposefully omitted because the Good Guy actually did STOP the shooting spree when he interrupted it, and had he been unarmed, then he may not have made the attempt.

He didn't interrupt it.

This tea bagger terrorists weren't interested in shooting walmart shoppers.

Why would they be..those are their peeps.

They wanted to off cops.

That's it.

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