Family of Mexican teen sues government for $25million


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The family of a 15-year-old Mexican boy allegedly shot dead by U.S. Border Patrol are suing the government for $25million in a landmark legal action, it was revealed today.

Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guereca was allegedly shot by a Border Patrol Agent on June 7 while they were in the process of arresting illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande.

The lawsuit filed yesterday in El Paso is seeking massive damages for the teenager's death and will intensify the debate over how the U.S. should guards its border with Mexico.

President of the National Border Patrol Council, TJ Bonner, said the unnamed agent who fired the fatal shot acted in self-defence.

'The rocks being thrown at him were large solid objects capable of causing serious damage and even killing him'.

But the boy's mother Maria Guadalupe Guercera said: 'The crime must not go unpunished'.

After the shooting, Federal arrest records were obtained which showed that the Ciudad Juarez teenager had many brushes with the law.

He was arrested at least four times since 2008 and twice in the same week in February 2009 on suspicion of smuggling illegal immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico border. He was never charged with a crime.
Read more: Family of Mexican teen killed on US border sues government for $25m | Mail Online

There's no need to carefully select a case in which the Mexican citizen is clearly in the wrong, chanel.

The vast majority of the super patriotic american clowns of the USMB are more than willing to rationalise and find mitigating excuses for each and every one of the hundreds of needless murders, beatings, rapes, thefts and extortions commited by US border patrol agents.

Trust me... no need to be THAT selective.
No way Jose'. There is no justification for hurting people unncessarily, even if they're illegal scumbags. The thought is repulsive especially when children are involved. As for your implications upon the border patrol I can simply say I have no idea if your allegations are true but they do sound a bit far fetched.
José;3225258 said:
There's no need to carefully select a case in which the Mexican citizen is clearly in the wrong, chanel.

The vast majority of the super patriotic american clowns of the USMB are more than willing to rationalise and find mitigating excuses for each and every one of the hundreds of needless murders, beatings, rapes, thefts and extortions commited by US border patrol agents.

Trust me... no need to be THAT selective.

Provide evidence that murders, beatings, rapes, theft and extortion have been perpetrated by the Border Patrol ( and no I do not mean any case where the Justice Department charged them and took them to trial).

Otherwise I call BULLSHIT.
The family of a 15-year-old Mexican boy allegedly shot dead by U.S. Border Patrol are suing the government for $25million in a landmark legal action, it was revealed today.

Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guereca was allegedly shot by a Border Patrol Agent on June 7 while they were in the process of arresting illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande.

The lawsuit filed yesterday in El Paso is seeking massive damages for the teenager's death and will intensify the debate over how the U.S. should guards its border with Mexico.

President of the National Border Patrol Council, TJ Bonner, said the unnamed agent who fired the fatal shot acted in self-defence.

'The rocks being thrown at him were large solid objects capable of causing serious damage and even killing him'.

But the boy's mother Maria Guadalupe Guercera said: 'The crime must not go unpunished'.

After the shooting, Federal arrest records were obtained which showed that the Ciudad Juarez teenager had many brushes with the law.

He was arrested at least four times since 2008 and twice in the same week in February 2009 on suspicion of smuggling illegal immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico border. He was never charged with a crime.
Read more: Family of Mexican teen killed on US border sues government for $25m | Mail Online



It will be settled out of court. Period.
The family of a 15-year-old Mexican boy allegedly shot dead by U.S. Border Patrol are suing the government for $25million in a landmark legal action, it was revealed today.

Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guereca was allegedly shot by a Border Patrol Agent on June 7 while they were in the process of arresting illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande.

The lawsuit filed yesterday in El Paso is seeking massive damages for the teenager's death and will intensify the debate over how the U.S. should guards its border with Mexico.

President of the National Border Patrol Council, TJ Bonner, said the unnamed agent who fired the fatal shot acted in self-defence.

'The rocks being thrown at him were large solid objects capable of causing serious damage and even killing him'.

But the boy's mother Maria Guadalupe Guercera said: 'The crime must not go unpunished'.

After the shooting, Federal arrest records were obtained which showed that the Ciudad Juarez teenager had many brushes with the law.

He was arrested at least four times since 2008 and twice in the same week in February 2009 on suspicion of smuggling illegal immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico border. He was never charged with a crime.
Read more: Family of Mexican teen killed on US border sues government for $25m | Mail Online



It will be settled out of court. Period.

The Government should simply fight it. The teen was actively attempting to hurt or kill Agents of this Government while in the performance of their duties. One can not claim that an officer acting in self defense is liable for damages.
Should the border patrol ask the rock throwers their age before they shoot them? It's a war down there. War is ugly. People get killed.

Chanel's tip of the day: Don't throw rocks at people with guns.
Originally posted by R.C. Christian
No way Jose'. There is no justification for hurting people unncessarily, even if they're illegal scumbags. The thought is repulsive especially when children are involved. As for your implications upon the border patrol I can simply say I have no idea if your allegations are true but they do sound a bit far fetched.

The Feds Bury Border Patrol Abuses of Immigrants, But What's Been Unearthed Reveals a Culture of Cruelty

As for details about agents brought up on charges, fired for misdeeds, or reprimanded, there is no sure way of discovering them— unless the rare case gets reported by an altruistic officer, winds up videotaped, or becomes part of a report by a humanitarian group — because CBP is anything but cooperative.

Infamous federal bureaucracy may be part of the problem, but the fact remains that the violent actions of border agents — who deal with a population of detainees who wind up back in Mexico, speak little or no English, and/or are too afraid or unsophisticated to complain — are cloaked in secrecy.

Even detailed information about how border agents are trained — including the kind of civil rights and weapons training they receive — is nearly impossible to come by.

It's not just activist groups that complain about the border-protection force. Union leaders who represent Border Patrol agents suggest that agency leaders are more concerned with boosting the number — not the quality — of agents.

The Feds Bury Border Patrol Abuses of Immigrants, But What's Been Unearthed Reveals a Culture of Cruelty - Page 1 - News - Minneapolis - City Pages
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Originally posted by RetiredGySgt
Provide evidence that murders, beatings, rapes, theft and extortion have been perpetrated by the Border Patrol ( and no I do not mean any case where the Justice Department charged them and took them to trial).

Otherwise I call BULLSHIT.
Border Patrol is grappling with misconduct cases in its ranks

Reporting from Del Rio, Texas — One by one, Border Patrol agents took the witness stand in the federal courthouse here last week to testify against a fellow officer, their faces creased with anguish.

By their accounts, Agent Jesus Enrique Diaz Jr., a husband and father with seven years on the job, tortured a 16-year-old drug smuggler two years ago by wrenching his handcuffed arms upward as he pressed a knee into his back. In an effort to make the boy reveal where he had hidden marijuana bundles near the Rio Grande, Diaz also kicked him and dropped him face-first on the ground, agents testified.

Border Patrol - Border Patrol is grappling with misconduct cases in its ranks - Los Angeles Times
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But the boy's mother Maria Guadalupe Guercera said: 'The crime must not go unpunished'.

I have to agree with the mother - but not in the same sense. Illegal border crossing is a crime and should not go unpunished. Apparently foreign nationals think it's o.k. for them to commit crimes, but it's not o.k. for them to be punished.

It's a shame the boy was killed instead of maybe having his kneecaps shot up, but when someone is dodging rocks or other "ammo" being hurled at them, they don't often have time to aim for the knees. On the other hand, if her son had not already been involved with abetting the crime of smuggling illegals into the US he might not have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
José;3225258 said:
There's no need to carefully select a case in which the Mexican citizen is clearly in the wrong, chanel.

The vast majority of the super patriotic american clowns of the USMB are more than willing to rationalise and find mitigating excuses for each and every one of the hundreds of needless murders, beatings, rapes, thefts and extortions commited by US border patrol agents.

Trust me... no need to be THAT selective.

And I'll bet you can document those.........

hundreds of needless murders, beatings, rapes, thefts and extortions commited by US border patrol agents.

.............cases for us?


José;3225328 said:
Originally posted by RetiredGySgt
Provide evidence that murders, beatings, rapes, theft and extortion have been perpetrated by the Border Patrol ( and no I do not mean any case where the Justice Department charged them and took them to trial).

Otherwise I call BULLSHIT.
Border Patrol is grappling with misconduct cases in its ranks

Reporting from Del Rio, Texas — One by one, Border Patrol agents took the witness stand in the federal courthouse here last week to testify against a fellow officer, their faces creased with anguish.

By their accounts, Agent Jesus Enrique Diaz Jr., a husband and father with seven years on the job, tortured a 16-year-old drug smuggler two years ago by wrenching his handcuffed arms upward as he pressed a knee into his back. In an effort to make the boy reveal where he had hidden marijuana bundles near the Rio Grande, Diaz also kicked him and dropped him face-first on the ground, agents testified.

Border Patrol - Border Patrol is grappling with misconduct cases in its ranks - Los Angeles Times

Why not just hire those LA cops that showed Rodney King how to use a police baton, to train US Border Patrol agents how to keep the border clean of Mexicans.
The family of a 15-year-old Mexican boy allegedly shot dead by U.S. Border Patrol are suing the government for $25million in a landmark legal action, it was revealed today.

Sergio Adrian Hernandez Guereca was allegedly shot by a Border Patrol Agent on June 7 while they were in the process of arresting illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande.

The lawsuit filed yesterday in El Paso is seeking massive damages for the teenager's death and will intensify the debate over how the U.S. should guards its border with Mexico.

President of the National Border Patrol Council, TJ Bonner, said the unnamed agent who fired the fatal shot acted in self-defence.

'The rocks being thrown at him were large solid objects capable of causing serious damage and even killing him'.

But the boy's mother Maria Guadalupe Guercera said: 'The crime must not go unpunished'.

After the shooting, Federal arrest records were obtained which showed that the Ciudad Juarez teenager had many brushes with the law.

He was arrested at least four times since 2008 and twice in the same week in February 2009 on suspicion of smuggling illegal immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico border. He was never charged with a crime.
Read more: Family of Mexican teen killed on US border sues government for $25m | Mail Online



The government will settle out of court and the teenager's mother will become a multi-millionairess and move to the U.S. and encourage more such suits.

It was a tragedy what happened on June 7th. A 15 year old boy lost his life doing something stupid, but that boy was, in fact, jeopardizing the life of the agent. I feel sorry for the mother, but the agent had the right to defend himself.

The government will settle out of court and the teenager's mother will become a multi-millionairess and move to the U.S. and encourage more such suits.

Originally posted by Immanuel
The government will settle out of court and the teenager's mother will become a multi-millionairess and move to the U.S. and encourage more such suits.

As opposed to hundreds of illegal immigrants who are murdered, beaten, raped, robbed or blackmailed and only get a bus ride back to Mexico, when they're lucky, or some jail time in the US when they're not.
José;3226895 said:
Originally posted by Immanuel
The government will settle out of court and the teenager's mother will become a multi-millionairess and move to the U.S. and encourage more such suits.

As opposed to hundreds of illegal immigrants who are murdered, beaten, raped, robbed or blackmailed and only get a bus ride back to Mexico, when they're lucky, or some jail time in the US when they're not.

Don't cross the border illegally.....

Thank you, drive thru ......

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