Family Research Council: Don't Give To R.N.C.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2010
It finally happened, Tony Perkins of the Right Wing Religious Group, "Family Research Council" (F.R.C.)has announced that his organization is telling it's members to NOT donate to the Repuglican National Committee (R.N.C.).

Perkins made the announcement after the latest gaff by the R.N.C. Someone employed by the R.N.C. charged Two Thouand Dollrs ($2,000.00) on an R.N.C. Credit Card at the West Hollywood Club "Voyeur", where it seems at least one or more members (couldn't not resist the pun) watch "Simulated Lesbian Bondage." Hell, for 2K they should have gotten the real thing.

Anyway, the drinks and other goodies were expenced to the R.N.C.

It has also cums out that the phony Census Forms (actually a not so cleverly designed fund raiser) included a 1-800 that would put you in direct contact wtih R.N.C. and speed your donation. Unfortunatelly that number was a phone sex-line. "For just $1.99 a minute, Hot girls will do anything you ask." or in this case, "For a good time call Michelle Bachman."

Michael Steele, the figure head Chair of R.N.C. has come under fire for his continuing ability to put his foot in his mouth.

Mr. Perkins announcement will hit the fund raising end of R.N.C. very hard, just as the Congressional and Senate Campaigns for 2010 are getting underway.

Repugs are already backing away from their promise to "Repeal and Replace." the recently passed Health Care Bill. By making a public statement about donations, Mr. Perkins has hammered another nail the already weakened leadership of Steele, who is best known for apologizing to dittohead fav Rush "I had to piss in cup because I am a convicted drug addict." Lamebrain.

Mr. Perkins is encourging members of F.L.C. to "Donate directly to the candidate of your choice." By passing the R.N.C. all together.

Repugs, under Steele have spent millions of donated dollars on private jet and limos for Steele and ohter members of the R.N.C. During the '08 Presidential Campaign, in which soon-to-out of office John McGrumpy of Arizona, the R.N.C. spent over One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in donated money on clothes for 1/2term Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin. Palin left the State of Alaska broke, which is no surprise, the town she was Mayor of (Wasilla) was left broke as well and is best known for being the Meth Capital of America.
Uh-huh, donate to ACORN or their off-shoots. Nevermind, Obama is already sending them billions because they are such good voter-fraud experts.
And lets not forget that the RNC employees had abortion coverage in their helath care plan. That took a bit of RNC health care reform real fast. Just jammed that health care reform thru and did not give Republicans a chance to vote on it at all.

Let the religious crazies go form their own party...they'll get what? 0.1% of the vote?
Uh-huh, donate to ACORN or their off-shoots. Nevermind, Obama is already sending them billions because they are such good voter-fraud experts.


I think I smell a lying sack of shit.

I do,

I do,

I do smell a lying sack of shit.
Can't blame FRC for making this pronouncement.

The RNC need to get it's act together.

Though IMO this is mostly symbolic.

I give money to both the FRC and to individual candidates but have never sent a dime to the RNC.
Can't blame FRC for making this pronouncement.

The RNC need to get it's act together.

Though IMO this is mostly symbolic.

I give money to both the FRC and to individual candidates but have never sent a dime to the RNC.

Family Research Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would give you $$$ to a group that is so willing to restrict the individual liberties of others? :eusa_eh:

The outlawing of homosexual behavior and an enforcement of "criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior".

What kind of fucking conservative is that? :eusa_eh:

Tighter regulation of pornography, especially internet pornography and pornography on broadcast-TV. Actively opposed the introduction of a .xxx domain name, and lobbied for an increase in indecency fines from the Federal Communications Commission. Believes hotel pornography should be prosecuted.[8

An increase in abstinence-only sex education.

Preclusion of (in order to overturn) all legislative, executive, or judicial action at any level of state or local government designed to protect the status of persons based on their 'homosexual, lesbian or bisexual orientation, conduct, practices or relationships.

It opposes:

Legal recognition of same-sex domestic partnerships (in the form of either marriage or civil unions).

All forms of gambling because it believes it negatively affects one's family, personal, and professional life.[12]

I'm very disappointed in you Missourian, no offense.
There is nothing the Republcians did that Democrats don't do. The difference is Democrats don't "hide" the fact that they go out to watch a little "lesbian bondage" while feasting on "tits and tats".

The problem for the "White wing" is that they go out and "play" while screaming "immoral" at others who go out and "play".

We know it takes money to raise money. Republicans started with 22 million and raised 96 million. But now they are down to less than 10 million. It wasn't all spent on "dinner theater". It costs money to scare the American people from helping their fellow citizens. A lot of money. Fear is expensive. Lies only "work" if you repeat them endlessly, you have to repeat them endlessly.

Lesbian bondage at the "dinner theater" club. Can I have some "whipped" cream and a "pinch" of salt?
Uh-huh, donate to ACORN or their off-shoots. Nevermind, Obama is already sending them billions because they are such good voter-fraud experts.
I think I smell a lying sack of shit.
I do,
I do,
I do smell a lying sack of shit.

ACORN and other leftist groups eligible to get nearly $4 billion in Obama's fiscal 2011 budget - Water Cooler - Washington Times

$4billion. Do I smell a MORON?

You certainly do, and if you are standing in front of a mirror, you also see one.

ACORN disbanding because of money woes, scandal - Yahoo! News

CHICAGO – The once mighty community activist group ACORN announced Monday it is folding amid falling revenues — six months after video footage emerged showing some of its workers giving tax tips to conservative activists posing as a pimp and prostitute.

"It's really declining revenue in the face of a series of attacks from partisan operatives and right-wing activists that have taken away our ability to raise the resources we need," ACORN spokesman Kevin Whelan said.

Several of its largest affiliates, including ACORN New York and ACORN California, broke away this year and changed their names in a bid to ditch the tarnished image of their parent organization and restore revenue that ran dry in the wake of the video scandal.
It finally happened, Tony Perkins of the Right Wing Religious Group, "Family Research Council" (F.R.C.)has announced that his organization is telling it's members to NOT donate to the Repuglican National Committee (R.N.C.).

Perkins made the announcement after the latest gaff by the R.N.C. Someone employed by the R.N.C. charged Two Thouand Dollrs ($2,000.00) on an R.N.C. Credit Card at the West Hollywood Club "Voyeur", where it seems at least one or more members (couldn't not resist the pun) watch "Simulated Lesbian Bondage." Hell, for 2K they should have gotten the real thing.

Anyway, the drinks and other goodies were expenced to the R.N.C.

It has also cums out that the phony Census Forms (actually a not so cleverly designed fund raiser) included a 1-800 that would put you in direct contact wtih R.N.C. and speed your donation. Unfortunatelly that number was a phone sex-line. "For just $1.99 a minute, Hot girls will do anything you ask." or in this case, "For a good time call Michelle Bachman."

Michael Steele, the figure head Chair of R.N.C. has come under fire for his continuing ability to put his foot in his mouth.

Mr. Perkins announcement will hit the fund raising end of R.N.C. very hard, just as the Congressional and Senate Campaigns for 2010 are getting underway.

Repugs are already backing away from their promise to "Repeal and Replace." the recently passed Health Care Bill. By making a public statement about donations, Mr. Perkins has hammered another nail the already weakened leadership of Steele, who is best known for apologizing to dittohead fav Rush "I had to piss in cup because I am a convicted drug addict." Lamebrain.

Mr. Perkins is encourging members of F.L.C. to "Donate directly to the candidate of your choice." By passing the R.N.C. all together.

Repugs, under Steele have spent millions of donated dollars on private jet and limos for Steele and ohter members of the R.N.C. During the '08 Presidential Campaign, in which soon-to-out of office John McGrumpy of Arizona, the R.N.C. spent over One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in donated money on clothes for 1/2term Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin. Palin left the State of Alaska broke, which is no surprise, the town she was Mayor of (Wasilla) was left broke as well and is best known for being the Meth Capital of America.

Who cares? What's a "Repug"? Is that like being a "Dpishit-o-crat" like you? Just wondering.

Idiot hack.
AS I recall it, the DEMOCRATS didn't object when the CHRISTIANS supported the civil rights movement.

But now that fundamentalist Christians are supporting the Republicans, now Christians are a threat to our way of life.

It would be funny if I was reading about this kind of thing in some third world shithole.

Sadly our nation is far more corrupt than any Banana republic we used to mock when I was a kid.

We're just a lot slicker about how the right people accept bribes, is all.

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