Family Told Obama NOT To Wear Soldier Son's Bracelet... Where is Media?

Radio interview aside, until it's found.. You don't find it even a little bit tacky that Obama cut McCain off with a "Well, I have a bracelet, too", and then stuttered and stumbled trying to recall the name on it? Not exactly one of his brighter moments.

What I find tacky is how McCain avoided tough questioning by bringing up the military, every time he wanted to avoid a subject.:eusa_whistle:
After Tracy Jopek gave Sen. Barack Obama a bracelet in honor of her son who was killed in Iraq, she asked Obama not to mention the bracelet on the campaign trail.

But Jopek told The Associated Press on Sunday that she's satisfied with how Obama discussed it during last week's presidential debate.

Full Story here

well, there goes the right's ability to continue to be outraged I guess... :eusa_shhh:
Thanks for playing another round of false wingnut outrage.

How's it feel to have egg on your face? The wingnut blogs got it wrong, as usual.

The mother was fine with Obama and the bracet

Tracy Jopek of Merrill told The Associated Press on Sunday she was honored that Obama remembered Sgt. Ryan David Jopek, who was killed in 2006 by a roadside bomb.

Jopek criticized Internet reports suggesting Obama, D-Ill., exploited her son for political purposes.

"I don't understand how people can take that and turn it into some garbage on the Internet," she said.

Jopek acknowledged e-mailing the Obama campaign in February asking that the presidential candidate not mention her son in speeches or debates. But she said Obama's mention on Friday was appropriate because he was responding after Sen. John McCain, the Republican nominee, said a soldier's mother gave him a bracelet.

Do try to check your facts, before you rely on rightwing blogs for accurate info.
That's disgusting. The link to the radio interview was very enlightening. I agree with the following from the original link:

"This all makes Obama look pretty calculating and blood chillingly callous, doesn't it?"

No one will understand just how callous until January.
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Neither candidate should have brought up any bracelets. Each soldier was used for political gain whether the candidates were asked to wear them or not. It sounded a lot like Michael Moore.
:lol: cruel? now he's CRUEL? omg that's rich...

next you'll say he went and pissed on this soldier's grave... give it up already...

you ignore the fact that she didn't ask him to remove the bracelet because she's offended that he's wearing it... she asked him to remove it because she was being ATTACKED for asking him to wear it.... talk about CRUEL!

there is a big fucking difference there and if you weren't such a fucking hack you'd acknowledge that fact.

One incident of poor judgement wouldn't keep me from voting for Obama.... I would ask you if one incident of poor judgement would keep you from voting for McCain but he's displayed nothing but poor judgement and you're still figuratively lickin his nut sack so the question would been rhetorical in nature obviously.
um, that is conjecture that you havent provide evidence for
no where did i see anything about her being attacked
she said she was getting too much attention, that does not mean she was being attacked

(edit to correct)

she said she got negative feedback, that does not equal attacks
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Soldier's Mother "Ecstatic" about Obama's Bracelet

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- The mother of a Wisconsin soldier who died in Iraq says she was "ecstatic" during Friday's debate when Senator Barack Obama mentioned the bracelet she gave him in honor of her son.

Tracy Jopek of Merrill told The Associated Press on Sunday she was honored that he remembered Sgt. Ryan David Jopek, who was killed in 2006 by a roadside bomb.

She criticized Internet reports that suggested Obama exploited her son for political purposes.

She acknowledges e-mailing the campaign in February asking that Obama not mention her son in speeches or debates.

But she says Obama's mention on Friday was appropriate because he was responding after Senator John McCain said a soldier's mother gave him a bracelet.

Jopek says Obama's comment rightfully suggested there's more than one viewpoint on the war.

Soldier's Mother "Ecstatic" about Obama's Bracelet

You people are so fucking pathetic.
What's pathetic is that people are making a big deal out of some fucking bracelets.
The military is supposed to take orders from someone who uses them as a campaign prop?

Yes, that pisses me off too the way McCain and Bush use the military for background pictures and photo ops and then vote against bills for our veterans:

Get a life.
What's pathetic is that people are making a big deal out of some fucking bracelets.

well gosh, tex.. who was the guy who smoked out a bracelet as if it validated the iraq war on Friday, eh? Further, WHO are the ones who erroniously tried to lunge for what they thought would be a nice weekend bandwagon about Obama's bracelet? good grief. This isn't magic. Evidence is all over the place.
Soldier's Mother "Ecstatic" about Obama's Bracelet

MILWAUKEE (AP) -- The mother of a Wisconsin soldier who died in Iraq says she was "ecstatic" during Friday's debate when Senator Barack Obama mentioned the bracelet she gave him in honor of her son.

Tracy Jopek of Merrill told The Associated Press on Sunday she was honored that he remembered Sgt. Ryan David Jopek, who was killed in 2006 by a roadside bomb.

She criticized Internet reports that suggested Obama exploited her son for political purposes.

She acknowledges e-mailing the campaign in February asking that Obama not mention her son in speeches or debates.

But she says Obama's mention on Friday was appropriate because he was responding after Senator John McCain said a soldier's mother gave him a bracelet.

Jopek says Obama's comment rightfully suggested there's more than one viewpoint on the war.

Soldier's Mother "Ecstatic" about Obama's Bracelet

You people are so fucking pathetic.
only one problem, Obama DIDNT remember the name, he had to look on the bracelet and read it

but this is a minor issue
:lol: so let me see if I understand this...

they didn't ask him to stop wearing it because they don't support Barrack Obama... they asked him to stop wearing it because other people were turning it into a campaign issue by saying both she and Obama were using her son's death to get him votes? Is that REALLY a case you want to make?

here is the transcript:

so the probably cons tried to accuse this mother of exploiting her son's death by initially asking Obama to wear the bracelet and she got sick of the negative comments and asked Obama to stop wearing the bracelet at PUBLIC appearances to avoid further negativity....

I should've known that it was some kind of right wing bullshit smear.

The father himself says if Obama wants to continue wearing the bracelet that is HIS choice.... McCain tried to exploit the family of the soldier whose bracelet he wears and make it seem like Obama hadn't connected to any fallen soldier's families.... Obama, wrongly IMO, made the point that he had. He should've just left it alone IMO... but what's done is done...

I'd love to see the spin on this if the media picked it up when it came out that the reason she was forced to ask him to stop wearing this bracelet in honor of her dead son is because the right wing bloggers were hounding her and accusing her of exploiting her son's death in service of his country.

The difference is that McCain has a right to; hell, he could wear his own bracelet.
gosh.. that make all the difference!


again, you bitches are pathetic.
The difference is that McCain has a right to; hell, he could wear his own bracelet.

riight.. right.. because vietnam was a great example of a war that just needed another surge!

so The Premise Of This Whole Post Is Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His Mother Was Not Upset But Ecstatic.

I Don't See The Poster Acknowledging That

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