Fani Willis LIED. Cell Phone records show Wade visited her 35 times (staying the night) before she hired him.

Last time I checked a phone wasn't a sex object.

If you think it is, you are doing it wrong.

Oh, also, cell phone records were illegally obtained.

"The records do not prove, in any way, the content of the communications between Special Prosecutor Wade and District Attorney Willis; they do not prove that Special Prosecutor Wade was ever at any particular location or address; they do not prove that Special Prosecutor Wade and District 8 Attorney Willis were ever in the same place during any of the times listed in Supplemental Exhibit 38; and, in fact, on multiple relevant dates and times, evidence clearly demonstrates that District Attorney Willis was elsewhere, including at work at the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office AND VISITING THE THREE CRIME SCENES WHERE A MASS MURDER MOTIVATED BY RACE AND GENDER BIAS HAD TAKEN PLACE."
Finally, the DA's office is questioning whether Trump's legal team obtained the cellphone data legally, noting a search warrant is usually required to obtain such information.

When Wade was asked during the hearing last week if phone records were to reflect that he was making phone calls from the same location as Willis' condo before Nov. 1, 2021, on multiple occasions, Wade emphatically answered that the cellphone records would be wrong.
Okay then let all the Jan 6th protestors that got arrested using that exact technology. I mean by your logic the prosecutors didn't know exactly where they were. Didn't know what they were doing at the time. So you agree they should be let free immediately?
I love how you parrot the Trumpian smears with a straight face. A wealthy woman worth millions, who earns $4 million per year, hires her boyfriend so she can get $15,000 in free vacations over a 2 year period.

Does that even sound logical to you????
How do you know it's $15K? Because she said so? How can she prove it, since she has no evidence, and she's already lied about her relationship.
DJT says: of course he is almost always proven right in the end. Uniparty worthless Kemp should go after this Fani creature and shove it up her fani. *******

Based on the fact that District Attorney Fani Willis and her Lover were together long prior to the filing date of their Fake Lawsuit against me and many other innocent people, despite their sworn testimony to the contrary, this case must be determined as OVER and, of no further force or effect. Among other things, in close coordination and conjunction with the DOJ and White House (numerous 8-hour meetings between the Biden people and them in D.C.!), this case was all about stealing close to $1 Million Dollars for Lover Wade, and Election Interference, whereby a vicious and heinous attack is made on Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent. This has never happened in the U.S.A., it is the “stuff” of Third World Countries and Banana Republics!
Um, what does when these two slept together have to do with his attempt to overthrow an election in Georgia?
9 posts Deleted, two members warned/ thread banned, for trolling attempting derail with off-topic personal cosplay food fight without thread content.
It was her house.

The same tracking technology that put J6-ers in specific rooms in the Capitol puts Wade in fat Fani's boudoir.

Suck on it.
Cell phone tracking is not that precise .

It merely notes what tower was pinged.

They could have been miles apart.
Cell phone tracking is not that precise .

It merely notes what tower was pinged.

They could have been miles apart.
Yes, yes it is, dullard....The locations are triangulated....Google that one.
She Saud she wasn't romantically involved. Phone records say differently. What do you call that?
Cell phone records showing he was in the vicinity of her residence, is not proof a romantic relationship existed.

Furthermore, WTF does her sex life have to do with the Trump trial?
Cell phone records showing he was in the vicinity of her residence, is not proof a romantic relationship existed.

Furthermore, WTF does her sex life have to do with the Trump trial?

well well lookey here, old Circle-Jerker is back again. Spewing the same spin IT did yesterday.

lying under oath ring a bell? You troublemaking POS.
DJT says: of course he is almost always proven right in the end. Uniparty worthless Kemp should go after this Fani creature and shove it up her fani. *******

Based on the fact that District Attorney Fani Willis and her Lover were together long prior to the filing date of their Fake Lawsuit against me and many other innocent people, despite their sworn testimony to the contrary, this case must be determined as OVER and, of no further force or effect. Among other things, in close coordination and conjunction with the DOJ and White House (numerous 8-hour meetings between the Biden people and them in D.C.!), this case was all about stealing close to $1 Million Dollars for Lover Wade, and Election Interference, whereby a vicious and heinous attack is made on Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent. This has never happened in the U.S.A., it is the “stuff” of Third World Countries and Banana Republics!
This "evidence" may not even be admissable.

"The Court’s Standing Case Management Order for Criminal cases was specifically intended to prevent parties from ambushing opposing counsel with purported expert evidence without allowing opposing counsel a meaningful opportunity to review the evidence, review the purported expert’s report and qualifications, and obtain its own expert in rebuttal,” the state’s objection reads. “The Court cannot now allow Defendant Trump to bypass this protective procedure when, in other cases, it has excluded expert evidence for a party’s failure to follow the Standing Case Management Order for Criminal Cases.”

Has she been charged with perjury?

Then no, she didn't lie!

I’ll admit I don’t read or follow MSM since 2020. I saw enough GP headlines (they were on the stand under oath, “when did you relationship begin” etc. cellphone proves they lied). Post here back it up.

Of course not charged (yet). No one knew then. But they are Black in ATL. I doubt anything comes from it.

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