Fantastic Four: A Tiffin Dragrace for Trump!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a purely-consumerism oriented political adventure tale I cooked up which I think reflects some of the commerce-based TrumpUSA political philosophy which may seriously affect globalization politics optimism.

In the age of Reaganomics, we enjoyed trade-themed movies such as Wall Street, and I suspect that in the age of 'Trumponomics,' we may see movies about land-based exploration and business-themed suspicion (e.g., Everest, The Founder, etc.)!


The Fantastic Four were charged by the Trump Administration to deliver a vital diplomatic parcel --- a group of tiffins containing Indian cuisine --- to terrorism-troubled Kashmir. Kashmir was being troubled by political and religious differences between Hindus and Muslims which had built up over many years, since the days of India's independence from Great Britain (and the partition of India into Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan). As Hindus and Muslims struggled with each other in the Kashmir 'hot-zone,' ambassadors there were confounded by how Americans could help, so President Trump wanted a tiffin food package delivered there so the press could report that the U.S. government was doing its best to intervene.

Kashmir was so beset by terrorism (between Hindus and Muslims) that no one thought any kind of diplomatic parcel could be delivered to Kashmiri ambassadors, which is why President Trump commissioned the Fantastic Four (a crack-team of highly-gifted Navy SEAL 'pseudo-vigilantes' comprised of Mr. and Mrs. Fantastic, The Thing, and the Human Torch!) to enter and drop the parcel, take photos of the delivery (shaking hands with the Kashmiri ambassadors), and bring the photos back to the White House ASAP. Mr. Fantastic suggested that the squad skulk into the Kashmiri government center through the veil of the snowy Himalayas.


Mrs. Fantastic thought the idea of delivering Indian cuisine in tiffins was a terrific plan, since food was such a symbol of hospitality etiquette and had worked so well in American history (Thanksgiving). The tiffins contained all kinds of delicious and savory Indian entrees and items such as pakoras, lentils, sweets, rice-pilaf, tandoori shrimp, butter-chicken curry, and yogurt-fish. Mrs. Fantastic placed all the tiffins in a large backpack which she strapped onto the back of her giant affable friend and teammate the Thing (who had a reputation for being able to carry large things while fighting hand-to-hand!). Mr. Fantastic told his wife Mrs. Fantastic that if they succeeded in this important mission, he would take her out to a very fine Indian restaurant in NYC when they returned safely home.

The Human Torch smelled something funny. "Why would President Trump order us to deliver food in tiffins to Kashmir if the U.S. government could simply make a straightforward comment about the need to deliver supplies and materials to Kashmir through the United Nations?" The Human Torch suspected that this 'diplomatic mission' was actually a cover (or veil) to create a pro-consumerism 'agenda' in Southeast Asia, an agenda which would foster Trump's plan to use commerce-based networks (e.g., NATO) to create a purely capitalism-based globalization scheme (perhaps even endorsed by the UN!). The Human Torch decided that if the Fantastic Four returned safely after completing this odd mission, he would make a conspiracy-theory statement to CNN.

Well, the Fantastic Four did indeed succeed in their mission, and when they returned safely to NYC (after delivering the photos of the diplomatic food-delivery of tiffins), Mr. Fantastic took Mrs. Fantastic out to a fine Indian restaurant. The Thing decided to take a vacation to Finland to try his hand at skiing and rest his weary body which had been over-used after many years of brutish pro-democracy missions all over the world. The Human Torch, meanwhile, set up a secret interview with a CNN anchorwoman named Christiane and explained to her that he suspected that the Trump Administration charged the Fantastic Four to deliver the tiffins to Kashmiri ambassadors to create a high-profile 'food-delivery' diplomacy act which would complement the U.S. government's plan to alter international treaties with 'exploratory hospitality initiatives.' The world was changing, and consumerism was changing the world (there was even a Burger King in Afghanistan!)...




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