FAR LEFT ACTIVISTS POST BAIL After Attack on Murrieta Police Officer


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website. They have zero credibility.
You can bet that entire group is funded by big monied lefties.
Which part are you disputing?

All of it.

Oh so you wanna' say NO ONE was arrested?

This is Modern Liberalism folks: Willful Ignorance.
Oh so you wanna' say NO ONE was arrested?

This is Modern Liberalism folks: Willful Ignorance.

Were they FAR LEFT ACTIVISTS?????????????????????????????????????????????

That is not "all of it" that is just one part. Every part that was in the Op has been shown to you to be true. You question just one part which the video is showing you is correct. I have found out the names of those arrested and their place of origin, they are all from LA. The MSM apparently has no interest in posting their political agenda, why who knows. Could be they just don't care or think their readers care, or they don't know.
Left hates the United States of America and will do anything and say anything to destroy her.
Left hates the United States of America and will do anything and say anything to destroy her.

Seriously, why do you think that and why would they want to do so? I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you I just want to know why you think what you do.
Don't see anything as to their political leanings, but interference with law enforcement activities is a crime, whatever the beliefs of the instigators. Right, left, center, or apolitical.
Don't see anything as to their political leanings, but interference with law enforcement activities is a crime, whatever the beliefs of the instigators. Right, left, center, or apolitical.

I think the point is that when things turn violent you usually find a left winger behind it. Take the Occupy movement, although most of it was non-violent there were many instances of violence and civil disobedience.

Put that against the Bundy situation. No violence, although there was potential. Yet to listen to the left one would think that the Bundy ranch was a cat killing operation.
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Look at the agenda they support? If you love the United States you would want to defend her from an invasion like the one happening now on border with Mexico. President takes an oath to "protect and defend the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic." He is doing neither. The left hates America. All they focus on is the belief that the US is a nation based on racism, hatred and intolerance...forgetting the fact that the Republic is one of the most tolerant nations on earth, and was founded on the rule of the people over the government. Liberals want big government to rule the people and force their agenda down everyone's throats because they can't win at the ballot box. Look what happened when California voters rejected gay marriage? Liberal judge overturned the will of the people. Liberals can't win over public on border invasion...so they look to Obama's pen to reject the will of the people. Liberal's protested Vietnam War in 1960's and flew enemy colors when we had men on the field of battle. You have liberal poster children such as William "Weather Underground Terrorist" Ayers, and Rev. Jeremiah "Goddamn America" Wright spewing venom against the US everyday. MSNBC and it's propaganda machine perpetuate racism everyday...because the left does not want to end racism or poverty in America...they thrive on it! Need victims to propel their Marxist agenda forward.

Lefties in history, flying enemy colors of North Vietnam and Viet-Cong in Grant Park, Chicago 1968 when we had men on field of battle. US Armed forces losing 300 KIA per week at this time. We had destroyed Viet-Cong earlier that year during Tet Offensive and were cusp of winning war. No surprise left wing Marxist of today want border invasion to continue.

Lefties in history, flying enemy colors of North Vietnam and Viet-Cong in Grant Park, Chicago 1968 when we had men on field of battle. US Armed forces losing 300 KIA per week at this time. We had destroyed Viet-Cong earlier that year during Tet Offensive and were cusp of winning war. No surprise left wing Marxist of today want border invasion to continue.

Off topic, but the Tet offensive was the beginning of the end. As for crimes in Murrieta, whatever the political beliefs, crime is crime(.)

Lefties in history, flying enemy colors of North Vietnam and Viet-Cong in Grant Park, Chicago 1968 when we had men on field of battle. US Armed forces losing 300 KIA per week at this time. We had destroyed Viet-Cong earlier that year during Tet Offensive and were cusp of winning war. No surprise left wing Marxist of today want border invasion to continue.

Off topic, but the Tet offensive was the beginning of the end. As for crimes in Murrieta, whatever the political beliefs, crime is crime(.)

yes, the TET offensive was the beginning of the end, because although it was big victory for the South and the US the liar Cronkite painted it as a huge defeat.

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