FAR LEFT ACTIVISTS POST BAIL After Attack on Murrieta Police Officer


Lefties in history, flying enemy colors of North Vietnam and Viet-Cong in Grant Park, Chicago 1968 when we had men on field of battle. US Armed forces losing 300 KIA per week at this time. We had destroyed Viet-Cong earlier that year during Tet Offensive and were cusp of winning war. No surprise left wing Marxist of today want border invasion to continue.

Off topic, but the Tet offensive was the beginning of the end. As for crimes in Murrieta, whatever the political beliefs, crime is crime(.)

I was using it to answer Freewill's question posted earlier. But Tet a little off topic.
This is an example of how the left tries to, and has been trying to, push it's agenda for decades. Support for border invasion is just another example of the "hate America" crowd.

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