"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!

And after 5 pages of no one presenting a single damn thing to indicate what "far right" means, we still have liberal chuckleheads spewing the empty rhetoric.

Please do explain how the so-called "far right" (aka: Conservatives) are remotely similar to ISIS in ANY way?

I'm betting you can't come up with anything but more mindless rhetoric that isn't supported with facts.

Does anyone know what in the hell he is talking about?

Outside of the monumentally stupid idea that if you run someone who is politically on the far right end of the spectrum, he will win everyone to his left and carry the nomination...can anyone else detect a point in his incessant drivel? Oh, and by the way, we all have noticed that he won't come out and say whom he is backing to be that person....

In short, the OP is a moron and a coward.

Yeah... he's talking about the failure of anyone who claims that there exists a 'far-right' to actually explain what they mean to convey, through the use of the term.

In truth, thus reality... there is no such thing as a 'far-right'. There is only Right ... and Wrong.
So Mussolini is your hero.
Why would a socialist be his hero????
Since you don't know the difference between a fascist and a socialist, go back to the sandbox and play.
Hey dummy fascist is a term coined by Mussolini a devoted socialist . Sad how ignorant you are
Does anyone know what in the hell he is talking about?

Outside of the monumentally stupid idea that if you run someone who is politically on the far right end of the spectrum, he will win everyone to his left and carry the nomination...can anyone else detect a point in his incessant drivel? Oh, and by the way, we all have noticed that he won't come out and say whom he is backing to be that person....

In short, the OP is a moron and a coward.

Yeah... he's talking about the failure of anyone who claims that there exists a 'far-right' to actually explain what they mean to convey, through the use of the term.

In truth, thus reality... there is no such thing as a 'far-right'. There is only Right ... and Wrong.
So Mussolini is your hero.
Why would a socialist be his hero????
Since you don't know the difference between a fascist and a socialist, go back to the sandbox and play.

Both are just random pejoratives to many on the right. They don't actually know what the terms mean. Nor particularly care. You're dealing with the right wing equivalent of calling someone a 'poopyhead'.

Which is amusing, given Uncensored occasional hang wringing over the 'meaning of words'.
Unlike you I do
Does anyone know what in the hell he is talking about?

Outside of the monumentally stupid idea that if you run someone who is politically on the far right end of the spectrum, he will win everyone to his left and carry the nomination...can anyone else detect a point in his incessant drivel? Oh, and by the way, we all have noticed that he won't come out and say whom he is backing to be that person....

In short, the OP is a moron and a coward.

Yeah... he's talking about the failure of anyone who claims that there exists a 'far-right' to actually explain what they mean to convey, through the use of the term.

In truth, thus reality... there is no such thing as a 'far-right'. There is only Right ... and Wrong.
So Mussolini is your hero.
Why would a socialist be his hero????
Since you don't know the difference between a fascist and a socialist, go back to the sandbox and play.
Hey dummy fascist is a term coined by Mussolini a devoted socialist . Sad how ignorant you are
Which does nothing to change the facts of history, Fascism was a right wing populist movement. End of story. No pop culture historical revisionism required.
Alas, its my ability to associate ideas with words that is such a problem for you and your amusing rhetorical blunders. You clearly don't know what fascism is. You use the term as a general pejorative, void of any applicable meaning or understanding.

How could something never demonstrated be a problem for me?

Your "logic" is flawed.

Which is made all the more funny when you start babbling about only you are an 'actual liberal'. As if the term doesn't have another meaning in modern parlance. It would be as foolish as arguing that faggots can only mean a bundle of sticks. The meaning of terms change.

Though to the best of my knowledge, neither fascism nor socialism have yet acquired new meanings that align with your random pejorative 'poopyhead' usage.

You know that the hate sites told you "fascism is right wing." That is the extent of your knowledge of fascism. You certainly have not read "Il Fascisti," noor did you even realize it existed. I have read it. (in English).

You don't have the slightest knowledge of Benito Mussolini or what his views were;

For instance, prior to forming the Fascisti; Mussolini was head of what;

a.) the reelect George W. Bush campaign
b.) the Italian Bolshevik Party
c.) the Tea Party
d.) the campaign staff of Ted Cruz

You don't know the answer - because you are entirely ignorant of the subject, as you are ignorant of most subjects. You serve the party by blindly chanting memes, there is no meaning to you, you are but a mindless drone.

Says who?

Anyone with an education beyond grammar school.
Not much of a historian are you. Fascism was a right wing populist movement. There is no dispute about that.
Except it was a left wing socialist who started it.... revisionist history you spout proves you have lost
Yeah... he's talking about the failure of anyone who claims that there exists a 'far-right' to actually explain what they mean to convey, through the use of the term.

In truth, thus reality... there is no such thing as a 'far-right'. There is only Right ... and Wrong.
So Mussolini is your hero.
Why would a socialist be his hero????
Since you don't know the difference between a fascist and a socialist, go back to the sandbox and play.
Hey dummy fascist is a term coined by Mussolini a devoted socialist . Sad how ignorant you are
Which does nothing to change the facts of history, Fascism was a right wing populist movement. End of story. No pop culture historical revisionism required.
Revisionist history turns it's ignorant head again. You can try to deny the truth with lies but thinking people know better
Of the two of us, I'm still the only one to get specific into what fascism actually is.

Oh? where exactly did you do that?

And to rationally compare what fascism actually means with the system we have.


They don't match. Or come even close to. Making your accusations of fascism more hapless ignorance. Again, you're hamstrung by the fact that these terms have actual meanings.

Shall we compare the ACA to fascism?

Private corporations implementing a centrally planned economic venture on behalf of the state? With the state acting as enforcer to mandate purchase of the product and punish those who attempt to compete against state approved vendors?

All you've done is chant "fascism right wing, bahh, bahhh, bahhhh."

Says you. And you're nobody. And you have yet to even discuss fascism specifically. While I've given you all of its primary tenets.

Says the evidence. Your ad hom idiocy does nothing to support your moronic claims.

And that's simply not the system we have. You can pretend otherwise all you like. But you can't make us pretend with you. Which is why you keep failing.

Straw man - not based on a claim of mine. You erect this straw man in hopes of escaping the clarity of your ignorance.

And time number 4....where you crow about how much more you know about the topic. But still fail miserably to articulate any specific point, make any specific argument, or even describe what you're talking about.

Is there anything to you but running from your own claims?

Your failure to grasp simple concepts is not my problem.

If you have questions on a specific point, I will explain.
Alas, its my ability to associate ideas with words that is such a problem for you and your amusing rhetorical blunders. You clearly don't know what fascism is. You use the term as a general pejorative, void of any applicable meaning or understanding.

How could something never demonstrated be a problem for me?

Your "logic" is flawed.

Which is made all the more funny when you start babbling about only you are an 'actual liberal'. As if the term doesn't have another meaning in modern parlance. It would be as foolish as arguing that faggots can only mean a bundle of sticks. The meaning of terms change.

Though to the best of my knowledge, neither fascism nor socialism have yet acquired new meanings that align with your random pejorative 'poopyhead' usage.

You know that the hate sites told you "fascism is right wing." That is the extent of your knowledge of fascism. You certainly have not read "Il Fascisti," noor did you even realize it existed. I have read it. (in English).

You don't have the slightest knowledge of Benito Mussolini or what his views were;

For instance, prior to forming the Fascisti; Mussolini was head of what;

a.) the reelect George W. Bush campaign
b.) the Italian Bolshevik Party
c.) the Tea Party
d.) the campaign staff of Ted Cruz

You don't know the answer - because you are entirely ignorant of the subject, as you are ignorant of most subjects. You serve the party by blindly chanting memes, there is no meaning to you, you are but a mindless drone.

Says who?

Anyone with an education beyond grammar school.
Not much of a historian are you. Fascism was a right wing populist movement. There is no dispute about that.
Except it was a left wing socialist who started it.... revisionist history you spout proves you have lost
When then, the logical conclusion of your reasoning must be, that all right wing political movements are based upon socialist ideals.
Of the two of us, I'm still the only one to get specific into what fascism actually is.

Oh? where exactly did you do that?

And to rationally compare what fascism actually means with the system we have.


They don't match. Or come even close to. Making your accusations of fascism more hapless ignorance. Again, you're hamstrung by the fact that these terms have actual meanings.

Shall we compare the ACA to fascism?

Private corporations implementing a centrally planned economic venture on behalf of the state? With the state acting as enforcer to mandate purchase of the product and punish those who attempt to compete against state approved vendors?

All you've done is chant "fascism right wing, bahh, bahhh, bahhhh."

Says you. And you're nobody. And you have yet to even discuss fascism specifically. While I've given you all of its primary tenets.

Says the evidence. Your ad hom idiocy does nothing to support your moronic claims.

And that's simply not the system we have. You can pretend otherwise all you like. But you can't make us pretend with you. Which is why you keep failing.

Straw man - not based on a claim of mine. You erect this straw man in hopes of escaping the clarity of your ignorance.

And time number 4....where you crow about how much more you know about the topic. But still fail miserably to articulate any specific point, make any specific argument, or even describe what you're talking about.

Is there anything to you but running from your own claims?

Your failure to grasp simple concepts is not my problem.

If you have questions on a specific point, I will explain.

And still not a word about actual fascism. You avoid it like it were the plague.....despite all the empty crowing about how much knowledge you imagine you possess on the topic.

I don't avoid the discussion that you run from. Fascism is a system that uses a dictator with complete power, belligerent aggressive nationalism, state sanctioned racism, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, forcible suppression of the press, and strict regimenting all industry and commerce.

And we don't have that. Nor is anyone of significance advocating such a system in any political party. Making your 'random pejorative' usage of the term yet another ignorant blunder of the basic meaning of the term.

Try again. This time without that tail tucked between quivering haunches.
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You idiots haven't won Florida, Co, Nev, Ohio, Virgina with your stupid defund, slash and burn shit since Bush. Good luck running and winning on the lie in 2016! The only way you'll win the white house in 2016 is if the democrats launch into their stupid identity politics and have another furgason!

Reagan supported science and infrastructure investment. ;) So that blows your belief system out of the water.
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And still not a word about actual fascism. You avoid it like it were the plague.....despite all the empty crowing about how much knowledge you imagine you possess on the topic.

I don't avoid the discussion that you run from. Fascism is a system that uses a dictator with complete power, belligerent aggressive nationalism, state sanctioned racism, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, forcible suppression of the press, and strict regimenting all industry and commerce.

And we don't have that. Nor is anyone of significance advocating such a system in any political party. Making your 'random pejorative' usage of the term yet another ignorant blunder of the basic meaning of the term.

Try again. This time without that tail tucked between quivering haunches.

I notice that despite your claim that you had offered in depth analysis, you have failed to point out where.

Instead, you spew more ad hom.

Fact: Fascism is an authoritarian system that inculdes a centrally planned and managed economy, with the state in control of the means of production.

What is socialism?

Full Definition of SOCIALISM
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

Wait a minute, we just saw that Fascism is state control of the means of production?

You ignorant leftists claim that fascism and socialism are opposites, yet both are based on government (state) conttol of the means of production. How can this be? Simple, rather than "opposites," Fascism is in fact a form of socialism.

Mussolini was a Bolshevik, editor of Avanti! - the Bolshevik newspaper of Italy. In Il Fascisti, Mussolini wrote that he became disenfranchised by the obvious failures of Marxism, and would "fix" socialism. The lack of a profit motive was clear to him as a leading cause of failure "Man will not work for his own injury" wrote Il Duce. Mussolini was dedicated to fixing the flaws of Marx, not establishing free markets.

Laughing at your ignorance seems fitting, yet ignorance spreads like a venereal disease. The big lie that fascism is somehow "right wing" found fertile ground in the left, where questioning dogma and seeking knowledge are rare - to the point of non-existence. So now I answer the big lies.
You idiots haven't won Florida, Co, Nev, Ohio, Virgina with your stupid defund, slash and burn shit since Bush. Good luck running and winning on the lie in 2016! The only way you'll win the white house in 2016 is if the democrats launch into their stupid identity politics and have another furgason!

Reagan supported science and infrastructure investment. ;) So that blows your belief system out of the water.

So two terms of Obama mean that your is a thousand year reich?

You go with that, sparky...
And still not a word about actual fascism. You avoid it like it were the plague.....despite all the empty crowing about how much knowledge you imagine you possess on the topic.

I don't avoid the discussion that you run from. Fascism is a system that uses a dictator with complete power, belligerent aggressive nationalism, state sanctioned racism, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, forcible suppression of the press, and strict regimenting all industry and commerce.

And we don't have that. Nor is anyone of significance advocating such a system in any political party. Making your 'random pejorative' usage of the term yet another ignorant blunder of the basic meaning of the term.

Try again. This time without that tail tucked between quivering haunches.

I notice that despite your claim that you had offered in depth analysis, you have failed to point out where.

Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit, is it?

Skylar said:
I don't avoid the discussion that you run from. Fascism is a system that uses a dictator with complete power, belligerent aggressive nationalism, state sanctioned racism, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, forcible suppression of the press, and strict regimenting all industry and commerce.

And we don't have that. Nor is anyone of significance advocating such a system in any political party. Making your 'random pejorative' usage of the term yet another ignorant blunder of the basic meaning of the term.

I've offered you a specific definition of fascism with specific characteristics and compared it to what we have now and what is being advocated now by any member of significance of either party.

Your claims just don't hold up. You either don't know what fascism means....or don't care. As you're using it as a generic pejorative. Which it isn't.

Fact: Fascism is an authoritarian system that includes a centrally planned and managed economy, with the state in control of the means of production.

Says who? Quote your source. Mine is the dictionary.

Wait a minute, we just saw that Fascism is state control of the means of production?

And by 'saw' you mean you just typed the claim without any source or reference to anyone but yourself?

Odd that. Why don't you let us 'see' what your source for the definition of fascism is. As you citing you really isn't evidence of anything.
I'm contradicting you arguing that republicans are ideologically driven. Not pragmatically driven. And I've given you an extensive list of examples.

None of which you actually disagree with. And I reject your idea that republicans aren't conservatives. As I don't accept you as defining the term. Any term, really.

But I didn't argue that Republicans are not ideologically driven. Very few people in politics are not ideologically driven to some degree because they can't get elected without having some kind of specific ideals or ideas. This has nothing to do with Conservative philosophy except that Conservatives tend to be less ideologically radical. Republicans are certainly not all Conservatives and all Conservatives are certainly not Republicans. If that were the case, the GOP would never nominate someone who wasn't 100% true blue conservative. In the last two elections, millions of Conservatives stayed at home. If the GOP continues to nominate moderates the streak of losing will continue as well. Conservatism, or what you call "far right" is the only thing that can save the GOP.
And still not a word about actual fascism. You avoid it like it were the plague.....despite all the empty crowing about how much knowledge you imagine you possess on the topic.

I don't avoid the discussion that you run from. Fascism is a system that uses a dictator with complete power, belligerent aggressive nationalism, state sanctioned racism, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, forcible suppression of the press, and strict regimenting all industry and commerce.

And we don't have that. Nor is anyone of significance advocating such a system in any political party. Making your 'random pejorative' usage of the term yet another ignorant blunder of the basic meaning of the term.

Try again. This time without that tail tucked between quivering haunches.

I notice that despite your claim that you had offered in depth analysis, you have failed to point out where.

Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit, is it?

Skylar said:
I don't avoid the discussion that you run from. Fascism is a system that uses a dictator with complete power, belligerent aggressive nationalism, state sanctioned racism, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, forcible suppression of the press, and strict regimenting all industry and commerce.

And we don't have that. Nor is anyone of significance advocating such a system in any political party. Making your 'random pejorative' usage of the term yet another ignorant blunder of the basic meaning of the term.

I've offered you a specific definition of fascism with specific characteristics and compared it to what we have now and what is being advocated now by any member of significance of either party.

Your claims just don't hold up. You either don't know what fascism means....or don't care. As you're using it as a generic pejorative. Which it isn't.

Fact: Fascism is an authoritarian system that includes a centrally planned and managed economy, with the state in control of the means of production.

Says who? Quote your source. Mine is the dictionary.

Wait a minute, we just saw that Fascism is state control of the means of production?

And by 'saw' you mean you just typed the claim without any source or reference to anyone but yourself?

Odd that. Why don't you let us 'see' what your source for the definition of fascism is. As you citing you really isn't evidence of anything.

{Mussolini's fascism took another step at this time with the advent of the Corporative State, a supposedly pragmatic arrangement under which economic decisions were made by councils composed of workers and employers who represented trades and industries. By this device the presumed economic rivalry between employers and employees was to be resolved, preventing the class struggle from undermining the national struggle. In the Corporative State, for example, strikes would be illegal and labor disputes would be mediated by a state agency.}

Fascism by Sheldon Richman The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Library of Economics and Liberty

Sound familiar?

Of course not, you have no knowledge of what you speak.

he Soviet state is based upon the Soviets (or Councils) of Workers, and Peasants’ Soviets.

These Councils or institutions so characteristic of the Russian Revolution originated in 1905, when, during the first general strike of the workers, Petrograd factories and labour organisations sent delegates to a Central Committee. This Strike Committee was named Council of Workers’ Deputies. It called the second general strike of the fall of 1905, sent out organisers all over Russia, and for a short time was recognised by the Imperial Government as the authorised spokesman of the revolutionary Russian working class.}

The Structure of the Soviet State

Well shit, complete opposites - oh wait - actually identical.

Poor Skyler - so far out of her depth, yet so thick as to not have a clue....
You know that the hate sites told you "fascism is right wing." That is the extent of your knowledge of fascism. You certainly have not read "Il Fascisti," noor did you even realize it existed. I have read it. (in English).

You don't have the slightest knowledge of Benito Mussolini or what his views were;
Well then, let's get it straight from the horses mouth:

Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism,
both in the political and the economic sphere.
In the last two elections, millions of Conservatives stayed at home.
Still mindlessly parroting your MessiahRushie's lies!

One thing you hear from conservatives on why Romney lost was because he wasn't conservative enough, and conservatives stayed home.

This is a myth. Conservatives came out in droves. In 2012, more conservatives voted for Mitt Romney than any other Presidential candidate, ever. Conservatives also comprised more of the voters than in any of at least the past 10 elections.

The first number is the total number of conservatives who voted for the Republican candidate. The second is the conservatives' percentage of the total vote. In 2012, 37 million conservatives voted for Mitt Romney, and conservatives were 35% of the total who voted.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%
My definitions are both accurate. ...
When we communicate, we have to both be using the same language. ... So we have this problem communicating and I have to set you back on course constantly.
Still obeying your MessiahRushie to the letter!

September 21, 2011
RUSH: Don't doubt me on this. It sounds like a small thing, but in a daily ebb and flow you'll not even see any news about this, but it's in important because it's crucial who controls the language, who controls the way words are defined.
Hey dummy fascist is a term coined by Mussolini a devoted socialist . Sad how ignorant you are
Fascism is definitely and absolutely opposed to the doctrines of liberalism,
both in the political and the economic sphere.
And still not a word about actual fascism. You avoid it like it were the plague.....despite all the empty crowing about how much knowledge you imagine you possess on the topic.

I don't avoid the discussion that you run from. Fascism is a system that uses a dictator with complete power, belligerent aggressive nationalism, state sanctioned racism, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, forcible suppression of the press, and strict regimenting all industry and commerce.

And we don't have that. Nor is anyone of significance advocating such a system in any political party. Making your 'random pejorative' usage of the term yet another ignorant blunder of the basic meaning of the term.

Try again. This time without that tail tucked between quivering haunches.

I notice that despite your claim that you had offered in depth analysis, you have failed to point out where.

Instead, you spew more ad hom.

Fact: Fascism is an authoritarian system that inculdes a centrally planned and managed economy, with the state in control of the means of production.

What is socialism?

Full Definition of SOCIALISM
: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

Wait a minute, we just saw that Fascism is state control of the means of production?

You ignorant leftists claim that fascism and socialism are opposites, yet both are based on government (state) conttol of the means of production. How can this be? Simple, rather than "opposites," Fascism is in fact a form of socialism.

Mussolini was a Bolshevik, editor of Avanti! - the Bolshevik newspaper of Italy. In Il Fascisti, Mussolini wrote that he became disenfranchised by the obvious failures of Marxism, and would "fix" socialism. The lack of a profit motive was clear to him as a leading cause of failure "Man will not work for his own injury" wrote Il Duce. Mussolini was dedicated to fixing the flaws of Marx, not establishing free markets.

Laughing at your ignorance seems fitting, yet ignorance spreads like a venereal disease. The big lie that fascism is somehow "right wing" found fertile ground in the left, where questioning dogma and seeking knowledge are rare - to the point of non-existence. So now I answer the big lies.

Which only goes to show that right wing politics all stems from Communism.

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