"Far Right" can't win for GOP? ...BS!

Conservative votes stayed at home.
That lie has already been debunked in this very thread. Parroting it again does not make it any less a lie. A greater percentage of CON$ervoFascists voted for Bishop Willard and McSame than for either Reagan election.

The first number is the total number of conservatives who voted for the Republican candidate. The second is the conservatives' percentage of the total vote. In 2012, 37 million conservatives voted for Mitt Romney, and conservatives were 35% of the total who voted.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%

2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
I am not "arguing" anything. I am stating my personal ideological leanings which are essentially rooted in conservative philosophy. I am very libertarian-minded in my views, I like liberty and freedoms for all. I don't want MY personal view imposed on you, nor your personal view imposed on me. I want our collective communities to decide what is best through the democratic process. I can live with that, whether I can agree with it or not, that's just my personal viewpoint.

Conservatism is not an ideology. It is an overarching philosophic approach to problem solving and governance. Perhaps you could say that it is the basis for which you might form an ideological view, but the philosophy is not the ideology. That is the great misnomer and lie which has, admittedly, been very successful for the left since Reagan. Promoting the false narrative that Conservatism is this litany of undesirable ideologies and extremes which is simply untrue.

And I fight for YOUR right to to have those leanings.

I also think you described it pretty well. Actually, the same basic idea could then apply to Liberalism, if we use your logic.
Thank Reagan for the Germany you sit in today. If it were left up to the leftist they have negotiated a way to sustain the eastern block:thup:
No. Helmut Kohl and Bush 43 did the heavy lifting. Try again, Schmuel.

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lol that's laughable really..You should be a comedian. that being said. You leftist fought Reagan called him a "cowboy" Ted Kennedy wrote letters to the soviets. Leftist in Europe were against Reagan. Leftist appeasers are a joke .Obama's parents were soviet, communist, sympathizers
You do the name Kuni Lemel proud!

Get lost fraud who pretends to be a Jew and sometimes wishes he was black..nutter :cuckoo:
If Republicans keep losing because they keep losing moderates by big numbers, why do conservatives think that an even more conservative candidate that is less appealing to moderates is a winning formula?

Because "moderate" doesn't mean "non-conservative" and it never has or will. The vast majority of "moderates" are people who have a conservative philosophy. They aren't going to vote for a Republican who doesn't have a conservative philosophy and doesn't have a clue as to what that is.

You are operating under a false assumption.. or several. Republican doesn't mean conservative, and independent or moderate doesn't mean non-conservative. Conservatism is a philosophy which crosses over numerous ideological lines. I mentioned earlier there can even be Liberal Conservatives. Some of my favorite Liberal Conservatives were Patrick Moynihan, Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman. When Bill Clinton won as a populist Democrat, he ran as a Conservative.

Your attempt to redefine moderate is self-serving. Moderates are not conservative. They are moderates. People self-identify as conservative, moderate or liberal. They do not identify themselves as conservative, conservative or liberal. Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe. They are neither inherently conservative or liberal.

The idea that "if only people knew what I believe, they'd support what I believe" is a narcissistic ideological trap.

Conservatives who believe that the best way to win moderates is to get even more conservative misunderstand moderates and politics.

Why does this keep happening? We keep getting "geniuses" telling us how things are but not offering examples or evidence. Here's another page reeled off by liberal lefties, inserting their unfounded opinions as facts and attempting to shut down the debate.

There are VERY few ACTUAL political moderates. I've covered this already, it's part of the human psyche. People would rather be identified as "moderate" than any form of extreme. They may view "liberal" and "conservative" as extremes and simply call themselves a "moderate" because that's what they believe they are. When you begin questioning a moderate on specific issues where a position is required, they are mostly conservatives or liberals. Likewise, the label "independent" does not mean moderate.

Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe.

Or is this what you've told yourself makes a moderate? Moderate is neither an ideology or philosophy, it is a measure of degree. Generally speaking, it is the opposite of "extremist." Aside from the fact that most people would rather identify as moderate as opposed to extreme, their political views lean left or right most of the time. For instance, how many ACTUAL people do you know who are, say... opposed to legalizing marijuana but favor gay marriage? Or they are opposed to gay marriage but they are pro-choice?

When we cut to the core and look at raw definitions, a true conservative is mostly a moderate.

Moderate: kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Most moderates are conservatives and most conservatives are moderates. It's merely a different way to describe the alternative of extremist liberalism, which is an ideology.

I'm a moderate, a Republican, and a supporter of capitalism. I voted for Romney.

And, as a moderate, you are wrong. I generally don't want a hardcore conservative as President.

Rather than make rationalizations and twist logic to make yourself feel better, why don't you just ask moderates. It's easier than making shit up, though probably not easier for you to believe because you tell yourself a lie conservatives tell themselves to make themselves feel better.

This is simple math. When Republicans are not competitive with people who consider themselves moderates, they lose.

Which is why Romney the moderate lost:eusa_doh:...You're clueless, any Republican will be made into a far right winger like Romney was. Better to actually have a real Conservative then a fake one.
Cruz's opposition will be going through his stuff with data. He is going to look very, very foolish.

If he ends up debating Kasich, K will rip him a new asshole.

LOL..Kasich? really? Ted Cruz will rip him a new ass.:thup:

It will be a blast to watch. But not nearly as entertaining as watching the Left twist reality into a pretzel trying to explain how Cruz was defeated... .
Cruz's opposition will be going through his stuff with data. He is going to look very, very foolish.

If he ends up debating Kasich, K will rip him a new asshole.
LOL..Kasich? really? Ted Cruz will rip him a new ass.:thup:
Kasich will turn the tables for good when Cruz gives some silly policy plan, and K will say, "The data does not support that, only you do. The American people deserve better than you." The audience will rise applauding K and booing Cruz.
If Republicans keep losing because they keep losing moderates by big numbers, why do conservatives think that an even more conservative candidate that is less appealing to moderates is a winning formula?

Because "moderate" doesn't mean "non-conservative" and it never has or will. The vast majority of "moderates" are people who have a conservative philosophy. They aren't going to vote for a Republican who doesn't have a conservative philosophy and doesn't have a clue as to what that is.

You are operating under a false assumption.. or several. Republican doesn't mean conservative, and independent or moderate doesn't mean non-conservative. Conservatism is a philosophy which crosses over numerous ideological lines. I mentioned earlier there can even be Liberal Conservatives. Some of my favorite Liberal Conservatives were Patrick Moynihan, Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman. When Bill Clinton won as a populist Democrat, he ran as a Conservative.

Your attempt to redefine moderate is self-serving. Moderates are not conservative. They are moderates. People self-identify as conservative, moderate or liberal. They do not identify themselves as conservative, conservative or liberal. Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe. They are neither inherently conservative or liberal.

The idea that "if only people knew what I believe, they'd support what I believe" is a narcissistic ideological trap.

Conservatives who believe that the best way to win moderates is to get even more conservative misunderstand moderates and politics.

Why does this keep happening? We keep getting "geniuses" telling us how things are but not offering examples or evidence. Here's another page reeled off by liberal lefties, inserting their unfounded opinions as facts and attempting to shut down the debate.

There are VERY few ACTUAL political moderates. I've covered this already, it's part of the human psyche. People would rather be identified as "moderate" than any form of extreme. They may view "liberal" and "conservative" as extremes and simply call themselves a "moderate" because that's what they believe they are. When you begin questioning a moderate on specific issues where a position is required, they are mostly conservatives or liberals. Likewise, the label "independent" does not mean moderate.

Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe.

Or is this what you've told yourself makes a moderate? Moderate is neither an ideology or philosophy, it is a measure of degree. Generally speaking, it is the opposite of "extremist." Aside from the fact that most people would rather identify as moderate as opposed to extreme, their political views lean left or right most of the time. For instance, how many ACTUAL people do you know who are, say... opposed to legalizing marijuana but favor gay marriage? Or they are opposed to gay marriage but they are pro-choice?

When we cut to the core and look at raw definitions, a true conservative is mostly a moderate.

Moderate: kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Most moderates are conservatives and most conservatives are moderates. It's merely a different way to describe the alternative of extremist liberalism, which is an ideology.

I'm a moderate, a Republican, and a supporter of capitalism. I voted for Romney.

And, as a moderate, you are wrong. I generally don't want a hardcore conservative as President.

Rather than make rationalizations and twist logic to make yourself feel better, why don't you just ask moderates. It's easier than making shit up, though probably not easier for you to believe because you tell yourself a lie conservatives tell themselves to make themselves feel better.

This is simple math. When Republicans are not competitive with people who consider themselves moderates, they lose.

Which is why Romney the moderate lost:eusa_doh:...You're clueless, any Republican will be made into a far right winger like Romney was. Better to actually have a real Conservative then a fake one.
Fake or real, any far right reactionary will not get 40% of the vote.

Cruz will not make it out of South Carolina.
Because "moderate" doesn't mean "non-conservative" and it never has or will. The vast majority of "moderates" are people who have a conservative philosophy. They aren't going to vote for a Republican who doesn't have a conservative philosophy and doesn't have a clue as to what that is.

You are operating under a false assumption.. or several. Republican doesn't mean conservative, and independent or moderate doesn't mean non-conservative. Conservatism is a philosophy which crosses over numerous ideological lines. I mentioned earlier there can even be Liberal Conservatives. Some of my favorite Liberal Conservatives were Patrick Moynihan, Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman. When Bill Clinton won as a populist Democrat, he ran as a Conservative.

Your attempt to redefine moderate is self-serving. Moderates are not conservative. They are moderates. People self-identify as conservative, moderate or liberal. They do not identify themselves as conservative, conservative or liberal. Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe. They are neither inherently conservative or liberal.

The idea that "if only people knew what I believe, they'd support what I believe" is a narcissistic ideological trap.

Conservatives who believe that the best way to win moderates is to get even more conservative misunderstand moderates and politics.

Why does this keep happening? We keep getting "geniuses" telling us how things are but not offering examples or evidence. Here's another page reeled off by liberal lefties, inserting their unfounded opinions as facts and attempting to shut down the debate.

There are VERY few ACTUAL political moderates. I've covered this already, it's part of the human psyche. People would rather be identified as "moderate" than any form of extreme. They may view "liberal" and "conservative" as extremes and simply call themselves a "moderate" because that's what they believe they are. When you begin questioning a moderate on specific issues where a position is required, they are mostly conservatives or liberals. Likewise, the label "independent" does not mean moderate.

Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe.

Or is this what you've told yourself makes a moderate? Moderate is neither an ideology or philosophy, it is a measure of degree. Generally speaking, it is the opposite of "extremist." Aside from the fact that most people would rather identify as moderate as opposed to extreme, their political views lean left or right most of the time. For instance, how many ACTUAL people do you know who are, say... opposed to legalizing marijuana but favor gay marriage? Or they are opposed to gay marriage but they are pro-choice?

When we cut to the core and look at raw definitions, a true conservative is mostly a moderate.

Moderate: kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Most moderates are conservatives and most conservatives are moderates. It's merely a different way to describe the alternative of extremist liberalism, which is an ideology.

I'm a moderate, a Republican, and a supporter of capitalism. I voted for Romney.

And, as a moderate, you are wrong. I generally don't want a hardcore conservative as President.

Rather than make rationalizations and twist logic to make yourself feel better, why don't you just ask moderates. It's easier than making shit up, though probably not easier for you to believe because you tell yourself a lie conservatives tell themselves to make themselves feel better.

This is simple math. When Republicans are not competitive with people who consider themselves moderates, they lose.

Which is why Romney the moderate lost:eusa_doh:...You're clueless, any Republican will be made into a far right winger like Romney was. Better to actually have a real Conservative then a fake one.
Fake or real, any far right reactionary will not get 40% of the vote.

Cruz will not make it out of South Carolina.
LOL... coming form a Ford Republican, are you the last one?
Cruz's opposition will be going through his stuff with data. He is going to look very, very foolish.

If he ends up debating Kasich, K will rip him a new asshole.
LOL..Kasich? really? Ted Cruz will rip him a new ass.:thup:
Kasich will turn the tables for good when Cruz gives some silly policy plan, and K will say, "The data does not support that, only you do. The American people deserve better than you." The audience will rise applauding K and booing Cruz.

Have you read Cruz's bio? He's a genius and and expert debater ask Alan Dershowitz

Cruz attended high school at Faith West Academy in Katy, Texas,[27] and later graduated from Second Baptist High School in Houston as valedictorian in 1988.[26][28] During high school, Cruz participated in a Houston-based group called theFree Market Education Foundation where he learned about free-market economic philosophers such as Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Frédéric Bastiat and Ludwig von Mises.[29] The program was run by Rolland Storey and Cruz entered the program at the age of 13.[24]

Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton University with a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy[30] from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs in 1992.[4][6] While at Princeton, he competed for the American Whig-Cliosophic Society's Debate Panel and won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship and the 1992 North American Debating Championship.[31] In 1992, he was named U.S. National Speaker of the Year, as well as Team of the Year, with his debate partner, David Panton.[31] Cruz was a semi-finalist at the 1995 World Universities Debating Championship, making him Princeton’s highest-ranked debater at the championship.[32][33] Princeton's debate team later named their annual novice championship after Cruz.[32]

Cruz's senior thesis on the separation of powers, titled "Clipping the Wings of Angels," draws its inspiration from a passage attributed to President James Madison: "If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary." Cruz argued that the drafters of the Constitution intended to protect the rights of their constituents, and that the last two items in the Bill of Rights offer an explicit stop against an all-powerful state. Cruz wrote: "They simply do so from different directions. The Tenth stops new powers, and the Ninth fortifies all other rights, or non-powers."[34][35]

After graduating from Princeton, Cruz attended Harvard Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1995 with a Juris Doctor degree.[6][36] While at Harvard Law, he was a primary editor of the Harvard Law Review, and executive editor of theHarvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, and a founding editor of the Harvard Latino Law Review.[4] Referring to Cruz's time as a student at Harvard Law, Professor Alan Dershowitz said, "Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant." At Harvard Law, Cruz was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Economics.

or James Carville..

Your attempt to redefine moderate is self-serving. Moderates are not conservative. They are moderates. People self-identify as conservative, moderate or liberal. They do not identify themselves as conservative, conservative or liberal. Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe. They are neither inherently conservative or liberal.

The idea that "if only people knew what I believe, they'd support what I believe" is a narcissistic ideological trap.

Conservatives who believe that the best way to win moderates is to get even more conservative misunderstand moderates and politics.

Why does this keep happening? We keep getting "geniuses" telling us how things are but not offering examples or evidence. Here's another page reeled off by liberal lefties, inserting their unfounded opinions as facts and attempting to shut down the debate.

There are VERY few ACTUAL political moderates. I've covered this already, it's part of the human psyche. People would rather be identified as "moderate" than any form of extreme. They may view "liberal" and "conservative" as extremes and simply call themselves a "moderate" because that's what they believe they are. When you begin questioning a moderate on specific issues where a position is required, they are mostly conservatives or liberals. Likewise, the label "independent" does not mean moderate.

Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe.

Or is this what you've told yourself makes a moderate? Moderate is neither an ideology or philosophy, it is a measure of degree. Generally speaking, it is the opposite of "extremist." Aside from the fact that most people would rather identify as moderate as opposed to extreme, their political views lean left or right most of the time. For instance, how many ACTUAL people do you know who are, say... opposed to legalizing marijuana but favor gay marriage? Or they are opposed to gay marriage but they are pro-choice?

When we cut to the core and look at raw definitions, a true conservative is mostly a moderate.

Moderate: kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Most moderates are conservatives and most conservatives are moderates. It's merely a different way to describe the alternative of extremist liberalism, which is an ideology.

I'm a moderate, a Republican, and a supporter of capitalism. I voted for Romney.

And, as a moderate, you are wrong. I generally don't want a hardcore conservative as President.

Rather than make rationalizations and twist logic to make yourself feel better, why don't you just ask moderates. It's easier than making shit up, though probably not easier for you to believe because you tell yourself a lie conservatives tell themselves to make themselves feel better.

This is simple math. When Republicans are not competitive with people who consider themselves moderates, they lose.

Which is why Romney the moderate lost:eusa_doh:...You're clueless, any Republican will be made into a far right winger like Romney was. Better to actually have a real Conservative then a fake one.
Fake or real, any far right reactionary will not get 40% of the vote.

Cruz will not make it out of South Carolina.
LOL... coming form a Ford Republican, are you the last one?
There are quite a few of us, and the millennials in the party, and the mainstream will simply not permit Cruz to be the nominee. The other candidates will use the real data to make the country realize he is the humbug behind the curtain.
Why does this keep happening? We keep getting "geniuses" telling us how things are but not offering examples or evidence. Here's another page reeled off by liberal lefties, inserting their unfounded opinions as facts and attempting to shut down the debate.

There are VERY few ACTUAL political moderates. I've covered this already, it's part of the human psyche. People would rather be identified as "moderate" than any form of extreme. They may view "liberal" and "conservative" as extremes and simply call themselves a "moderate" because that's what they believe they are. When you begin questioning a moderate on specific issues where a position is required, they are mostly conservatives or liberals. Likewise, the label "independent" does not mean moderate.

Moderates agree with some things conservatives believe and some things liberals believe.

Or is this what you've told yourself makes a moderate? Moderate is neither an ideology or philosophy, it is a measure of degree. Generally speaking, it is the opposite of "extremist." Aside from the fact that most people would rather identify as moderate as opposed to extreme, their political views lean left or right most of the time. For instance, how many ACTUAL people do you know who are, say... opposed to legalizing marijuana but favor gay marriage? Or they are opposed to gay marriage but they are pro-choice?

When we cut to the core and look at raw definitions, a true conservative is mostly a moderate.

Moderate: kept or keeping within reasonable or proper limits; not extreme, excessive, or intense.

Conservative: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

Most moderates are conservatives and most conservatives are moderates. It's merely a different way to describe the alternative of extremist liberalism, which is an ideology.

I'm a moderate, a Republican, and a supporter of capitalism. I voted for Romney.

And, as a moderate, you are wrong. I generally don't want a hardcore conservative as President.

Rather than make rationalizations and twist logic to make yourself feel better, why don't you just ask moderates. It's easier than making shit up, though probably not easier for you to believe because you tell yourself a lie conservatives tell themselves to make themselves feel better.

This is simple math. When Republicans are not competitive with people who consider themselves moderates, they lose.

Which is why Romney the moderate lost:eusa_doh:...You're clueless, any Republican will be made into a far right winger like Romney was. Better to actually have a real Conservative then a fake one.
Fake or real, any far right reactionary will not get 40% of the vote.

Cruz will not make it out of South Carolina.
LOL... coming form a Ford Republican, are you the last one?
There are quite a few of us, and the millennials in the party, and the mainstream will simply not permit Cruz to be the nominee.

Young people love Cruz not you old farts
What has been missing for Conservatives is an intelligent voice.

There are hundreds of retards on the air speaking for Conservatives. That's the problem.

Coming from a member of a party who has Status Dough Hillary Clinton as their one and only candidate for president. Is she an intelligent voice? You amuse me sometimes.
What has been missing for Conservatives is an intelligent voice.

There are hundreds of retards on the air speaking for Conservatives. That's the problem.

Coming from a member of a party who has Status Dough Hillary Clinton as their one and only candidate for president. Is she an intelligent voice? You amuse me sometimes.

Leftist seem to like their own rich people, especially those who get rich off of supposedly "serving the people". they are strange in that way:eusa_shhh:
No, far right means a mindless knee jerk opposition to anything that does not conform to the CON$ervoFascist Ideology

Neoconservatives and Neoliberals like you are all the same. You, my friend, are a kook. I love how you spell conservative with a dollar sign, yet you have a multimillionaire in your party running for president!
lol, Rush has been for decades one of the loudest voices claiming the GOP needs to move further to the right to win presidential elections.

He is a major faction in radicalizing conservatives.
And Bossy is simply mindlessly parroting his MessiahRushie's claim that there is no voice for CON$ervoFascism.

January 12, 2015
RUSH: There are a lot of Republicans who are craving leadership right now. You know how many Republican conservatives there are in this country who would just kill for a candidate who could articulate conservatism the same way they do it?

I said last week, and I'm gonna repeat it here again, if such a candidate came along, a leadership, elected politician, elected office type politician, not a commentator, not a pundit, not a radio or TV person. I'm talking about somebody in elective politics who can come along and can articulate conservatism as the average American understands it, this guy could win in a landslide.

These people have been waiting for years for somebody to come along and simply say what they already know to be true, somebody to simply articulate what they already think and what they already feel. And they resent being told that what they think and what they feel is extremist and dangerous and is tiny, minority, and so forth. Because they aren't. They are the backbone of America. They are the ones that make America work. They're the ones that are totally invested in saving this country as founded. And they have nobody in elected politics who talks like they believe. They have nobody saying things they believe in.

Hah! I love it!

You seem to think Rush speaks for all of us!


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