Far Right? Proud Boys

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Proud Boys Leader Admits Their Rallies Are For Fighting And Wasting Money | HuffPost

The Proud Boys for years have helped organize street fights in Portland, Oregon ― gatherings thinly veiled as political freedom rallies in order to secure permits or police escorts from the city.

This week, that veil was lifted, as the group’s leader admitted the ugly and obvious truth: The events are staged with the intention of spurring fights, wasting city resources and winning a game of optics against their anti-fascist neme

Punks ! That is what they are. Fascist punks

Yeah, they "admit it" so clearly, that you don't actually use their words, or quotes, just other people, who hate them, talking about them.

No quote? Really Bud??!

“We’ve wasted all their fucking resources to make this rally,” Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio said in video captured during the latest extremist rally held Saturday in Portland. “We want them to waste $2 million and we’ll do it again in two months.”

If this is a fabricated quote, I would thing that the Huff Post would be sued for liable , But as far as I know they have not been. You are in deep denial. Or, just a liar

Interesting you left this part out.

“The gathering was never about bringing carnage or violence to the city of Portland, it was about financially crippling the progressive hotbed until they take action against antifa,” the gang said in a press release."

By all accounts I've seen so far, that is finally what happened. THe police of Portland FINALLY, actually did there job, though probably more because of the attention brought to them by Trump than because of any expense.

Note that with the police actually taking steps to prevent Antfia from attacking, the Proud Boys quietly marched without incident.

Almost like they were never the problem in the first place.
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.


They have a flag of traitors to our nation who stared a war that killed over 600 thousand Americans and tried to overthrow our government.

The have a flag of nazis from Germany.

I don't know what that third flag represents.

I do know I don't see even one United States flag.

People who are patriotic and love our nation don't carry those flags. They carry the United States of America's flag. The stars and bars.

They make it very clear who and what they are and support. It sure isn't the United States of America.

So, you just believe any shit they feed you, huh?

Apparently YOU do.

I know you are, but what am I?
If this is a fabricated quote, I would thing that the Huff Post would be sued for liable , But as far as I know they have not been. You are in deep denial. Or, just a liar
Because every false quote or actionable statement ever made by some crackpot online magazine monkey are the stuff lawsuits are made of.
And if no one has been sued you can then assure yourself that it's a great litmus test and guarantor of it's validity! It's actually scientifically valid! So if HuffPo hasn't been sued, of course, they've told the absolute truth!

Is that what you meant to say?
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By all accounts I've seen so far, that is finally what happened. THe police of Portland FINALLY, actually did there job, though probably more because of the attention brought to them by Trump than because of any expense.

Note that with the police actually taking steps to prevent Antfia from attacking, the Proud Boys quietly marched without incident.

Almost like they were never the problem in the first place.
You should know the Proud Boys left without being attacked but that didn't stop Antifa from attacking and attempting to beat and knife unlucky bystanders that displeased them somehow.

So the cops in Portland still let Antifa dicks roam free and assault people at will. They just waited for the Proud Boys to
leave town.
Up date!!

Proud Boys Leader Admits Their Rallies Are For Fighting And Wasting Money | HuffPost

The Proud Boys for years have helped organize street fights in Portland, Oregon ― gatherings thinly veiled as political freedom rallies in order to secure permits or police escorts from the city.

This week, that veil was lifted, as the group’s leader admitted the ugly and obvious truth: The events are staged with the intention of spurring fights, wasting city resources and winning a game of optics against their anti-fascist neme

Punks ! That is what they are. Fascist punks

Yeah, they "admit it" so clearly, that you don't actually use their words, or quotes, just other people, who hate them, talking about them.

No quote? Really Bud??!

“We’ve wasted all their fucking resources to make this rally,” Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio said in video captured during the latest extremist rally held Saturday in Portland. “We want them to waste $2 million and we’ll do it again in two months.”

If this is a fabricated quote, I would thing that the Huff Post would be sued for liable , But as far as I know they have not been. You are in deep denial. Or, just a liar

Interesting you left this part out.

“The gathering was never about bringing carnage or violence to the city of Portland, it was about financially crippling the progressive hotbed until they take action against antifa,” the gang said in a press release."

By all accounts I've seen so far, that is finally what happened. THe police of Portland FINALLY, actually did there job, though probably more because of the attention brought to them by Trump than because of any expense.

Note that with the police actually taking steps to prevent Antfia from attacking, the Proud Boys quietly marched without incident.

Almost like they were never the problem in the first place.
Because it does not change anything
By all accounts I've seen so far, that is finally what happened. THe police of Portland FINALLY, actually did there job, though probably more because of the attention brought to them by Trump than because of any expense.

Note that with the police actually taking steps to prevent Antfia from attacking, the Proud Boys quietly marched without incident.

Almost like they were never the problem in the first place.
You should know the Proud Boys left without being attacked but that didn't stop Antifa from attacking and attempting to beat and knife unlucky bystanders that displeased them somehow.

So the cops in Portland still let Antifa dicks roam free and assault people at will. They just waited for the Proud Boys to
leave town.

Good to know, thanks. Not surprising.

I've been waiting for a breakdown of who got arrested. I kind of assume that it will be almost all Antifa fuckers, because, after all, they are evil violent pieces of sub human shit.
Up date!!

Proud Boys Leader Admits Their Rallies Are For Fighting And Wasting Money | HuffPost

The Proud Boys for years have helped organize street fights in Portland, Oregon ― gatherings thinly veiled as political freedom rallies in order to secure permits or police escorts from the city.

This week, that veil was lifted, as the group’s leader admitted the ugly and obvious truth: The events are staged with the intention of spurring fights, wasting city resources and winning a game of optics against their anti-fascist neme

Punks ! That is what they are. Fascist punks

Yeah, they "admit it" so clearly, that you don't actually use their words, or quotes, just other people, who hate them, talking about them.

No quote? Really Bud??!

“We’ve wasted all their fucking resources to make this rally,” Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio said in video captured during the latest extremist rally held Saturday in Portland. “We want them to waste $2 million and we’ll do it again in two months.”

If this is a fabricated quote, I would thing that the Huff Post would be sued for liable , But as far as I know they have not been. You are in deep denial. Or, just a liar

Interesting you left this part out.

“The gathering was never about bringing carnage or violence to the city of Portland, it was about financially crippling the progressive hotbed until they take action against antifa,” the gang said in a press release."

By all accounts I've seen so far, that is finally what happened. THe police of Portland FINALLY, actually did there job, though probably more because of the attention brought to them by Trump than because of any expense.

Note that with the police actually taking steps to prevent Antfia from attacking, the Proud Boys quietly marched without incident.

Almost like they were never the problem in the first place.
Because it does not change anything

It changes the intent from just wanting to hurt the city, to wanting the city government to do it's job in enforcing the law.

YOur claim that it does not change anything is either a lie, or proof that your hate has driven you literally insane.
Good to know, thanks. Not surprising.

I've been waiting for a breakdown of who got arrested. I kind of assume that it will be almost all Antifa fuckers, because, after all, they are evil violent pieces of sub human shit.
Journalist Andy Ngo's attackers have been identified, even down to the license plates on the car they left in.
The Portland police have that information. Still waiting for them to take action.

So in Portland Antifa can literally bash someone's head in and cause brain damage with no visible action from the police.
Good to know, thanks. Not surprising.

I've been waiting for a breakdown of who got arrested. I kind of assume that it will be almost all Antifa fuckers, because, after all, they are evil violent pieces of sub human shit.
Journalist Andy Ngo's attackers have been identified, even down to the license plates on the car they left in.
The Portland police have that information. Still waiting for them to take action.

So in Portland Antifa can literally bash someone's head in and cause brain damage with no visible action from the police.

Cops in dem controlled cities quickly learn the limits of what the dems will tolerate.
If this is a fabricated quote, I would thing that the Huff Post would be sued for liable , But as far as I know they have not been. You are in deep denial. Or, just a liar
Because every false quote or actionable statement ever made by some crackpot online magazine monkey are the stuff lawsuits are made of.
And if no one has been sued you can then assure yourself that it's a great litmus test and guarantor of it's validity! It's actually scientifically valid! So if HuffPo hasn't been sued, of course, they've told the absolute truth!

Is that what you meant to say?
That could be said of every quote that every news outlet ever published. You can't refute this one.
Page 35, and the one lib that really tried to support the claim that the Proud Boys are far right, made some claims, and then when asked to support them, faded away.

So, it is looking pretty obvious that the claim of them being Far Right, is just made up shit.
Page 35, and the one lib that really tried to support the claim that the Proud Boys are far right, made some claims, and then when asked to support them, faded away.

So, it is looking pretty obvious that the claim of them being Far Right, is just made up shit.

They're mainstream conservatism doused in beer is all.
That could be said of every quote that every news outlet ever published. You can't refute this one.
A bunch of quotes from a significantly biased source without any authentically verified source or corroboration ? I sure as hell can refute it! I do refute it.

You are actually asking reasonably bright people to take HuffPo's word for everything and that is asinine.

And your hilariously childish claim that HuffPo would be sued if they put anything online that wasn't true and honest is just pure bull dung! It's only redeeming feature is that it's very funny and comically absurd.
That could be said of every quote that every news outlet ever published. You can't refute this one.
A bunch of quotes from a significantly biased source without any authentically verified source or corroboration ? I sure as hell can refute it! I do refute it.

You are actually asking reasonably bright people to take HuffPo's word for everything and that is asinine.

And your hilariously childish claim that HuffPo would be sued if they put anything online that wasn't true and honest is just pure bull dung! It's only redeeming feature is that it's very funny and comically absurd.
Yes, Einstein, it has a strong left-bias; a fifth grader could tell you that. But it uses PROPER SOURCING. If you don't know how valid media works, they verify their facts from reliable sources prior to publishing.
  • Overall, we rate HuffPost Left-Biased due to story selection that favors the left and Mostly Factual in reporting due to proper sourcing with a few failed fact checks.
Huffington Post (HuffPost) - Media Bias/Fact Check
Yes, Einstein, it has a strong left-bias; a fifth grader could tell you that. But it uses PROPER SOURCING. If you don't know how valid media works, they verify their facts from reliable sources prior to publishing.
  • Overall, we rate HuffPost Left-Biased due to story selection that favors the left and Mostly Factual in reporting due to proper sourcing with a few failed fact checks.
Huffington Post (HuffPost) - Media Bias/Fact Check
What part of "without any authentically verified source or corroboration" do you not understand? Go back to sleep, old woman.
Yes, Einstein, it has a strong left-bias; a fifth grader could tell you that. But it uses PROPER SOURCING. If you don't know how valid media works, they verify their facts from reliable sources prior to publishing.
  • Overall, we rate HuffPost Left-Biased due to story selection that favors the left and Mostly Factual in reporting due to proper sourcing with a few failed fact checks.
Huffington Post (HuffPost) - Media Bias/Fact Check
What part of "without any authentically verified source or corroboration" do you not understand? Go back to sleep, old woman.
There is a verified source or corroboration embedded in publication of most major publications. It is verified PRIOR to being printed. What kind of "verification" are you looking for?
Don't call me an old woman, you fucking turd.
There is a verified source or corroboration embedded in publication of most major publications. It is verified PRIOR to being printed. What kind of "verification" are you looking for?
Are you hooked up to a Jack Daniels I.V. drip? That is the craziest thing I've ever heard.

If the geniuses at HuffPo attribute a whole bunch of inflammatory quotes and references to things they attribute to Joe Blow, the Proud Boy, then they have a duty and legal responsibility to verify those comments and make it clear where they got their quotes from...so people know they are not being lied to.

At least that's what I was told in journalism school in college.
The verification and corroboration should be part of the story itself!! That's how these things work.

There is no, "Oh by the way...everything we have printed or put online is all perfectly legitimate so don't bother looking for attribution and confirmation in any of our stories" get out of libel free cards disclaimers.
How stupid are you, anyway? I think I know (very stupid) but I'd like your take on it.

Don't call me an old woman, you fucking turd.
Then don't have "Old Lady" as your i.d., moron.
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There is a verified source or corroboration embedded in publication of most major publications. It is verified PRIOR to being printed. What kind of "verification" are you looking for?
Are you hooked up to a Jack Daniels I.V. drip? That is the craziest thing I've ever heard.

If the geniuses at HuffPo attribute a whole bunch of inflammatory quotes and references to things they attribute to Joe Blow, the Proud Boy, then they have a duty and legal responsibility to verify those comments and make it clear where they got their quotes from...so people know they are not being lied to.

At least that's what I was told in journalism school in college.
The verification and corroboration should be part of the story itself!! That's how these things work.

There is no, "Oh by the way...everything we have printed or put online is all perfectly legitimate so don't bother looking for attribution and confirmation in any of our stories" get out of libel free cards disclaimers.
How stupid are you, anyway? I think I know (very stupid) but I'd like your take on it.

Don't call me an old woman, you fucking turd.
Then don't have "Old Lady" as your i.d., moron.
The video by candy-something which is in the article has Tarrio saying exactly what was quoted in the article.
What more verification do you need than the man saying the words on video?
Yes, Einstein, it has a strong left-bias; a fifth grader could tell you that. But it uses PROPER SOURCING. If you don't know how valid media works, they verify their facts from reliable sources prior to publishing.
  • Overall, we rate HuffPost Left-Biased due to story selection that favors the left and Mostly Factual in reporting due to proper sourcing with a few failed fact checks.
Huffington Post (HuffPost) - Media Bias/Fact Check
What part of "without any authentically verified source or corroboration" do you not understand? Go back to sleep, old woman.
There is a verified source or corroboration embedded in publication of most major publications. It is verified PRIOR to being printed. What kind of "verification" are you looking for?
Don't call me an old woman, you fucking turd.

He's a fuckin turd for calling you old woman.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, your board name is OldLady.

Two of the sources named that huffpost uses are the NYTs and CBS news.


Gavin McInnes regularly encourages his followers to commit violence against people who disagree with them. In a June 2016 episode of the Gavin McInnes show, he said, “We will kill you. That’s the Proud Boys in a nutshell. We will kill you. We look nice, we seem soft, we have boys in our name…we will assassinate you.” In 2017, he said in an interview that violence “is a really effective way to solve problems” and, also in 2017, McInnes said violence “is a really effective way to solve problems.” Although McInnes has at times repudiated violence, the group routinely engages in it, often with McInnes’ explicit encouragement.

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