Far Right? Proud Boys

Racists tend to be far right.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.

Don't think the KKK 80 years ago is the KKK of today.

We know who is in the KKK today & it is not liberals. It is your ilk.
Lol, lately all those white supremacist doing mass shootings are liberals.
Sure they are, dumbass.
Does your pussy hurt?
Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.

While I don't have the pedigree of your picture, I doubt it is even related to the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys came out of New York, they are not ones of the Confederate battle flag. So I'm going to call this a fraud right of the bat.

I do know that the scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville turned out to be a well know Occupy Wall Street protester, absolutely an agent provocateur.

No, it's not related to them. Here is the caption to the original picture, as it was first published:

"Demonstrators carry Confederate and Nazi flags during the "Unite the Right" free speech rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va. on August 12, 2017."

Hate Is Hate Is Hate. That's Why We're Stronger Fighting It Together

So if that is Charlottesville, then the one with the Nazi flag has already been busted as a Soros plant.

There is a good possibility of it. The left as well as the FBI have been known to go undercover for the purpose of information-gathering or even instigating unrest.

In this case it was propaganda opportunities, or Propos. His job was to get that flag photographed. The filthy lying press made it seem like there were dozens, if not hundreds of such flags, instead of one.

Honestly, the conservative should have kicked his ass when he pulled that out.

Report: Charlottesville Racist Leader Was Former Occupy Activist, Obama Supporter | Breitbart
Racists tend to be far right.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.

Don't think the KKK 80 years ago is the KKK of today.

We know who is in the KKK today & it is not liberals. It is your ilk.
Lol, lately all those white supremacist doing mass shootings are liberals.
Sure they are, dumbass.
Lol, we both know now. Why call me a dumbass. You need to tell your fellow white supremacist to chill out.
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

ANTIFA are the terrorist wing of the democratic party. They replaced the Ku Klux Klan in that role. They are Brown Shirts who exist to create fear. The democrats are not liberals, they are leftists - Stalinists.
Racists tend to be far right.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.

Don't think the KKK 80 years ago is the KKK of today.

We know who is in the KKK today & it is not liberals. It is your ilk.
Lol, lately all those white supremacist doing mass shootings are liberals.
Sure they are, dumbass.
Does your pussy hurt?
Maybe we should ask him if he had the transformation surgery yet!
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

ANTIFA are the terrorist wing of the democratic party. They replaced the Ku Klux Klan in that role. They are Brown Shirts who exist to create fear. The democrats are not liberals, they are leftists - Stalinists.
Link? I thought so. Liar.
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
Link to democratic support for antifa.. I’ll hold. Occupy is not ANTIFA. You will find Dems less irritated with antifa than nazis though. Which so am I. I like rapists less than burglars for example. Doesn’t mean I like burglars.

You fucking commies are something else..

Democratic Congresswoman: These 'Peaceful' Antifa Protesters Are Simply Trying to 'Safeguard' Portland
Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.

While I don't have the pedigree of your picture, I doubt it is even related to the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys came out of New York, they are not ones of the Confederate battle flag. So I'm going to call this a fraud right of the bat.

I do know that the scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville turned out to be a well know Occupy Wall Street protester, absolutely an agent provocateur.

No, it's not related to them. Here is the caption to the original picture, as it was first published:

"Demonstrators carry Confederate and Nazi flags during the "Unite the Right" free speech rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va. on August 12, 2017."

Hate Is Hate Is Hate. That's Why We're Stronger Fighting It Together

So if that is Charlottesville, then the one with the Nazi flag has already been busted as a Soros plant.


Report: Charlottesville Racist Leader Was Former Occupy Activist, Obama Supporter | Breitbart
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
Link to democratic support for antifa.. I’ll hold. Occupy is not ANTIFA. You will find Dems less irritated with antifa than nazis though. Which so am I. I like rapists less than burglars for example. Doesn’t mean I like burglars.

You fucking commies are something else..

Democratic Congresswoman: These 'Peaceful' Antifa Protesters Are Simply Trying to 'Safeguard' Portland
She’s a loopy kunt, Some people are too stupid to breath.
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
Link to democratic support for antifa.. I’ll hold. Occupy is not ANTIFA. You will find Dems less irritated with antifa than nazis though. Which so am I. I like rapists less than burglars for example. Doesn’t mean I like burglars.

You fucking commies are something else..

Democratic Congresswoman: These 'Peaceful' Antifa Protesters Are Simply Trying to 'Safeguard' Portland

Pubs take the stupid award:

Rep Akin (R) said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
Link to democratic support for antifa.. I’ll hold. Occupy is not ANTIFA. You will find Dems less irritated with antifa than nazis though. Which so am I. I like rapists less than burglars for example. Doesn’t mean I like burglars.

You fucking commies are something else..

Democratic Congresswoman: These 'Peaceful' Antifa Protesters Are Simply Trying to 'Safeguard' Portland

Pubs take the stupid award:

Rep Akin (R) said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

No way, mang. The Stupid Award goes to Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson who said he feared that stationing 8,000 Marines on Guam would cause the island to 'become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.'

Or to Obama, who said he visited "all 57 states."

That's a whole kind of stupidity that deserves it's own category there. Yup.
They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

Ohhh look, Hysteria is lying - must be a day ending in "y"

In fact Hysteria, I would say that you and your fellow Maoists are the ones who hate women. You try and erase what it is to be a woman, to make women nothing more than weaker men, to erase the gender completely.

I don't agree with the Proud Boys, but they cherish women AS WOMEN, not as clones of men. You hate women so much you're trying to end womanhood.
Pubs take the stupid award:

Rep Akin (R) said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

While off topic and an absurd straw man, does a beta male like you not grasp the distinction between violent assault and waking up and finding out he's not as cute once your sober? I assume that none of the men you frequent with are ever there when you wake up, so it hasn't been an issue....
Pubs take the stupid award:

Rep Akin (R) said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

While off topic and an absurd straw man, does a beta male like you not grasp the distinction between violent assault and waking up and finding out he's not as cute once your sober? I assume that none of the men you frequent with are ever there when you wake up, so it hasn't been an issue....
Was on topic of stupid things said by other party members. That was the game apparently. Typing “beta man” on the internet is sign #1 of insecurity, just accept who you are and life won’t seem so against you. Your homoerotic typing should be giving you a clue. NTTIAWWT
Pubs take the stupid award:

Rep Akin (R) said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

While off topic and an absurd straw man, does a beta male like you not grasp the distinction between violent assault and waking up and finding out he's not as cute once your sober? I assume that none of the men you frequent with are ever there when you wake up, so it hasn't been an issue....
Was on topic of stupid things said by other party members. That was the game apparently. Typing “beta man” on the internet is sign #1 of insecurity, just accept who you are and life won’t seem so against you. Your homoerotic typing should be giving you a clue. NTTIAWWT

"On your talking points list" from the hate site is not the same as on topic, sploogy.

I get it, you're just another nasty little troll from one of the Soros hate sites reciting scripts you don't really understand. You can't really debate a topic you have zero grasp of, you can only post your hating points. Your type is a dime a dozen around here.
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

ANTIFA are the terrorist wing of the democratic party. They replaced the Ku Klux Klan in that role. They are Brown Shirts who exist to create fear. The democrats are not liberals, they are leftists - Stalinists.
So you are for facism?
Pubs take the stupid award:

Rep Akin (R) said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

While off topic and an absurd straw man, does a beta male like you not grasp the distinction between violent assault and waking up and finding out he's not as cute once your sober? I assume that none of the men you frequent with are ever there when you wake up, so it hasn't been an issue....
Was on topic of stupid things said by other party members. That was the game apparently. Typing “beta man” on the internet is sign #1 of insecurity, just accept who you are and life won’t seem so against you. Your homoerotic typing should be giving you a clue. NTTIAWWT

"On your talking points list" from the hate site is not the same as on topic, sploogy.

I get it, you're just another nasty little troll from one of the Soros hate sites reciting scripts you don't really understand. You can't really debate a topic you have zero grasp of, you can only post your hating points. Your type is a dime a dozen around here.

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