Far Right? Proud Boys

I understand that you won't bother to try to support any of that.

Does it interest you that none of your fellows who believe the same shit, have been able to back it up at all?

Page 27, and so far, nothing.

Do you think that is because they are all stupid? or could it be because the supporting information is not there to be found?
I don't know about any ..errr...fellows.

I do not accept the context that you are attempting to frame your spurious 'arguments'. I don't have to 'support' anything...my opinions stand or fall on their own. You are not the judge of that. Except as it pertains to your own world view. If you think the Proud Boys are a fine fraternal organization of even-handed and fair young men who have gotten a bad deal in the press. You PROVE that!

Are the Proud Boys Done or Are They Just Getting Started?

Yes, I said that you were not going to support it. I'm got that. I covered that.

I was just asking if you find it interesting than none of the liberals that have tried to support it, have been able to.

Is it? Interesting to you? I would think it would be.
Nope..not interesting at all. Why would it?

I need no group affirmation..nor do I seek it.

Not about group affirmation. It is about a position you hold, that no one can substantiate.

ONe you care about enough to have clicked on this thread, and stayed.
Oh..don't mistake my entertainment for caring.

I remember when a young woman told me she preferred The New Generation to Classic Trek.


You care enough to be here. You care enough to fill the thread with your posts. But you don't care that no one can back up the shit you claim to believe.

Your claims are not credible.
Proud Boys are Lip service patriots who owe more allegiance to their local bar than the US flag.

Proud Boys are a howling mob of racist right-wing extremists who gather in packs to start violence.
Just because someone opposes hordes of violent, shrieking, vandalizing commie assholes, that doesn't automatically make them "far right extremists", Karl.
I don't know about any ..errr...fellows.

I do not accept the context that you are attempting to frame your spurious 'arguments'. I don't have to 'support' anything...my opinions stand or fall on their own. You are not the judge of that. Except as it pertains to your own world view. If you think the Proud Boys are a fine fraternal organization of even-handed and fair young men who have gotten a bad deal in the press. You PROVE that!

Are the Proud Boys Done or Are They Just Getting Started?

Yes, I said that you were not going to support it. I'm got that. I covered that.

I was just asking if you find it interesting than none of the liberals that have tried to support it, have been able to.

Is it? Interesting to you? I would think it would be.
Nope..not interesting at all. Why would it?

I need no group affirmation..nor do I seek it.

Not about group affirmation. It is about a position you hold, that no one can substantiate.

ONe you care about enough to have clicked on this thread, and stayed.
Oh..don't mistake my entertainment for caring.

I remember when a young woman told me she preferred The New Generation to Classic Trek.


You care enough to be here. You care enough to fill the thread with your posts. But you don't care that no one can back up the shit you claim to believe.

Your claims are not credible.
Why would I? Good grief..get over yourself already. What makes you think that I'm even talking to you. There is a large audience that never makes their presence known.

It is odd..that you appear to literally be unable to conceive of people that do not need the 'dittos' of others to hold an opinion!

I know you are stuck where you are at. I know that you framed the op in such a way as to elicit straw men that you can knock down.

So I know that I'll play my game..and ignore yours. Except for the occasional laugh.

I care..to have some fun..and that is what I'm doing. i have a lot more fun just analyzing your bs...then you probably have in a week.
Yes, I said that you were not going to support it. I'm got that. I covered that.

I was just asking if you find it interesting than none of the liberals that have tried to support it, have been able to.

Is it? Interesting to you? I would think it would be.
Nope..not interesting at all. Why would it?

I need no group affirmation..nor do I seek it.

Not about group affirmation. It is about a position you hold, that no one can substantiate.

ONe you care about enough to have clicked on this thread, and stayed.
Oh..don't mistake my entertainment for caring.

I remember when a young woman told me she preferred The New Generation to Classic Trek.


You care enough to be here. You care enough to fill the thread with your posts. But you don't care that no one can back up the shit you claim to believe.

Your claims are not credible.
Why would I? Good grief..get over yourself already. What makes you think that I'm even talking to you. .....

I made a post, and you hit the reply button. over and over again.

That is why I think you are talking to me.

My OP question stands. YOu can't answer it, but are just here to fill the thread up with static, to try to hide the fact that neither you, nor any of your compatriots, can support the accusations made.

Normally I don't click on links, with no excerpts, but I did this time.

I didnt' see anything in your linked article to justify, the "incel" claim.

God Forbid that I ask you to support a claim, but could you share with us, what in the piece led you to say that?

Other than the vid entitled INCEL on the front of the page/ LOL!
Well.....how about this? A bunch of whiners.....

The Proud Boys are, mostly, pro-Trump. They believe in closing the borders, legalising all drugs, abolishing prison and giving everyone a gun. If this was in a small town in Colorado, it’d probably be called extreme libertarianism – but in an urban context it feels unusual. They are also a male support group – as I was told over and over again; “a group of guys that like to get together and drink beer”.

For the Proud Boys – guys that just like to get together and drink beer – politics comes up a lot. But I could say the same for people I know who like to get together and drink wine, so… so far so good? We go to drink some beer. I’ve been to 17 states in these ‘United’ States since the beginning of the 2016 electoral race, so the Proud Boy rhetoric is pretty run-of-the-mill; these men feel downtrodden and un-listened to – and they blame feminism and political correctness for it.

On a sunset cruise overlooking the New York skyline, where a number of Proud Boys are getting together for a meet up, one guy tells me, “if you look around here, this boat, these structures are built on the sweat of men’s backs. And now we're getting blamed for everything. So we sweat and bleed and then we get called out for bleeding on the floor”. It’s a common theme. A war on men and manhood, being waged against simple, honest ‘western’ guys. I asked several Proud Boys for specific examples of this gender war in action – but I didn’t get any particular incident or moment that lead them to feel this way. It’s more of a ‘vibe,’ as The Office’s David Brent would say.
Proud Boys and their ilk are a bunch of pussy-whipped, pussy-deprived, lip-service bogus patriots.

Normally I don't click on links, with no excerpts, but I did this time.

I didnt' see anything in your linked article to justify, the "incel" claim.

God Forbid that I ask you to support a claim, but could you share with us, what in the piece led you to say that?

Other than the vid entitled INCEL on the front of the page/ LOL!
Well.....how about this? A bunch of whiners.....

The Proud Boys are, mostly, pro-Trump. They believe in closing the borders, legalising all drugs, abolishing prison and giving everyone a gun. If this was in a small town in Colorado, it’d probably be called extreme libertarianism – but in an urban context it feels unusual. They are also a male support group – as I was told over and over again; “a group of guys that like to get together and drink beer”.

For the Proud Boys – guys that just like to get together and drink beer – politics comes up a lot. But I could say the same for people I know who like to get together and drink wine, so… so far so good? We go to drink some beer. I’ve been to 17 states in these ‘United’ States since the beginning of the 2016 electoral race, so the Proud Boy rhetoric is pretty run-of-the-mill; these men feel downtrodden and un-listened to – and they blame feminism and political correctness for it.

On a sunset cruise overlooking the New York skyline, where a number of Proud Boys are getting together for a meet up, one guy tells me, “if you look around here, this boat, these structures are built on the sweat of men’s backs. And now we're getting blamed for everything. So we sweat and bleed and then we get called out for bleeding on the floor”. It’s a common theme. A war on men and manhood, being waged against simple, honest ‘western’ guys. I asked several Proud Boys for specific examples of this gender war in action – but I didn’t get any particular incident or moment that lead them to feel this way. It’s more of a ‘vibe,’ as The Office’s David Brent would say.

Guys get together and talk about their troubles over a few beers. That is normal and healthy.

That you want to spin that as "a bunch of whiners", is just you being hostile to them.

That you take it a step further and suggest they are "incel", is just you being hostile and dishonest.

BTW, the way they are attacked for normal healthy male behavior?

Supports their contention that there is a "war on men".

If you want to make your case, then you have to say SOMETHING.

A link is to support a point you make. Not be it.

All you did there was state that you are present, and that you hate them.
I checked out the Wikipedia link. Even if you believe Wikipedia is not always a reliable source, they give enough links for doing your own independent research. According to xhe link provided to Wikipedia, Proud Boys are definitely a far-right group.
No proof huh? A biased link proves nothing.
Typical Trumpette running in circles screaming "fake News".
Racists tend to be far right.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.

Don't think the KKK 80 years ago is the KKK of today.

We know who is in the KKK today & it is not liberals. It is your ilk.

This thread is a chance for people like you to explain and support your accusations, specifically against the Proud BOys.

Not make accusations. We get plenty of that. Support them.

If you want to make your case, then you have to say SOMETHING.

A link is to support a point you make. Not be it.

All you did there was state that you are present, and that you hate them.
I checked out the Wikipedia link. Even if you believe Wikipedia is not always a reliable source, they give enough links for doing your own independent research. According to xhe link provided to Wikipedia, Proud Boys are definitely a far-right group.
No proof huh? A biased link proves nothing.
Typical Trumpette running in circles screaming "fake News".
thats what it is loser
Racists tend to be far right.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.

Don't think the KKK 80 years ago is the KKK of today.

We know who is in the KKK today & it is not liberals. It is your ilk.

This thread is a chance for people like you to explain and support your accusations, specifically against the Proud BOys.

Not make accusations. We get plenty of that. Support them.

They are fsr right wing assholes. No more needs to be said.
Racists tend to be far right.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.

Don't think the KKK 80 years ago is the KKK of today.

We know who is in the KKK today & it is not liberals. It is your ilk.

This thread is a chance for people like you to explain and support your accusations, specifically against the Proud BOys.

Not make accusations. We get plenty of that. Support them.

They are fsr right wing assholes. No more needs to be said.

Got is page 30, and we have another, not able to support the accusations, but still holding to it.

If it makes you feel better, you are in the vast majority of liberals. Only a few have even tried.

Penelope mostly. Though she is still looking for a link to support her claim(s).
The Proud Boys are the modern equivalent of Hitler youth with Donald Trump as their Hitler.
The Proud Boys are the modern equivalent of Hitler youth with Donald Trump as their Hitler.

The thread was started specifically so that people who believe that could support it.

So far, TWO have tried, neither with much success.

Many more have chosen instead to make unsupported assertions.

Page 30 and it grows more obvious with each post that the Proud Boys are not "Far Right".

That is just something said by people who don't like them, and further more, those people know they are lying.

Mostly. A few have honestly tried to support their claims.

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