Far Right? Proud Boys

Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
The Dems have nothing to do with the Antifa..the leadership is decentralized and bands of 'Antifa' differ widely in both ideology and 'ways and means' to effect change and resist Fascism.

The Democratic leadership flirts with Antifa just the way Trump flirts with the far Right. Vote-mining....simple as that.

But the heart of Antifa is Anarchism, Bakunin-style. Tear it all down..any cause which disrupts is a good thing. The various Action Blocs are no joke..and some are terrorists..in heart if not yet in deed.

Mikhail Bakunin - Wikipedia
They hide their faces with masks, And they have absolutely zero commonsense. No doubt they are cowardly motherfuckers
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

"Alt right" is a term that has been used very broadly over the last few months.

The topic here is the Proud Boys. Do you have anything to say about THEM?
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
The Dems have nothing to do with the Antifa..the leadership is decentralized and bands of 'Antifa' differ widely in both ideology and 'ways and means' to effect change and resist Fascism.

The Democratic leadership flirts with Antifa just the way Trump flirts with the far Right. Vote-mining....simple as that.

But the heart of Antifa is Anarchism, Bakunin-style. Tear it all down..any cause which disrupts is a good thing. The various Action Blocs are no joke..and some are terrorists..in heart if not yet in deed.

Mikhail Bakunin - Wikipedia
They hide their faces with masks, And they have absolutely zero commonsense. No doubt they are cowardly motherfuckers
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?

So how do you feel about doing away with all internal combustion engines, fossil fuels, airplanes, retro-fitting every building in America, a free education for life, a free house, and banning cows?

Just how "common sense" is that?

Are you really so very stupid as to think that everyone on the left buys into all that crap? Really? Just like, do you really think that everyone on the Right thinks climate change is a hoax?

It's just Loons striking sparks from wingnuts.

A pox on them both.
Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
The Dems have nothing to do with the Antifa..the leadership is decentralized and bands of 'Antifa' differ widely in both ideology and 'ways and means' to effect change and resist Fascism.

The Democratic leadership flirts with Antifa just the way Trump flirts with the far Right. Vote-mining....simple as that.

But the heart of Antifa is Anarchism, Bakunin-style. Tear it all down..any cause which disrupts is a good thing. The various Action Blocs are no joke..and some are terrorists..in heart if not yet in deed.

Mikhail Bakunin - Wikipedia
They hide their faces with masks, And they have absolutely zero commonsense. No doubt they are cowardly motherfuckers
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

But even you would have to admit that they are Democrats. True, the majority of antifa members support Bernie Sanders, the Green Party, the Socialist Party USA, or even the CPUSA.

But when it comes time to vote, I guarantee you pretty much all of them are pulling the lever marked "D".

See who you are in bed with?
The Dems have nothing to do with the Antifa..the leadership is decentralized and bands of 'Antifa' differ widely in both ideology and 'ways and means' to effect change and resist Fascism.

The Democratic leadership flirts with Antifa just the way Trump flirts with the far Right. Vote-mining....simple as that.

But the heart of Antifa is Anarchism, Bakunin-style. Tear it all down..any cause which disrupts is a good thing. The various Action Blocs are no joke..and some are terrorists..in heart if not yet in deed.

Mikhail Bakunin - Wikipedia
They hide their faces with masks, And they have absolutely zero commonsense. No doubt they are cowardly motherfuckers
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

"Alt right" is a term that has been used very broadly over the last few months.

The topic here is the Proud Boys. Do you have anything to say about THEM?
The topic..is fluid..sorry for your luck in not controlling the conversation.

The Proud Boys are just another bunch of pencil necked Incels who are sublimating their misogyny and racism into the formation of yet another 'girl haters, white boys only' club. You wish to somehow make a difference where there is none..set up an argument..so that you can prove some esoteric point, I guess.

I'd lock them in a large stadium with the Antifa and all the rest of their ilk and sell tickets.
The Dems have nothing to do with the Antifa..the leadership is decentralized and bands of 'Antifa' differ widely in both ideology and 'ways and means' to effect change and resist Fascism.

The Democratic leadership flirts with Antifa just the way Trump flirts with the far Right. Vote-mining....simple as that.

But the heart of Antifa is Anarchism, Bakunin-style. Tear it all down..any cause which disrupts is a good thing. The various Action Blocs are no joke..and some are terrorists..in heart if not yet in deed.

Mikhail Bakunin - Wikipedia
They hide their faces with masks, And they have absolutely zero commonsense. No doubt they are cowardly motherfuckers
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

But even you would have to admit that they are Democrats. True, the majority of antifa members support Bernie Sanders, the Green Party, the Socialist Party USA, or even the CPUSA.

But when it comes time to vote, I guarantee you pretty much all of them are pulling the lever marked "D".

See who you are in bed with?
I suspect that when it comes time to vote..the Antifa is smoking a joint somewhere. It is a point of pride with many of them that they do not participate in the process at all..except to disrupt it. You don't really know all that much about them, i can see. Most Antifa see zero difference between political parties. They want to tear the entire system down.

Some are hard-core Communists....and a far cry indeed from Socialists. Anarchists--are not..Democrats.

By your logic..most hard-core racists and white nationalists, when it comes time to vote, are voting R. Do you accept that as a truth?
They hide their faces with masks, And they have absolutely zero commonsense. No doubt they are cowardly motherfuckers
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

"Alt right" is a term that has been used very broadly over the last few months.

The topic here is the Proud Boys. Do you have anything to say about THEM?
The topic..is fluid..sorry for your luck in not controlling the conversation.

The Proud Boys are just another bunch of pencil necked Incels who are sublimating their misogyny and racism into the formation of yet another 'girl haters, white boys only' club. You wish to somehow make a difference where there is none..set up an argument..so that you can prove some esoteric point, I guess.

I'd lock them in a large stadium with the Antifa and all the rest of their ilk and sell tickets.

I understand that you won't bother to try to support any of that.

Does it interest you that none of your fellows who believe the same shit, have been able to back it up at all?

Page 27, and so far, nothing.

Do you think that is because they are all stupid? or could it be because the supporting information is not there to be found?
They hide their faces with masks, And they have absolutely zero commonsense. No doubt they are cowardly motherfuckers
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

But even you would have to admit that they are Democrats. True, the majority of antifa members support Bernie Sanders, the Green Party, the Socialist Party USA, or even the CPUSA.

But when it comes time to vote, I guarantee you pretty much all of them are pulling the lever marked "D".

See who you are in bed with?
I suspect that when it comes time to vote..the Antifa is smoking a joint somewhere. It is a point of pride with many of them that they do not participate in the process at all..except to disrupt it. You don't really know all that much about them, i can see. Most Antifa see zero difference between political parties. They want to tear the entire system down.

Some are hard-core Communists....and a far cry indeed from Socialists. Anarchists--are not..Democrats.

By your logic..most hard-core racists and white nationalists, when it comes time to vote, are voting R. Do you accept that as a truth?

Of course they vote Republican. But the crux of the matter is that you don't see these perceived "hard-core racists and white nationalists" rioting, violently attacking and assaulting people, committing acts of vandalism, setting fires at universities, threatening war, and marching around with weapons. Sure, they might have at one time, but where are they now?

If the far right had been doing some of the things antifa has been doing, it would be all over the news.
How do you have any idea of their 'commonsense'? Weird.
All the fringes, Right and Left, are cowardly...and are genetic rejects..so what?
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

"Alt right" is a term that has been used very broadly over the last few months.

The topic here is the Proud Boys. Do you have anything to say about THEM?
The topic..is fluid..sorry for your luck in not controlling the conversation.

The Proud Boys are just another bunch of pencil necked Incels who are sublimating their misogyny and racism into the formation of yet another 'girl haters, white boys only' club. You wish to somehow make a difference where there is none..set up an argument..so that you can prove some esoteric point, I guess.

I'd lock them in a large stadium with the Antifa and all the rest of their ilk and sell tickets.

I understand that you won't bother to try to support any of that.

Does it interest you that none of your fellows who believe the same shit, have been able to back it up at all?

Page 27, and so far, nothing.

Do you think that is because they are all stupid? or could it be because the supporting information is not there to be found?
I don't know about any ..errr...fellows.

I do not accept the context that you are attempting to frame your spurious 'arguments'. I don't have to 'support' anything...my opinions stand or fall on their own. You are not the judge of that. Except as it pertains to your own world view. If you think the Proud Boys are a fine fraternal organization of even-handed and fair young men who have gotten a bad deal in the press. You PROVE that!

Are the Proud Boys Done or Are They Just Getting Started?
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

You are trying to cloak yourself in the glory of long-dead people, without even knowing the history of all of the people who were alive at the same time as they were and whose labors, voluntary or forced, helped them along. You give me portraits of people who were attending meetings when they had children to raise and they were not home to raise them, feed them, clean them, instruct them. Other people did these things for them, took up their responsibilities, so that they could attend these meetings.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

You are trying to cloak yourself in the glory of long-dead people, without even knowing the history of all of the people who were alive at the same time as they were and whose labors, voluntary or forced, helped them along. You give me portraits of people who were attending meetings when they had children to raise and they were not home to raise them, feed them, clean them, instruct them. Other people did these things for them, took up their responsibilities, so that they could attend these meetings.
^Self hating white girl with Daddy issues for sure. Women like this are why none were allowed to vote back in the day.
They are all fucked in the head, that’s the one thing all progressives have in common. They have zero commonsense obviously.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

"Alt right" is a term that has been used very broadly over the last few months.

The topic here is the Proud Boys. Do you have anything to say about THEM?
The topic..is fluid..sorry for your luck in not controlling the conversation.

The Proud Boys are just another bunch of pencil necked Incels who are sublimating their misogyny and racism into the formation of yet another 'girl haters, white boys only' club. You wish to somehow make a difference where there is none..set up an argument..so that you can prove some esoteric point, I guess.

I'd lock them in a large stadium with the Antifa and all the rest of their ilk and sell tickets.

I understand that you won't bother to try to support any of that.

Does it interest you that none of your fellows who believe the same shit, have been able to back it up at all?

Page 27, and so far, nothing.

Do you think that is because they are all stupid? or could it be because the supporting information is not there to be found?
I don't know about any ..errr...fellows.

I do not accept the context that you are attempting to frame your spurious 'arguments'. I don't have to 'support' anything...my opinions stand or fall on their own. You are not the judge of that. Except as it pertains to your own world view. If you think the Proud Boys are a fine fraternal organization of even-handed and fair young men who have gotten a bad deal in the press. You PROVE that!

Are the Proud Boys Done or Are They Just Getting Started?

Yes, I said that you were not going to support it. I'm got that. I covered that.

I was just asking if you find it interesting than none of the liberals that have tried to support it, have been able to.

Is it? Interesting to you? I would think it would be.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

You are trying to cloak yourself in the glory of long-dead people, without even knowing the history of all of the people who were alive at the same time as they were and whose labors, voluntary or forced, helped them along. You give me portraits of people who were attending meetings when they had children to raise and they were not home to raise them, feed them, clean them, instruct them. Other people did these things for them, took up their responsibilities, so that they could attend these meetings.

Better check what you just wrote..."They oppose heterosexuality."

Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

They advertise themselves as "western chauvinists", which is to say they believe that the "West is the Best".

That has nothing to do with "hating women".

We know that you libs hate them and have negative opinions of them.

The point of this thread, the topic of the OP, is asking if any of you can support the specific slur

"far right".

SO, far, here have not been many libs who have even tried.

If you want to try, that would be nice. If not, let's not fill the thread up with garbage and end up burying the few libs with the balls to try.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

They advertise themselves as "western chauvinists", which is to say they believe that the "West is the Best".

That has nothing to do with "hating women".

We know that you libs hate them and have negative opinions of them.

The point of this thread, the topic of the OP, is asking if any of you can support the specific slur

"far right".

SO, far, here have not been many libs who have even tried.

If you want to try, that would be nice. If not, let's not fill the thread up with garbage and end up burying the few libs with the balls to try.

The proud boys are cast as "far right" and antifa as "anti-fascist" in literally every single news article on the subject of the Portland protests. Even though PR has very moderate political views and Antifa is openly communist. Go figure.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

They advertise themselves as "western chauvinists", which is to say they believe that the "West is the Best".

That has nothing to do with "hating women".

We know that you libs hate them and have negative opinions of them.

The point of this thread, the topic of the OP, is asking if any of you can support the specific slur

"far right".

SO, far, here have not been many libs who have even tried.

If you want to try, that would be nice. If not, let's not fill the thread up with garbage and end up burying the few libs with the balls to try.

The proud boys are cast as "far right" and antifa as "anti-fascist" in literally every single news article on the subject of the Portland protests. Even though PR has very moderate political views and Antifa is openly communist. Go figure.

It shows that the media, is primarily a propaganda mechanism, more than anything else.
They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

They advertise themselves as "western chauvinists", which is to say they believe that the "West is the Best".

That has nothing to do with "hating women".

We know that you libs hate them and have negative opinions of them.

The point of this thread, the topic of the OP, is asking if any of you can support the specific slur

"far right".

SO, far, here have not been many libs who have even tried.

If you want to try, that would be nice. If not, let's not fill the thread up with garbage and end up burying the few libs with the balls to try.

The proud boys are cast as "far right" and antifa as "anti-fascist" in literally every single news article on the subject of the Portland protests. Even though PR has very moderate political views and Antifa is openly communist. Go figure.

It shows that the media, is primarily a propaganda mechanism, more than anything else.

In the goofy as hell and much-publicized video of the guy in the roman centurion costume getting assaulted by a mob of commies, how could anyone not notice the star of david emblazoned on his helmet and the "I hate racism" slogan on his back?
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

They are open about hating women, the other half of humanity. Very open, up front, in your face.

No, they don't. As you well know, because you could not find any links to support your bat shit crazy claim.

They advertise themselves as "chauvinist." They oppose heterosexuality. They hate women. They hate civilized society; the idea that we humans are all in this together. The "western chauvinism" is just part of alt-right trash.

You are trying to cloak yourself in the glory of long-dead people, without even knowing the history of all of the people who were alive at the same time as they were and whose labors, voluntary or forced, helped them along. You give me portraits of people who were attending meetings when they had children to raise and they were not home to raise them, feed them, clean them, instruct them. Other people did these things for them, took up their responsibilities, so that they could attend these meetings.
^Self hating white girl with Daddy issues for sure. Women like this are why none were allowed to vote back in the day.

Says some dick worshiper. My father was a million times what you will never be. Miss HIM. Discussions on the porch with iced tea of issues of such things as why the U.S. had to bomb Nagasaki. He was no pickup truck scum. He was the one who always told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be. He was the keeper of my dreams; my rock in anything I wanted to do. When I was a teenager and leaving the Roman Catholic Church, he was the one who drove me to any house of worship I wanted to visit. He had no issues with people who were different from him in terms of race, sex, religion, nationality, sexuality, or anything else. I celebrate a pure man.

You don't have any intellectual ability, do you?

In memory of my Father, a humble gentleman of greatness.
Most Antifa are not Progressive--anarchists are different....as for commonsense..there are plenty of Alt/right idiots that I'd not trust to know their asses from a hole in the ground.

"Alt right" is a term that has been used very broadly over the last few months.

The topic here is the Proud Boys. Do you have anything to say about THEM?
The topic..is fluid..sorry for your luck in not controlling the conversation.

The Proud Boys are just another bunch of pencil necked Incels who are sublimating their misogyny and racism into the formation of yet another 'girl haters, white boys only' club. You wish to somehow make a difference where there is none..set up an argument..so that you can prove some esoteric point, I guess.

I'd lock them in a large stadium with the Antifa and all the rest of their ilk and sell tickets.

I understand that you won't bother to try to support any of that.

Does it interest you that none of your fellows who believe the same shit, have been able to back it up at all?

Page 27, and so far, nothing.

Do you think that is because they are all stupid? or could it be because the supporting information is not there to be found?
I don't know about any ..errr...fellows.

I do not accept the context that you are attempting to frame your spurious 'arguments'. I don't have to 'support' anything...my opinions stand or fall on their own. You are not the judge of that. Except as it pertains to your own world view. If you think the Proud Boys are a fine fraternal organization of even-handed and fair young men who have gotten a bad deal in the press. You PROVE that!

Are the Proud Boys Done or Are They Just Getting Started?

Yes, I said that you were not going to support it. I'm got that. I covered that.

I was just asking if you find it interesting than none of the liberals that have tried to support it, have been able to.

Is it? Interesting to you? I would think it would be.
Nope..not interesting at all. Why would it?

I need no group affirmation..nor do I seek it.
"Alt right" is a term that has been used very broadly over the last few months.

The topic here is the Proud Boys. Do you have anything to say about THEM?
The topic..is fluid..sorry for your luck in not controlling the conversation.

The Proud Boys are just another bunch of pencil necked Incels who are sublimating their misogyny and racism into the formation of yet another 'girl haters, white boys only' club. You wish to somehow make a difference where there is none..set up an argument..so that you can prove some esoteric point, I guess.

I'd lock them in a large stadium with the Antifa and all the rest of their ilk and sell tickets.

I understand that you won't bother to try to support any of that.

Does it interest you that none of your fellows who believe the same shit, have been able to back it up at all?

Page 27, and so far, nothing.

Do you think that is because they are all stupid? or could it be because the supporting information is not there to be found?
I don't know about any ..errr...fellows.

I do not accept the context that you are attempting to frame your spurious 'arguments'. I don't have to 'support' anything...my opinions stand or fall on their own. You are not the judge of that. Except as it pertains to your own world view. If you think the Proud Boys are a fine fraternal organization of even-handed and fair young men who have gotten a bad deal in the press. You PROVE that!

Are the Proud Boys Done or Are They Just Getting Started?

Yes, I said that you were not going to support it. I'm got that. I covered that.

I was just asking if you find it interesting than none of the liberals that have tried to support it, have been able to.

Is it? Interesting to you? I would think it would be.
Nope..not interesting at all. Why would it?

I need no group affirmation..nor do I seek it.

Not about group affirmation. It is about a position you hold, that no one can substantiate.

ONe you care about enough to have clicked on this thread, and stayed.
The topic..is fluid..sorry for your luck in not controlling the conversation.

The Proud Boys are just another bunch of pencil necked Incels who are sublimating their misogyny and racism into the formation of yet another 'girl haters, white boys only' club. You wish to somehow make a difference where there is none..set up an argument..so that you can prove some esoteric point, I guess.

I'd lock them in a large stadium with the Antifa and all the rest of their ilk and sell tickets.

I understand that you won't bother to try to support any of that.

Does it interest you that none of your fellows who believe the same shit, have been able to back it up at all?

Page 27, and so far, nothing.

Do you think that is because they are all stupid? or could it be because the supporting information is not there to be found?
I don't know about any ..errr...fellows.

I do not accept the context that you are attempting to frame your spurious 'arguments'. I don't have to 'support' anything...my opinions stand or fall on their own. You are not the judge of that. Except as it pertains to your own world view. If you think the Proud Boys are a fine fraternal organization of even-handed and fair young men who have gotten a bad deal in the press. You PROVE that!

Are the Proud Boys Done or Are They Just Getting Started?

Yes, I said that you were not going to support it. I'm got that. I covered that.

I was just asking if you find it interesting than none of the liberals that have tried to support it, have been able to.

Is it? Interesting to you? I would think it would be.
Nope..not interesting at all. Why would it?

I need no group affirmation..nor do I seek it.

Not about group affirmation. It is about a position you hold, that no one can substantiate.

ONe you care about enough to have clicked on this thread, and stayed.
Oh..don't mistake my entertainment for caring.

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