Far Right? Proud Boys

How is wanking bad for your health ?
It makes you a liberal Democrat. Real men go out and get what they want.

My God. The temptation for posting a meme. So many bad choices.....

Racists tend to be far right.

Care to show them having or saying racist things? Or is this more of a drive by?
They consort with obvious racist groups & admit racists into their group.

Sort of like the Republican Party.

As opposed to consorting with obviously communistic groups being comprised of primarily communists and anti-Semites, themselves?

Very much like the Democrat Party, ain't it? No fascist or racist group in history has ran up the body count your heroes have. Communism has murdered more than 100 million people throughout history. Please feel free to add another 50 million to your body count if you consider abortion, the majority of whom were blacks and other minorities.
Unfortunately, the narrative created by the left, supported by democrats and propagated by MSM is that anything opposed to far left extremism is designated far right extremist.
That’s why my headline on MSN.com referred to this recent clash as ‘right-wing rally’ with ‘counter-protestors vs far right extremists’. Totally dishonest.
13 arrested, 6 injured at Portland right-wing rally: Police
Racists tend to be far right.

Care to show them having or saying racist things? Or is this more of a drive by?
They consort with obvious racist groups & admit racists into their group.

Sort of like the Republican Party.

As opposed to consorting with obviously communistic groups being comprised of primarily communists and anti-Semites, themselves?

Very much like the Democrat Party, ain't it? No fascist or racist group in history has ran up the body count your heroes have. Communism has murdered more than 100 million people throughout history. Please feel free to add another 50 million to your body count if you consider abortion, the majority of whom were blacks and other minorities.

Communists? Really?

And we all know that no Republicans get abortions.
Unfortunately, the narrative created by the left, supported by democrats and propagated by MSM is that anything opposed to far left extremism is designated far right extremist.
That’s why my headline on MSN.com referred to this recent clash as ‘right-wing rally’ with ‘counter-protestors vs far right extremists’. Totally dishonest.
13 arrested, 6 injured at Portland right-wing rally: Police
So, the rally was NOT organized by far right assfucks?
Unfortunately, the narrative created by the left, supported by democrats and propagated by MSM is that anything opposed to far left extremism is designated far right extremist.
That’s why my headline on MSN.com referred to this recent clash as ‘right-wing rally’ with ‘counter-protestors vs far right extremists’. Totally dishonest.
13 arrested, 6 injured at Portland right-wing rally: Police
So, the rally was NOT organized by far right assfucks?
It was a non-far-left-extremist rally.
Racists tend to be far right.

Care to show them having or saying racist things? Or is this more of a drive by?
They consort with obvious racist groups & admit racists into their group.

Sort of like the Republican Party.

As opposed to consorting with obviously communistic groups being comprised of primarily communists and anti-Semites, themselves?

Very much like the Democrat Party, ain't it? No fascist or racist group in history has ran up the body count your heroes have. Communism has murdered more than 100 million people throughout history. Please feel free to add another 50 million to your body count if you consider abortion, the majority of whom were blacks and other minorities.

Communists? Really?

And we all know that no Republicans get abortions.

Communists really...





Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.
I have yet to hear anyone call the Antifa thugs "far left."

They are mainstream Democrats to the MSM.

I encourage them to run with that.
I ignored it. That's because, from the context of the rest of your posts, I don't think you have the slightest comprehension of classic liberal American values. If you did, you'd see that fascism is wholly incompatible.
I do, and who is a fan of fascism? Not me.
But you go ahead and keep pretending you haven't already jumped to the conclusion you wanted to be at from the start.

It's interesting the way socialists and nationalists are playing the same game. Each group is trying to re-claim a term that has, for good reason, become a pejorative. And I have to wonder why.
So do I. Nationalism only states that one holds his own nation in high esteem and backs it's interests over all other nations when there is a conflict in some way (i.e. trade with China).
How "horrible" and "harmful" is that? I thought every nation on earth worked in it's own self interests. Am I wrong?
Does Mexico or India or Sweden or Thailand not want what is best for itself?

I'm not for inflexible or reflexive nationalism and I'm not an absolutist in the matter either. But by and large, I'm for what's good for America.

If the socialism of Bernie Sanders and AOC isn't really socialism, or is supposed to be radically different than traditional perceptions of socialism, why call it "socialism"?

Likewise, if the nationalism Trump is selling has nothing to do with the nationalism that has caused so many problems historically, why use the word?
:icon_rolleyes: Because if the left wing smear machine can take a word and drain it of any positive connotations and attach it to Trump, because he stands up for this nation in situations like: when it comes to NATO, when it comes to the criminal trade imbalance with China, when it comes to our borders, and make people like your fear and reflexively recoil from it (nationalism) then of course that's what they'll do.

And judging from your example it's worked really well among a certain percentage of the nation.
Will it keep Trump out of the White House? I doubt it. The multi year war on Trump
has turned off more people than it's energized.

In both cases, the truth is that the "new" campaign (for nationalism or socialism) isn't any different that the previous round. Socialists want real socialism and nationalists want real nationalism. It's the same socialism and nationalism that we rejected previously. But by abusing the terms with constant equivocation, they're hoping to get people to accept them without consideration.
Nationalism, the idea that the US is, for the most part, a positive worthwhile place has gotten a black eye from the left since the sixties which is why I referenced Howard Zinn several times. He personifies the socialist far left view that America is a cancer and has far too much power and prestige and the word itself "nationalism" has become almost a dirty word (although not among the millions who would do anything to live here, Trump or not).

If you think being a nationalist is evil no one can change your mind. I certainly don't care to try as it's pointless and anyone that thinks the US isn't legitimately worth elevating in one's perceptions then I don't care to argue the matter. Because it's like religion.
Either your values align or they don't.
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Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.

While I don't have the pedigree of your picture, I doubt it is even related to the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys came out of New York, they are not ones of the Confederate battle flag. So I'm going to call this a fraud right of the bat.

I do know that the scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville turned out to be a well know Occupy Wall Street protester, absolutely an agent provocateur.
The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

The opposite of Nationalism is Globalism. Those who slander the notion of a sovereign nation are advocating globalism.

The sudden hatred of nationalism is driven by the need for an open border, which is the strategy of the left to retain power.

Nations have borders, if they erase the nation, they erase the border.
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.

While I don't have the pedigree of your picture, I doubt it is even related to the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys came out of New York, they are not ones of the Confederate battle flag. So I'm going to call this a fraud right of the bat.

I do know that the scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville turned out to be a well know Occupy Wall Street protester, absolutely an agent provocateur.

No, it's not related to them. Here is the caption to the original picture, as it was first published:

"Demonstrators carry Confederate and Nazi flags during the "Unite the Right" free speech rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va. on August 12, 2017."

Hate Is Hate Is Hate. That's Why We're Stronger Fighting It Together
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.

While I don't have the pedigree of your picture, I doubt it is even related to the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys came out of New York, they are not ones of the Confederate battle flag. So I'm going to call this a fraud right of the bat.

I do know that the scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville turned out to be a well know Occupy Wall Street protester, absolutely an agent provocateur.

No, it's not related to them. Here is the caption to the original picture, as it was first published:

"Demonstrators carry Confederate and Nazi flags during the "Unite the Right" free speech rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va. on August 12, 2017."

Hate Is Hate Is Hate. That's Why We're Stronger Fighting It Together

So if that is Charlottesville, then the one with the Nazi flag has already been busted as a Soros plant.
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.

While I don't have the pedigree of your picture, I doubt it is even related to the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys came out of New York, they are not ones of the Confederate battle flag. So I'm going to call this a fraud right of the bat.

I do know that the scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville turned out to be a well know Occupy Wall Street protester, absolutely an agent provocateur.

No, it's not related to them. Here is the caption to the original picture, as it was first published:

"Demonstrators carry Confederate and Nazi flags during the "Unite the Right" free speech rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va. on August 12, 2017."

Hate Is Hate Is Hate. That's Why We're Stronger Fighting It Together

So if that is Charlottesville, then the one with the Nazi flag has already been busted as a Soros plant.

There is a good possibility of it. The left as well as the FBI have been known to go undercover for the purpose of information-gathering or even instigating unrest.
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.
Proud Boys are Alt Lite. They don’t champion the in your face white supremacy of their cousins. They mostly exist as a violent arm to protest liberals. If liberals are the opposite of Proud Boys they are by definition Right Wing.

It’s of course as hard to pin down PB’s political positions just like it is of ANTIFA so the OP is disingenuous.

Antida doesn’t represent liberal ideology. It’s anarchism.

Anarchism as it may be, the Democrats own antifa lock, stock, and barrel. Many Democrats including Kieth Ellison who was the former head of the DNC, have either supported them or have been willing to ignore their violence.

Antifa BTW, evolved from the Occupy Wall Street movement, whom Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, and Obama openly embraced.
Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.

While I don't have the pedigree of your picture, I doubt it is even related to the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys came out of New York, they are not ones of the Confederate battle flag. So I'm going to call this a fraud right of the bat.

I do know that the scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville turned out to be a well know Occupy Wall Street protester, absolutely an agent provocateur.

No, it's not related to them. Here is the caption to the original picture, as it was first published:

"Demonstrators carry Confederate and Nazi flags during the "Unite the Right" free speech rally at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va. on August 12, 2017."

Hate Is Hate Is Hate. That's Why We're Stronger Fighting It Together

So if that is Charlottesville, then the one with the Nazi flag has already been busted as a Soros plant.

There is a good possibility of it. The left as well as the FBI have been known to go undercover for the purpose of information-gathering or even instigating unrest.
You better believe it. FBI is all over Antifa and the a/t/right. I bet you got informants informing on informants...LOL!

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