Far Right? Proud Boys

Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
The guy with the flag is no plant. You think the folks around him wouldn't notice if someone was carrying a flag they were opposed to? This is a pic from a previous rally, not yesterday's. The Proud Boys are cleaning up their "image" due to investigations and arrests of folks a little too close to home. Good on them. But please don't be dumb enough to think they're a bunch of Moose Lodge beer drinkers who have no wish to fight. They were trolling for Antifa to take the bait yesterday and if the cops hadn't come down on all of them like a ton of bricks, they probably would have.
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.
Socialism only suits cowards
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.
Socialism only suits cowards

Same with nationalism. Probably why they so often go together.
The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

Yep. I sure don't like it. Nationalism doesn't elevate us. It does the opposite.
Fascism should have died in the 40s. It is every ones duty to fight fascists.
Then I would gladly fight you if I had the chance. The extreme left has simply branded everyone it opposes as "fascists" the same way democrats have branded all their political opposites as "racists".

Real fascism died out after WWII. The sort of fake re-branded fascism the fringe left opposes hardly exists at all anymore except for the far outliers that actually identify as Nazis and they are mostly in prison and in biker gangs.

Fascism is good for the left. It gives them a boogieman to scare each other with and is a motivating tool to keep dullards like yourself in rank.
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.
Socialism only suits cowards
Ya, probably most of those paratroopers who jumped out of planes on D-Day and fought till the end of WWII in Europe and began preparing for battles in Japan were more than likely disguising their cowardice with pretend acts of combat bravery.
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.
Socialism only suits cowards

Same with nationalism. Probably why they so often go together.
The only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

Yep. I sure don't like it. Nationalism doesn't elevate us. It does the opposite.
The federal government pretty much disregards the 10th amendment, the true divide in this country is rural and urban.
Neither of which have any of the same needs, wants and interests...
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.

I ran into the same thing with my dad.

I think it is common to make your political choices in early adulthood and not really examine them again.

It was a lot different to decide to be a dem in 1942, then it is now.
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.
Socialism only suits cowards
Ya, probably most of those paratroopers who jumped out of planes on D-Day and fought till the end of WWII in Europe and began preparing for battles in Japan were more than likely disguising their cowardice with pretend acts of combat bravery.
Socialism is never on the battlefield because it is too cowardly
Fascism should have died in the 40s. It is every ones duty to fight fascists.
Then I would gladly fight you if I had the chance. The extreme left has simply branded everyone it opposes as "fascists" the same way democrats have branded all their political opposites as "racists".

That's part of it. But you're kidding yourself if you think the new fascism is somehow different ("It's different when we do it"). It's not. It's the same insidious mindset and it will rot our nation from the inside out, the same way it rots every nation that embraces it.
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.
Socialism only suits cowards
Ya, probably most of those paratroopers who jumped out of planes on D-Day and fought till the end of WWII in Europe and began preparing for battles in Japan were more than likely disguising their cowardice with pretend acts of combat bravery.

Are you doing that thing, where socialists pretend that and government involvement means it is "socialism"?

Cause, that is utter bullshit.
That's part of it. But you're kidding yourself if you think the new fascism is somehow different ("It's different when we do it"). It's not. It's the same insidious mindset and it will rot our nation from the inside out, the same way it rots every nation that embraces it.
If you mean real honest to goodness fascism, I agree.
But if you mean the twin brother of that other leftist cliche, racism, then I disagree.

Fascism is too often just a knee jerk thoughtless charge used to get someone to shut up and go away.
It's a gutless rhetorical bludgeon used by the left and just like racism, it has lost almost all of it's meaning.

If I was an actual fascist I would welcome that term being thrown around by keyboard warriors because it
deadens it's effects and makes such a charge boring and repetitious to the point of meaninglessness.
Fascism should have died in the 40s. It is every ones duty to fight fascists.
Then I would gladly fight you if I had the chance. The extreme left has simply branded everyone it opposes as "fascists" the same way democrats have branded all their political opposites as "racists".

That's part of it. But you're kidding yourself if you think the new fascism is somehow different ("It's different when we do it"). It's not. It's the same insidious mindset and it will rot our nation from the inside out, the same way it rots every nation that embraces it.
I often wonder (every election) why my 96-year-old uncle who jumped into Normandy for D-Day with the 101rst always votes Democrat. I have asked him but he always gives me a silly answer.
Socialism only suits cowards
Ya, probably most of those paratroopers who jumped out of planes on D-Day and fought till the end of WWII in Europe and began preparing for battles in Japan were more than likely disguising their cowardice with pretend acts of combat bravery.

Are you doing that thing, where socialists pretend that and government involvement means it is "socialism"?

Cause, that is utter bullshit.
No, I was giving a sarcastic response to a moron who implied my WWII paratrooper veteran uncle was socialist because he votes Democrat ever since WWII.
You can really only do that yourself. Friends and community can help, but membership in a group isn't going to magically make you a better person.
That depends on the ideals of a nation. If they are good then nationalism can magnify that effect to a degree impossible for an individual to attain.

I believe in the classic "liberal" ideals of America as expressed in the Constitution and
Declaration of Independence. If that bothers you what are you doing here (not that I'm accusing you personally)?

We have many newcomers, such as Ilhan Omar, who I see have little respect for our nation.
Nationalism takes care of people like that.
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You could provide 10,000 examples and none would be "good enough".

That's just a given on these kinds of threads.

Penelope claimed that the Proud Boys support closing all prisons, legalizing drugs and shutting down the government.

I have admitted that if she can post a link to support that, that that would be "Far right".

Your smugness is blinding you.
At the time of the kkk, the Democrats were the conservatives, the party of Lincoln... republicans, were the liberals.

Parties, did a reversal, since then...

No, they did not. That is a lie told by liars.
LOL...nope..it is the truth known and accepted by everyone except idiots with an agenda. I'll not bother, once again, posting the relevant history..as it would make no difference to you.

Got it. YOu know it, but can't back it up. Same as before. Thanks for your input.
Don't have to 'back it up'--it's history. Either you are intelligent enough to know this..or you are an idiot with an agenda. Yo seem to think that if you shout out a lie loud enough..people will reject the truth in your favor. I doubt it.

Rhetoric is no substitute for intelligence.

I've posted excepts and links to studies that show that the Myth of the Southern Strategy, is just that, a myth.

I've done so many times. The response I get from libs, is much like yours.

"Everyone knows, huh, huh, huh. Can't hear you"

Here if you want to read up on it.

The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’
Read it...it proves exactly the opposite of what you are trying to imply. The thrust of the article is that many people stayed with the Dems because of Economic issues and that the shift from L to R...in the South was due to demographic issues. OK..but the ideological basis of the Democratic party in the South...did shift..and the Republican party did embrace those former Dixiecrats.

The only myth is the one that says that the Democrats of 1860 are the Democrats of 2019.

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