Far Right? Proud Boys

Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

What's wrong with being anti fascist?

One of my uncles was killed by fascists in Germany during WW II. So I guess my opinion about fascists isn't the same as yours.

Seems you don't have any problems with fascists even though we fought against them in WW II and they killed thousands of Americans.

These "proud boys" are fascists and far right radical extremists.

Just like you.

This thread is about me asking people like you, to back up your claims.

So far, Page 12, and only ONE poster, Penelope, has tried.

On some level, you know that what you post is shit that you cannot back up.

You've been provided proof of people's claims but you reject it.

What's the point? You ask for proof then attack those who provide it. So there's no reason to feed into your twisted need to attack those who don't have the same view as you do,

Which is typical of a far right radical extremist like you.

What do you want from me? My uncle's death certificate? You're saying my uncle didn't die in Europe during WW II fighting fascists?

Prove my uncle didn't die at the hands of fascists in Europe during WW II.

Those of us whose families mourned the death of their family members have a very different view from yours about fascists.

You would have betrayed America in WW II and helped the fascists of Germany.

All I can do is shake my head in disgust.

The greatest generation gave up so much and here you are spitting on their graves, their accomplishments and in the faces of their families.

You disgust me and all real Americans.

Nazis like you disgust me.
I give a shit as to your 'expectations'
You could provide 10,000 examples and none would be "good enough".

That's just a given on these kinds of threads.

Penelope claimed that the Proud Boys support closing all prisons, legalizing drugs and shutting down the government.

I have admitted that if she can post a link to support that, that that would be "Far right".

Your smugness is blinding you.
Racists tend to be far right.
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Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.
At the time of the kkk, the Democrats were the conservatives, the party of Lincoln... republicans, were the liberals.

Parties, did a reversal, since then...

No, they did not. That is a lie told by liars.
LOL...nope..it is the truth known and accepted by everyone except idiots with an agenda. I'll not bother, once again, posting the relevant history..as it would make no difference to you.

Got it. YOu know it, but can't back it up. Same as before. Thanks for your input.
Don't have to 'back it up'--it's history. Either you are intelligent enough to know this..or you are an idiot with an agenda. Yo seem to think that if you shout out a lie loud enough..people will reject the truth in your favor. I doubt it.

Rhetoric is no substitute for intelligence.
I give a shit as to your 'expectations'
You could provide 10,000 examples and none would be "good enough".

That's just a given on these kinds of threads.

Penelope claimed that the Proud Boys support closing all prisons, legalizing drugs and shutting down the government.

I have admitted that if she can post a link to support that, that that would be "Far right".

Your smugness is blinding you.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.
At the time of the kkk, the Democrats were the conservatives, the party of Lincoln... republicans, were the liberals.

Parties, did a reversal, since then...

No, they did not. That is a lie told by liars.
LOL...nope..it is the truth known and accepted by everyone except idiots with an agenda. I'll not bother, once again, posting the relevant history..as it would make no difference to you.

Got it. YOu know it, but can't back it up. Same as before. Thanks for your input.
Don't have to 'back it up'--it's history. Either you are intelligent enough to know this..or you are an idiot with an agenda. Yo seem to think that if you shout out a lie loud enough..people will reject the truth in your favor. I doubt it.

Rhetoric is no substitute for intelligence.

I've posted excepts and links to studies that show that the Myth of the Southern Strategy, is just that, a myth.

I've done so many times. The response I get from libs, is much like yours.

"Everyone knows, huh, huh, huh. Can't hear you"

Here if you want to read up on it.

The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’
Proud Boys are some patriotic frat boys.

And they left thinks they are the BOOGIE MAN.

Butch up, you limp wrist left wing fags.
Not at all. I think the Proud Boys are assholes. Trump loving assholes.

Said the man here just to call names, and then keep moving. Thanks for your input.

He is a closet Trumpster. He is just bad at trolling. He is too obvious. He is a characture of a left wing asshole. He just goes over the top with his impression.

No one could be as big of an asshole as the left wing character he is portraying.

I have asked him to tone it down to make it more believable.
Proud Boys are some patriotic frat boys.

And they left thinks they are the BOOGIE MAN.

Butch up, you limp wrist left wing fags.
Not at all. I think the Proud Boys are assholes. Trump loving assholes.

Said the man here just to call names, and then keep moving. Thanks for your input.

He is a closet Trumpster. He is just bad at trolling. He is too obvious. He is a characture of a left wing asshole. He just goes over the top with his impression.

No one could be as big of an asshole as the left wing character he is portraying.

I have asked him to tone it down to make it more believable.

I have seen that before. Thanks.
"Real" Americans don't call the people who march through Portland carrying the Stars and Stripes and who are opposed by Communist/Anarchist ferals fascists!
I don't know what caused you to slip down your confused inverted rabbit hole of the mind where patriots are evil and Nazis and extreme left wing terrorists are your saviors.

But you are way past the point of salvation, it seems like to me. Luckily you aren't one of the people clubbing others with patriotic attire with metal batons or spraying them with caustic chemicals.

But I'll bet you'd love to try. I wonder what your uncle would think of someone who defends those that attack the flag? How proud do you think he would be of you?
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Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Is that a serious question? Should I bother to answer, or is it just a drive by?
Give it a shot.
HALIFAX — Until this week, few Canadians had heard of the Proud Boys. That changed on Canada Day, when five young men in matching black polo shirts disrupted an Aboriginal ceremony in Halifax.

That brief, 10-minute confrontation has put the military career of each man in doubt — and it has shone a spotlight on a retrograde group that sprung up last year amid the rise of Donald Trump and the many in-your-face, far-right groups that support him.

Will Sommer, a journalist in Washington, D.C., who has followed the small movement, said the group was founded in the U.S. by Gavin McInnes, a Canadian who helped establish Vice Media and is now an outspoken political pundit with an internet talk show and regular stints on Fox News and Canada’s Rebel Media website. (Vice severed ties with McInnes in 2008.)

Proud Boys: ‘Willing to go places and disrupt things’

They are alt right.
Who the hell are the Proud Boys? Many of your lovable friendly Prog buddies lived in cities. Then left them to get out of danger from their other buddies. Actions are more important then talk at our level. Individualism counts for things of real importance. Anti abortion protesters need to wear parts of fetuses on them. Rub the carcass all over them and walk around in their protests. Drop chunks of bone and sinew and skin and all the rest on the ground. Of course it is gross. But this is the level of the Prog socialist communist agenda driven propagandist. So when some Prog pro abortion protester spits/maces/throws milkshakes and worse on the anti abortion protester he/she can throw a piece of the fetus at the Prog perp back. There is nothing to win if you are getting your azz handed to you in protests in a culture that knows right and wrong but does nothing about it. If you are going to protest then you have to do uponesmanship on the opponent. Those who are not Progs are just not that good. They believe they are at a G rated get together from another era when the Progs are an X rated demonic cult primed for the evolved 21st century. Watching protests with the anti Progs can hurt. Videos leaving buses was just stupid. No defense. One positive is that the Prog protest groups have shown no courage to protest in deep red areas. This tells me that the local political/media fiefdom is under control of commies.
It's a little early in the day to be that drunk my friend. Maybe you should slow down.
I have no idea what you mean by "Far Right". Hell, I get accused of it every day.

I'm just pointing out why nationalism is so appealing to insecure people. It gives them a sense of significance, and the false hope that their pathetic lot will improve by being part of group. Pretty standard identity politics really.

Nationalism, is very different from identify politics in that it brings people together, as opposed to driving them apart.

Nah. It's the same shit. Team sports for mouth-breathers.
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Is that a serious question? Should I bother to answer, or is it just a drive by?
Give it a shot.

Two obvious reasons.

1. Actual nazis know that they are marginalized and spend a lot of time and energy trying to find ways to co-opt other movements and/or ideas that they can glom onto, to give themselves the appearance of relevance.

2. THere were reports that Antifa was planning to infiltrate the Proud Boys' rally to make them look bad, by wearing nazi gear, and/or attacking random people. I don't know if that was a real thing, but obviously the Proud Boys took steps to prevent it.
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Because DEMOCRATS, particularly your Brown Shirts, have infiltrated past events. Anyone with Nazi symbols is an ANTIFA agent provocateur. It's an old trick of you of the left. Lenin, who wrote the book you follow, did this a hundred years ago.
I have no idea what you mean by "Far Right". Hell, I get accused of it every day.

I'm just pointing out why nationalism is so appealing to insecure people. It gives them a sense of significance, and the false hope that their pathetic lot will improve by being part of group. Pretty standard identity politics really.

Nationalism, is very different from identify politics in that it brings people together, as opposed to driving them apart.

Nah. It's the same shit. Team sports for mouth-breathers.

Nope. It is healthy group dynamics. This nation would be a lot better off, with more Nationalism.
I have no idea what you mean by "Far Right". Hell, I get accused of it every day.

I'm just pointing out why nationalism is so appealing to insecure people. It gives them a sense of significance, and the false hope that their pathetic lot will improve by being part of group. Pretty standard identity politics really.

Nationalism, is very different from identify politics in that it brings people together, as opposed to driving them apart.

Nah. It's the same shit. Team sports for mouth-breathers.

Nope. It is healthy group dynamics. This nation would be a lot better off, with more Nationalism.

The nation would be. Our country would not. Fuck your "nation". Government's are to be tolerated, not celebrated.
I have no idea what you mean by "Far Right". Hell, I get accused of it every day.

I'm just pointing out why nationalism is so appealing to insecure people. It gives them a sense of significance, and the false hope that their pathetic lot will improve by being part of group. Pretty standard identity politics really.

Nationalism, is very different from identify politics in that it brings people together, as opposed to driving them apart.

Nah. It's the same shit. Team sports for mouth-breathers.

Nope. It is healthy group dynamics. This nation would be a lot better off, with more Nationalism.

The nation would be. Our country would not. Fuck your "nation". Government's are to be tolerated, not celebrated.

Nationalism is about the nation, not the government.

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