Far Right? Proud Boys

Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

This is how the left sees it. They always seem to portray antifa as the "good guys" and anyone who opposes them as the "fascists."

A police officer threw someone to the ground, splitting their head open. The police were on their way towards clearing an offramp where antifascists were blocking the roadway where busses of fascists were trying to get through. #defendpdx pic.twitter.com/Rx9KIIyXfW

Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The left is afraid of a couple frat boys who lure ANTIFA out to fight cops and beat up innocent bystanders! :21:

ANTIFA should be accused of giving In Kind donations to the Trump campaign. :19:

What a bunch of cowards.
SPLC designated the AFA "Far-right terrorists. The AFA is what used to be "The Moral Majority".

Bunch of church goers is all they are. That's how I know the SPLC is pure bullshit.
I read what Wiki had to say about the AFA and although I don't agree with the AFA's views, I agree those views don't make them a "hate group." Individual members like you, though, sure can take it over the top and mouth off like haters, can't you? If the AFA keeps it respectful, they've got every right to their views.

That doesn't make every decision the SPLC makes "bullshit," though.
Nationalism is a blight. It's appealing to small people who need to hook up with something bigger than themselves to feel significant. No matter how empty and worthless you are, you are part of great nation! Yeah, sure buddy.

Your position on that is noted.

Are you claiming that nationalism, by itself, is proof of being Far Right?

I have no idea what you mean by "Far Right". Hell, I get accused of it every day.

I'm just pointing out why nationalism is so appealing to insecure people. It gives them a sense of significance, and the false hope that their pathetic lot will improve by being part of group. Pretty standard identity politics really.

Nationalism, is very different from identify politics in that it brings people together, as opposed to driving them apart.

But this thread is about the idea that the Proud Boys are far right. Do you have anything to say to the thread topic?
Proud Boys are some patriotic frat boys.

And they left thinks they are the BOOGIE MAN.

Butch up, you limp wrist left wing fags.
I give a shit as to your 'expectations'
You could provide 10,000 examples and none would be "good enough".

That's just a given on these kinds of threads.

Penelope claimed that the Proud Boys support closing all prisons, legalizing drugs and shutting down the government.

I have admitted that if she can post a link to support that, that that would be "Far right".

Your smugness is blinding you.
Racists tend to be far right.
View attachment 274891
Wrong again. Liberals are the most racist people in the world.
At the time of the kkk, the Democrats were the conservatives, the party of Lincoln... republicans, were the liberals.

Parties, did a reversal, since then...

No, they did not. That is a lie told by liars.
LOL...nope..it is the truth known and accepted by everyone except idiots with an agenda. I'll not bother, once again, posting the relevant history..as it would make no difference to you.

Got it. YOu know it, but can't back it up. Same as before. Thanks for your input.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

What's wrong with being anti fascist?

One of my uncles was killed by fascists in Germany during WW II. So I guess my opinion about fascists isn't the same as yours.

Seems you don't have any problems with fascists even though we fought against them in WW II and they killed thousands of Americans.

These "proud boys" are fascists and far right radical extremists.

Just like you.

This thread is about me asking people like you, to back up your claims.

So far, Page 12, and only ONE poster, Penelope, has tried.

On some level, you know that what you post is shit that you cannot back up.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

One of the favorite tricks of the democrats is to send their ANTIFA Brown Shirts with Nazi paraphernalia into the American side to make it look like Americans are pro-Nazi.

The Proud Boys were smart though, they announced that ANYONE showing a Swastika or any sort of Nazi symbol would be treated as a member of ANTIFA. The Proud Boys were there to DENOUNCE the Nazis - ANTIFA, they sure were not going to allow them in their midst.

Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

What's wrong with being anti fascist?

One of my uncles was killed by fascists in Germany during WW II. So I guess my opinion about fascists isn't the same as yours.

Seems you don't have any problems with fascists even though we fought against them in WW II and they killed thousands of Americans.

These "proud boys" are fascists and far right radical extremists.

Just like you.

This thread is about me asking people like you, to back up your claims.

So far, Page 12, and only ONE poster, Penelope, has tried.

On some level, you know that what you post is shit that you cannot back up.

You've been provided proof of people's claims but you reject it.

What's the point? You ask for proof then attack those who provide it. So there's no reason to feed into your twisted need to attack those who don't have the same view as you do,

Which is typical of a far right radical extremist like you.

What do you want from me? My uncle's death certificate? You're saying my uncle didn't die in Europe during WW II fighting fascists?

Prove my uncle didn't die at the hands of fascists in Europe during WW II.

Those of us whose families mourned the death of their family members have a very different view from yours about fascists.

You would have betrayed America in WW II and helped the fascists of Germany.

All I can do is shake my head in disgust.

The greatest generation gave up so much and here you are spitting on their graves, their accomplishments and in the faces of their families.

You disgust me and all real Americans.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

Yes, I've noticed this too. The media keeps referring to the Proud Boys as the "far right," yet never refers to ANTIFA as the "far left" or even as ANTIFA, usually anti-fascists, which they certainly are not.
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

So, a call out to everyone who supports the idea that the Proud Boys are far right.

So, what about their message, or operations or organization, is far right.

Please, no moronic walls of text, especially on what other people think about them.

Give me your BEST example, concisely for discussion purposes, of them being far right.

What's wrong with being anti fascist?

One of my uncles was killed by fascists in Germany during WW II. So I guess my opinion about fascists isn't the same as yours.

Seems you don't have any problems with fascists even though we fought against them in WW II and they killed thousands of Americans.

These "proud boys" are fascists and far right radical extremists.

Just like you.

This thread is about me asking people like you, to back up your claims.

So far, Page 12, and only ONE poster, Penelope, has tried.

On some level, you know that what you post is shit that you cannot back up.

You've been provided proof of people's claims but you reject it.

What's the point? You ask for proof then attack those who provide it. So there's no reason to feed into your twisted need to attack those who don't have the same view as you do,

Which is typical of a far right radical extremist like you.

What do you want from me? My uncle's death certificate? You're saying my uncle didn't die in Europe during WW II fighting fascists?

Prove my uncle didn't die at the hands of fascists in Europe during WW II.

Those of us whose families mourned the death of their family members have a very different view from yours about fascists.

You would have betrayed America in WW II and helped the fascists of Germany.

All I can do is shake my head in disgust.

The greatest generation gave up so much and here you are spitting on their graves, their accomplishments and in the faces of their families.

You disgust me and all real Americans.

Those who have made real attempts to support their claims about the Proud Boys, I am talking with, and waiting for them to support some of what they have claimed.

Your Godwining, is not a serious attempt. Your manufactured outrage is noted and dismissed. Save it for the tourists.

Run along, come back if you are ready to try to answer the OP.
Ok, so I keep hearing the confrontation in Portland described as being between far right and at best, far left counter demonstrators, if not "anti-fascist".

Yes, I've noticed this too. The media keeps referring to the Proud Boys as the "far right," yet never refers to ANTIFA as the "far left" or even as ANTIFA, usually anti-fascists, which they certainly are not.

I have seen a few "far left" descriptions. Which is encouraging.
Racists tend to be far right.

Care to show them having or saying racist things? Or is this more of a drive by?
They consort with obvious racist groups & admit racists into their group.

Sort of like the Republican Party.

Got it. More of a drive by. That is what I expect from people like you.

Try to keep it to a minimum. Some of your fellow libs are at least trying, and I would hate for their real attempts to be buried in your filler.
Well, for a nonviolent fraternal organization, they sure have had some trouble making folks involved with them. You are judged by the company you keep. That and actions. If all they do is drink beer and spout anti-SJW rhetoric, why does their leader have to tell them to leave the Nazi symbols home? Their weapons? I'll bet you a dollar if the Masons or the Elks Lodge called together their members, they wouldn't feel the need to tell them to leave their swastikas or baseball bats home.

Is that a serious question? Should I bother to answer, or is it just a drive by?

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