Far Rightwing Republican Candidate Rises The Ranks by Trashing Black Americans

This retarded thread is nothing but broad brush gaslighting accusations that all white people are racists. Nothing more,nothing less.
It's the same damn thing we hear every fucking presidential election cycle.
It's pathetic and predictable, every fucking time.
Take off, hoser! :eusa_hand:

At this point, racism is the ONLY reason left to vote for the incompetence, chaos and sexual perversion that the Trump Cult has turned into.

Your party is running a self-admitted rapist - a man who admitted he bought beauty pageants so he could look at naked teenagers. Trump tried to stop the counting of votes from mostly Democrat voting big cities.

The Republican Party used to promote mail in voting. It made it easier for their mostly elderly, mostly white voters to vote Republican. In the meantime, they were busy closing over 1000 polling stations in black neighbours, or moving them outside of city limits to areas not serviced by public transit.

But when black Americans discovered mail-in voting in 2020, suddenly mail-in voting was dangerously fraudulent, and open to abuse.
At this point, racism is the ONLY reason left to vote for the incompetence, chaos and sexual perversion that the Trump Cult has turned into.

Your party is running a self-admitted rapist - a man who admitted he bought beauty pageants so he could look at naked teenagers. Trump tried to stop the counting of votes from mostly Democrat voting big cities.

The Republican Party used to promote mail in voting. It made it easier for their mostly elderly, mostly white voters to vote Republican. In the meantime, they were busy closing over 1000 polling stations in black neighbours, or moving them outside of city limits to areas not serviced by public transit.

But when black Americans discovered mail-in voting in 2020, suddenly mail-in voting was dangerously fraudulent, and open to abuse.
You have the head of the Dept. of Transportation feeding his infant with plastic tits full of Similac with the infant sucking on a plastic nipple. Progs are much more advanced in these moral questions they accuse others of. And there are so many more.

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