Farm Bureau warns about EPA takeover of waterways

this is he next jewel and I;ve been wondering when it was going to happen. government takeover of agriculture.
dems took over the largesst business , health
now they've got their eyes on the 2nd largest business agriculture
the dems are never satisfied till they control everything.
if this succeeds starvation is on the way.

btw my son in law is a insurance salesman for farm bureau
and I farmed 480 acres for 40 years

let me tell ya libs. you let this happen and starvation is next
but here's the kicker the EPA or this administration will not make this same demand of food they import

Have you seen the USAID laws they've enacted??

Killing the family farmer for the benefit of Monsanto & Friends...
Hey a little brush killer in your drinking water will not hurt ya.

And pig piss is good for ya.

but no one can say what the effect of chicken shit is on a right winger since it blends perfectly with their chemistry.

It could hypercharge them! Perish the thought.
this is he next jewel and I;ve been wondering when it was going to happen. government takeover of agriculture.
dems took over the largesst business , health
now they've got their eyes on the 2nd largest business agriculture
the dems are never satisfied till they control everything.
if this succeeds starvation is on the way.

btw my son in law is a insurance salesman for farm bureau
and I farmed 480 acres for 40 years

let me tell ya libs. you let this happen and starvation is next
but here's the kicker the EPA or this administration will not make this same demand of food they import

Have you seen the USAID laws they've enacted??

Killing the family farmer for the benefit of Monsanto & Friends...

Oh, please, The family farmer has been an antique for a long time. They just can't compete with industrial farms and you know it.
this is he next jewel and I;ve been wondering when it was going to happen. government takeover of agriculture.
dems took over the largesst business , health
now they've got their eyes on the 2nd largest business agriculture
the dems are never satisfied till they control everything.
if this succeeds starvation is on the way.

btw my son in law is a insurance salesman for farm bureau
and I farmed 480 acres for 40 years

let me tell ya libs. you let this happen and starvation is next
but here's the kicker the EPA or this administration will not make this same demand of food they import

Have you seen the USAID laws they've enacted??

Killing the family farmer for the benefit of Monsanto & Friends...

Oh, please, The family farmer has been an antique for a long time. They just can't compete with industrial farms and you know it.

Spouting off on another subject you know nothing about, Joe?

Why am I not surprised?
this is he next jewel and I;ve been wondering when it was going to happen. government takeover of agriculture.
dems took over the largesst business , health
now they've got their eyes on the 2nd largest business agriculture
the dems are never satisfied till they control everything.
if this succeeds starvation is on the way.

btw my son in law is a insurance salesman for farm bureau
and I farmed 480 acres for 40 years

let me tell ya libs. you let this happen and starvation is next
but here's the kicker the EPA or this administration will not make this same demand of food they import

Have you seen the USAID laws they've enacted??

Killing the family farmer for the benefit of Monsanto & Friends...

Oh, please, The family farmer has been an antique for a long time. They just can't compete with industrial farms and you know it.

surely your saying that in jest
“The over regulators are destroying this country,” Inhofe said. “This is not just agriculture. Manufacturers and energy producers are all having the same (regulatory) problems.”
Inhofe praised farmers for standing up to the federal regulators.
“Farm Bureau is our best ally in these types of issues,” he said.
The CWA gives the EPA authority to write rules governing the protection of navigable waters. The EPA wants to redefine the word navigable in an effort to regulate even a roadside ditch that could hold water for only a few hours.
The EPA wants to make this proposal to the guidance document. A guidance document is a non-legally binding interpretation written by an agency to explain how it interprets existing regulations, court decisions and federal statutes. However, a guidance document may not exceed or conflict with the original law as passed by Congress and existing regulations promulgated under the Administrative Procedures Act.
This proposal would allow the EPA to regulate the following:
• groundwater
• ditches • culverts • pipes
• desert washes • farm and stock ponds.

Farm Bureau warns about EPA takeover of waterways | Tulsa Beacon

You betta' get yo gun!
“The over regulators are destroying this country,” Inhofe said. “This is not just agriculture. Manufacturers and energy producers are all having the same (regulatory) problems.”
Inhofe praised farmers for standing up to the federal regulators.
“Farm Bureau is our best ally in these types of issues,” he said.
The CWA gives the EPA authority to write rules governing the protection of navigable waters. The EPA wants to redefine the word navigable in an effort to regulate even a roadside ditch that could hold water for only a few hours.
The EPA wants to make this proposal to the guidance document. A guidance document is a non-legally binding interpretation written by an agency to explain how it interprets existing regulations, court decisions and federal statutes. However, a guidance document may not exceed or conflict with the original law as passed by Congress and existing regulations promulgated under the Administrative Procedures Act.
This proposal would allow the EPA to regulate the following:
• groundwater
• ditches • culverts • pipes
• desert washes • farm and stock ponds.

Farm Bureau warns about EPA takeover of waterways | Tulsa Beacon

Jim Inhofe is a Taliban lunatic.
“The over regulators are destroying this country,” Inhofe said. “This is not just agriculture. Manufacturers and energy producers are all having the same (regulatory) problems.”
Inhofe praised farmers for standing up to the federal regulators.
“Farm Bureau is our best ally in these types of issues,” he said.
The CWA gives the EPA authority to write rules governing the protection of navigable waters. The EPA wants to redefine the word navigable in an effort to regulate even a roadside ditch that could hold water for only a few hours.
The EPA wants to make this proposal to the guidance document. A guidance document is a non-legally binding interpretation written by an agency to explain how it interprets existing regulations, court decisions and federal statutes. However, a guidance document may not exceed or conflict with the original law as passed by Congress and existing regulations promulgated under the Administrative Procedures Act.
This proposal would allow the EPA to regulate the following:
• groundwater
• ditches • culverts • pipes
• desert washes • farm and stock ponds.

Farm Bureau warns about EPA takeover of waterways | Tulsa Beacon

Jim Inhofe is a Taliban lunatic.

Inhofe ROCKS!!! Standing up to the lying libs in the media, and Obama's destructive policies! One of the truest Americans in Washington!
Oh, please, The family farmer has been an antique for a long time. They just can't compete with industrial farms and you know it.

surely your saying that in jest

He's dead serious, even if he is dead WRONG!

I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.
surely your saying that in jest

He's dead serious, even if he is dead WRONG!

I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.

$9 corn and $18 beans doesn't hurt either.
He's dead serious, even if he is dead WRONG!

I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.

$9 corn and $18 beans doesn't hurt either.

Especially when the government pays for corn to be produced and then converted into fuel no one wants to use and sugar that is less healthy than cane sugar.
Famrland values have ballooned in recent years. Some grounds are fetching up to $10,000/acre.

It certainly doesn't reflect the productive value, most likely the subsidy value.
surely your saying that in jest

He's dead serious, even if he is dead WRONG!

I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.

The vast majority of gov't subsidies go to BigAg, not family farmers. The government is doing all it can to wipe out the last of the family farmers with things like USAID, which burdens those 'family' farmers with ridiculous regulations while exempting corporate farms.

You really should take a little time to read up on this stuff, Joe...
He's dead serious, even if he is dead WRONG!

I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.

The vast majority of gov't subsidies go to BigAg, not family farmers. The government is doing all it can to wipe out the last of the family farmers with things like USAID, which burdens those 'family' farmers with ridiculous regulations while exempting corporate farms.

You really should take a little time to read up on this stuff, Joe...

I have...

Welfare Farming - June 1, 2005

frankly, we should just let the family farmer go bankrupt... which is what you guys say about industries where the workers have kept unions...

But since these hayseeds keep voting Republican and Republicans keep voting subsidies... well, nothing like a little hypocrisy.

Oh, that's right. You're a "Libertarian"...
surely your saying that in jest

He's dead serious, even if he is dead WRONG!

I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.

are you a dem or a gop because if you're a dem your paragraph just contradicted everything that the dems stand for...unless
those who feed our nation are white republicans
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I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.

The vast majority of gov't subsidies go to BigAg, not family farmers. The government is doing all it can to wipe out the last of the family farmers with things like USAID, which burdens those 'family' farmers with ridiculous regulations while exempting corporate farms.

You really should take a little time to read up on this stuff, Joe...

I have...

Welfare Farming - June 1, 2005

frankly, we should just let the family farmer go bankrupt... which is what you guys say about industries where the workers have kept unions...

But since these hayseeds keep voting Republican and Republicans keep voting subsidies... well, nothing like a little hypocrisy.

Oh, that's right. You're a "Libertarian"...

From your link, moron....
The problem is that the preponderance of this prosperity is enjoyed by large agribusiness, while the elimination of small farms and the decline of rural America accelerates.
As for helping out the family farmer, the number of farms has shrunk by half since 1960. In particular, fewer than a third of America's full-time farmers now fit the idealized image of Old McDonald and his family. Most of these small farmers get subsidies and are grateful to have them. But it is the biggest farms that get the most, turning subsidies into a particularly gross kind of corporate welfare. The largest 10% of farms get about 72% of the loot.
The USDA estimates that subsidies inflate the value of land used to grow crops by 15% to 25%. Many farmers, therefore, essentially send any boost in their subsidy check straight to the landlord (more than 40% of all farmland is rented). When the land comes up for sale, the artificially high values help price small guys out of the market. So the big get bigger, allowing them to benefit from economies of scale that drive their unit costs down, enhancing their advantage.

The loss of independent farms big enough to support a family means fewer people to run for the town council, to fill the schools, to philosophize at coffee shops, to keep feed and supply stores in business. More than half of America's most heavily farmed counties lost population between 1990 and 2000. If you put a map of the most subsidy-dependent counties on top of a map of those losing the most population, the overlap is uncanny.

I love it when you post links, it proves that your reading comprehension is negligible, at best, or that you're a bald-faced liar.

You pick...
He's dead serious, even if he is dead WRONG!

I'm saying that dead serious, because it's true.

the Family Farmer is only kept afloat by the fact that the government subsidizes the shit out of him for existing, which is why the USDA has one bureaucrat for every 7 active farmers. Which is what happens when you give largely vacant Rectangular States two senators, each.

are you a dem or a gop because if you're a dem your paragraph just contradicted everything that the dems stand for...unless
those who feed our nation are white republicans

I'm neither. I'm a pragmatist.

It's impractical to have the taxpayer subsidize government farmers beause they hold a lot of political power or just because we have this romance about family farms.
[I love it when you post links, it proves that your reading comprehension is negligible, at best, or that you're a bald-faced liar.

You pick...

If you read the whole article, it was pretty clear that the family farmers are being only kept afloat by government subsidies...

I think you are the one with the comprehension problem.

Not to mention the inability to interface with reality.

Hey, how's Ron Paul doing these days?

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