EPA's Massive Power Grab of Private Property Across the U.S

yes. We also think people should be able to own nuclear weapons, and all women should be legally required to be pregnant all the time.

Or you could just stop your moronic bullshit binary thinking.


1%er is using typical prog non-thinking: "If you disagree with the EPA, you obviously want to force everyone to drink toxic waste!!"

Either-or. Black-and-white. No reasonable balance in between.

Binary thinking. What they always accuse conservatives of, but practice themselves.

Wrong again!

Rules are in place because someone screwed over or tried to screw over someone else.

Example: When I made improvements to my seawall in Coronado, I (my contractor) had to go through an extensive permit and inspection process. Why? In 1980, some guy decided he didn't want to tie into the sewer system for his new house, so he dumped his raw sewage into San Diego bay by placing a pipe through his seawall. Thus, we have regulation.

Republicans deregulate rules to screw over the middle class.

Example: The HMO act.
EPA Regulation is bullshit

So it's OK to dump toxic chemicals in water lands where people get their drinking water?

why do you keep bringing straw men argument that aren't relevant to the situation?

The Sacketts bought a small parcel of about two-thirds of an acre in the Idaho Panhandle in 2005, near the shores of the resort community of Priest Lake. They hoped to build a three-bedroom home, surrounded by neighbors' houses, and had obtained a county permit. Gravel had already been laid for the foundation when EPA officials told them their land was a wetland. That barred any development.

The subject was EPA rules which cover drinking water.
So it's OK to dump toxic chemicals in water lands where people get their drinking water?

why do you keep bringing straw men argument that aren't relevant to the situation?

The Sacketts bought a small parcel of about two-thirds of an acre in the Idaho Panhandle in 2005, near the shores of the resort community of Priest Lake. They hoped to build a three-bedroom home, surrounded by neighbors' houses, and had obtained a county permit. Gravel had already been laid for the foundation when EPA officials told them their land was a wetland. That barred any development.

The subject was EPA rules which cover drinking water.
:eusa_eh: Topic....

EPA's Massive Power Grab of Private Property Across the U.S.

what is it with you libs?:cuckoo:
yes. We also think people should be able to own nuclear weapons, and all women should be legally required to be pregnant all the time.

Or you could just stop your moronic bullshit binary thinking.


1%er is using typical prog non-thinking: "If you disagree with the EPA, you obviously want to force everyone to drink toxic waste!!"


How fucking retarded or handicapped are you to believe that you need a fucking bureaucracy to provide us potable water!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of Particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17

This says congress has no legislative authority over private lands, it's time people stand up for themselves.

No, that describes the creation of Washington DC as the nation's capital, putting it under the direct control of Congress.

It says nothing like what you're claiming...

See bold area, guess you have a reading comprehension problem. Congress was only granted legislative authority over federal lands, period, end of story. And the purposes for which the feds could buy land are similarly restricted.
1%er is using typical prog non-thinking: "If you disagree with the EPA, you obviously want to force everyone to drink toxic waste!!"


How fucking retarded or handicapped are you to believe that you need a fucking bureaucracy to provide us potable water!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Because without the 'fucking bureaucracy' it would be a crap shoot every time you went to the sink for a drink.
1%er is using typical prog non-thinking: "If you disagree with the EPA, you obviously want to force everyone to drink toxic waste!!"


How fucking retarded or handicapped are you to believe that you need a fucking bureaucracy to provide us potable water!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Because without the 'fucking bureaucracy' it would be a crap shoot every time you went to the sink for a drink.

Is your state and county really that incompetent? Must suck to live where you live.
How fucking retarded or handicapped are you to believe that you need a fucking bureaucracy to provide us potable water!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Because without the 'fucking bureaucracy' it would be a crap shoot every time you went to the sink for a drink.

Is your state and county really that incompetent? Must suck to live where you live.

I don't have an issue on the quality of water in any of my three properties; San Diego, Vegas, or NYC.
the Clean Water Act was originally for protection of waterfowl and wetlands.....it has been warped to outlandish ends in order to control all water....and when the EPA controls the puddles in your yard it pretty much controls all private land...and controlling land in turn also means that it can control food production...a necessity people need to live...

once the socialist ghoulbalists control all water, food production, and property.... the world will become their slaves....

The Clean Water Act, for example, forces cities to remove at least 30% of the organic material in waste water before treating it. But what happens when the water has virtually no such component? Anchorage, Alaska, asked the Environmental Protection Agency what to do. The EPA ordered the city to comply.

To do so, Anchorage had to ask two fish-processing plants to dump 5,000 pounds of blood and guts into the water, which the city then removed. The EPA is happy.

Here in my state, the water company is being taken to the high courts for charging it's customers a water run off fee. The fees are now suspended till the courts make a decision. When asked about the past fees collected, their response is that the money is in escrow until all legal avenues have been exhausted.

There is so much of this kind of crap going on, it is hard to keep up with. This; I believe, is one of the problems with our country, between the EPA, the FDA, and the IRS, I am not sure who is the biggest crook. Over regulating is killing our economy. Slowly albeit, but killing it just the same
I made a thread about this about 4 years ago,....it was summarily ignored
Here in my state, the water company is being taken to the high courts for charging it's customers a water run off fee. The fees are now suspended till the courts make a decision. When asked about the past fees collected, their response is that the money is in escrow until all legal avenues have been exhausted.

There is so much of this kind of crap going on, it is hard to keep up with. This; I believe, is one of the problems with our country, between the EPA, the FDA, and the IRS, I am not sure who is the biggest crook. Over regulating is killing our economy. Slowly albeit, but killing it just the same

Are you serious? Did you not pay attention during the Bush years? The biggest crooks are corporate America and the Republicans that let them get away with it.
Here in my state, the water company is being taken to the high courts for charging it's customers a water run off fee. The fees are now suspended till the courts make a decision. When asked about the past fees collected, their response is that the money is in escrow until all legal avenues have been exhausted.

There is so much of this kind of crap going on, it is hard to keep up with. This; I believe, is one of the problems with our country, between the EPA, the FDA, and the IRS, I am not sure who is the biggest crook. Over regulating is killing our economy. Slowly albeit, but killing it just the same

Are you serious? Did you not pay attention during the Bush years? The biggest crooks are corporate America and the Republicans that let them get away with it.

YES! I am serious. You really aren't very good at critical thinking, are you
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Here in my state, the water company is being taken to the high courts for charging it's customers a water run off fee. The fees are now suspended till the courts make a decision. When asked about the past fees collected, their response is that the money is in escrow until all legal avenues have been exhausted.

There is so much of this kind of crap going on, it is hard to keep up with. This; I believe, is one of the problems with our country, between the EPA, the FDA, and the IRS, I am not sure who is the biggest crook. Over regulating is killing our economy. Slowly albeit, but killing it just the same

Are you serious? Did you not pay attention during the Bush years? The biggest crooks are corporate America and the Republicans that let them get away with it.

YES! I am serious. You really aren't very good at critical thinking, are you

So how has deregulating Ma Bell, HMO's and derivatives worked out for ya?
1%er is using typical prog non-thinking: "If you disagree with the EPA, you obviously want to force everyone to drink toxic waste!!"


How fucking retarded or handicapped are you to believe that you need a fucking bureaucracy to provide us potable water!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Because without the 'fucking bureaucracy' it would be a crap shoot every time you went to the sink for a drink.


So prior to December 2, 1970 we were drinking dirty water?


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