Farmer Prevented from Selling His Crop Because He Supports Traditional Marriage

His farm is a business open to the public. He has to follow the law.
His farm is privately owned property not public property. The market where he is/was selling his goods from his farming operation is public property and he never said gays were not welcome to buy his goods at a public operation.

He said his farm was not open for gay weddings, it's a business, his farm must meet any PA laws applicable to businesses.

If he doesn't want to worry about marrying gays (or jews or Muslims) then he should convert the portion of his farm for weddings into a church.
His farm again is privately owned property, you don't get that. The city has no right to attempt to reach out and affect his selling his produce in a public venue from what was grown on his private property. If you f'ing queers want to sue him over his telling what he wouldn't accept in front of his family on his privately own property go for it but i dearly hope he counter sues and takes everyone behind this shit for everything they own.

His farm is privately owned, it's still a business and there are laws he has to follow. I'm sorry you don't like it but it's nothing new.
What he accepts at his farm is not regulated by the city.
What he advertises in the city is regulated by the city.
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.
Did you notice the government assholes think Lansing property is their personal property when it in fact belongs to the people. Very typical of government fiefdoms.
Of course it beongs to the people. The ones that voted for the ordinance violated by the farmer.

How about we vote to exclude you from all public functions because of your political views?
I bet you would run crying to anyone who cares, like the bitch you are.

Fascist bastard.
You are certainly welcome to create such an ordinance in your own burg. Think you can get the votes?
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.

Hey . I agree that the Bible is against it. As it is for lots of things .

You tell me how someone can pick and choose what they follow . Is it a le carte religion??
You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.

Hey . I agree that the Bible is against it. As it is for lots of things .

You tell me how someone can pick and choose what they follow . Is it a le carte religion??

The problem is Liberals like you claim the Bible is for lots of things it simply doesn't support.
His farm is privately owned property not public property. The market where he is/was selling his goods from his farming operation is public property and he never said gays were not welcome to buy his goods at a public operation.

He said his farm was not open for gay weddings, it's a business, his farm must meet any PA laws applicable to businesses.

If he doesn't want to worry about marrying gays (or jews or Muslims) then he should convert the portion of his farm for weddings into a church.
His farm again is privately owned property, you don't get that. The city has no right to attempt to reach out and affect his selling his produce in a public venue from what was grown on his private property. If you f'ing queers want to sue him over his telling what he wouldn't accept in front of his family on his privately own property go for it but i dearly hope he counter sues and takes everyone behind this shit for everything they own.

His farm is privately owned, it's still a business and there are laws he has to follow. I'm sorry you don't like it but it's nothing new.
What he accepts at his farm is not regulated by the city.
What he advertises in the city is regulated by the city.
He hasn't advertised he would not sell to gays in the city. He made a statement on his fb page concerning policy at his farm.
Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.

Hey . I agree that the Bible is against it. As it is for lots of things .

You tell me how someone can pick and choose what they follow . Is it a le carte religion??

The problem is Liberals like you claim the Bible is for lots of things it simply doesn't support.

Do you agree that the Bible says you shouldn't get tattoos?

Where are all these religious business owners denying tattooed customers !?
Public accommodation laws violate the first amendment?

They don't. Sorry, not even the 1964 civil rights act violates the first amendment.
yes it does.

Oh, sorry, which court came to that conclusion?
So you think the SC is infallible?

I didn't mention the supreme court. Was my question to difficult for you?
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

Discrimination is A-OK with you as long as you approve of it.

What a fucking scumbag you are.
It's not okay. Thus the ordinance. Scumbag.
That bunch of commies who passed that ordinance are going to learn they screwed the pooch with that dumb ass law. That farmer will take it to the Supreme Court. He knows the law and Constitution are on his side. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment. (It protects the 1st)
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

Discrimination is A-OK with you as long as you approve of it.

What a fucking scumbag you are.
It's not okay. Thus the ordinance. Scumbag.
That bunch of commies who passed that ordinance are going to learn they screwed the pooch with that dumb ass law. That farmer will take it to the Supreme Court. He knows the law and Constitution are on his side. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment. (It protects the 1st)

More like the ACLU protects the first .
You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.

Hey . I agree that the Bible is against it. As it is for lots of things .

You tell me how someone can pick and choose what they follow . Is it a le carte religion??

The problem is Liberals like you claim the Bible is for lots of things it simply doesn't support.

Do you agree that the Bible says you shouldn't get tattoos?

Where are all these religious business owners denying tattooed customers !?

To the point that I don't have any. However, since I can only answer for myself, what others do is their business.

Are you saying it's OK to deny someone with a tattoo but not a fag?
you should read it.

I have . It's not in there .

I think these so called Christians should ask themselves "what would Jesus do"?
View attachment 148736
The amount that Weatherboy is willing to lie to attack gays

View attachment 148737

Especially when HIS meme is false.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

The sad thing is those atheists and agnostics are viewing religion from a secular standpoint and that's not how religion is viewed.

No, that's how you view it. Some people do it with a scholarly bent.

You are not the arbiter of how religion is viewed.
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.
Like the rich will never enter a divorced person is committing all those cool Leviticus rules we all ignore.
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

The part of the Bible that calls homosexuality an abomination, also calls shellfish, clothing of mixed cloth and a lack of facial hair an abomination of equal value.
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

I do know that the New Testament says that Christians are supposed to follow the law- and Christians are supposed to follow the New Testament.

Of course the New Testament doesn't say homosexuality is an abomination- matter of fact Jesus doesn't even mention homosexuality. He does say that remarriage after divorce- you know like President Trump- is adultery.

Or maybe you are one of those "Old Testament" Christians- who doesn't eat shellfish or cut his beard?
You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.

Hey . I agree that the Bible is against it. As it is for lots of things .

You tell me how someone can pick and choose what they follow . Is it a le carte religion??
Cafeteria christianity.
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.

You mean like the fags could have had somewhere else make their cake?

Or the farmer could have followed the city laws.

You know- like the Bible says.

You do know the Bible says homosexuality is an abomination. Do you agree with that or are you going to ignore it when it's not what you like to hear?

Bible says a lot of things . Funny what "Christians " decide is important.

Funny how those like Syriusly that mention the Bible ignore it when the Bible says what they don't want to hear. Funny how you say people do things, implying it's wrong, then do the exactly same thing yourself justifying how it's different with you.

Nowhere does the Bible say not to sell to homosexuals. Now the Old Testament does say to put male homosexuals to death for having sex- but not for getting married.

But the New Testament- where Jesus never condemns homosexuals- does provide specific instructions to follow the law

Romans 13:1–7

<biblia:bibleverse theme="header" resource="esv" width="500" reference="Romans 13:1–7"></biblia:bibleverse> <script src=></script><script>logos.biblia.init();</script>

Submission to the Authorities

13 Let every person pbe subject to the governing authorities. For qthere is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you rwill receive his approval, 4 for she is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, tan avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also ufor the sake of conscience. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing. 7 vPay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.
This thread validates how the fascists just make up lies to justify their hatemongering.

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