Farmer Prevented from Selling His Crop Because He Supports Traditional Marriage

Where in the Bible does it say "thou shall not sell kale to the homos"?

These bigots make up religious beliefs in order to justify their hate.
Where in the Bible does it say "thou shall not sell kale to the homos"?

These bigots make up religious beliefs in order to justify their hate.
you should read it.

I have . It's not in there .

I think these so called Christians should ask themselves "what would Jesus do"?
sure it is, it's all over the bible. you should really read it. look up sodomized in it.

post #266

Jacques: Farmer gets boot for expressing his beliefs

I think we're done allowing homophobes to hide behind their twisted version of "Christianity".

If you're a homophobe just admit it and stop calling yourself "christian"... your ignorance about "traditional marriage" is laughable.

In the Bible the word WIFE refers to a girl who was sold by her father, traded for land and sheep.. That's 'traditional marriage'-- a rich man having as many wives and sex slaves as he could afford.

Does this farmer really support that? Or he just personally squeamish about penis and butts? That's his own insecurity about this his sexuality. Tell him to stop hiding behind some outdated backwards reading of the Bible, quoting lines out of historical/cultural context.
Its is written very clear for those who follow the religious teachings of the Bible. Many verses already quoted in this forum about taking no part with evil minded humans.

Lev. 18
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
The SCOTUS will probably show interest in the position of the baker in that case, in that the "belief" or opinion of the baker is not a tenet of the Christian religion, rather it is an interpretation by a specific denomination or faction of the Christian religion as a whole. Some Christian denominations and factions disagree with the interpretation of the baker and supporters of the baker. Hence, the interpretation is not a tenet of Christianity

If the baker's position can not be shown to be a tenet, supporting the baker's position opens up a big can of worms and promises chaos. It would mean any religious faction could simply interpret passages from their holy book and demand exception to various laws. Weird as it may seem, a ruling in the baker's favor could lead to forcing communities to accept Sharia law as interpreted by various Imans.
Wrong as that word and the others that coincide with it do not change or alter and it is still a personal relationship not a law to be enforced on others like sharia is. The founding fathers knew this that is why we cherish individual choice and the liberty to make those choices that do not impede on another persons rights. You have the right to be a sexual deviant but you do not have the right to force your deviance into my life.
Actually same gender marriage is regressive backwards culture like, incest marriage, underage marriage and polygamy marriage.
Left Wingers are low class cretins and they demand that everyone accept their backwards culture.
The fascists want to force everyone to comply with their evil ways.

You post on Facebook a marriage is between a man and a woman?

They will force you out of business and destroy you.

The left are pure fascists that would make Hitler blush.

Where in the Bible does it say "thou shall not sell kale to the homos"?

These bigots make up religious beliefs in order to justify their hate.
He never said he would refuse service to anyone at the Farmers market, leftard liar fascist.

Jacques: Farmer gets boot for expressing his beliefs

I think we're done allowing homophobes to hide behind their twisted version of "Christianity".

If you're a homophobe just admit it and stop calling yourself "christian"... your ignorance about "traditional marriage" is laughable.

In the Bible the word WIFE refers to a girl who was sold by her father, traded for land and sheep.. That's 'traditional marriage'-- a rich man having as many wives and sex slaves as he could afford.

Does this farmer really support that? Or he just personally squeamish about penis and butts? That's his own insecurity about this his sexuality. Tell him to stop hiding behind some outdated backwards reading of the Bible, quoting lines out of historical/cultural context.
Its is written very clear for those who follow the religious teachings of the Bible. Many verses already quoted in this forum about taking no part with evil minded humans.

Lev. 18
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
The SCOTUS will probably show interest in the position of the baker in that case, in that the "belief" or opinion of the baker is not a tenet of the Christian religion, rather it is an interpretation by a specific denomination or faction of the Christian religion as a whole. Some Christian denominations and factions disagree with the interpretation of the baker and supporters of the baker. Hence, the interpretation is not a tenet of Christianity

If the baker's position can not be shown to be a tenet, supporting the baker's position opens up a big can of worms and promises chaos. It would mean any religious faction could simply interpret passages from their holy book and demand exception to various laws. Weird as it may seem, a ruling in the baker's favor could lead to forcing communities to accept Sharia law as interpreted by various Imans.
Wrong as that word and the others that coincide with it do not change or alter and it is still a personal relationship not a law to be enforced on others like sharia is. The founding fathers knew this that is why we cherish individual choice and the liberty to make those choices that do not impede on another persons rights. You have the right to be a sexual deviant but you do not have the right to force your deviance into my life.

Well if they have gay sex on your okra display you may have a point .

The Bible also says you shouldn't Have tattoos. Are they refusing tattooed customers too?
And what Supreme Court precedent leads you to believe they will rule the way you want?
the one coming down for the baker, here:
Supreme Court to take case on baker who refused to sell wedding cake to gay couple

"The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will consider whether a Denver baker acted lawfully in refusing to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, setting up a major test next term weighing religious freedom against discrimination based on sexual orientation."

That isn't SCOTUS precedent. This is

Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc. - Wikipedia.
well not yet, but it will be.

Why would you expect a different precedent being set?
the baker will win.

That's not answering my question. On what grounds do you think the SCOTUS is going to reverse precedent?

If the owners of Piggie Park were not allowed to use religion to discriminate against blacks, why do you believe they will basically reverse that previous ruling?
Where in the Bible does it say "thou shall not sell kale to the homos"?

These bigots make up religious beliefs in order to justify their hate.
you should read it.

I have . It's not in there .

I think these so called Christians should ask themselves "what would Jesus do"?
View attachment 148736
The amount that Weatherboy is willing to lie to attack gays

View attachment 148737

Especially when HIS meme is false.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious
Where in the Bible does it say "thou shall not sell kale to the homos"?

These bigots make up religious beliefs in order to justify their hate.
you should read it.

I have . It's not in there .

I think these so called Christians should ask themselves "what would Jesus do"?
View attachment 148736
The amount that Weatherboy is willing to lie to attack gays

View attachment 148737

Especially when HIS meme is false.

Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious

The sad thing is those atheists and agnostics are viewing religion from a secular standpoint and that's not how religion is viewed.

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