Farmer Prevented from Selling His Crop Because He Supports Traditional Marriage

His own use of his own property, when he sells his actual product he doesn't discriminate.

East lansing's rules only apply to East Lansing. This is more a home rule issue than anything else.

And since when does wanting to sell something mean you lose your constitutional rights?
hes not losing any right

is he in jail?? is his business closed or shut down???

no, his BUSINESS is just not being ENDORSED with a tax payer funded EVENT because he was DUMB ENOUGH to endorse BIGOTRY on his BUSINESS social media.

how weird is it that constitutionalist centered posters, seemingly, cant seperate 2 ideas in their head or even know what freedom of speech means

Since when is being allowed to sell apples an endorsement of anything? He follows the rules of the Farmer's Market when he is there, East Lansing has no right to force him to follow their rules outside of East lansing.
East Lansing has a right to allow and disallow any entity they wish to attend the farmer's market they pay for - and its got nothing to do with free speech.

And if taxpayers dont like how east lansing spends their tax dollars, they vote them out.

thats how it works.

his business is not invited because they stated their bigotry as an entity, not on his private facebook page but his business one

Their requiring him to follow their "rules" outside their jurisdiction is a violation of home rule concepts of local government.

In the end, it's still government prosecuting him for his religious beliefs, which is unconstitutional.
persecuting, not prosecuting, and i was unaware of an entity of commerce having religious beliefs

People have them, and this person when engaging in commerce doesn't lose their 1st amendment protections.
hes not losing any right

is he in jail?? is his business closed or shut down???

no, his BUSINESS is just not being ENDORSED with a tax payer funded EVENT because he was DUMB ENOUGH to endorse BIGOTRY on his BUSINESS social media.

how weird is it that constitutionalist centered posters, seemingly, cant seperate 2 ideas in their head or even know what freedom of speech means

Since when is being allowed to sell apples an endorsement of anything? He follows the rules of the Farmer's Market when he is there, East Lansing has no right to force him to follow their rules outside of East lansing.
East Lansing has a right to allow and disallow any entity they wish to attend the farmer's market they pay for - and its got nothing to do with free speech.

And if taxpayers dont like how east lansing spends their tax dollars, they vote them out.

thats how it works.

his business is not invited because they stated their bigotry as an entity, not on his private facebook page but his business one

Their requiring him to follow their "rules" outside their jurisdiction is a violation of home rule concepts of local government.

In the end, it's still government prosecuting him for his religious beliefs, which is unconstitutional.
persecuting, not prosecuting, and i was unaware of an entity of commerce having religious beliefs

People have them, and this person when engaging in commerce doesn't lose their 1st amendment protections.
Not being sponsored by taxpayers =/= losing 1st amendment protections.
He doesn't condone or want to participate in same sex weddings. He sells his product to anyone who wants it, and has said he employs anyone without discrimination.

The only hate is from your side.
I dont hate anybody, itz not important enough.

But I do see calling this a free speech issue as retarded ~

I dont get why so many folks confuse what freedom of speech means, its half retarded but since I can "understand" the oversight, its half non retarded.

here is it a government sanction due to his political and social views.
its a law, based on discrimination
..which he expressed, as a business ~ not as a private citizen but as a business he wants to be endorsed with PUBLIC funds

you dont know what free speech means exactly, thats all.

and believe me, free speech wise, this country has seen some DARK DAYS in its history.
You are very confused between what is private and public.
The farmers market is public.

that means, taxpayer funded.

his business is private.

which means - if he wants to attend a tax payer endorsed event, he cant be a bigot.

its pretty simple, and not a free speech issue at all.
He wasn't being a "bigot" as he did not deny anyone service at his booth at the farmers market. You on the other hand seem to think that you can decide what someone has the right to do in a totally separate venue. His private property is totally separate venue from the farmers market.
I dont hate anybody, itz not important enough.

But I do see calling this a free speech issue as retarded ~

I dont get why so many folks confuse what freedom of speech means, its half retarded but since I can "understand" the oversight, its half non retarded.

here is it a government sanction due to his political and social views.
its a law, based on discrimination
..which he expressed, as a business ~ not as a private citizen but as a business he wants to be endorsed with PUBLIC funds

you dont know what free speech means exactly, thats all.

and believe me, free speech wise, this country has seen some DARK DAYS in its history.
You are very confused between what is private and public.
The farmers market is public.

that means, taxpayer funded.

his business is private.

which means - if he wants to attend a tax payer endorsed event, he cant be a bigot.

its pretty simple, and not a free speech issue at all.
He wasn't being a "bigot" as he did not deny anyone service at his booth at the farmers market. You on the other hand seem to think that you can decide what someone has the right to do in a totally separate venue which his private property is totally separate from the farmers market.
No, dont put words in my mouth.

Theyre not dictating what he can and cant do....he can still do it. derppppp

Theyre dictating who theyll invite or not, and what theyll base that decision on, and face the voters to say yay or nay to those decisions they make.
here is it a government sanction due to his political and social views.
its a law, based on discrimination
..which he expressed, as a business ~ not as a private citizen but as a business he wants to be endorsed with PUBLIC funds

you dont know what free speech means exactly, thats all.

and believe me, free speech wise, this country has seen some DARK DAYS in its history.
You are very confused between what is private and public.
The farmers market is public.

that means, taxpayer funded.

his business is private.

which means - if he wants to attend a tax payer endorsed event, he cant be a bigot.

its pretty simple, and not a free speech issue at all.
He wasn't being a "bigot" as he did not deny anyone service at his booth at the farmers market. You on the other hand seem to think that you can decide what someone has the right to do in a totally separate venue which his private property is totally separate from the farmers market.
No, dont put words in my mouth.

Theyre not dictating what he can and cant do....he can still do it. derppppp

Theyre dictating who theyll invite or not, and what theyll base that decision on, and face the voters to say yay or nay to those decisions they make.
So in essence you are telling us that it is fine and dandy for the city to discriminate against a person for their personal religious beliefs. FU and that nasty ass horse you ride.
Jesus did what?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

Where did I say church marriages? I said man and woman. That's what makes it normal based on what Jesus said in Matthew 19 repeating w
Jesus did what?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

I said marriages between a man and a woman were the standard of normal. It's what Jesus taught in Matthew 19 repeating the standard set by God the Father in Genesis 2.

Not my fault you ignore that standard.
1. Jesus never said a thing against gays and gay marriage
2. Our secular laws don't have to have anything to do with your so-called religion
Jesus never said a thing about murder.
In Leftardia that means Jesus condones murder.
However, murder is mentioned: 1) elsewhere in the bible, and 2) in most other religions and governments harms others.
Hint: look up "The Golden Rule"
its a law, based on discrimination
..which he expressed, as a business ~ not as a private citizen but as a business he wants to be endorsed with PUBLIC funds

you dont know what free speech means exactly, thats all.

and believe me, free speech wise, this country has seen some DARK DAYS in its history.
You are very confused between what is private and public.
The farmers market is public.

that means, taxpayer funded.

his business is private.

which means - if he wants to attend a tax payer endorsed event, he cant be a bigot.

its pretty simple, and not a free speech issue at all.
He wasn't being a "bigot" as he did not deny anyone service at his booth at the farmers market. You on the other hand seem to think that you can decide what someone has the right to do in a totally separate venue which his private property is totally separate from the farmers market.
No, dont put words in my mouth.

Theyre not dictating what he can and cant do....he can still do it. derppppp

Theyre dictating who theyll invite or not, and what theyll base that decision on, and face the voters to say yay or nay to those decisions they make.
So in essence you are telling us that it is fine and dandy for the city to discriminate against a person for their personal religious beliefs. FU and that nasty ass horse you ride.
No, the city has an ordinance for their damn farmers market and theyre allowed to have standards based on who they invite sherlock

how could the voters ever fix that fascism!!!! err meee gerddd!!!

vote a new legislature.

ohhh....guess its not fascism then, derpppll
The irony here is that the farmer is claiming discrimination for not being allowed to discriminate. His farm has not been affected because his farm is not in the city, it is outside of the city and continues to operate unimpeded. His complaint is that he is not allowed to operate at a vendor site provided by the city inside the city.

The farmer was promoting a service that had nothing to do with his "crops" being sold. He operates various services and hosts events at his farm, including a banquet hall used for weddings and facilities for holding the actual wedding. When potential customers tried to arrange to use those facilities and services at his farm stand in the city at the city owned farmers market, they would be denied. Hence, the farmer was violating the anti-discrimination ordinances of the city and putting the city in jeopardy of becoming a defendant as part of any law suits filed by third parties for supporting discrimination and ignoring its own anti-discrimination laws.

The farmer's argument and point is that he should be allowed to discriminate because of his beliefs, but the city, via decisions made by elected officials, should not be able to discriminate because of their beliefs, legal obligations, adherence to what they understand as enforceable law or any other reason, including the concept that the city is protecting a purely business decision to protect and project the reputation of the operation of the city owned and operated farmers market.
This twat got what he deserves.

He posted anti gay shit on his BUSINESS' facebook page and then wants the local govt to ENDORSE his business

he coulda used his 2 brain cells and realized his "free speech" applies to him as an individual and not his business engaging in government funded commerce

this is a total non issue

I look forward to watching you and your family destroyed because of what you post on Facebook. would have no problem if we found out who you were (or you were brave enough to post what you DO post under your name in Facebook) and your business saw your comments on gays, on minorities, etc.
Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

Where did I say church marriages? I said man and woman. That's what makes it normal based on what Jesus said in Matthew 19 repeating w
Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

I said marriages between a man and a woman were the standard of normal. It's what Jesus taught in Matthew 19 repeating the standard set by God the Father in Genesis 2.

Not my fault you ignore that standard.
1. Jesus never said a thing against gays and gay marriage
2. Our secular laws don't have to have anything to do with your so-called religion
Jesus never said a thing about murder.
In Leftardia that means Jesus condones murder.
However, murder is mentioned: 1) elsewhere in the bible, and 2) in most other religions and governments harms others.
Hint: look up "The Golden Rule"
Oh, so suddenly you want to talk about elsewhere in the Bible! OK.

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-- who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Then we have JC:
What comes out of you is what defiles you. For from within, out of your hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile you.
This twat got what he deserves.

He posted anti gay shit on his BUSINESS' facebook page and then wants the local govt to ENDORSE his business

he coulda used his 2 brain cells and realized his "free speech" applies to him as an individual and not his business engaging in government funded commerce

this is a total non issue
Typical homosexual:
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigns after fifth child sex-abuse allegation.
Typical? BTW, unlike you, I hope that he is charged and if found guilty, punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Is this a typical heterosexual? Seven people found shot to death in Texas home, shooter killed
"they shall surely be put to death?"

good thing christians are kinda phony in their beliefs and dont actually follow that shit, but instead follow secular morals
Since when is being allowed to sell apples an endorsement of anything? He follows the rules of the Farmer's Market when he is there, East Lansing has no right to force him to follow their rules outside of East lansing.
East Lansing has a right to allow and disallow any entity they wish to attend the farmer's market they pay for - and its got nothing to do with free speech.

And if taxpayers dont like how east lansing spends their tax dollars, they vote them out.

thats how it works.

his business is not invited because they stated their bigotry as an entity, not on his private facebook page but his business one

Their requiring him to follow their "rules" outside their jurisdiction is a violation of home rule concepts of local government.

In the end, it's still government prosecuting him for his religious beliefs, which is unconstitutional.
persecuting, not prosecuting, and i was unaware of an entity of commerce having religious beliefs

People have them, and this person when engaging in commerce doesn't lose their 1st amendment protections.
Not being sponsored by taxpayers =/= losing 1st amendment protections.

How is this being "sponsored" If a couple selling jam at the market is also a bunch of swingers is East lansing now "sponsoring" swinging?
The irony here is that the farmer is claiming discrimination for not being allowed to discriminate. His farm has not been affected because his farm is not in the city, it is outside of the city and continues to operate unimpeded. His complaint is that he is not allowed to operate at a vendor site provided by the city inside the city.

The farmer was promoting a service that had nothing to do with his "crops" being sold. He operates various services and hosts events at his farm, including a banquet hall used for weddings and facilities for holding the actual wedding. When potential customers tried to arrange to use those facilities and services at his farm stand in the city at the city owned farmers market, they would be denied. Hence, the farmer was violating the anti-discrimination ordinances of the city and putting the city in jeopardy of becoming a defendant as part of any law suits filed by third parties for supporting discrimination and ignoring its own anti-discrimination laws.

The farmer's argument and point is that he should be allowed to discriminate because of his beliefs, but the city, via decisions made by elected officials, should not be able to discriminate because of their beliefs, legal obligations, adherence to what they understand as enforceable law or any other reason, including the concept that the city is protecting a purely business decision to protect and project the reputation of the operation of the city owned and operated farmers market.
So a city can discriminate simply based upon the opinions of its elected officials?

Yes, you leftists are fascists.
East Lansing has a right to allow and disallow any entity they wish to attend the farmer's market they pay for - and its got nothing to do with free speech.

And if taxpayers dont like how east lansing spends their tax dollars, they vote them out.

thats how it works.

his business is not invited because they stated their bigotry as an entity, not on his private facebook page but his business one

Their requiring him to follow their "rules" outside their jurisdiction is a violation of home rule concepts of local government.

In the end, it's still government prosecuting him for his religious beliefs, which is unconstitutional.
persecuting, not prosecuting, and i was unaware of an entity of commerce having religious beliefs

People have them, and this person when engaging in commerce doesn't lose their 1st amendment protections.
Not being sponsored by taxpayers =/= losing 1st amendment protections.

How is this being "sponsored" If a couple selling jam at the market is also a bunch of swingers is East lansing now "sponsoring" swinging?
Uh, yea

Just like Disney can fire a retard for smoking meth and plastering it all over his social media that says "employed at disney" in his profile

nobody has to sponsor that trash
The irony here is that the farmer is claiming discrimination for not being allowed to discriminate. His farm has not been affected because his farm is not in the city, it is outside of the city and continues to operate unimpeded. His complaint is that he is not allowed to operate at a vendor site provided by the city inside the city.

The farmer was promoting a service that had nothing to do with his "crops" being sold. He operates various services and hosts events at his farm, including a banquet hall used for weddings and facilities for holding the actual wedding. When potential customers tried to arrange to use those facilities and services at his farm stand in the city at the city owned farmers market, they would be denied. Hence, the farmer was violating the anti-discrimination ordinances of the city and putting the city in jeopardy of becoming a defendant as part of any law suits filed by third parties for supporting discrimination and ignoring its own anti-discrimination laws.

The farmer's argument and point is that he should be allowed to discriminate because of his beliefs, but the city, via decisions made by elected officials, should not be able to discriminate because of their beliefs, legal obligations, adherence to what they understand as enforceable law or any other reason, including the concept that the city is protecting a purely business decision to protect and project the reputation of the operation of the city owned and operated farmers market.

The city is government, and thus is bound by the constitution and must be "blind".

If he meets all the requirements while in the jurisdiction, they cannot discriminate against him for things he does outside the jurisdiction.
Their requiring him to follow their "rules" outside their jurisdiction is a violation of home rule concepts of local government.

In the end, it's still government prosecuting him for his religious beliefs, which is unconstitutional.
persecuting, not prosecuting, and i was unaware of an entity of commerce having religious beliefs

People have them, and this person when engaging in commerce doesn't lose their 1st amendment protections.
Not being sponsored by taxpayers =/= losing 1st amendment protections.

How is this being "sponsored" If a couple selling jam at the market is also a bunch of swingers is East lansing now "sponsoring" swinging?
Uh, yea

Just like Disney can fire a retard for smoking meth and plastering it all over his social media that says "employed at disney" in his profile

nobody has to sponsor that trash

Disney is not a government entity.

Thanks for playing, you fascist twat.
The irony here is that the farmer is claiming discrimination for not being allowed to discriminate. His farm has not been affected because his farm is not in the city, it is outside of the city and continues to operate unimpeded. His complaint is that he is not allowed to operate at a vendor site provided by the city inside the city.

The farmer was promoting a service that had nothing to do with his "crops" being sold. He operates various services and hosts events at his farm, including a banquet hall used for weddings and facilities for holding the actual wedding. When potential customers tried to arrange to use those facilities and services at his farm stand in the city at the city owned farmers market, they would be denied. Hence, the farmer was violating the anti-discrimination ordinances of the city and putting the city in jeopardy of becoming a defendant as part of any law suits filed by third parties for supporting discrimination and ignoring its own anti-discrimination laws.

The farmer's argument and point is that he should be allowed to discriminate because of his beliefs, but the city, via decisions made by elected officials, should not be able to discriminate because of their beliefs, legal obligations, adherence to what they understand as enforceable law or any other reason, including the concept that the city is protecting a purely business decision to protect and project the reputation of the operation of the city owned and operated farmers market.
So a city can discriminate simply based upon the opinions of its elected officials?

Yes, you leftists are fascists.
anti discrimination isnt discrimination

thats really goofy

i guess civil rights are discriminatory against racists

murder laws are discriminatory against murderers

This twat got what he deserves.

He posted anti gay shit on his BUSINESS' facebook page and then wants the local govt to ENDORSE his business

he coulda used his 2 brain cells and realized his "free speech" applies to him as an individual and not his business engaging in government funded commerce

this is a total non issue
Typical homosexual:
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigns after fifth child sex-abuse allegation.
Typical? BTW, unlike you, I hope that he is charged and if found guilty, punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Is this a typical heterosexual? Seven people found shot to death in Texas home, shooter killed
Yes, per capita homosexuals are pedophiles and rapists more than any other group.

One of many reasons the left love homosexuality and want rapists in girls bathrooms.
persecuting, not prosecuting, and i was unaware of an entity of commerce having religious beliefs

People have them, and this person when engaging in commerce doesn't lose their 1st amendment protections.
Not being sponsored by taxpayers =/= losing 1st amendment protections.

How is this being "sponsored" If a couple selling jam at the market is also a bunch of swingers is East lansing now "sponsoring" swinging?
Uh, yea

Just like Disney can fire a retard for smoking meth and plastering it all over his social media that says "employed at disney" in his profile

nobody has to sponsor that trash

Disney is not a government entity.

Thanks for playing, you fascist twat.
No, it was an example of how an entity sees themselves as "endorsing" something if it happens off their own property for you, since the concept confuses ya

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