Farmer Prevented from Selling His Crop Because He Supports Traditional Marriage

It's not okay. Thus the ordinance. Scumbag.

Don't try to dodge you fascist fuck. You get a hard on being an asshole to people over political disagreements.

This man did nothing to discriminate when selling his product, he got banned for his views.

Fuck off and Die you miserable sack of shit.
His business discriminates against gay people. Thus the metaphorical booting out of the metaphorical door.

Except it's illegal, he never refused to sell to anyone. The city will pay through the nose for this colossal blunder.

Dumb ass leftists

He refused services at his farm, per his facebook post:

This past fall our family farm stopped booking future wedding ceremonies at our orchard until we could devote the appropriate time to review our policies and how we respectfully communicate and express our beliefs. The Country Mill engages in expressing its purpose and beliefs through the operation of its business and it intentionally communicates messages that promote its owners’ beliefs and declines to communicate messages that violate those beliefs. The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs. For this reason, Country Mill reserves the right to deny a request for services that would require it to communicate, engage in, or host expression that violates the owners’ sincerely held religious beliefs and conscience. Furthermore, it remains our religious belief that all people should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their beliefs or background. We appreciate the tolerance offered to us specifically regarding our participation in hosting wedding ceremonies at our family farm.

So, at least get the idea that it's about first amendment rights, though the guy himself doesn't even seem to understand that.

Again, how does that mean East Lansing can deny him a spot at their Farmer's Market as long as he follows the Jurisdiction's rules in the jurisdiction?

East Lansing Farmer’s Market 2017 Vendor Guidelines state that market vendors will embody the spirit of the market by complying with the City of East Lansing’s Civil Rights ordinances and the public policy against discrimination contained in Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code while at the market and as a general business practice.

Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code can be found here: Municode Library.
Don't try to dodge you fascist fuck. You get a hard on being an asshole to people over political disagreements.

This man did nothing to discriminate when selling his product, he got banned for his views.

Fuck off and Die you miserable sack of shit.
His business discriminates against gay people. Thus the metaphorical booting out of the metaphorical door.

Except it's illegal, he never refused to sell to anyone. The city will pay through the nose for this colossal blunder.

Dumb ass leftists

He refused services at his farm, per his facebook post:

This past fall our family farm stopped booking future wedding ceremonies at our orchard until we could devote the appropriate time to review our policies and how we respectfully communicate and express our beliefs. The Country Mill engages in expressing its purpose and beliefs through the operation of its business and it intentionally communicates messages that promote its owners’ beliefs and declines to communicate messages that violate those beliefs. The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs. For this reason, Country Mill reserves the right to deny a request for services that would require it to communicate, engage in, or host expression that violates the owners’ sincerely held religious beliefs and conscience. Furthermore, it remains our religious belief that all people should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their beliefs or background. We appreciate the tolerance offered to us specifically regarding our participation in hosting wedding ceremonies at our family farm.

So, at least get the idea that it's about first amendment rights, though the guy himself doesn't even seem to understand that.

Again, how does that mean East Lansing can deny him a spot at their Farmer's Market as long as he follows the Jurisdiction's rules in the jurisdiction?

East Lansing Farmer’s Market 2017 Vendor Guidelines state that market vendors will embody the spirit of the market by complying with the City of East Lansing’s Civil Rights ordinances and the public policy against discrimination contained in Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code while at the market and as a general business practice.

Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code can be found here: Municode Library.

The law probably violates home rule principles by imposing its laws outside of its jurisdiction.

If this was a private group running the market it wouldn't be an issue, but since the city is involved its smacks of government overreach.

As long as they follow the rules in East Lansing, they cannot be banned for their practices outside of East Lansing.
Did you notice the government assholes think Lansing property is their personal property when it in fact belongs to the people. Very typical of government fiefdoms.
Of course it beongs to the people. The ones that voted for the ordinance violated by the farmer.

How about we vote to exclude you from all public functions because of your political views?
I bet you would run crying to anyone who cares, like the bitch you are.

Fascist bastard.
You are certainly welcome to create such an ordinance in your own burg. Think you can get the votes?

Once again arguing the how and not the why, because your why has no valid argument.
This is your continued excuse for just whining and not taking action. It IS possible to get laws repealed, correct? Then do so......unless you cannot get a majority to agree with you. Perhaps that is what you really fear.
Did you notice the government assholes think Lansing property is their personal property when it in fact belongs to the people. Very typical of government fiefdoms.
Of course it beongs to the people. The ones that voted for the ordinance violated by the farmer.

How about we vote to exclude you from all public functions because of your political views?
I bet you would run crying to anyone who cares, like the bitch you are.

Fascist bastard.
You are certainly welcome to create such an ordinance in your own burg. Think you can get the votes?

Once again arguing the how and not the why, because your why has no valid argument.
This is your continued excuse for just whining and not taking action. It IS possible to get laws repealed, correct? Then do so......unless you cannot get a majority to agree with you. Perhaps that is what you really fear.

And your continued inability to discuss the why by resorting to the how and being a prick about "why don't you doooooooo something fuh fuh fuh"

And the thing about a constitutional republic is that for certain things the will of the majority isn't good enough.
Don't try to dodge you fascist fuck. You get a hard on being an asshole to people over political disagreements.

This man did nothing to discriminate when selling his product, he got banned for his views.

Fuck off and Die you miserable sack of shit.
His business discriminates against gay people. Thus the metaphorical booting out of the metaphorical door.

Except it's illegal, he never refused to sell to anyone. The city will pay through the nose for this colossal blunder.

Dumb ass leftists

He refused services at his farm, per his facebook post:

This past fall our family farm stopped booking future wedding ceremonies at our orchard until we could devote the appropriate time to review our policies and how we respectfully communicate and express our beliefs. The Country Mill engages in expressing its purpose and beliefs through the operation of its business and it intentionally communicates messages that promote its owners’ beliefs and declines to communicate messages that violate those beliefs. The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs. For this reason, Country Mill reserves the right to deny a request for services that would require it to communicate, engage in, or host expression that violates the owners’ sincerely held religious beliefs and conscience. Furthermore, it remains our religious belief that all people should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their beliefs or background. We appreciate the tolerance offered to us specifically regarding our participation in hosting wedding ceremonies at our family farm.

So, at least get the idea that it's about first amendment rights, though the guy himself doesn't even seem to understand that.

Again, how does that mean East Lansing can deny him a spot at their Farmer's Market as long as he follows the Jurisdiction's rules in the jurisdiction?

East Lansing Farmer’s Market 2017 Vendor Guidelines state that market vendors will embody the spirit of the market by complying with the City of East Lansing’s Civil Rights ordinances and the public policy against discrimination contained in Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code while at the market and as a general business practice.

Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code can be found here: Municode Library.
I knew it would be something simple as hell like this, and not the hysterical whining over Nazis it turned into.

Anyhooooo, moving along then.
Of course it beongs to the people. The ones that voted for the ordinance violated by the farmer.

How about we vote to exclude you from all public functions because of your political views?
I bet you would run crying to anyone who cares, like the bitch you are.

Fascist bastard.
You are certainly welcome to create such an ordinance in your own burg. Think you can get the votes?

Once again arguing the how and not the why, because your why has no valid argument.
This is your continued excuse for just whining and not taking action. It IS possible to get laws repealed, correct? Then do so......unless you cannot get a majority to agree with you. Perhaps that is what you really fear.

And your continued inability to discuss the why by resorting to the how and being a prick about "why don't you doooooooo something fuh fuh fuh"

And the thing about a constitutional republic is that for certain things the will of the majority isn't good enough.
Because...surprisingly, I know.....if I don't like a law enough to work to get rid of it....I take action within the law....I work to repeal said law...or work to challenge it in court. PA laws have already been challenged and declared that leaves repeal. I would work with others to repeal that law.

Not just whine on a forum.
How about we vote to exclude you from all public functions because of your political views?
I bet you would run crying to anyone who cares, like the bitch you are.

Fascist bastard.
You are certainly welcome to create such an ordinance in your own burg. Think you can get the votes?

Once again arguing the how and not the why, because your why has no valid argument.
This is your continued excuse for just whining and not taking action. It IS possible to get laws repealed, correct? Then do so......unless you cannot get a majority to agree with you. Perhaps that is what you really fear.

And your continued inability to discuss the why by resorting to the how and being a prick about "why don't you doooooooo something fuh fuh fuh"

And the thing about a constitutional republic is that for certain things the will of the majority isn't good enough.
Because...surprisingly, I know.....if I don't like a law enough to work to get rid of it....I take action within the law....I work to repeal said law...or work to challenge it in court. PA laws have already been challenged and declared that leaves repeal. I would work with others to repeal that law.

Not just whine on a forum.

All you do is whine about people you think are whining. And again you ignore the why and just with being an ass about the how.

Stop being such a ****.
His business discriminates against gay people. Thus the metaphorical booting out of the metaphorical door.

Except it's illegal, he never refused to sell to anyone. The city will pay through the nose for this colossal blunder.

Dumb ass leftists

He refused services at his farm, per his facebook post:

This past fall our family farm stopped booking future wedding ceremonies at our orchard until we could devote the appropriate time to review our policies and how we respectfully communicate and express our beliefs. The Country Mill engages in expressing its purpose and beliefs through the operation of its business and it intentionally communicates messages that promote its owners’ beliefs and declines to communicate messages that violate those beliefs. The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs. For this reason, Country Mill reserves the right to deny a request for services that would require it to communicate, engage in, or host expression that violates the owners’ sincerely held religious beliefs and conscience. Furthermore, it remains our religious belief that all people should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their beliefs or background. We appreciate the tolerance offered to us specifically regarding our participation in hosting wedding ceremonies at our family farm.

So, at least get the idea that it's about first amendment rights, though the guy himself doesn't even seem to understand that.

Again, how does that mean East Lansing can deny him a spot at their Farmer's Market as long as he follows the Jurisdiction's rules in the jurisdiction?

East Lansing Farmer’s Market 2017 Vendor Guidelines state that market vendors will embody the spirit of the market by complying with the City of East Lansing’s Civil Rights ordinances and the public policy against discrimination contained in Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code while at the market and as a general business practice.

Chapter 22 of the East Lansing City Code can be found here: Municode Library.
I knew it would be something simple as hell like this, and not the hysterical whining over Nazis it turned into.

Anyhooooo, moving along then.
And...sad to say...the whining will continue. No action by those who live in that area who could actually work to repeal such an ordinance.........just whining.
You are certainly welcome to create such an ordinance in your own burg. Think you can get the votes?

Once again arguing the how and not the why, because your why has no valid argument.
This is your continued excuse for just whining and not taking action. It IS possible to get laws repealed, correct? Then do so......unless you cannot get a majority to agree with you. Perhaps that is what you really fear.

And your continued inability to discuss the why by resorting to the how and being a prick about "why don't you doooooooo something fuh fuh fuh"

And the thing about a constitutional republic is that for certain things the will of the majority isn't good enough.
Because...surprisingly, I know.....if I don't like a law enough to work to get rid of it....I take action within the law....I work to repeal said law...or work to challenge it in court. PA laws have already been challenged and declared that leaves repeal. I would work with others to repeal that law.

Not just whine on a forum.

All you do is whine about people you think are whining. And again you ignore the why and just with being an ass about the how.

Stop being such a ****.
Funny how you think my pointing out the way you could actually affect change is "whining". Take action, lazy person.
No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

Where did I say church marriages? I said man and woman. That's what makes it normal based on what Jesus said in Matthew 19 repeating w
No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

I said marriages between a man and a woman were the standard of normal. It's what Jesus taught in Matthew 19 repeating the standard set by God the Father in Genesis 2.

Not my fault you ignore that standard.
1. Jesus never said a thing against gays and gay marriage
2. Our secular laws don't have to have anything to do with your so-called religion
Once again arguing the how and not the why, because your why has no valid argument.
This is your continued excuse for just whining and not taking action. It IS possible to get laws repealed, correct? Then do so......unless you cannot get a majority to agree with you. Perhaps that is what you really fear.

And your continued inability to discuss the why by resorting to the how and being a prick about "why don't you doooooooo something fuh fuh fuh"

And the thing about a constitutional republic is that for certain things the will of the majority isn't good enough.
Because...surprisingly, I know.....if I don't like a law enough to work to get rid of it....I take action within the law....I work to repeal said law...or work to challenge it in court. PA laws have already been challenged and declared that leaves repeal. I would work with others to repeal that law.

Not just whine on a forum.

All you do is whine about people you think are whining. And again you ignore the why and just with being an ass about the how.

Stop being such a ****.
Funny how you think my pointing out the way you could actually affect change is "whining". Take action, lazy person.

Discuss the why, you dodging twat.
Attending a church, using a church facility, belonging to a religious group, listening to a preacher even or reading the bible doesn't make Jesus Christ your personal Savior.

Is Donald Trump now a born-again Christian?

Ah thats right- to some Christians, nobody is a Christian unless they believe in Jesus exactly the way that those Christians believe Christians have to believe in Jesus......

Trump calls himself a Christian- if you don't want to believe him- well hells bells- fine with me.


(RNS) Donald Trump recently accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, making him a 'baby Christian,' Focus on the Family founder James Dobson reportedly said.

Funny how many on the left think being a Christian means they can support abortion, same sex marriage, and all sorts of other things the Bible says will keep them from inheriting the kingdom of God.

Trump is (supposedly) a Presbyterian,

a denomination that does in fact support same sex marriage and is pro-choice on abortion.

What do denominations have to do with it?

Are you saying that because an entire denomination supports it God will change his mind about them being wrong? Don't think that thought hasn't gone through the minds of some that call themselves Christian but support things that go against God's word.

The Bible was written by humans.
Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

Where did I say church marriages? I said man and woman. That's what makes it normal based on what Jesus said in Matthew 19 repeating w
Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

I said marriages between a man and a woman were the standard of normal. It's what Jesus taught in Matthew 19 repeating the standard set by God the Father in Genesis 2.

Not my fault you ignore that standard.
1. Jesus never said a thing against gays and gay marriage
2. Our secular laws don't have to have anything to do with your so-called religion
Jesus never said a thing about murder.
In Leftardia that means Jesus condones murder.
This twat got what he deserves.

He posted anti gay shit on his BUSINESS' facebook page and then wants the local govt to ENDORSE his business

he coulda used his 2 brain cells and realized his "free speech" applies to him as an individual and not his business engaging in government funded commerce

this is a total non issue
This twat got what he deserves.

He posted anti gay shit on his BUSINESS' facebook page and then wants the local govt to ENDORSE his business

he coulda used his 2 brain cells and realized his "free speech" applies to him as an individual and not his business engaging in government funded commerce

this is a total non issue

I look forward to watching you and your family destroyed because of what you post on Facebook.
Tough titties. The yokel can peddle his wares plenty of other places.
Violation of the bill of rights according to the US Constitution.
Free expression of religion shall not be infringed.

Yet it is still illegal for a Christian to refuse to sell to a black customer- claiming his religious beliefs forbid it.
There is no such belief in the original doctrine of the church. And that isn't the issue here.

However, if you want to talk about bigotry let's discuss the issue of Sharia Law and it's treatment of Christians. The persecution and systematic slaughter they have endured over decades.

The Persecution of Christians and Islamic Sharia Law
This twat got what he deserves.

He posted anti gay shit on his BUSINESS' facebook page and then wants the local govt to ENDORSE his business

he coulda used his 2 brain cells and realized his "free speech" applies to him as an individual and not his business engaging in government funded commerce

this is a total non issue

I look forward to watching you and your family destroyed because of what you post on Facebook.
I have more than 2 brain cells but I appreciate and understand your concern.
This twat got what he deserves.

He posted anti gay shit on his BUSINESS' facebook page and then wants the local govt to ENDORSE his business

he coulda used his 2 brain cells and realized his "free speech" applies to him as an individual and not his business engaging in government funded commerce

this is a total non issue

He doesn't condone or want to participate in same sex weddings. He sells his product to anyone who wants it, and has said he employs anyone without discrimination.

The only hate is from your side.

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