Farmer Prevented from Selling His Crop Because He Supports Traditional Marriage

Obama calls himself a Christian yet supports the concept of abortion despite God's word saying He knew you before you were born. In fact, many on the left support abortion despite God's word. Why do they ignore God's word?

Nothing in the Bible prohibits abortion. The Bible gives instructions on how to induce one.

At the time Jesus walked the earth, it was a common practice (that Jesus never mentioned) to leave sickly, deformed or otherwise deficient babies out in the elements to die.

Finally, if the Bible cares so much about the fetus, why are there different penalties for a child bearing woman to be killed than for the fetus she is carrying?

If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. 23 But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." Ex. 21:22-25,
The commandment thou shalt not kill covers it as it is a human (adam=human) in the womb.
So no one is to kill at all? What about executions? What about in war?
"Murder" is the actual word. My mistake on wording.
So...abortion is murder?
I would not want do it as I would consider it murdering one's own child.

noun: murder; plural noun: murders
  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre; More
    "a brutal murder"
    • informal
      a very difficult or unpleasant task or experience.
      "my first job at the steel mill was murder"
      synonyms: hell, hell on earth, a nightmare, an ordeal, a trial, misery, torture, agony
      "driving there was murder"
verb: murder; 3rd person present: murders; past tense: murdered; past participle: murdered; gerund or present participle: murdering
kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.
"somebody tried to murder Joe"
synonyms: kill, put to death, assassinate, execute, liquidate, eliminate, dispatch, butcher, slaughter, massacre, wipe out; More
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I DO know he supported only heterosexual marriages . . . and yet we have all these folks claiming to know religion ignoring it.

But you oddly enough don't know that Jesus condemned divorce and remarriage.

Jesus never condemned same gender marriage- but he did condemn the kind of marriage Donald Trump is in right now.

So of course the marriage that bothers you is Bob marrying Gary- not Donald marrying Melania.

I know it enough to not have done it.

Jesus was clear about what types of marriages were acceptable. Fag marriages weren't one of them.

Jesus never mentioned 'fags' at all.

He did say that Donald Trump is an adulterer though.

Of course he did. Why is that significant when it's clear that Trump doesn't intend to follow Christ's teachings? In fact, if he did, as his VP has done, he would be condemned for doing so.

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When did Jesus mention "fags"?

He didn't. Trump being an adulterer, however, is not in dispute.

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^ How the world changes...

"As for our politicians, the data are remarkably consistent. Pluralities or majorities in most polls say that a politician’s extramarital affairs should not disqualify him from serving in office and that a history of engaging in such activity would not affect their vote. All throughout the tawdry drama of public reaction to Bill Clinton’s sexual antics, Americans said they could separate his private life from his professional duties. They didn’t approve of his behavior, but they based their judgments about him on his performance." ~ Just How Many Spouses Cheat?
Another one that ignores marriage being between a man/woman is the only acceptable kind.

Another one that ignores the Biblical prohibition of divorce and Bible demand that Christians obey the law.

Another one that ignores the Biblical support of marriages only between a man and a woman.
Another one that ignores the Biblical prohibition of divorce and Bible demand that Christians obey the law.

Another fag supporter that ignores what types of marriages are acceptable and what types aren't.

Get lost, NL.
Poor boy......trying to make himself feel better at the expense of his fellow citizens.

Too bad for you.....we can legally marry. I guess you believe that somehow lessens your so-called marriage now.

So-called? Yours is the type that people had to beg to get. That should tell you something.
I know it enough to not have done it.

Jesus was clear about what types of marriages were acceptable. Fag marriages weren't one of them.

Jesus never mentioned 'fags' at all.

He did say that Donald Trump is an adulterer though.

Of course he did. Why is that significant when it's clear that Trump doesn't intend to follow Christ's teachings? In fact, if he did, as his VP has done, he would be condemned for doing so.

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Donald Trump calls himself a Christian.

Personally I don't care about his adultery- but I do think it is relevant when Christians refuse to serve gay couples- citing their Christian beliefs in marriage- but don't make any such issue about marrying a couple like Donald and Melania

The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs.

Obama calls himself a Christian yet supports the concept of abortion despite God's word saying He knew you before you were born. In fact, many on the left support abortion despite God's word. Why do they ignore God's word?
Yes...many christians support legalized abortion. And those of us who are not christian don't have to pay attention to your so-called god's "word".

No, many that call themselves do. That puts them on the same level as those that don't.

No, you don't have to pay attention. That doesn't change what God's word said will be your fate. But, I know, because you don't believe it means it can't be true.
Dufus, the Bible allows divorce when it should and interracial marriage was a norm then. Several famous Bible figures had interracial marriages.
Jesus said quite clearly that if one divorces except for infidelity, it's adultery. But isn't it odd how you cafeteria christians ignore that part.

He said quite clearly that marriage was between a man and a woman yet you still support fags marrying. How odd you ignore that part.

The New Testament quite clearly states that Christians are to obey the law- yet you still support Christians breaking the law. How odd you ignore that part.
Satan quoted Scripture more than anyone.

Well I know you and Satan are tight- so who am I to disagree with your personal communication with Satan.

Based on things you support, it's quite clear you and Satan are whether you realize it or not.
No, I'm acknowledging he said nothing about gays...but he did mention divorce. Why aren't divorced people being denied service by these "good Christians"?

He also mentioned marriage being between a man and a woman. Why do you ignore that?

What's to ignore? It was pretty much the only kind there was over 2,000 years ago. So what? It has nothing to do with the questions posed. Your continued deflection is noted.

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

Attending a church, using a church facility, belonging to a religious group, listening to a preacher even or reading the bible doesn't make Jesus Christ your personal Savior.

Is Donald Trump now a born-again Christian?

Ah thats right- to some Christians, nobody is a Christian unless they believe in Jesus exactly the way that those Christians believe Christians have to believe in Jesus......

Trump calls himself a Christian- if you don't want to believe him- well hells bells- fine with me.


(RNS) Donald Trump recently accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, making him a 'baby Christian,' Focus on the Family founder James Dobson reportedly said.[/QUOTE]

Funny how many on the left think being a Christian means they can support abortion, same sex marriage, and all sorts of other things the Bible says will keep them from inheriting the kingdom of God.
He also mentioned marriage being between a man and a woman. Why do you ignore that?

What's to ignore? It was pretty much the only kind there was over 2,000 years ago. So what? It has nothing to do with the questions posed. Your continued deflection is noted.

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

He also mentioned marriage being between a man and a woman. Why do you ignore that?

What's to ignore? It was pretty much the only kind there was over 2,000 years ago. So what? It has nothing to do with the questions posed. Your continued deflection is noted.

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).
No, I'm acknowledging he said nothing about gays...but he did mention divorce. Why aren't divorced people being denied service by these "good Christians"?

He also mentioned marriage being between a man and a woman. Why do you ignore that?

What's to ignore? It was pretty much the only kind there was over 2,000 years ago. So what? It has nothing to do with the questions posed. Your continued deflection is noted.

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

Attending a church, using a church facility, belonging to a religious group, listening to a preacher even or reading the bible doesn't make Jesus Christ your personal Savior.

Is Donald Trump now a born-again Christian?

Ah thats right- to some Christians, nobody is a Christian unless they believe in Jesus exactly the way that those Christians believe Christians have to believe in Jesus......

Trump calls himself a Christian- if you don't want to believe him- well hells bells- fine with me.


(RNS) Donald Trump recently accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, making him a 'baby Christian,' Focus on the Family founder James Dobson reportedly said.

Funny how many on the left think being a Christian means they can support abortion, same sex marriage, and all sorts of other things the Bible says will keep them from inheriting the kingdom of God.[/QUOTE]

Trump is (supposedly) a Presbyterian,

a denomination that does in fact support same sex marriage and is pro-choice on abortion.
What's to ignore? It was pretty much the only kind there was over 2,000 years ago. So what? It has nothing to do with the questions posed. Your continued deflection is noted.

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

What's to ignore? It was pretty much the only kind there was over 2,000 years ago. So what? It has nothing to do with the questions posed. Your continued deflection is noted.

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.
Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

Where did I say church marriages? I said man and woman. That's what makes it normal based on what Jesus said in Matthew 19 repeating w
Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?

Jesus did what?


Condoned normal marriages (i.e. - man and woman).

Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

I said marriages between a man and a woman were the standard of normal. It's what Jesus taught in Matthew 19 repeating the standard set by God the Father in Genesis 2.

Not my fault you ignore that standard.
Attending a church, using a church facility, belonging to a religious group, listening to a preacher even or reading the bible doesn't make Jesus Christ your personal Savior.

Is Donald Trump now a born-again Christian?

Ah thats right- to some Christians, nobody is a Christian unless they believe in Jesus exactly the way that those Christians believe Christians have to believe in Jesus......

Trump calls himself a Christian- if you don't want to believe him- well hells bells- fine with me.


(RNS) Donald Trump recently accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, making him a 'baby Christian,' Focus on the Family founder James Dobson reportedly said.

Funny how many on the left think being a Christian means they can support abortion, same sex marriage, and all sorts of other things the Bible says will keep them from inheriting the kingdom of God.

Trump is (supposedly) a Presbyterian,

a denomination that does in fact support same sex marriage and is pro-choice on abortion.[/QUOTE]

What do denominations have to do with it?

Are you saying that because an entire denomination supports it God will change his mind about them being wrong? Don't think that thought hasn't gone through the minds of some that call themselves Christian but support things that go against God's word.
Are you saying that because an entire denomination supports it God will change his mind about them being wrong? Don't think that thought hasn't gone through the minds of some that call themselves Christian but support things that go against God's word.

God doesn't have to change her mind. She's fine with gay people....she wouldn't have made us otherwise.

Support things that go against god's word? You mean like divorce? Divorce is very expressly against "god's word". Why aren't good Christian bakers refusing to bake cakes for divorced and remarrying couples?
Discrimination is A-OK with you as long as you approve of it.

What a fucking scumbag you are.
It's not okay. Thus the ordinance. Scumbag.

Don't try to dodge you fascist fuck. You get a hard on being an asshole to people over political disagreements.

This man did nothing to discriminate when selling his product, he got banned for his views.

Fuck off and Die you miserable sack of shit.
His business discriminates against gay people. Thus the metaphorical booting out of the metaphorical door.

Except it's illegal, he never refused to sell to anyone. The city will pay through the nose for this colossal blunder.

Dumb ass leftists

He refused services at his farm, per his facebook post:

This past fall our family farm stopped booking future wedding ceremonies at our orchard until we could devote the appropriate time to review our policies and how we respectfully communicate and express our beliefs. The Country Mill engages in expressing its purpose and beliefs through the operation of its business and it intentionally communicates messages that promote its owners’ beliefs and declines to communicate messages that violate those beliefs. The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs. For this reason, Country Mill reserves the right to deny a request for services that would require it to communicate, engage in, or host expression that violates the owners’ sincerely held religious beliefs and conscience. Furthermore, it remains our religious belief that all people should be treated with respect and dignity regardless of their beliefs or background. We appreciate the tolerance offered to us specifically regarding our participation in hosting wedding ceremonies at our family farm.

So, at least get the idea that it's about first amendment rights, though the guy himself doesn't even seem to understand that.

Again, how does that mean East Lansing can deny him a spot at their Farmer's Market as long as he follows the Jurisdiction's rules in the jurisdiction?
Did you notice the government assholes think Lansing property is their personal property when it in fact belongs to the people. Very typical of government fiefdoms.
Of course it beongs to the people. The ones that voted for the ordinance violated by the farmer.

How about we vote to exclude you from all public functions because of your political views?
I bet you would run crying to anyone who cares, like the bitch you are.

Fascist bastard.
You are certainly welcome to create such an ordinance in your own burg. Think you can get the votes?

Once again arguing the how and not the why, because your why has no valid argument.

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