Farmer Prevented from Selling His Crop Because He Supports Traditional Marriage

Attending a church, using a church facility, belonging to a religious group, listening to a preacher even or reading the bible doesn't make Jesus Christ your personal Savior.

Is Donald Trump now a born-again Christian?

Ah thats right- to some Christians, nobody is a Christian unless they believe in Jesus exactly the way that those Christians believe Christians have to believe in Jesus......

Trump calls himself a Christian- if you don't want to believe him- well hells bells- fine with me.


(RNS) Donald Trump recently accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, making him a 'baby Christian,' Focus on the Family founder James Dobson reportedly said.[/QUOTE]
Says the Dufus who thinks Obama is a Christian.
Religious freedom doesn't mean you get to be an asshole in public.

You don't need religious freedom to do that, the First allows it under freedom of expression

Not really. You don't have the right to deny others' theirs.

Religious freedom is a right? No? Who's "right's" trumps who's? Constitutional or some silly PA law?

Think hard

Your religious rights do not include denying service to others if you are a public business. There is no justification for it.

Well yes there is justification, it's the farmer's religious belief. He's protected Constitutionally

How come segregationists weren't "protected Constitutionally" when they tried to use religion to justify not serving blacks?
You don't need religious freedom to do that, the First allows it under freedom of expression

Not really. You don't have the right to deny others' theirs.

Religious freedom is a right? No? Who's "right's" trumps who's? Constitutional or some silly PA law?

Think hard

Your religious rights do not include denying service to others if you are a public business. There is no justification for it.

Then again, it's not really about religion. You guys have no problem with a business denying services to someone because of skin color either.
You just said Muslims can deny service, Dufus.

In America Muslims can't legally refuse service to Christians.
And Christians can't legally refuse service to Muslims.

Not for their faith or skin color or country of origin.
Multiple links where Muslims were allowed to discriminate.

You cowards piss your pants when a Muslim is involved.
Yep, coward left don't peep when Muslims refuse to go along with the homosexual agenda.

You show me actual examples of Muslims actually refusing to service actual homosexuals in America- I will be glad to denounce them in exactly the same manner.

(and please don't such a liar to post the lying video that claims to be exactly that in Michigan- I have watched and listened to that video- not a single bakery that makes wedding cakes actually refused to bake a wedding cake for the faux gay man.)

Million dollar question: why are the left so busy pretending to remain ignorant about their Muslim masters?

Muslim barber refuses to cut hair of lesbian: Whose rights trump whose? - Liberty Unyielding

Another swing, miss and lie by Weatherboy.

Not the United States
Not refusing service to a homosexual for being homosexual- but for refusing to cut a women's hair- which his shop doesn't normally do.

Gay activists have met their match with Muslim barbers

All peacefully resolved- both parties happy.

The only liar is you, dude. I checked his links and the very first one takes place in the good 'ole USA. Why do you lie so much?

Sigh- already addressed- hell I addressed that link before he even posted it:

(and please don't such a liar to post the lying video that claims to be exactly that in Michigan- I have watched and listened to that video- not a single bakery that makes wedding cakes actually refused to bake a wedding cake for the faux gay man.)

Fact is that not a single baker in that video- that makes and sells wedding cakes- refused to bake a single cake for a 'gay wedding'

How do we know that that video is a lying piece of crap? Look at the editing.

The fact is they did. So why do you lie?
But you oddly enough don't know that Jesus condemned divorce and remarriage.

Jesus never condemned same gender marriage- but he did condemn the kind of marriage Donald Trump is in right now.

So of course the marriage that bothers you is Bob marrying Gary- not Donald marrying Melania.

I know it enough to not have done it.

Jesus was clear about what types of marriages were acceptable. Fag marriages weren't one of them.

Jesus never mentioned 'fags' at all.

He did say that Donald Trump is an adulterer though.

Of course he did. Why is that significant when it's clear that Trump doesn't intend to follow Christ's teachings? In fact, if he did, as his VP has done, he would be condemned for doing so.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Donald Trump calls himself a Christian.

Personally I don't care about his adultery- but I do think it is relevant when Christians refuse to serve gay couples- citing their Christian beliefs in marriage- but don't make any such issue about marrying a couple like Donald and Melania

The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs.

Obama calls himself a Christian yet supports the concept of abortion despite God's word saying He knew you before you were born. In fact, many on the left support abortion despite God's word. Why do they ignore God's word?

Nothing in the Bible prohibits abortion. The Bible gives instructions on how to induce one.

At the time Jesus walked the earth, it was a common practice (that Jesus never mentioned) to leave sickly, deformed or otherwise deficient babies out in the elements to die.

Finally, if the Bible cares so much about the fetus, why are there different penalties for a child bearing woman to be killed than for the fetus she is carrying?

If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. 23 But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." Ex. 21:22-25,
Not really. You don't have the right to deny others' theirs.

Religious freedom is a right? No? Who's "right's" trumps who's? Constitutional or some silly PA law?

Think hard

Your religious rights do not include denying service to others if you are a public business. There is no justification for it.

Then again, it's not really about religion. You guys have no problem with a business denying services to someone because of skin color either.
You just said Muslims can deny service, Dufus.

In America Muslims can't legally refuse service to Christians.
And Christians can't legally refuse service to Muslims.

Not for their faith or skin color or country of origin.
Multiple links where Muslims were allowed to discriminate.

LOL- well lets review
a) first link- the very lying video I predicted you would post- the kind of bigoted piece of crap you bigots love- not a single person was refused service in that video- despite the heroic efforts of the author editing to make it look otherwise.
b) second link- Muslim employees in England- allowed by their employer- to refuse to sell alcohol- not to discriminate against anyone.
c) third link- Muslim barber refused to cut hair for a woman- rather than 'being allowed to discriminate'- she took legal action against him- and they came to a settled
d) fourth link- Muslim cab drivers tried to discriminate against blind drivers or those carrying alcohol- claiming 'religious freedom'...and got slapped down

MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) - Muslim cab drivers at Minnesota’s biggest airport will face new penalties including a two-year revocation of their taxi permits if they refuse to give rides to travelers carrying liquor or accompanied by dogs, the board overseeing operations ruled Monday.

And FYI- the Muslims who refuse service- are just as guilty as the Christians who refuse service.
The cab drivers got slapped down- exactly as they should have been.
I know it enough to not have done it.

Jesus was clear about what types of marriages were acceptable. Fag marriages weren't one of them.

Jesus never mentioned 'fags' at all.

He did say that Donald Trump is an adulterer though.

Of course he did. Why is that significant when it's clear that Trump doesn't intend to follow Christ's teachings? In fact, if he did, as his VP has done, he would be condemned for doing so.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Donald Trump calls himself a Christian.

Personally I don't care about his adultery- but I do think it is relevant when Christians refuse to serve gay couples- citing their Christian beliefs in marriage- but don't make any such issue about marrying a couple like Donald and Melania

The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs.

Obama calls himself a Christian yet supports the concept of abortion despite God's word saying He knew you before you were born. In fact, many on the left support abortion despite God's word. Why do they ignore God's word?

Nothing in the Bible prohibits abortion. The Bible gives instructions on how to induce one.

At the time Jesus walked the earth, it was a common practice (that Jesus never mentioned) to leave sickly, deformed or otherwise deficient babies out in the elements to die.

Finally, if the Bible cares so much about the fetus, why are there different penalties for a child bearing woman to be killed than for the fetus she is carrying?

If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. 23 But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." Ex. 21:22-25,
The commandment thou shalt not kill covers it as it is a human (adam=human) in the womb.
Not really. You don't have the right to deny others' theirs.

Religious freedom is a right? No? Who's "right's" trumps who's? Constitutional or some silly PA law?

Think hard

Your religious rights do not include denying service to others if you are a public business. There is no justification for it.

Then again, it's not really about religion. You guys have no problem with a business denying services to someone because of skin color either.
You just said Muslims can deny service, Dufus.

In America Muslims can't legally refuse service to Christians.
And Christians can't legally refuse service to Muslims.

Not for their faith or skin color or country of origin.
Multiple links where Muslims were allowed to discriminate.

You cowards piss your pants when a Muslim is involved.
And each one of them were clearly answered. You want to ignore that, don't you? Just like you ignored it when several of us pointed out your LIES in your false pictures of "Detroit" slums.

The "thou shalt not bear false witness" thingee means nothing to you, does it?

Jacques: Farmer gets boot for expressing his beliefs
He should convert to islam, then he will be able to.
Yep, coward left don't peep when Muslims refuse to go along with the homosexual agenda.

You show me actual examples of Muslims actually refusing to service actual homosexuals in America- I will be glad to denounce them in exactly the same manner.

(and please don't such a liar to post the lying video that claims to be exactly that in Michigan- I have watched and listened to that video- not a single bakery that makes wedding cakes actually refused to bake a wedding cake for the faux gay man.)

Million dollar question: why are the left so busy pretending to remain ignorant about their Muslim masters?

HIDDEN CAMERA: Will Muslim Bakeries Make a Gay Wedding Cake?

In Michigan where there is NO PA law protecting gays.

In the UK....not in the US.

In Canada.....not in the US. Michigan where there is NO PA law protecting gays.

From 2007...and if you continued to follow that story, those cab drivers LOST their jobs.

Surely you can do better than that.
Bumping this reply to weatherboy's so-called evidence
Jesus never mentioned 'fags' at all.

He did say that Donald Trump is an adulterer though.

Of course he did. Why is that significant when it's clear that Trump doesn't intend to follow Christ's teachings? In fact, if he did, as his VP has done, he would be condemned for doing so.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Donald Trump calls himself a Christian.

Personally I don't care about his adultery- but I do think it is relevant when Christians refuse to serve gay couples- citing their Christian beliefs in marriage- but don't make any such issue about marrying a couple like Donald and Melania

The Country Mill family and its staff have and will continue to participate in hosting the ceremonies held at our orchard. It remains our deeply held religious belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman and Country Mill has the First Amendment Right to express and act upon its beliefs.

Obama calls himself a Christian yet supports the concept of abortion despite God's word saying He knew you before you were born. In fact, many on the left support abortion despite God's word. Why do they ignore God's word?

Nothing in the Bible prohibits abortion. The Bible gives instructions on how to induce one.

At the time Jesus walked the earth, it was a common practice (that Jesus never mentioned) to leave sickly, deformed or otherwise deficient babies out in the elements to die.

Finally, if the Bible cares so much about the fetus, why are there different penalties for a child bearing woman to be killed than for the fetus she is carrying?

If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. 23 But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." Ex. 21:22-25,
The commandment thou shalt not kill covers it as it is a human (adam=human) in the womb.
So no one is to kill at all? What about executions? What about in war?
Freedom of religious exercise isn't in the 1st?

Religious freedom doesn't mean you get to be an asshole in public.

You don't need religious freedom to do that, the First allows it under freedom of expression

Not really. You don't have the right to deny others' theirs.
Well, I'm glad you feel that way. I have some protestors at Berkeley you should speak with.

I think Berkeley needs to chill out.
I agree....anyone, including those at Berkeley, who try to shut down free speech are in the wrong.
Religious freedom doesn't mean you get to be an asshole in public.

You don't need religious freedom to do that, the First allows it under freedom of expression

Not really. You don't have the right to deny others' theirs.

Religious freedom is a right? No? Who's "right's" trumps who's? Constitutional or some silly PA law?

Think hard

Your religious rights do not include denying service to others if you are a public business. There is no justification for it.

Well yes there is justification, it's the farmer's religious belief. He's protected Constitutionally
And who has stopped him from running his business?
You show me actual examples of Muslims actually refusing to service actual homosexuals in America- I will be glad to denounce them in exactly the same manner.

(and please don't such a liar to post the lying video that claims to be exactly that in Michigan- I have watched and listened to that video- not a single bakery that makes wedding cakes actually refused to bake a wedding cake for the faux gay man.)

Million dollar question: why are the left so busy pretending to remain ignorant about their Muslim masters?

Muslim barber refuses to cut hair of lesbian: Whose rights trump whose? - Liberty Unyielding

Another swing, miss and lie by Weatherboy.

Not the United States
Not refusing service to a homosexual for being homosexual- but for refusing to cut a women's hair- which his shop doesn't normally do.

Gay activists have met their match with Muslim barbers

All peacefully resolved- both parties happy.

The only liar is you, dude. I checked his links and the very first one takes place in the good 'ole USA. Why do you lie so much?

Sigh- already addressed- hell I addressed that link before he even posted it:

(and please don't such a liar to post the lying video that claims to be exactly that in Michigan- I have watched and listened to that video- not a single bakery that makes wedding cakes actually refused to bake a wedding cake for the faux gay man.)

Fact is that not a single baker in that video- that makes and sells wedding cakes- refused to bake a single cake for a 'gay wedding'

How do we know that that video is a lying piece of crap? Look at the editing.

The fact is they did. So why do you lie?
No- the fact is that they did not. That is an edited piece of crap. Note how the author/editor has edited that piece of crap through multiple stores asking questions- and then changing stores to different people with responses.

How do I know- because I watched that piece of Contard crap that the bigots eat up.

The action starts at 2:05- and nowhere in the entire video is Crowder shown asking a complete question- and getting an actual refusal

Crowder- 2:05 Store #1- female employee

Crowder- 2:08 Store #2- male employee

Crowder- 2:18 Store #3- other male employee

Crowder- 2:26- back to Store #1- female employee- “Ben and Steven forever”- switches stores before woman replies- moving back to

Crowder 2:33- back to Store #2- male employee- where the video starts half way through the conversation- and the male employee says ‘no, no I don’t want it’- but we never heard the question…and

Crowder 2:39 then of course- switches again to Store #3, male employee #2- which doesn’t have more than a couple of words

2:43- back to Store #2

2:52- back to Store #3

2:59 back to store #2

3:09 back to store #1

3:13 back to store #2

Then Crowder says ‘but all of these places did do custom wedding cakes.

Except- Crowder was lying. Shocking.

Community rallies to support Dearborn bakery, blast radio host for bigotry

On mentioning Halab Bakery, Khansa said the employee that served Crowder was not fluent in English, and Crowder took advantage of the language barrier to misrepresent them as refusing service.

On mentioning Golden Bakery Khansa said they actually do not make wedding cakes and them referring a customer somewhere else is only logical. She also said the employee there tried explaining this numerous times to Crowder, but that part of the video was cut.
Religious freedom doesn't mean you get to be an asshole in public.

You don't need religious freedom to do that, the First allows it under freedom of expression

Not really. You don't have the right to deny others' theirs.
Well, I'm glad you feel that way. I have some protestors at Berkeley you should speak with.

I think Berkeley needs to chill out.
I agree....anyone, including those at Berkeley, who try to shut down free speech are in the wrong.

Absolutely- those trying to shut down free speech in Berkeley are wrong.

Those who were wearing masks and beating people up should be arrested and do hard time.
Just for the record, who do you believe should determine the constitutionality of laws?

The Constitution itself.

Why do you believe the Supreme Court should do something the Constitution doesn't give them the authority to do?

It's easy. When you bleeding hearts want to institute some social welfare program, look in the Constitution to see if the federal government has the delegated authority to do it. If it's not there, refer to the 10th Amendment, also in the Constitution, that says the power to deal with it is reserved to the States. Also, don't assume that if a State chooses not to deal with it that it defaults back to the federal government.

Let's look at the example of Romneycare vs. Obamacare. Nothing in the Constitution gives the federal government authority to deal with healthcare, therefore, if a government entity is going to deal with it, it belongs on the State level and local if the State government so chooses to pass it down. That's Constitutional. With Romneycare, it was done at the State level according to the Constitution. While I'm not one that supports the concept, I support the Constitution and doing things according to it. I don't have to support what's being done in order to accept it being done at the proper level.

With Obamacare, no such authority was given to the federal government. In that case, not only do I not support the concept, I don't supports its existence.
I hope so. It's not right that the hypocritical, hateful Christian can deny me service but I can't deny him. I hope the SCOTUS destroys decades of precedent because a small minority of "Christians" hate gays.

If you own a business, I don't have a problem with you denying anyone for any reason.

So you are against state and federal PA laws. What have you actively done to get them repealed?

Denied serving fags.
What state are you in? In several states, that's totally legal....while we are not allowed to discriminate based on religion in ANY state.
Tell us again how we can toss homos out of a business in Michigan.

Legally you can't toss Jews, Christians, Muslims, Blacks or Mexicans or little people- out of your business- for who they are in Michigan.

But you can discriminate to your hearts content against homosexuals.

A complaint may be filed if, for reasons of religion, race, color, national origin, genetic information, age, sex, marital status, height, weight, arrest record, or disability,
So...if conservatives believe this guy has the right to refuse to do business with anyone he pleases,

shouldn't conservatives also support the right of those who would refuse to do business with HIM?
Jesus didn't mention interracial marriage either.....Tell me he didn't think it was a valid kind either.

As long as it was a man and woman, he didn't have to.

That's not what the bible says...

Acts 17:26:

And he [God] made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,
God hating Leftards always think they are theologians.

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."

Yes, and? What does that have to do with Divorce (which is what that passage was about) or segregation? The bible was crystal clear about divorce and was pretty clear about segregation, so much that a christians used the bible to justify segregation and slavery.
Dufus, the Bible allows divorce when it should and interracial marriage was a norm then. Several famous Bible figures had interracial marriages.

And lets not forget about polygamy- several famous Bible figures had multiple wives.

Still waiting to see a Christian who refuses to serve wedding cakes to gay couples- and divorced who remarry.
No, I'm acknowledging he said nothing about gays...but he did mention divorce. Why aren't divorced people being denied service by these "good Christians"?

He also mentioned marriage being between a man and a woman. Why do you ignore that?

What's to ignore? It was pretty much the only kind there was over 2,000 years ago. So what? It has nothing to do with the questions posed. Your continued deflection is noted.

Things you don't like that the Bible addresses. It has to do with you claiming things the Bible says then ignoring it when you don't like. Jesus didn't mention your kind of marriage. Tell me He didn't think it was a valid kind either.

No, that's you ignoring what is inconvenient for you to why all these so called christian merchants aren't refusing to serve other "sinners".

There was no "my kind of marriage" at the time and place that Jesus walked the earth. There were gay people but he didn't see fit to mention them. Guess it wasn't that big a deal to him. Divorce was though. It was a huge deal to him. He talked about it in no uncertain terms. Why aren't christians upset about divorced people like they are about gay people?

Why can't you accept that Jesus condoned the type marriage I have and didn't think enough of you to acknowledge the abomination your have?
I shudder to think what kind of marriage you might have.
Homo mayor of Seattle just resigned for molesting kids.

Typical of the mentally ill.

Hopefully he will be prosecuted.

Just like the Hetero Republican Speaker of the House who confessed to molesting boys.

Of course for the Islamphobes and homophobes- child molesting only becomes a concern for you when you can blame homosexuals or Muslims.

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