Farmer Prevented from Selling His Crop Because He Supports Traditional Marriage

No, the city has an ordinance for their damn farmers market and theyre allowed to have standards based on who they invite sherlock

how could the voters ever fix that fascism!!!! err meee gerddd!!!

vote a new legislature.

ohhh....guess its not fascism then, derpppll

The irony here is that the farmer is claiming discrimination for not being allowed to discriminate. His farm has not been affected because his farm is not in the city, it is outside of the city and continues to operate unimpeded. His complaint is that he is not allowed to operate at a vendor site provided by the city inside the city.

The farmer was promoting a service that had nothing to do with his "crops" being sold. He operates various services and hosts events at his farm, including a banquet hall used for weddings and facilities for holding the actual wedding. When potential customers tried to arrange to use those facilities and services at his farm stand in the city, they would be denied. Hence, the farmer was violating the anti-discrimination ordinances of the city and putting the city in jeopardy of becoming a defendant as part of any law suits filed by third parties for supporting discrimination and ignoring its own anti-discrimination laws.

The farmer's argument and point is that he should be allowed to discriminate because of his beliefs, but the city, via decisions made by elected officials, should not be able to discriminate because of their beliefs, legal obligations, adherence to what they understand as enforceable law or any other reason, including the concept that the city is protecting a purely business decision to protect and project the reputation of the operation of the city owned and operated farmers market.

When the city can prove that the man discriminated against anyone at that venue which the city host they may have a point. Until then they are pissing on his constitutional rights to freedom of speech, his right to worship and choose the religion he has and they are inhibiting his ability to enjoy life and liberty. The City of Lansing are being obstructionist perhaps they should read Michigan's own constitutional preamble and learn from it too!


We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.
§ 1 Political power.

Sec. 1.
All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection.

§ 2 Equal protection; discrimination.
Sec. 2.

No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any person be denied the enjoyment of his civil or political rights or be discriminated against in the exercise thereof because of religion, race, color or national origin. The legislature shall implement this section by appropriate legislation.

§ 3 Assembly, consultation, instruction, petition.
Sec. 3.

The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the government for redress of grievances.

§ 4 Freedom of worship and religious belief; appropriations.

Sec. 4.

Every person shall be at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, or, against his consent, to contribute to the erection or support of any place of religious worship, or to pay tithes, taxes or other rates for the support of any minister of the gospel or teacher of religion. No money shall be appropriated or drawn from the treasury for the benefit of any religious sect or society, theological or religious seminary; nor shall property belonging to the state be appropriated for any such purpose. The civil and political rights, privileges and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his religious belief.

§ 5 Freedom of speech and of press.
Sec. 5.

Every person may freely speak, write, express and publish his views on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such right; and no law shall be enacted to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.

more at link.....Michigan Legislature - Constitution-I
The man cant establish the "right" to be invited to a fucking event

especially since he uses company media to violate the ordinance and express discrimination, in writing!

the fack do you folks eat in the morning
Obviously you have a really bad comprehension problem as I already gave you Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter.
Yeah, your opinion on it and how it applies is cool, bro.
Not my opinion just the facts troll. The fact that you are too ignorant to comprehend is your personal problem. The farmer has an absolute right to his beliefs, an absolute right to publish those beliefs and the city has no right whatsoever to attempt to punish him for those beliefs.
They didnt punish him.

a governments means to punish is via arrest, fine and prosecution

uninviting him to an event that nobody has an express right to be invited to is not punishment

its not my fault that y'all dont know what free speech means and how its applied by law

the reason you cant see things reasonably is because its an actual personality type you possess. it prevents you.

you have to wake up each day and find something wrong
When the city can prove that the man discriminated against anyone at that venue which the city host they may have a point. Until then they are pissing on his constitutional rights to freedom of speech, his right to worship and choose the religion he has and they are inhibiting his ability to enjoy life and liberty. The City of Lansing are being obstructionist perhaps they should read Michigan's own constitutional preamble and learn from it too!


We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.
§ 1 Political power.

Sec. 1.
All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection.

§ 2 Equal protection; discrimination.
Sec. 2.

No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any person be denied the enjoyment of his civil or political rights or be discriminated against in the exercise thereof because of religion, race, color or national origin. The legislature shall implement this section by appropriate legislation.

§ 3 Assembly, consultation, instruction, petition.
Sec. 3.

The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the government for redress of grievances.

§ 4 Freedom of worship and religious belief; appropriations.

Sec. 4.

Every person shall be at liberty to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. No person shall be compelled to attend, or, against his consent, to contribute to the erection or support of any place of religious worship, or to pay tithes, taxes or other rates for the support of any minister of the gospel or teacher of religion. No money shall be appropriated or drawn from the treasury for the benefit of any religious sect or society, theological or religious seminary; nor shall property belonging to the state be appropriated for any such purpose. The civil and political rights, privileges and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his religious belief.

§ 5 Freedom of speech and of press.
Sec. 5.

Every person may freely speak, write, express and publish his views on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of such right; and no law shall be enacted to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.

more at link.....Michigan Legislature - Constitution-I
The man cant establish the "right" to be invited to a fucking event

especially since he uses company media to violate the ordinance and express discrimination, in writing!

the fack do you folks eat in the morning
Obviously you have a really bad comprehension problem as I already gave you Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter.
Yeah, your opinion on it and how it applies is cool, bro.
Not my opinion just the facts troll. The fact that you are too ignorant to comprehend is your personal problem. The farmer has an absolute right to his beliefs, an absolute right to publish those beliefs and the city has no right whatsoever to attempt to punish him for those beliefs.
They didnt punish him.

a governments means to punish is via arrest, fine and prosecution

uninviting him to an event that nobody has an express right to be invited to is not punishment

its not my fault that y'all dont know what free speech means and how its applied by law

the reason you cant see things reasonably is because its an actual personality type you possess. it prevents you.

you have to wake up each day and find something wrong
Punishing him by taking away the license to sell his wares for publishing on facebook is too difficult for you to grasp. No wonder you can't read what the Michigan authority on the matter is. The council took illegal actions against him for his personal religious beliefs.
The man cant establish the "right" to be invited to a fucking event

especially since he uses company media to violate the ordinance and express discrimination, in writing!

the fack do you folks eat in the morning
Obviously you have a really bad comprehension problem as I already gave you Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter.
Yeah, your opinion on it and how it applies is cool, bro.
Not my opinion just the facts troll. The fact that you are too ignorant to comprehend is your personal problem. The farmer has an absolute right to his beliefs, an absolute right to publish those beliefs and the city has no right whatsoever to attempt to punish him for those beliefs.
They didnt punish him.

a governments means to punish is via arrest, fine and prosecution

uninviting him to an event that nobody has an express right to be invited to is not punishment

its not my fault that y'all dont know what free speech means and how its applied by law

the reason you cant see things reasonably is because its an actual personality type you possess. it prevents you.

you have to wake up each day and find something wrong
Punishing him by taking away the license to sell his wares for publishing on facebook is too difficult for you to grasp. No wonder you can't read what the Michigan authority on the matter is. The council took illegal actions against him for his personal religious beliefs.

he did it on the business page

the business engages in commerce

the govt has the power to regulate commerce

the govt is holding an event, inviting certain business' based on certain criteria

he doesnt meet it, because he did something dopey.
Disney is not a government entity.

Thanks for playing, you fascist twat.
No, it was an example of how an entity sees themselves as "endorsing" something if it happens off their own property for you, since the concept confuses ya

Your example doesn't make any sense regardless of you explanation.
I foretold itd confuse you and.

shit you dont even know what free speech can i not win

It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.

He was not violating them in their jurisdiction. They have no ability to force him to follow any rules outside their jurisdiction.
Obviously you have a really bad comprehension problem as I already gave you Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter.
Yeah, your opinion on it and how it applies is cool, bro.
Not my opinion just the facts troll. The fact that you are too ignorant to comprehend is your personal problem. The farmer has an absolute right to his beliefs, an absolute right to publish those beliefs and the city has no right whatsoever to attempt to punish him for those beliefs.
They didnt punish him.

a governments means to punish is via arrest, fine and prosecution

uninviting him to an event that nobody has an express right to be invited to is not punishment

its not my fault that y'all dont know what free speech means and how its applied by law

the reason you cant see things reasonably is because its an actual personality type you possess. it prevents you.

you have to wake up each day and find something wrong
Punishing him by taking away the license to sell his wares for publishing on facebook is too difficult for you to grasp. No wonder you can't read what the Michigan authority on the matter is. The council took illegal actions against him for his personal religious beliefs.

he did it on the business page

the business engages in commerce

the govt has the power to regulate commerce

the govt is holding an event, inviting certain business' based on certain criteria

he doesnt meet it, because he did something dopey.
Again a different venue and again you try to troll but you are to stupid to grasp that.
No, it was an example of how an entity sees themselves as "endorsing" something if it happens off their own property for you, since the concept confuses ya

Your example doesn't make any sense regardless of you explanation.
I foretold itd confuse you and.

shit you dont even know what free speech can i not win

It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
Yeah, your opinion on it and how it applies is cool, bro.
Not my opinion just the facts troll. The fact that you are too ignorant to comprehend is your personal problem. The farmer has an absolute right to his beliefs, an absolute right to publish those beliefs and the city has no right whatsoever to attempt to punish him for those beliefs.
They didnt punish him.

a governments means to punish is via arrest, fine and prosecution

uninviting him to an event that nobody has an express right to be invited to is not punishment

its not my fault that y'all dont know what free speech means and how its applied by law

the reason you cant see things reasonably is because its an actual personality type you possess. it prevents you.

you have to wake up each day and find something wrong
Punishing him by taking away the license to sell his wares for publishing on facebook is too difficult for you to grasp. No wonder you can't read what the Michigan authority on the matter is. The council took illegal actions against him for his personal religious beliefs.

he did it on the business page

the business engages in commerce

the govt has the power to regulate commerce

the govt is holding an event, inviting certain business' based on certain criteria

he doesnt meet it, because he did something dopey.
Again a different venue and again you try to troll but you are to stupid to grasp that.
to, too, two

please, dude
Your example doesn't make any sense regardless of you explanation.
I foretold itd confuse you and.

shit you dont even know what free speech can i not win

It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
this same knucklehead is in another thread saying he wants the govt to prevent universities from being able to expel based on rape accusations
Your example doesn't make any sense regardless of you explanation.
I foretold itd confuse you and.

shit you dont even know what free speech can i not win

It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
You are conflating his personally owned farm with the farmers market which are separate venues. The city is punishing him for his views that he published concerning his farm. The city does not have the right to punish him for publishing what he will not do at his farm in accordance with his beliefs.
I foretold itd confuse you and.

shit you dont even know what free speech can i not win

It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
this same knucklehead is in another thread saying he wants the govt to prevent universities from being able to expel based on rape accusations
I don't remember doing that. What thread are you talking about? Are you making that up or do you actually have a link, thread title, and post number?
It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
this same knucklehead is in another thread saying he wants the govt to prevent universities from being able to expel based on rape accusations
I don't remember doing that. What thread are you talking about? Are you making that up or do you actually have a link, thread title, and post number?
I wasnt referring to you, I was telling you that the guy youre responding to was.
Here is the proof that the farmer's business operations outside the city limits are not being hindered or affected.
Now that is exceptionally lame and is by no means proof as the city already denied him the permit to sell his goods at the farmers market which would mean that what he normally generated at that market affects his families income overall. Again a punishment for not bowing down to their bullshit and a clear violation by the city against Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter.
Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

Where did I say church marriages? I said man and woman. That's what makes it normal based on what Jesus said in Matthew 19 repeating w
Church marriages didn't even begin until long after Christ was dead.

I said marriages between a man and a woman were the standard of normal. It's what Jesus taught in Matthew 19 repeating the standard set by God the Father in Genesis 2.

Not my fault you ignore that standard.
1. Jesus never said a thing against gays and gay marriage
2. Our secular laws don't have to have anything to do with your so-called religion
Jesus never said a thing about murder.
In Leftardia that means Jesus condones murder.
However, murder is mentioned: 1) elsewhere in the bible, and 2) in most other religions and governments harms others.
Hint: look up "The Golden Rule"
Oh, so suddenly you want to talk about elsewhere in the Bible! OK.

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.

If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-- who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

Then we have JC:
What comes out of you is what defiles you. For from within, out of your hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile you.
So Jesus said "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman"?
Here is the proof that the farmer's business operations outside the city limits are not being hindered or affected.
Now that is exceptionally lame and is by no means proof as the city already denied him the permit to sell his goods at the farmers market which would mean that what he normally generated at that market affects his families income overall. Again a punishment for not bowing down to their bullshit and a clear violation by the city against Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter.
Yeah, in your opinion....which is ienfiediedini477d3jd8e in making sense.

The City has guidelines.

His Business doesnt adhere to them.

His business was uninvited.

Its rocket secksssss
I foretold itd confuse you and.

shit you dont even know what free speech can i not win

It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
You are conflating his personally owned farm with the farmers market which are separate venues. The city is punishing him for his views that he published concerning his farm. The city does not have the right to punish him for publishing what he will not do at his farm in accordance with his beliefs.
That will be decided in the courts. Rational and qualified lawyers are claiming the city had not only a right but a legal obligation to do what it did. The idea that the city was or is "punishing" the farmer is a very subjective and rhetorical statement and position. Punishment has nothing to do with the cities position.
Here is the proof that the farmer's business operations outside the city limits are not being hindered or affected.
Now that is exceptionally lame and is by no means proof as the city already denied him the permit to sell his goods at the farmers market which would mean that what he normally generated at that market affects his families income overall. Again a punishment for not bowing down to their bullshit and a clear violation by the city against Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter. feel the same way about him not having to follow any more of that city market's policies or regulations? He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to?
It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
You are conflating his personally owned farm with the farmers market which are separate venues. The city is punishing him for his views that he published concerning his farm. The city does not have the right to punish him for publishing what he will not do at his farm in accordance with his beliefs.
That will be decided in the courts. Rational and qualified lawyers are claiming the city had not only a right but a legal obligation to do what it did. The idea that the city was or is "punishing" the farmer is a very subjective and rhetorical statement and position. Punishment has nothing to do with the cities position. will be interesting to see how his lawsuit pans out....what will be his rational for not having to follow the city's clearly stated ordinances on this.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
this same knucklehead is in another thread saying he wants the govt to prevent universities from being able to expel based on rape accusations
I don't remember doing that. What thread are you talking about? Are you making that up or do you actually have a link, thread title, and post number?
I wasnt referring to you, I was telling you that the guy youre responding to was.
OK, sorry, I misunderstood.
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It's not confusing me you moronic fuck-tard, you are not arguing the point.

This is a government entity trying to punish a person for their views, even though they follow all the fucking rules when inside the government's jurisdiction.

That you get a hard on and jerk off to justifying government bullying someone over their views is not my problem, you cheap dime store hack.
The city government was not trying to punish the farmer. They had talks with him and tried to get him to adhere to city ordinances. He was not following all the rules. He was violating them.
Utter bullshit, the city has no rights over and above his rights. Your comprehension is as lame as G.T's.
The farmers right to practice or promote his religious beliefs are not in question. He can do those things in the City of Lansing in a multitude of ways. The city is using its right to not endorse or subsidize those beliefs or his efforts to promote those beliefs. The key is that the farmer wants to use the government venue and facility to promote his views. He can stand outside of the venue and say what he wants to say, pass out fliers, carry signs, march around the venue, hold a public prayer event, etc. He just can't operate a business in or on the cities commercial endeavor and private venue.
You are conflating his personally owned farm with the farmers market which are separate venues. The city is punishing him for his views that he published concerning his farm. The city does not have the right to punish him for publishing what he will not do at his farm in accordance with his beliefs.
That will be decided in the courts. Rational and qualified lawyers are claiming the city had not only a right but a legal obligation to do what it did. The idea that the city was or is "punishing" the farmer is a very subjective and rhetorical statement and position. Punishment has nothing to do with the cities position.
Like I said their Michigan Constitution is already the authority on the matter and it is very clear what the city did is wrong. I have no clue whether the lawyers are rational or qualified, Now that issue would be subjective but the constitution is not as it is very clear.

Here is the proof that the farmer's business operations outside the city limits are not being hindered or affected.
Now that is exceptionally lame and is by no means proof as the city already denied him the permit to sell his goods at the farmers market which would mean that what he normally generated at that market affects his families income overall. Again a punishment for not bowing down to their bullshit and a clear violation by the city against Michigan's constitutional authority on the matter.
Yeah, in your opinion....which is ienfiediedini477d3jd8e in making sense.

The City has guidelines.

His Business doesnt adhere to them.

His business was uninvited.

Its rocket secksssss
The city also has to follow the law of Michigan and the city fascist obviously f'd up.
Now go troll someone else dumb ass.

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