Fascism and the left wing

If so, he was wrong, as wrong to brand everything Obama as "communist" or "socialist" or "marxist".

Yes, bripat you are an extremist wack.
And would you agree the America Libertarian / conservative is the antithesis of authoritarian central planning?

Yes, by and large.

But the further you go towards extremism, the more right wing ideologies require authorities to enforce their will, maintain order and implement policy.

While right wing parties might remove some bureaucracy in economic management - it often appears as social management and policing.

The key to understanding this is to understand the ideological principles ALL right wing parties share - namely support for the upper class, the use of capital and a kind of 'social homogeneity'.

In the first place, those aren't "principles." They're just cheap smears. In the second place, "right-wingers" don't support them. Even if they did, that wouldn't identify them as right-wingers.

The thing that distinguishes the right from the left is their opinion about government control of the economy, and perhaps to a lessor degree government control of society. You've tried to label a dozen different things as "right-wing," but it just doesn't wash. You have no coherent theory of what makes someone "right-wing" or "left-wing." Basically, the left-wing definition of "right-wing" is anything left-wingers claim to be against. However, most of their claims are bullshit.

How they achieve and implement policy can be wildly different, but the ideology remains.

You have yet to identify right-wing ideology.
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The key to understanding this is to understand the ideological principles ALL right wing parties share - namely support for the upper class, the use of capital and a kind of 'social homogeneity'.

What you call support for the upper class is really the protection of earning and from taxation outside of representation and enumerated powers.

Yep. If you oppose organized plunder and government theft then the left accuses you of defending plutocrats and hating the poor.
The key to understanding this is to understand the ideological principles ALL right wing parties share - namely support for the upper class, the use of capital and a kind of 'social homogeneity'.

What you call support for the upper class is really the protection of earning and from taxation outside of representation and enumerated powers.

Yes, I'd agree with that.

Although in the case of Hitler the emphasis on earnings through dividends suggests that his interest was very much the elite of society, rather than the lower middle class his rhetoric often appealed to.

What "emphasis" on earnings through dividends? The fact that he may not have abolished all features of the market economy does not mean he "emphasized" them.

Where is your evidence that he did any such thing?

If we look at the shareholders in corporations like I.G.Farben what we see is a Who's Who of the German elite.

You mean rich Germans owned stock in large German corporations?


That means America is a Nazi state!
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A better definition than right or left is pragmatic and ideological. If we need to use the simple left-right paradigm those on the far left and those on the far right are ideological; those in the middle, moderate D's and moderate R's are practical, problem solvers.

Moderate D's seek change, hence they identify as progressives; moderate R's seek stability, hence they identify as conservatives. In a sane world the R's and D's work together and seek win-win solutions to the myriad problems facing We The People.

Meaningless idiotic pablum.
That's not bad thinking...but are pragmatism and ideology mutually exclusive?

"Pragmatism" is the doctrine that you should drop your agenda in favor of the agenda of the pragmatist without any logical justification for doing so.
If so, he was wrong, as wrong to brand everything Obama as "communist" or "socialist" or "marxist".

Yes, bripat you are an extremist wack.

'Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.'
Comrade Obama


See the guy with the mustache in back,
looks like Hitler ready to give the sieg heil


Coward "screaming" Dean

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Judge the far right and libertarians by whom they surround themselves with: bripat, QWB, bigrebnc, and so forth.

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