Fascism is right wing and always will be, no matter what you brainwashed liberal fascists are told to think...
Oh man...this is fantastic. This is what is known as a ā€œFreudian Slipā€. Itā€™s when someone accidentally speaks the truth on their mind when they didnā€™t mean to.

See, Franco here knows that only liberals are fascists and only liberals are brainwashed. And he just said it. Even though he didnā€™t mean to.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Liberal fascism is the name of the book that you idiots think is the Bible LOL. Fascism has always been right wing and always will be.
Fascism is right wing and always will be, no matter what you brainwashed liberal fascists are told to think...
Weā€™ve been over this many times now Franco - and Iā€™ve humiliated you each time. Fascism is exclusively left-wing. It is a form of totalitarianism. You cannot have right-wing totalitarianism, you dolt.

The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). Fascism is total government control. The polar opposite end of the spectrum, stupid.

View attachment 223251
More "liberal fascism" idiotic propaganda, never makes the real world, only in dupe world.
More "liberal fascism" idiotic propaganda, never makes the real world, only in dupe world.
Watching your inner conflict with the realization that the ideology you were duped into believing is not aligning with reality is priceless.

Iā€™ve proven you wrong on this, and you know it. There is a reason why I cam flawlessly articulate how and why fascism is left-wing (it is totalitarianism) while youā€™re unable to even explain how fascism could be to the ā€œrightā€ of libertarianism. :laugh:
Yes, Democrats are a mob now despite the fact that the only spike in violence has been against Muslims Jews gays and blacks in the real world since Trump. Your propaganda machines is a lying disgrace, super duper.
Hey super duper? Only an idiot attempts to deny the news. All of this left-wing violence is on video and is widely covered.

I donā€™t blame you for being ashamed to be on that side of the aisle. I would be too.
More "liberal fascism" idiotic propaganda, never makes the real world, only in dupe world.
Watching your inner conflict with the realization that the ideology you were duped into believing is not aligning with reality is priceless.

Iā€™ve proven you wrong on this, and you know it. There is a reason why I cam flawlessly articulate how and why fascism is left-wing (it is totalitarianism) while youā€™re unable to even explain how fascism could be to the ā€œrightā€ of libertarianism. :laugh:
I have a master's in this thing called history and what you have started in 2004 and is idiotic propaganda, super duper. Google political Spectrum.
Yes, Democrats are a mob now despite the fact that the only spike in violence has been against Muslims Jews gays and blacks in the real world since Trump. Your propaganda machines is a lying disgrace, super duper.
Hey super duper? Only an idiot attempts to deny the news. All of this left-wing violence is on video and is widely covered.

I donā€™t blame you for being ashamed to be on that side of the aisle. I would be too.
It is about 6 episodes shown over and over, and most of it was about Cavanaugh and is over so just take a pill, super duper LOL
I have a master's in this thing called history and what you have started in 2004 and is idiotic propaganda, super duper. Google political Spectrum.
Interesting. Friedrich Hayek has a PhD in this thing called ā€œpolitical scienceā€ and like me - he owns your ass with facts.
ā€œfascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplaceā€
Incidentally, that is one of three PhDā€™s that Hayek held (the other two being in law and economic). So, based on the criteria that the left has established (ie whoever holds higher degrees is ā€œrightā€), you must now admit you are dead-wrong or risk admitting your ideology is a joke and hypocritical.

Fascism is exclusively left-wing. You know it. I know it. Antifa knows it. Thatā€™s why youā€™re stuck when I challenge you to explain how in the world fascism could possibly be to the right of libertarianism.

Excerpt FromThe Road to Serfdom
F. A. Hayek This
material may be protected by copyright.
WTF is your definition of fascism anyway LOL?
You need a definition? No wonder youā€™re so clueless. :eusa_doh:
a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce,etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
Letā€™s see...dictator (left-wing), complete power (left-wing), forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism as Antifa does and Pelosi, Waters, and others advocate (left-wing), regulating all industry and commerce (left-wing), and often racists (left-wing).

Yep...it checks ALL of the boxes for the Dumbocrat Party and the left-wing ideology!

the definition of fascism
It is about 6 episodes shown over and over, and most of it was about Cavanaugh and is over so just take a pill, super duper LOL

Oh. Well in that case, it makes it ok. I completely forget about that statute in the law which states ā€œall violence is acceptable if it is ā€˜about Kavanaughā€™ā€.

Man you are a dolt. Youā€™re excuses are so lame and pitiful. I could show you
hundreds of left-wing violence from many different cities ranging back to before President Trump was even elected (you facists didnā€™t like that he wad even running).
It is about 6 episodes shown over and over, and most of it was about Cavanaugh and is over so just take a pill, super duper LOL
Letā€™s see...
  • This article/video is not one of your favorite ā€œ6 episodesā€
  • This article/video has nothing to do with Brett Kavanaugh
  • This article/video illustrates the violence the left will resort to due to their intolerance of opposing views (pure fascism)
Once again, you are proven wrong by facts.

Pro-life activist, 65, saying rosary outside Planned Parenthood latest victim of pro-choice violence
The left continues to engage in the favorite tactics of fascists: mob rule, intimidation, and violence.
Protesting is as American as apple pie. Lobbying your representative is a civic duty. But intimidating people, harassing them at movies and restaurants, and especially going to their home is so far beyond acceptable. It is pure left-wing thug. There is no place for that in a civilized society. But this proves what we all already knew - there is nothing civilized about the left.
I use to vote for Democrats but they changed into someone I avoid, so only one party left so far to vote for.
The left continues to engage in the favorite tactics of fascists: mob rule, intimidation, and violence.
Protesting is as American as apple pie. Lobbying your representative is a civic duty. But intimidating people, harassing them at movies and restaurants, and especially going to their home is so far beyond acceptable. It is pure left-wing thug. There is no place for that in a civilized society. But this proves what we all already knew - there is nothing civilized about the left.

Civil rights commemorative sign where Emmett Till's body was found in the Tallahatchie River.

Yeah, the Right is so much more peaceful.
The left continues to engage in the favorite tactics of fascists: mob rule, intimidation, and violence.
Protesting is as American as apple pie. Lobbying your representative is a civic duty. But intimidating people, harassing them at movies and restaurants, and especially going to their home is so far beyond acceptable. It is pure left-wing thug. There is no place for that in a civilized society. But this proves what we all already knew - there is nothing civilized about the left.

Civil rights commemorative sign where Emmett Till's body was found in the Tallahatchie River.

Yeah, the Right is so much more peaceful.
Yeah, those are obviously Republicans Buck shots, not Democrat buckshots

Yeah, those are obviously Republicans Buck shots, not Democrat buckshots
Make up your mind. Why would a Democrat do that, being the fascist, lockstep folks they are?
Not all Democrats are limp-wristed faggots.
Facebook JOKE?
The left continues to engage in the favorite tactics of fascists: mob rule, intimidation, and violence.
Protesting is as American as apple pie. Lobbying your representative is a civic duty. But intimidating people, harassing them at movies and restaurants, and especially going to their home is so far beyond acceptable. It is pure left-wing thug. There is no place for that in a civilized society. But this proves what we all already knew - there is nothing civilized about the left.

Civil rights commemorative sign where Emmett Till's body was found in the Tallahatchie River.

Yeah, the Right is so much more peaceful.
The left continues to engage in the favorite tactics of fascists: mob rule, intimidation, and violence.
Protesting is as American as apple pie. Lobbying your representative is a civic duty. But intimidating people, harassing them at movies and restaurants, and especially going to their home is so far beyond acceptable. It is pure left-wing thug. There is no place for that in a civilized society. But this proves what we all already knew - there is nothing civilized about the left.

Civil rights commemorative sign where Emmett Till's body was found in the Tallahatchie River.

Yeah, the Right is so much more peaceful.
Yeah, those are obviously Republicans Buck shots, not Democrat buckshots

Yeah, those are obviously Republicans Buck shots, not Democrat buckshots
Make up your mind. Why would a Democrat do that, being the fascist, lockstep folks they are?

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