The left-wing ideology is inherently fascist...
When Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder occupied positions of power in the federal government, they would often lecture conservatives on the virtues of civility and dialogue. In power, liberals peddle self-serving babble about “civility”; out of power — witness Hillary’s recent pitiful interview and Eric Holder’s endorsement of kicking conservatives — they peddle self-serving babble about the need to suspend civility.
The left-wing ideology is exclusively about power and control. If they have it, they want complete and total capitulation (their idea of “civility”). If they don’t, they will resort to anything - no matter how extreme - to achieve it.

Liberalism: An Intrinsically Uncivil Ideology
The left-wing ideology is inherently fascist...
Notice that the same media burbling over the Hillary-Holder call for a suspension of civility until liberals claw back to power tut-tutted Kanye West’s remarks on Thursday in the Oval Office. Journalists normally ooh and aah over vulgar rap and wax nostalgic about Muhammad Ali. But they suddenly turned delicate on Thursday, lamenting Kanye West’s “foul” language.
The left-wing ideology is exclusively about power and control. If they have it, they want complete and total capitulation (their idea of “civility”). If they don’t, they will resort to anything - no matter how extreme - to achieve it.

Liberalism: An Intrinsically Uncivil Ideology
The left-wing ideology is inherently fascist...
When Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder occupied positions of power in the federal government, they would often lecture conservatives on the virtues of civility and dialogue. In power, liberals peddle self-serving babble about “civility”; out of power — witness Hillary’s recent pitiful interview and Eric Holder’s endorsement of kicking conservatives — they peddle self-serving babble about the need to suspend civility.
The left-wing ideology is exclusively about power and control. If they have it, they want complete and total capitulation (their idea of “civility”). If they don’t, they will resort to anything - no matter how extreme - to achieve it.

Liberalism: An Intrinsically Uncivil Ideology
How can Kanye be a gop hero now, he flung alot of shit back during Katrina.
About civility: it has degraded, but republicans own this change. Anyone who listened to right wing radio during the Obama years can attest to this. Limbaugh, Hannity etc.
But most of all, Trump defines incivility.
About civility: it has degraded, but republicans own this change. Anyone who listened to right wing radio during the Obama years can attest to this. Limbaugh, Hannity etc.
I listened to “right-wing” radio during the MaObama years and I can “attest” to the fact that you’re full of shit. All they did was provide indisputable facts. Which pisses you progressives off. But there was nothing “uncivil” about it.

Meanwhile, you snowflakes riot, loot, assault people, scream at the sky, etc.
About civility: it has degraded, but republicans own this change. Anyone who listened to right wing radio during the Obama years can attest to this. Limbaugh, Hannity etc.
I listened to “right-wing” radio during the MaObama years and I can “attest” to the fact that you’re full of shit. All they did was provide indisputable facts. Which pisses you progressives off. But there was nothing “uncivil” about it.

Meanwhile, you snowflakes riot, loot, assault people, scream at the sky, etc.
I supposed you dont remember civility is the new censorship.
About civility: it has degraded, but republicans own this change. Anyone who listened to right wing radio during the Obama years can attest to this. Limbaugh, Hannity etc.
I listened to “right-wing” radio during the MaObama years and I can “attest” to the fact that you’re full of shit. All they did was provide indisputable facts. Which pisses you progressives off. But there was nothing “uncivil” about it.

Meanwhile, you snowflakes riot, loot, assault people, scream at the sky, etc.
I supposed you dont remember civility is the new censorship.
I’ve literally never listened to Rush Limbaugh so I can’t remember something I didn’t hear or see. But I just skimmed through your link and didn’t notice a single call to violence. Did I miss it? Or are you just desperately grasping at straws?
You are a guys talk about hating whitey all the time......and you hate blacks, gays, women and anyone else that is a guys are full of shit.....just ask Kanye, he was fine until he was a Trump supporter, now you guys call him uncle tom, white, ******, house ******, stupid, talentless and everything else...….it's hilarious how dumb you guys are...….try thinking for once.
Well duh...they’ve been the party of hate, racism, and division from the beginning of time. Who created the Klu Klux Klan? The left. Who attacked the United States of America to prevent the end of slavery? The left.
Southern conservatives duh, now all in the Republican Party, and good riddance. But they never had a giant propaganda machine before....
Again, it wasn't conservatives, you dipshit. I have owned you on that just by asking one question, which you will not answer.
Yeah, slave owners are well-known liberals LOL
Yeah, they were, hilarious.
Who supported them, Setphen Douglas and the democrats, the elite establishment of the day....good job man! you're learning!

Im still waiting for you to tell me those conservative democrat Presidents and candidates.....
Look at all of that peace. Look at all of that tolerance. Look at all of that fascism.

Minnesota Teacher Resigns After Posting ‘Kill Kavanaugh’ Tweet
Amazing how Fox Rush Etc can find these idiots and make up a party platform out of it. Fascism my dear is not the Democratic Party it's huge numbers of thugs attacking minorities and the United States is nowhere near that, our only real fascists are some small militias and sovereign supporters-crazy right-wingers. Fascism is right wing and always will be, no matter what you brainwashed liberal fascists are told to think... What we need is foreign offices for our media and foreign reporters and telling us some news, not just a gabfest insulting the other side. And in the GOP case, making up s*** all the time and spinning stuff out of reality. like Hillary the murderer or Hillary the criminal or Obama the dictator etc etc etc etc etc etc. And destroying respect for our institutions with garbage propaganda. Who was it that said fascism will come to America wrapped in the flag and the Bible?
Fascism is right wing and always will be, no matter what you brainwashed liberal fascists are told to think...
Oh man...this is fantastic. This is what is known as a “Freudian Slip”. It’s when someone accidentally speaks the truth on their mind when they didn’t mean to.

See, Franco here knows that only liberals are fascists and only liberals are brainwashed. And he just said it. Even though he didn’t mean to.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Before the silly Trump...and by the way anTifa would not exist...
Well duh. Fascists don’t riot when they are in power. Of course Antifa only rose up after the radical marxist MaObama had to give up his seat and Hitlery Clinton was rejected by the American people.
Fascism is right wing and always will be, no matter what you brainwashed liberal fascists are told to think...
We’ve been over this many times now Franco - and I’ve humiliated you each time. Fascism is exclusively left-wing. It is a form of totalitarianism. You cannot have right-wing totalitarianism, you dolt.

The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). Fascism is total government control. The polar opposite end of the spectrum, stupid.

Before the silly Trump...and by the way anTifa would not exist...
Well duh. Fascists don’t riot when they are in power. Of course Antifa only rose up after the radical marxist MaObama had to give up his seat and Hitlery Clinton was rejected by the American people.

1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Rampant sexism
5. Controlled mass media
6. Obsession with national security
7. Religion and government intertwined
8. Corporate power protected
9. Labor power suppressed
10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts
11. Obsession with crime and punishment
12. Rampant cronyism and corruption

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