Fast and the furious is back in play


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Now that obama's people are pushing for more information we may just get it.
Univision News' Fast and Furious Investigation Prompts Congressional Inquiry - ABC News
On Tuesday, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) pressed the Department of Justice to provide information about 57 Fast and Furious weapons found at Mexican crime scenes, which were first exposed by a Univision News special investigation on September 30.

Sorry to say I wouldn't hold my breath. Most likely, Eric Holder will investigate himself again and find both himself and the administration totally innocent of any wrongdoing... again.
Now that obama's people are pushing for more information we may just get it.
Univision News' Fast and Furious Investigation Prompts Congressional Inquiry - ABC News
On Tuesday, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) pressed the Department of Justice to provide information about 57 Fast and Furious weapons found at Mexican crime scenes, which were first exposed by a Univision News special investigation on September 30.

Sorry to say I wouldn't hold my breath. Most likely, Eric Holder will investigate himself again and find both himself and the administration totally innocent of any wrongdoing... again.
I wonder if the 57 firearms were turned back into the feds?
Now that obama's people are pushing for more information we may just get it.
Univision News' Fast and Furious Investigation Prompts Congressional Inquiry - ABC News
On Tuesday, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) pressed the Department of Justice to provide information about 57 Fast and Furious weapons found at Mexican crime scenes, which were first exposed by a Univision News special investigation on September 30.

I would say the Univision report will help congress in their civil action against Holder in the executive privilege claim. Of course that won't happen before the first of the year, so it may be a moot point when Holder is unemployed.
Nobody gives a fuck. CrusaderFrank doesn't even give a fuck any longer.

It would appear The Mexican people want to know why obama allowed firearms to cross the border into their country.
Guns used to kill their citizens and arm terrorists.
Obama is lying and people are dying. He should be impeached and thrown in jail. If I gave someone my gun knowing someone might get killed and someone does, I would be held accountable.
Fast and the furious is back in play

ATF was unable to produce any documents authorizing with signatures their F&F operation and proves no one but ATF is responsible for the operation than ATF itself ... end of WichHunt.
Fast and the furious is back in play

ATF was unable to produce any documents authorizing with signatures their F&F operation and proves no one but ATF is responsible for the operation than ATF itself ... end of WichHunt.

obama instated executive privilege which means he knew something about the operation. What is he covering up?
So is Issa going be arrested for lying, corruption and sedition?

That is how any nonpartisan person would want the failed witchhunt to end. ODS cranks will feel differently, of course.

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