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Fast-food workers strike, seeking $15 wage, political muscle

So WTF is this supposed to tell us? This author explains how some are not making the money they should be, however, if you look at what he wrote, you will see the most minimum is $37,000 per year, and I have plenty of sites to dispute that.

This is not to mention the FACT that when you first start out, you're not going to be making the top dollar. This is because insurance companies have much higher rates for new drivers. Again, as I have repeated over and over, once you get experience, your pay increases as well. After two years of driving experience with no major accidents, insurance rates drastically go down.

Next of course is that your article explains how many openings for truck drivers there are. Just as the articles I posted, there are jobs out there, and trucking pays very well after you get some experience.

So keep on telling us how Walmart employees need to be compensated by taxpayers for their failures instead of looking into a career promising industry like driving. No driver is getting food stamps or welfare because they make too little unless they are an extremely bad driver or otherwise a non-productive employee.

What a wonderful article, and here is the best part of it:

"It’s not an ideal job for everyone. There is no question that trucking is hard work, necessitating long hours and longer stretches away from family. But that’s why it is well compensated, at least in comparison to other jobs not requiring college degrees. The average pay for a long-haul trucker is just shy of $50,000, according to the A.T.A., and an experienced trucker with a good safety record can make significantly more than that. The work typically offers lavish benefits that are increasingly rare for nonunion blue-collar employees."

Hmmm, doesn't that comment sound like from somebody we know?

But there goes your theory you've repeated over and over, and that is stagnant wages are indicative of no jobs. Well...... as your article points out, there are all kinds of jobs waiting to be had, yet, lower wages. How do you explain your theory now???

Keep posting. The only thing better than putting bullets in my gun is when somebody gives them to me to put in my gun.

So tell us again how Walmart workers have absolutely no other opportunity to get out of those stores because there is nothing higher paying for them.

Jobs nobody wants for all the reasons in the links.

The industry complains of shortages of truck drivers, but in real terms tractor-trailer drivers made less in 2013 than they did a decade earlier.

You really expect someone to pay for training to go into an industry with declining wages?

The salary of a truck driver today, does not come close to compensating the trucker for the work they perform....today's driver wages are about on par with the same salary that truckers were making back in the '80's and '90's. Given the dramatic cost of living increase over the past 20-30 years, it's no wonder there's a serious shortage of drivers..... women and men are just not attracted to a job which doesn't pay in accordance to the skill level demanded by the job, nor the time invested.

Well you said a mouthful right there. Jobs nobody wants. Well, too bad. That's why we don't support a higher minimum wage. There are jobs out there--good paying jobs, but people would rather work at Walmart and collect taxpayer dollars. People would rather sit home than to trouble themselves to get off their asses and learn a new career.

So starve. See if I care. Because the country is getting sick of supporting loafers while the rest of us get up to go to work every morning. When we get a Republican President, watch how they slash this welfare state in half. Then people will have no choice but to support themselves and do anything possible to try and crawl out of that hole they made for themselves.

Yes, truck driving is in the top ten most deadliest jobs, but is that any reason nobody should have those jobs? Think I want to get up every morning and drive a truck? No, but I have to keep a roof over my head. I have to put food on the table. I have too much pride to let somebody else support me; pride we don't see much anymore in this country thanks to liberals.

Yes there are jobs with decreasing wages and people would have to pay for training if they have the money. And if they have kids it's probably an impossible job for many.

With such shortages why are wages not going up? Seems like somebody is really hosing drivers.

Much of it has to do with all the foreigners taking the jobs. You can't get Americans like you to work, so somebody has to do it. Plus they work for just about nothing, so industry loves those people but it keeps them from offering better money.

And again, you dig up articles portraying the worst of the worst. In trucking, there are good paying jobs and not so good paying jobs like any other industry. The not so good paying jobs go to drivers with a questionable driving record or beginners who are likely to get into some mishaps because that's quite normal when first starting out. Our industry has a lot of people like that because there are more jobs out there than ever before.

Yes, there are people with children where such a job is not practical, but why did those people have kids they couldn't support in the first place? Nobody should have children until they have a stable income and a secure career where they don't have to worry about where they are going to work the next day.
Jobs nobody wants for all the reasons in the links.

The industry complains of shortages of truck drivers, but in real terms tractor-trailer drivers made less in 2013 than they did a decade earlier.

You really expect someone to pay for training to go into an industry with declining wages?

The salary of a truck driver today, does not come close to compensating the trucker for the work they perform....today's driver wages are about on par with the same salary that truckers were making back in the '80's and '90's. Given the dramatic cost of living increase over the past 20-30 years, it's no wonder there's a serious shortage of drivers..... women and men are just not attracted to a job which doesn't pay in accordance to the skill level demanded by the job, nor the time invested.

Well you said a mouthful right there. Jobs nobody wants. Well, too bad. That's why we don't support a higher minimum wage. There are jobs out there--good paying jobs, but people would rather work at Walmart and collect taxpayer dollars. People would rather sit home than to trouble themselves to get off their asses and learn a new career.

So starve. See if I care. Because the country is getting sick of supporting loafers while the rest of us get up to go to work every morning. When we get a Republican President, watch how they slash this welfare state in half. Then people will have no choice but to support themselves and do anything possible to try and crawl out of that hole they made for themselves.

Yes, truck driving is in the top ten most deadliest jobs, but is that any reason nobody should have those jobs? Think I want to get up every morning and drive a truck? No, but I have to keep a roof over my head. I have to put food on the table. I have too much pride to let somebody else support me; pride we don't see much anymore in this country thanks to liberals.

Yes there are jobs with decreasing wages and people would have to pay for training if they have the money. And if they have kids it's probably an impossible job for many.

With such shortages why are wages not going up? Seems like somebody is really hosing drivers.
Wages in my industry are not going down. Seems that you again are focusing on a specific type of job, not the market as it really is.

No I've linked several times now how wages are stagnant overall.
So why hasn't Obama fixed that yet?

Good question.

What a wonderful article, and here is the best part of it:

"It’s not an ideal job for everyone. There is no question that trucking is hard work, necessitating long hours and longer stretches away from family. But that’s why it is well compensated, at least in comparison to other jobs not requiring college degrees. The average pay for a long-haul trucker is just shy of $50,000, according to the A.T.A., and an experienced trucker with a good safety record can make significantly more than that. The work typically offers lavish benefits that are increasingly rare for nonunion blue-collar employees."

Hmmm, doesn't that comment sound like from somebody we know?

But there goes your theory you've repeated over and over, and that is stagnant wages are indicative of no jobs. Well...... as your article points out, there are all kinds of jobs waiting to be had, yet, lower wages. How do you explain your theory now???

Keep posting. The only thing better than putting bullets in my gun is when somebody gives them to me to put in my gun.

So tell us again how Walmart workers have absolutely no other opportunity to get out of those stores because there is nothing higher paying for them.

Jobs nobody wants for all the reasons in the links.

The industry complains of shortages of truck drivers, but in real terms tractor-trailer drivers made less in 2013 than they did a decade earlier.

You really expect someone to pay for training to go into an industry with declining wages?

The salary of a truck driver today, does not come close to compensating the trucker for the work they perform....today's driver wages are about on par with the same salary that truckers were making back in the '80's and '90's. Given the dramatic cost of living increase over the past 20-30 years, it's no wonder there's a serious shortage of drivers..... women and men are just not attracted to a job which doesn't pay in accordance to the skill level demanded by the job, nor the time invested.

Well you said a mouthful right there. Jobs nobody wants. Well, too bad. That's why we don't support a higher minimum wage. There are jobs out there--good paying jobs, but people would rather work at Walmart and collect taxpayer dollars. People would rather sit home than to trouble themselves to get off their asses and learn a new career.

So starve. See if I care. Because the country is getting sick of supporting loafers while the rest of us get up to go to work every morning. When we get a Republican President, watch how they slash this welfare state in half. Then people will have no choice but to support themselves and do anything possible to try and crawl out of that hole they made for themselves.

Yes, truck driving is in the top ten most deadliest jobs, but is that any reason nobody should have those jobs? Think I want to get up every morning and drive a truck? No, but I have to keep a roof over my head. I have to put food on the table. I have too much pride to let somebody else support me; pride we don't see much anymore in this country thanks to liberals.

Yes there are jobs with decreasing wages and people would have to pay for training if they have the money. And if they have kids it's probably an impossible job for many.

With such shortages why are wages not going up? Seems like somebody is really hosing drivers.

Much of it has to do with all the foreigners taking the jobs. You can't get Americans like you to work, so somebody has to do it. Plus they work for just about nothing, so industry loves those people but it keeps them from offering better money.

And again, you dig up articles portraying the worst of the worst. In trucking, there are good paying jobs and not so good paying jobs like any other industry. The not so good paying jobs go to drivers with a questionable driving record or beginners who are likely to get into some mishaps because that's quite normal when first starting out. Our industry has a lot of people like that because there are more jobs out there than ever before.

Yes, there are people with children where such a job is not practical, but why did those people have kids they couldn't support in the first place? Nobody should have children until they have a stable income and a secure career where they don't have to worry about where they are going to work the next day.

Guess trucking needs more immigrants with all these unfilled jobs.
Because the raises are voluntarily given by the people who own the money.

You mean ceos give them to themswlves because they own the board.

No, I don't mean anything of the sort, because unlike you, I don't say stupid shit.

Well to believe ceo pay has gone up the way it has just because of the market you'd have to be a moron. That seems to be the case with you.

Well, to believe that I'm responsible for the argument you want to oppose about markets when I never said a word about markets, you'd have to be a moron . . . which we all KNOW is the case with you.

What I said was, "CEO pay is decided by the people who are paying the money, so it's no one else's business." See if you can wrap both your functioning brain cells around the concept of "none of your business".

So even you know it is a rigged game. Well that is good. But it is the business of every share holder. So that is actually a whole lot of people for most companies. Thanks for playing, you lose again.

Blah blah blah "whatever you say, I'm going to interpret as exactly what I want to hear, no matter how unrelated".

There is not enough NoDoze in the world to keep your posts from boring me to sleep.
Sorry, but if companies are going to sell so much stock then it is the business of owners like me. Your little none of your business claim is void. Thanks for playing, you lose.
If you are a voting member you can vote but you don't get to call the shots. If you are dissatisfied you can sell your stock, that's how it works, assuming it's public.

Problem is, lefties don't like anything that's decided by a vote, instead of decided by them whining until they get their way.
Again, unless you're paying them, it's none of your business.

I own stocks in those companies so yes it is my business.

Arguments based on your own halfwitted delusions and unverifiable by anyone but your psychiatrists are useless.

I guess in your world owning stocks must seem unattainable.

No, the problem is that in YOUR world where you're a major stockholder in every corporation in America, there are also unicorns and leprechauns.

Like I already said. Most people are probably owners of these big companies. They are all over retirement accounts. Sorry your weak it's none of your business defense works for about nobody. You will have to do better. Your ceos shouldn't have gone public and sold lots of stocks I guess.

Not sure what going public and selling stock has to do with "let's have the government decide CEO salaries according to the whims of people who have no say".

Yes, yes, I know, you're a business tycoon on the Board of Directors of every major corporation in the US, that's why you're on a message board whinging about CEO salaries, blah blah.
Your ceos shouldn't have gone public and sold lots of stocks I guess.
Still trying to figure out your malfunction here. If the public has decided the direction of the company where's the problem?

It is the board and ceo. The public is not making these decisions, sorry.

Yes, and it's YOU bitching about the decision of the board, which you insisted was being made by someone else until it was pointed out to you that the Board decides.

The decision is made by the people with the right to make it. They didn't make the decision you wanted. Suck it. Case closed.
Your ceos shouldn't have gone public and sold lots of stocks I guess.
Still trying to figure out your malfunction here. If the public has decided the direction of the company where's the problem?

It is the board and ceo. The public is not making these decisions, sorry.
Ah, so it isn't your business after all.

Yes every stock holder is an owner. Being an owner makes it their business. It's very simple really, why is it so hard for you to understand? I knew you were slow, but this is ridiculous.

No, dipshit. Every stockholder does NOT have a stake in the decisions of the Board, other than to decide to keep the stock vs. sell the stock. That would be why they sell voting stock AND non-voting stock.

You don't like the Board's decision? Sell. Do NOT sit around insisting that it's YOUR place to override that decision with the help of Daddy Government.
How do you make it your business if you have no say in the matter? I don't get it.
Obviously. I'm sure there are many things you don't get. I guess you should to be on a political forum. You have no say in political decisions either.
What does 'you should to be on a political forum' mean in Brainsville? I do have a say in politics, we call it voting. That's why it's my business. If you have no vote you have to accept the cards that are dealt.
Then I guess you are the reason we have obamacare. Good job.
I didn't vote for the asshole.

That's right, you did not vote on obamacare. Congress voted on that and you aren't a congressman. I guess you don't bitch about it then right? You had no say in the matter.

Yes, mandatory taxes are TOTALLY comparable to voluntary stock purchases and holdings . . . in the Bizarro World where Brain is a business tycoon and unicorns roam the Earth.
I didn't vote for the asshole.
That's right, you did not vote on obamacare. Congress voted on that and you aren't a congressman. I guess you don't bitch about it then right? You had no say in the matter.
No Republican voted for it so no, I played no role in it. The rich got richer under obama too so don't blame me.
So by your own argument you can't bitch about it. You had no say in it.
No, I said what I said, not what you think I said. I have an interest in myself and the country, I voted for those opposing ob care. I don't bitch about what corporations pay their employees because it's none of my business, even if some of the retirement fund in invested it it.

It's no small wonder you need government to put more food on the table.

You didn't have a vote on obamacare. It's none of your business.

"I don't know the difference between taxes and stock purchases because I LOVE taxes and can't imagine people not WANTING to pay them . . . especially since I don't!"
The issue is that idiots like "Brain" (what a misnomer!) dont understand what CEOs do. They know what Beyonce does. Or some other actor. So they're fine with them getting paid millions of dollars a year. Because they look at them and think "I could never do that."
But they dont know what CEOs do. So they think "how hard can that be?"
As usual the problem is ignorance.

If their outlook about a CEO's job being easy was true, anyone could do it. I wonder if he thinks a burger flipper at McDonalds could do the job of a CEO.

Why is it ok for ceos to keep getting raises for bad performance?

Because the raises are voluntarily given by the people who own the money.

You mean ceos give them to themswlves because they own the board.
Yes....They are the majority stock holders. They are taking all of the risk. Having that level of responsibility equates to having the power to make decisions.

Well, in the real world of business, those who foot the bill make the rules. In LeftistLand, those who whine and cry the most make the rules.
Yes in the real world if you can't find a Cnc operator for the wages offered, you offer more. People see how much is offered and get the proper training. Right now wages are stagnant because there aren't lots of Cnc jobs going unfilled.

You keep chanting, "Wages are stagnant", like it's some talisman that excuses anything. We're talking about minimum wage, which is stagnant because those jobs aren't worth more, and because there's no shortage of people who can and will do them for what they pay right now. If someone is sitting around in one of those jobs much longer than they should, expecting it to someday become a well-paying career, that's HIS problem, not the employer's.

There are better jobs out there that don't have enough people to fill them, and they do pay better. Those people lagging in MW jobs could apply for them, if they bothered to become qualified for them. They don't, and that's not anyone's problem but theirs.

You make a lot of claims without backing them up, pretty much every post. Show there are good paying jobs waiting to be filled. Link?

Allow me:

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year


ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

Yes you keep going on about drivers. But what we already determined is that they are a bad area to go into. First you have to pay for training. Wages in trucking are going down, not up. Impossible for many with families. Very questionable safety....
My brother in law is a dedicated freight driver. His income exceeds $75k per year....
You are so full of shit. OTR and Regional drivers can make six figures. Independent O/O's twice that.
So what if a person has to pay for their training?. Have you a problem with funding one's own education? Or are you in the "free tuition" camp.....The one that lives in a fantasy world of "gimme my free shit"....

You don't even have to pay for the training. There are companies that will hire you, train you, and get you your CDL. Yes, they pay less to start with, but hey, not a bad trade-off for no initial training cost outlay.
Ceos actually get paid more for worse performance. That's ok though right?

The Highest-Paid CEOs Are The Worst Performers, New Study Says

Again, unless you're paying them, it's none of your business.

I own stocks in those companies so yes it is my business.
No. It isn't. Stock holders may only vote or sell their shares. There is no stock holder that has any say in day to day operations. For obvious reasons there is a wall of separation between the two. If you are unhappy, your only recourse is to sell your shares. Other than that, you are pissing into the wind.

Again, I am an owner. It is my business.

Why do I think that, at most, you own ten common shares of Microsoft or something and think that makes you Bill Gates?
What a wonderful article, and here is the best part of it:

"It’s not an ideal job for everyone. There is no question that trucking is hard work, necessitating long hours and longer stretches away from family. But that’s why it is well compensated, at least in comparison to other jobs not requiring college degrees. The average pay for a long-haul trucker is just shy of $50,000, according to the A.T.A., and an experienced trucker with a good safety record can make significantly more than that. The work typically offers lavish benefits that are increasingly rare for nonunion blue-collar employees."

Hmmm, doesn't that comment sound like from somebody we know?

But there goes your theory you've repeated over and over, and that is stagnant wages are indicative of no jobs. Well...... as your article points out, there are all kinds of jobs waiting to be had, yet, lower wages. How do you explain your theory now???

Keep posting. The only thing better than putting bullets in my gun is when somebody gives them to me to put in my gun.

So tell us again how Walmart workers have absolutely no other opportunity to get out of those stores because there is nothing higher paying for them.

Jobs nobody wants for all the reasons in the links.

The industry complains of shortages of truck drivers, but in real terms tractor-trailer drivers made less in 2013 than they did a decade earlier.

You really expect someone to pay for training to go into an industry with declining wages?

The salary of a truck driver today, does not come close to compensating the trucker for the work they perform....today's driver wages are about on par with the same salary that truckers were making back in the '80's and '90's. Given the dramatic cost of living increase over the past 20-30 years, it's no wonder there's a serious shortage of drivers..... women and men are just not attracted to a job which doesn't pay in accordance to the skill level demanded by the job, nor the time invested.

Well you said a mouthful right there. Jobs nobody wants. Well, too bad. That's why we don't support a higher minimum wage. There are jobs out there--good paying jobs, but people would rather work at Walmart and collect taxpayer dollars. People would rather sit home than to trouble themselves to get off their asses and learn a new career.

So starve. See if I care. Because the country is getting sick of supporting loafers while the rest of us get up to go to work every morning. When we get a Republican President, watch how they slash this welfare state in half. Then people will have no choice but to support themselves and do anything possible to try and crawl out of that hole they made for themselves.

Yes, truck driving is in the top ten most deadliest jobs, but is that any reason nobody should have those jobs? Think I want to get up every morning and drive a truck? No, but I have to keep a roof over my head. I have to put food on the table. I have too much pride to let somebody else support me; pride we don't see much anymore in this country thanks to liberals.

Yes there are jobs with decreasing wages and people would have to pay for training if they have the money. And if they have kids it's probably an impossible job for many.

With such shortages why are wages not going up? Seems like somebody is really hosing drivers.

Much of it has to do with all the foreigners taking the jobs. You can't get Americans like you to work, so somebody has to do it. Plus they work for just about nothing, so industry loves those people but it keeps them from offering better money.

And again, you dig up articles portraying the worst of the worst. In trucking, there are good paying jobs and not so good paying jobs like any other industry. The not so good paying jobs go to drivers with a questionable driving record or beginners who are likely to get into some mishaps because that's quite normal when first starting out. Our industry has a lot of people like that because there are more jobs out there than ever before.

Yes, there are people with children where such a job is not practical, but why did those people have kids they couldn't support in the first place? Nobody should have children until they have a stable income and a secure career where they don't have to worry about where they are going to work the next day.

Guess trucking needs more immigrants with all these unfilled jobs.

What choice do they have? Americans are too obsessed with their Obama phones and SNAP's cards. You can't get these people to work, and even if you could, they wouldn't be able to pass a drug test.
You keep chanting, "Wages are stagnant", like it's some talisman that excuses anything. We're talking about minimum wage, which is stagnant because those jobs aren't worth more, and because there's no shortage of people who can and will do them for what they pay right now. If someone is sitting around in one of those jobs much longer than they should, expecting it to someday become a well-paying career, that's HIS problem, not the employer's.

There are better jobs out there that don't have enough people to fill them, and they do pay better. Those people lagging in MW jobs could apply for them, if they bothered to become qualified for them. They don't, and that's not anyone's problem but theirs.

You make a lot of claims without backing them up, pretty much every post. Show there are good paying jobs waiting to be filled. Link?

Allow me:

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year


ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

Yes you keep going on about drivers. But what we already determined is that they are a bad area to go into. First you have to pay for training. Wages in trucking are going down, not up. Impossible for many with families. Very questionable safety....
My brother in law is a dedicated freight driver. His income exceeds $75k per year....
You are so full of shit. OTR and Regional drivers can make six figures. Independent O/O's twice that.
So what if a person has to pay for their training?. Have you a problem with funding one's own education? Or are you in the "free tuition" camp.....The one that lives in a fantasy world of "gimme my free shit"....

Probably both. He's arguing with a professional truck driver about truck driving jobs based on some internet site. He thinks he knows more than me about my career than I do. I guess that explains why he thinks he knows it all about any subject.

He just doesn't like hearing that his "this is why it's impossible" excuses only apply when the REAL excuse is "I'm too damned lazy to put in the effort."
Well, that's your own idiocy, then. I eat at the restaurant that gives me the food I was looking for. If I'm looking for quick, cheap food, I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for it as though I was eating a nice meal at a good restaurant just because some dumbass slapping burgers on a bun thinks he should be able to support the kids he squeezed out without changing his life approach.

Well, that's why most feel you white Republican dudes are bad people. They've decided they're not gonna leave it up to you to decide these things. You just can't be trusted. You've allowed your hate & greed to consume you.

Most feel white Republican dudes are bad people? That's not what the elections showed.

Elections with really poor turnout?

It doesn't matter if the elections were 50,000 or 50 million. The point is what the majority thinks.

Yes it does. Did a majority even vote?

No, dumbfuck. They made their choice, which was to defer the choice to others.

If they don't care enough to make their voice heard, I don't care if they don't like the choice made without them.
Again, unless you're paying them, it's none of your business.

I own stocks in those companies so yes it is my business.
No. It isn't. Stock holders may only vote or sell their shares. There is no stock holder that has any say in day to day operations. For obvious reasons there is a wall of separation between the two. If you are unhappy, your only recourse is to sell your shares. Other than that, you are pissing into the wind.

Again, I am an owner. It is my business.
Still insisting something not factual

Sorry but owning a stock makes you an owner. Being an owner makes it your business. It is really quite simple.

Yeah, right. My 401(k) invests in my employer, but I'm pretty sure that cuts me no slack if I start claiming to own the company.
You keep chanting, "Wages are stagnant", like it's some talisman that excuses anything. We're talking about minimum wage, which is stagnant because those jobs aren't worth more, and because there's no shortage of people who can and will do them for what they pay right now. If someone is sitting around in one of those jobs much longer than they should, expecting it to someday become a well-paying career, that's HIS problem, not the employer's.

There are better jobs out there that don't have enough people to fill them, and they do pay better. Those people lagging in MW jobs could apply for them, if they bothered to become qualified for them. They don't, and that's not anyone's problem but theirs.

You make a lot of claims without backing them up, pretty much every post. Show there are good paying jobs waiting to be filled. Link?

Allow me:

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough
By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

6 industries that can’t find workers fast enough

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs
Hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-tech factory jobs are not filled because employers can't find qualified people

Employers can't find enough skilled labor to fill jobs

ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year


ATA: ‘Driver Shortage’ Likely To Reach 48,000 By The End of The Year

By Catey Hill
Published: Dec 20, 2014 12:11 p.m. ET

Yes you keep going on about drivers. But what we already determined is that they are a bad area to go into. First you have to pay for training. Wages in trucking are going down, not up. Impossible for many with families. Very questionable safety....
My brother in law is a dedicated freight driver. His income exceeds $75k per year....
You are so full of shit. OTR and Regional drivers can make six figures. Independent O/O's twice that.
So what if a person has to pay for their training?. Have you a problem with funding one's own education? Or are you in the "free tuition" camp.....The one that lives in a fantasy world of "gimme my free shit"....

You don't even have to pay for the training. There are companies that will hire you, train you, and get you your CDL. Yes, they pay less to start with, but hey, not a bad trade-off for no initial training cost outlay.

Liberals don't want to trouble themselves with training. They want to work at Walmart sweeping floors for what they consider a livable wage.

This is America, and in America, people shouldn't have to go out to find a good job. The good jobs should come knocking at your door.......you know, like those CEO jobs.
Jobs nobody wants for all the reasons in the links.

The industry complains of shortages of truck drivers, but in real terms tractor-trailer drivers made less in 2013 than they did a decade earlier.

You really expect someone to pay for training to go into an industry with declining wages?

The salary of a truck driver today, does not come close to compensating the trucker for the work they perform....today's driver wages are about on par with the same salary that truckers were making back in the '80's and '90's. Given the dramatic cost of living increase over the past 20-30 years, it's no wonder there's a serious shortage of drivers..... women and men are just not attracted to a job which doesn't pay in accordance to the skill level demanded by the job, nor the time invested.

Well you said a mouthful right there. Jobs nobody wants. Well, too bad. That's why we don't support a higher minimum wage. There are jobs out there--good paying jobs, but people would rather work at Walmart and collect taxpayer dollars. People would rather sit home than to trouble themselves to get off their asses and learn a new career.

So starve. See if I care. Because the country is getting sick of supporting loafers while the rest of us get up to go to work every morning. When we get a Republican President, watch how they slash this welfare state in half. Then people will have no choice but to support themselves and do anything possible to try and crawl out of that hole they made for themselves.

Yes, truck driving is in the top ten most deadliest jobs, but is that any reason nobody should have those jobs? Think I want to get up every morning and drive a truck? No, but I have to keep a roof over my head. I have to put food on the table. I have too much pride to let somebody else support me; pride we don't see much anymore in this country thanks to liberals.

Yes there are jobs with decreasing wages and people would have to pay for training if they have the money. And if they have kids it's probably an impossible job for many.

With such shortages why are wages not going up? Seems like somebody is really hosing drivers.

Much of it has to do with all the foreigners taking the jobs. You can't get Americans like you to work, so somebody has to do it. Plus they work for just about nothing, so industry loves those people but it keeps them from offering better money.

And again, you dig up articles portraying the worst of the worst. In trucking, there are good paying jobs and not so good paying jobs like any other industry. The not so good paying jobs go to drivers with a questionable driving record or beginners who are likely to get into some mishaps because that's quite normal when first starting out. Our industry has a lot of people like that because there are more jobs out there than ever before.

Yes, there are people with children where such a job is not practical, but why did those people have kids they couldn't support in the first place? Nobody should have children until they have a stable income and a secure career where they don't have to worry about where they are going to work the next day.

Guess trucking needs more immigrants with all these unfilled jobs.

What choice do they have? Americans are too obsessed with their Obama phones and SNAP's cards. You can't get these people to work, and even if you could, they wouldn't be able to pass a drug test.

I know, right? My company just had a job fair. I can't tell you how many people heard about it, then said to me, "I was thinking about going, but do you know if they drug test?"

I have never in my life had to ask or even think about whether or not a prospective employer drug-tests, much less decided against applying because they did.

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