Fastest girl in Connecticut writes op ed about the unfairness of boys competing in girls sports

This is a brave girl, but now Dimocrats will eat her alive.

I was the fastest girl in Connecticut. But transgender athletes made it an unfair fight.​

Just what is the scope of the problem? How many "Democrat Boys" are still in high school? The article was talking about transgendered and they should not be allowed to compete in high school girls sports. Most people are too old and no longer in high school when they can register to vote and choose a party. I get it, if you fail a few grades you might be still in high school and be a registered Democrat, but than you probably would not qualify academically to be on the team.

So your position is, "As long as only a few girls get harmed, we can ignore it, because who cares about those bitches until we need their votes".

Or is it, "I'll obsess over this one nitpicky, irrelevant word and pretend it's the WHOLE topic so that I can derail any conversation"?

Or both?
I don't need their votes. I'm not running for anything. Besides, I have never been a party member or either party. High school girls cannot vote in general here unless they are not too bright or have lousy study habits and failed a grade or two. What is it you hate about them that would make you call the "bitches"? Seems kind of cruel nature of you and maybe just mean spirited in general. If they have started getting surgeries and hormones to become transgendered while still a kid, I figure they got enough problems without me calling them names on an international message board, but I was raised better than you. Like I said, in this same thread, probably to somebody on a more even keel than you, I do not think they should be allowed to compete against normal girls. Feel better now? I bear them no ill will. I do not care if they go get a huge horse dongs attached, sometime in their life. Nothing to me. Which bothers you the most, that they want to become chicks with d#cks or that some of them, when old enough to vote, won't vote republican? I don't know any, but would not be surprise if they wouldn't. You political/social fanatics alienate everybody that doesn't tow the line in every way. Easy to see why your party has lost ground. You even attack your own party members in public, wanting to drum them out of that party, kick them out of their jobs, even when they just speak out in support the constitution and rule of law rather than pledge allegiance your party and your overlords. I remember when all republicans supported the constitution and rule of law. Not like now, them being the insurrectionist supporting party.

Only a leftist would think "I don't need their votes, so I don't have to care about harming them" is a defense, or even a reasonable thing to say. Of course, only a leftist would think deliberate stupidity and illiteracy is a clever debate strategy.

For the record, I dismissed the entire rest of your post as irrelevant gibberish and deflections, since I don't read posts by unlettered fools who've never heard of paragraphs. Not worth my time. Seriously, moron, they cover that shit in junior high. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just don't like it that your point (what little there was of one) about those girls was pointless as you are simply a hater, as proved by calling those high school girls dirty names. Only somebody running for office needs votes, so your point of me not caring until I "needed" their vote was also pointless, as I have never needed votes. Maybe you ran and lost.
You got all my points. You just couldn't do anything with them.

The girls deserve a chance to compete against other girls. That is being denied them. That you took the debate into the weeds to avoid that point, is over now. Back on topic.
This is a brave girl, but now Dimocrats will eat her alive.

I was the fastest girl in Connecticut. But transgender athletes made it an unfair fight.​

Just what is the scope of the problem? How many "Democrat Boys" are still in high school? The article was talking about transgendered and they should not be allowed to compete in high school girls sports. Most people are too old and no longer in high school when they can register to vote and choose a party. I get it, if you fail a few grades you might be still in high school and be a registered Democrat, but than you probably would not qualify academically to be on the team.

So your position is, "As long as only a few girls get harmed, we can ignore it, because who cares about those bitches until we need their votes".

Or is it, "I'll obsess over this one nitpicky, irrelevant word and pretend it's the WHOLE topic so that I can derail any conversation"?

Or both?
I don't need their votes. I'm not running for anything. Besides, I have never been a party member or either party. High school girls cannot vote in general here unless they are not too bright or have lousy study habits and failed a grade or two. What is it you hate about them that would make you call the "bitches"? Seems kind of cruel nature of you and maybe just mean spirited in general. If they have started getting surgeries and hormones to become transgendered while still a kid, I figure they got enough problems without me calling them names on an international message board, but I was raised better than you. Like I said, in this same thread, probably to somebody on a more even keel than you, I do not think they should be allowed to compete against normal girls. Feel better now? I bear them no ill will. I do not care if they go get a huge horse dongs attached, sometime in their life. Nothing to me. Which bothers you the most, that they want to become chicks with d#cks or that some of them, when old enough to vote, won't vote republican? I don't know any, but would not be surprise if they wouldn't. You political/social fanatics alienate everybody that doesn't tow the line in every way. Easy to see why your party has lost ground. You even attack your own party members in public, wanting to drum them out of that party, kick them out of their jobs, even when they just speak out in support the constitution and rule of law rather than pledge allegiance your party and your overlords. I remember when all republicans supported the constitution and rule of law. Not like now, them being the insurrectionist supporting party.

Only a leftist would think "I don't need their votes, so I don't have to care about harming them" is a defense, or even a reasonable thing to say. Of course, only a leftist would think deliberate stupidity and illiteracy is a clever debate strategy.

For the record, I dismissed the entire rest of your post as irrelevant gibberish and deflections, since I don't read posts by unlettered fools who've never heard of paragraphs. Not worth my time. Seriously, moron, they cover that shit in junior high. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just don't like it that your point (what little there was of one) about those girls was pointless as you are simply a hater, as proved by calling those high school girls dirty names. Only somebody running for office needs votes, so your point of me not caring until I "needed" their vote was also pointless, as I have never needed votes. Maybe you ran and lost.
You got all my points. You just couldn't do anything with them.

The girls deserve a chance to compete against other girls. That is being denied them. That you took the debate into the weeds to avoid that point, is over now. Back on topic.
Somebody else wasn't obsessed with Democrats or voting "out in the weeds", so I told them I was against trans girls competing with normal girl (and was corrected to "real girls), but everybody else knows where I stand. Your obsession with politics and hate for those high school and younger girls just talks about your character and lack of maturity, persuading nobody to your cause. People like you don't learn, ma'am. I took you out of my ignore list, just a few days ago. Perhaps I could have chosen someone closer non hysterical conservative views.
This is a brave girl, but now Dimocrats will eat her alive.

I was the fastest girl in Connecticut. But transgender athletes made it an unfair fight.​

Just what is the scope of the problem? How many "Democrat Boys" are still in high school? The article was talking about transgendered and they should not be allowed to compete in high school girls sports. Most people are too old and no longer in high school when they can register to vote and choose a party. I get it, if you fail a few grades you might be still in high school and be a registered Democrat, but than you probably would not qualify academically to be on the team.

So your position is, "As long as only a few girls get harmed, we can ignore it, because who cares about those bitches until we need their votes".

Or is it, "I'll obsess over this one nitpicky, irrelevant word and pretend it's the WHOLE topic so that I can derail any conversation"?

Or both?
I don't need their votes. I'm not running for anything. Besides, I have never been a party member or either party. High school girls cannot vote in general here unless they are not too bright or have lousy study habits and failed a grade or two. What is it you hate about them that would make you call the "bitches"? Seems kind of cruel nature of you and maybe just mean spirited in general. If they have started getting surgeries and hormones to become transgendered while still a kid, I figure they got enough problems without me calling them names on an international message board, but I was raised better than you. Like I said, in this same thread, probably to somebody on a more even keel than you, I do not think they should be allowed to compete against normal girls. Feel better now? I bear them no ill will. I do not care if they go get a huge horse dongs attached, sometime in their life. Nothing to me. Which bothers you the most, that they want to become chicks with d#cks or that some of them, when old enough to vote, won't vote republican? I don't know any, but would not be surprise if they wouldn't. You political/social fanatics alienate everybody that doesn't tow the line in every way. Easy to see why your party has lost ground. You even attack your own party members in public, wanting to drum them out of that party, kick them out of their jobs, even when they just speak out in support the constitution and rule of law rather than pledge allegiance your party and your overlords. I remember when all republicans supported the constitution and rule of law. Not like now, them being the insurrectionist supporting party.

Only a leftist would think "I don't need their votes, so I don't have to care about harming them" is a defense, or even a reasonable thing to say. Of course, only a leftist would think deliberate stupidity and illiteracy is a clever debate strategy.

For the record, I dismissed the entire rest of your post as irrelevant gibberish and deflections, since I don't read posts by unlettered fools who've never heard of paragraphs. Not worth my time. Seriously, moron, they cover that shit in junior high. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just don't like it that your point (what little there was of one) about those girls was pointless as you are simply a hater, as proved by calling those high school girls dirty names. Only somebody running for office needs votes, so your point of me not caring until I "needed" their vote was also pointless, as I have never needed votes. Maybe you ran and lost.
You got all my points. You just couldn't do anything with them.

No, I'm pretty sure what I don't like was exactly what I said it was. But thanks for showing me your new mind-reading act . . . and don't quit your day job.
This is a brave girl, but now Dimocrats will eat her alive.

I was the fastest girl in Connecticut. But transgender athletes made it an unfair fight.​

Just what is the scope of the problem? How many "Democrat Boys" are still in high school? The article was talking about transgendered and they should not be allowed to compete in high school girls sports. Most people are too old and no longer in high school when they can register to vote and choose a party. I get it, if you fail a few grades you might be still in high school and be a registered Democrat, but than you probably would not qualify academically to be on the team.

So your position is, "As long as only a few girls get harmed, we can ignore it, because who cares about those bitches until we need their votes".

Or is it, "I'll obsess over this one nitpicky, irrelevant word and pretend it's the WHOLE topic so that I can derail any conversation"?

Or both?
I don't need their votes. I'm not running for anything. Besides, I have never been a party member or either party. High school girls cannot vote in general here unless they are not too bright or have lousy study habits and failed a grade or two. What is it you hate about them that would make you call the "bitches"? Seems kind of cruel nature of you and maybe just mean spirited in general. If they have started getting surgeries and hormones to become transgendered while still a kid, I figure they got enough problems without me calling them names on an international message board, but I was raised better than you. Like I said, in this same thread, probably to somebody on a more even keel than you, I do not think they should be allowed to compete against normal girls. Feel better now? I bear them no ill will. I do not care if they go get a huge horse dongs attached, sometime in their life. Nothing to me. Which bothers you the most, that they want to become chicks with d#cks or that some of them, when old enough to vote, won't vote republican? I don't know any, but would not be surprise if they wouldn't. You political/social fanatics alienate everybody that doesn't tow the line in every way. Easy to see why your party has lost ground. You even attack your own party members in public, wanting to drum them out of that party, kick them out of their jobs, even when they just speak out in support the constitution and rule of law rather than pledge allegiance your party and your overlords. I remember when all republicans supported the constitution and rule of law. Not like now, them being the insurrectionist supporting party.

Only a leftist would think "I don't need their votes, so I don't have to care about harming them" is a defense, or even a reasonable thing to say. Of course, only a leftist would think deliberate stupidity and illiteracy is a clever debate strategy.

For the record, I dismissed the entire rest of your post as irrelevant gibberish and deflections, since I don't read posts by unlettered fools who've never heard of paragraphs. Not worth my time. Seriously, moron, they cover that shit in junior high. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just don't like it that your point (what little there was of one) about those girls was pointless as you are simply a hater, as proved by calling those high school girls dirty names. Only somebody running for office needs votes, so your point of me not caring until I "needed" their vote was also pointless, as I have never needed votes. Maybe you ran and lost.
You got all my points. You just couldn't do anything with them.

No, I'm pretty sure what I don't like was exactly what I said it was. But thanks for showing me your new mind-reading act . . . and don't quit your day job.
Not quitting anything. I retired years ago. We got your number when you started calling high school girls "bitches" and talking about voting. Haters hate. We get it.
Its hilarious to see the right wing pretend to care about female sports and the ADF attorneys bringing up Title IX...something they have hated since day one. I feel sorry for the runner who wrote the Op-Ed because she'll be this year's version of Joe the Plumber...used and quickly forgotten by the right (and yes, the Left does the same thing). Quick what is Hat-Boy's real name? Yeah....I don't remember either.

As for the topic at is where I come down.

First let me say that HS Sports in public schools should be limited to intra-murals. Compete against others in your own school only. PE is important; "winning" is not.

I support people being able to identify however they wish--teens included. But the school districts are under no obligation to entertain someone who identifies as a female to compete against other females for any reason (meaning if they "feel" they are female or just couldn't cut it on the male team). If you have indoor plumbing; you compete against those who have indoor plumbing only. If you have outdoor only compete against those who have outdoor plumbing. Physiology isn't ephemera. It's settled science.

Chelsea Mitchell--the author of the Op/Ed--is correct. I applaud her efforts. And using Title IX may be the only legal tool they have so use it if you have to. Of course in a few months after this blows over, Title IX will once again be the symbol of everything wrong with the world from the right wing perspective.
This is a brave girl, but now Dimocrats will eat her alive.

I was the fastest girl in Connecticut. But transgender athletes made it an unfair fight.​

Just what is the scope of the problem? How many "Democrat Boys" are still in high school? The article was talking about transgendered and they should not be allowed to compete in high school girls sports. Most people are too old and no longer in high school when they can register to vote and choose a party. I get it, if you fail a few grades you might be still in high school and be a registered Democrat, but than you probably would not qualify academically to be on the team.

So your position is, "As long as only a few girls get harmed, we can ignore it, because who cares about those bitches until we need their votes".

Or is it, "I'll obsess over this one nitpicky, irrelevant word and pretend it's the WHOLE topic so that I can derail any conversation"?

Or both?
I don't need their votes. I'm not running for anything. Besides, I have never been a party member or either party. High school girls cannot vote in general here unless they are not too bright or have lousy study habits and failed a grade or two. What is it you hate about them that would make you call the "bitches"? Seems kind of cruel nature of you and maybe just mean spirited in general. If they have started getting surgeries and hormones to become transgendered while still a kid, I figure they got enough problems without me calling them names on an international message board, but I was raised better than you. Like I said, in this same thread, probably to somebody on a more even keel than you, I do not think they should be allowed to compete against normal girls. Feel better now? I bear them no ill will. I do not care if they go get a huge horse dongs attached, sometime in their life. Nothing to me. Which bothers you the most, that they want to become chicks with d#cks or that some of them, when old enough to vote, won't vote republican? I don't know any, but would not be surprise if they wouldn't. You political/social fanatics alienate everybody that doesn't tow the line in every way. Easy to see why your party has lost ground. You even attack your own party members in public, wanting to drum them out of that party, kick them out of their jobs, even when they just speak out in support the constitution and rule of law rather than pledge allegiance your party and your overlords. I remember when all republicans supported the constitution and rule of law. Not like now, them being the insurrectionist supporting party.

Only a leftist would think "I don't need their votes, so I don't have to care about harming them" is a defense, or even a reasonable thing to say. Of course, only a leftist would think deliberate stupidity and illiteracy is a clever debate strategy.

For the record, I dismissed the entire rest of your post as irrelevant gibberish and deflections, since I don't read posts by unlettered fools who've never heard of paragraphs. Not worth my time. Seriously, moron, they cover that shit in junior high. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just don't like it that your point (what little there was of one) about those girls was pointless as you are simply a hater, as proved by calling those high school girls dirty names. Only somebody running for office needs votes, so your point of me not caring until I "needed" their vote was also pointless, as I have never needed votes. Maybe you ran and lost.
You got all my points. You just couldn't do anything with them.

No, I'm pretty sure what I don't like was exactly what I said it was. But thanks for showing me your new mind-reading act . . . and don't quit your day job.
Not quitting anything. I retired years ago. We got your number when you started calling high school girls "bitches" and talking about voting. Haters hate. We get it.
Every comment that grotesque bitch makes is laced with hate. Have you ever noticed that?
This is a brave girl, but now Dimocrats will eat her alive.

I was the fastest girl in Connecticut. But transgender athletes made it an unfair fight.​

Just what is the scope of the problem? How many "Democrat Boys" are still in high school? The article was talking about transgendered and they should not be allowed to compete in high school girls sports. Most people are too old and no longer in high school when they can register to vote and choose a party. I get it, if you fail a few grades you might be still in high school and be a registered Democrat, but than you probably would not qualify academically to be on the team.

So your position is, "As long as only a few girls get harmed, we can ignore it, because who cares about those bitches until we need their votes".

Or is it, "I'll obsess over this one nitpicky, irrelevant word and pretend it's the WHOLE topic so that I can derail any conversation"?

Or both?
I don't need their votes. I'm not running for anything. Besides, I have never been a party member or either party. High school girls cannot vote in general here unless they are not too bright or have lousy study habits and failed a grade or two. What is it you hate about them that would make you call the "bitches"? Seems kind of cruel nature of you and maybe just mean spirited in general. If they have started getting surgeries and hormones to become transgendered while still a kid, I figure they got enough problems without me calling them names on an international message board, but I was raised better than you. Like I said, in this same thread, probably to somebody on a more even keel than you, I do not think they should be allowed to compete against normal girls. Feel better now? I bear them no ill will. I do not care if they go get a huge horse dongs attached, sometime in their life. Nothing to me. Which bothers you the most, that they want to become chicks with d#cks or that some of them, when old enough to vote, won't vote republican? I don't know any, but would not be surprise if they wouldn't. You political/social fanatics alienate everybody that doesn't tow the line in every way. Easy to see why your party has lost ground. You even attack your own party members in public, wanting to drum them out of that party, kick them out of their jobs, even when they just speak out in support the constitution and rule of law rather than pledge allegiance your party and your overlords. I remember when all republicans supported the constitution and rule of law. Not like now, them being the insurrectionist supporting party.

Only a leftist would think "I don't need their votes, so I don't have to care about harming them" is a defense, or even a reasonable thing to say. Of course, only a leftist would think deliberate stupidity and illiteracy is a clever debate strategy.

For the record, I dismissed the entire rest of your post as irrelevant gibberish and deflections, since I don't read posts by unlettered fools who've never heard of paragraphs. Not worth my time. Seriously, moron, they cover that shit in junior high. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just don't like it that your point (what little there was of one) about those girls was pointless as you are simply a hater, as proved by calling those high school girls dirty names. Only somebody running for office needs votes, so your point of me not caring until I "needed" their vote was also pointless, as I have never needed votes. Maybe you ran and lost.
You got all my points. You just couldn't do anything with them.

No, I'm pretty sure what I don't like was exactly what I said it was. But thanks for showing me your new mind-reading act . . . and don't quit your day job.
Not quitting anything. I retired years ago. We got your number when you started calling high school girls "bitches" and talking about voting. Haters hate. We get it.
Every comment that grotesque bitch makes is laced with hate. Have you ever noticed that?
Sure. I really did take her out of "Ignore" within the last week or two, when I put a bigger asshole on the list. I'm just a masochist, I guess as they don't change much, but I want to hear a certain amount of the worst of the worst. When they get to be a pain, back on the list.
This is a brave girl, but now Dimocrats will eat her alive.

I was the fastest girl in Connecticut. But transgender athletes made it an unfair fight.​

Just what is the scope of the problem? How many "Democrat Boys" are still in high school? The article was talking about transgendered and they should not be allowed to compete in high school girls sports. Most people are too old and no longer in high school when they can register to vote and choose a party. I get it, if you fail a few grades you might be still in high school and be a registered Democrat, but than you probably would not qualify academically to be on the team.

So your position is, "As long as only a few girls get harmed, we can ignore it, because who cares about those bitches until we need their votes".

Or is it, "I'll obsess over this one nitpicky, irrelevant word and pretend it's the WHOLE topic so that I can derail any conversation"?

Or both?
I don't need their votes. I'm not running for anything. Besides, I have never been a party member or either party. High school girls cannot vote in general here unless they are not too bright or have lousy study habits and failed a grade or two. What is it you hate about them that would make you call the "bitches"? Seems kind of cruel nature of you and maybe just mean spirited in general. If they have started getting surgeries and hormones to become transgendered while still a kid, I figure they got enough problems without me calling them names on an international message board, but I was raised better than you. Like I said, in this same thread, probably to somebody on a more even keel than you, I do not think they should be allowed to compete against normal girls. Feel better now? I bear them no ill will. I do not care if they go get a huge horse dongs attached, sometime in their life. Nothing to me. Which bothers you the most, that they want to become chicks with d#cks or that some of them, when old enough to vote, won't vote republican? I don't know any, but would not be surprise if they wouldn't. You political/social fanatics alienate everybody that doesn't tow the line in every way. Easy to see why your party has lost ground. You even attack your own party members in public, wanting to drum them out of that party, kick them out of their jobs, even when they just speak out in support the constitution and rule of law rather than pledge allegiance your party and your overlords. I remember when all republicans supported the constitution and rule of law. Not like now, them being the insurrectionist supporting party.

Only a leftist would think "I don't need their votes, so I don't have to care about harming them" is a defense, or even a reasonable thing to say. Of course, only a leftist would think deliberate stupidity and illiteracy is a clever debate strategy.

For the record, I dismissed the entire rest of your post as irrelevant gibberish and deflections, since I don't read posts by unlettered fools who've never heard of paragraphs. Not worth my time. Seriously, moron, they cover that shit in junior high. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You just don't like it that your point (what little there was of one) about those girls was pointless as you are simply a hater, as proved by calling those high school girls dirty names. Only somebody running for office needs votes, so your point of me not caring until I "needed" their vote was also pointless, as I have never needed votes. Maybe you ran and lost.
You got all my points. You just couldn't do anything with them.

No, I'm pretty sure what I don't like was exactly what I said it was. But thanks for showing me your new mind-reading act . . . and don't quit your day job.
Not quitting anything. I retired years ago. We got your number when you started calling high school girls "bitches" and talking about voting. Haters hate. We get it.
Every comment that grotesque bitch makes is laced with hate. Have you ever noticed that?
Sure. I really did take her out of "Ignore" within the last week or two, when I put a bigger asshole on the list. I'm just a masochist, I guess as they don't change much, but I want to hear a certain amount of the worst of the worst. When they get to be a pain, back on the list.
I issue an "amnesty" about 3 times a year and clear my ignore list of everyone.... Those who were on the list usually quickly return to it.

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