Biden destroyed these female athletes' opportunities and dreams

I can't wait to see trannys show up at the women's US Open and the French Open and the Australian Open tennis tournaments. I'm sure the audiences in the stands and the TV viewers are going to react with cheers! HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
Same with women's soccer and basketball and hockey.

So why haven't they? Trans women have been able to play professional women's tennis since the 70s. (RICHARDS v. US TENNIS ASS | 93 Misc.2d 713 (1977) | sc2d7131654 |

Why aren't trans women dominating the sport?
Because they're a tiny little minority, maybe?
And hardly any of them are even interested in the sport?
So why all the rending of garments over it?
Maybe because when they do get involved, it fucks over the genetic females?
And we care about that.

Except it doesn't. Transgendered women compete against and lose against cisgendered women all the time. Sky isn't falling (16 states allow and have been allowing trans athletes to compete). Don't get out your piece of the sky umbrella...everything will be fine.
Not in sports like freestyle wrestling, or MMA, they don't.

Sure they do. Amanda Nunes is the current UFC champion. She is cisgendered.
You mean "female", don't you?

(You don't control my speech, and you need to quit trying to.)

And I'm pretty sure that's because they stopped allowing trans chicks to fight after that one female got her skull fractured.
No, I mean cisgendered. You don't control my speech. (Sorry you had to look up a word you're not familiar with. Glad I could expand your horizons.)

The UFC and the Olympics allow trans athletes to compete.
I can't wait to see trannys show up at the women's US Open and the French Open and the Australian Open tennis tournaments. I'm sure the audiences in the stands and the TV viewers are going to react with cheers! HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
Same with women's soccer and basketball and hockey.

So why haven't they? Trans women have been able to play professional women's tennis since the 70s. (RICHARDS v. US TENNIS ASS | 93 Misc.2d 713 (1977) | sc2d7131654 |

Why aren't trans women dominating the sport?
Because they're a tiny little minority, maybe?
And hardly any of them are even interested in the sport?
So why all the rending of garments over it?
Maybe because when they do get involved, it fucks over the genetic females?
And we care about that.

Except it doesn't. Transgendered women compete against and lose against cisgendered women all the time. Sky isn't falling (16 states allow and have been allowing trans athletes to compete). Don't get out your piece of the sky umbrella...everything will be fine.
Not in sports like freestyle wrestling, or MMA, they don't.

Sure they do. Amanda Nunes is the current UFC champion. She is cisgendered.
You mean "female", don't you?

(You don't control my speech, and you need to quit trying to.)

And I'm pretty sure that's because they stopped allowing trans chicks to fight after that one female got her skull fractured.
No, I mean cisgendered. You don't control my speech. (Sorry you had to look up a word you're not familiar with. Glad I could expand your horizons.)

The UFC and the Olympics allow trans athletes to compete.
I already knew what you meant. My buddy R is a big gay leather bear and he translates all this for me when I ask him..... and he knows it's all bullshit, too.
We sit around drinking and smoking cigars and laughing at all these silly fuckers who take themselves soooooo seriously. :rolleyes:

Ridiculous little twats.
I can see it at that age.

My wife was good enough to play HS varsity baseball (hell, the coach was damn near begging her to try out)-she would have been the best pitcher on the team and probably the best first baseman...she didn't hit for power (at the time, she was built like a runner or gymnast) but good eyesight and spectacular hand-eye coordination made her a very tough out.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
That's not true.

All of us that have female offspring have been concerned about it for a few years now.
You just never cared to ask us about our concerns because at best you don't care about us, and at the extreme end, your side wants us all dead and plowed under, and our children indoctrinated and enslaved, so you can pimp them out to your friends.
yeah, okay. Thanks for the chuckle.
Do you lie to yourself as much as you do to the rest of us?

Show us the threads you've made on this topic that has "concerned" you for years now, Rambo?
I didn't make any.

Are you implying that it's impossible for me to be concerned about something unless I have posted about it here?

Because if so, that's just fucking stupid of you.

You say you are concerned. Yet you don't say a word about it. That is fucking stupid of you. Unless you're lying. Which you clearly are.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
I don't know who out there is supporting this anonymous "blob" you speak of, but I guess they're happy doing it. In the real world, you could have asked me at any point about my stance on allowing boys to dominate girls' sports and I would have been glad to expound on it. Instead, you insist on the group think that is so prevalent among the usual suspects. Why is that?


I choose to stick to more important topics such as crunch vs smooth peanut butter, mayo or mustard in the potato salad and if the fridge light stays on when you close the door.

Strange how YOU never brought up the topic that means so much to you--why you have never started a thread on it. You've been here for 8 years or so. No threads about it. Why is that?
Yet here you are, opining away on a topic you don't care about. Thus, your opinion is ignored.

You will notice that I do not generally start threads. On the other hand, I comment on many and have expressed my views on this subject before. IOW, you have nothing to complain about. Now that we have eliminated your attempt at diversion and exposed your feeble attempt to pretend you don't care about the topic, you didn't bother to address your little problem with group think. Telling.
The "outrage" is what I'm commenting on. We have like 4 threads on the topic. Your "outrage" was never there until you were told to be outraged by it.

Then it should be easy for you to say who told who to be outraged and then somehow prove that I cannot be opposed to something if I don't start threads about it on an internet debate board. And you're still not dealing with your little group think problem.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
I don't know who out there is supporting this anonymous "blob" you speak of, but I guess they're happy doing it. In the real world, you could have asked me at any point about my stance on allowing boys to dominate girls' sports and I would have been glad to expound on it. Instead, you insist on the group think that is so prevalent among the usual suspects. Why is that?


I choose to stick to more important topics such as crunch vs smooth peanut butter, mayo or mustard in the potato salad and if the fridge light stays on when you close the door.

Strange how YOU never brought up the topic that means so much to you--why you have never started a thread on it. You've been here for 8 years or so. No threads about it. Why is that?
Yet here you are, opining away on a topic you don't care about. Thus, your opinion is ignored.

You will notice that I do not generally start threads. On the other hand, I comment on many and have expressed my views on this subject before. IOW, you have nothing to complain about. Now that we have eliminated your attempt at diversion and exposed your feeble attempt to pretend you don't care about the topic, you didn't bother to address your little problem with group think. Telling.

Sure...cite the voluminous times you've commented on this all important topic, in lets say, 2018 or there about.

IOW...You have nothing.
Then prove that someone cannot be interested in something unless they start threads about it on an internet debate board. And, "just because I said so" doesn't count. Now that we are done with you attempting to divert attention from the posts and onto the posters, perhaps you could deal with your group think problem.
There are other scholarships that are based on brains and not how fast you can run.
And should scholarships designed for poor students be opened up to allow wealthy students to compete for them? IOW, advantages vs disadvantages. There are other scholarships they can apply for, you know.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
That's not true.

All of us that have female offspring have been concerned about it for a few years now.
You just never cared to ask us about our concerns because at best you don't care about us, and at the extreme end, your side wants us all dead and plowed under, and our children indoctrinated and enslaved, so you can pimp them out to your friends.
yeah, okay. Thanks for the chuckle.
Do you lie to yourself as much as you do to the rest of us?

Show us the threads you've made on this topic that has "concerned" you for years now, Rambo?
I didn't make any.

Are you implying that it's impossible for me to be concerned about something unless I have posted about it here?

Because if so, that's just fucking stupid of you.

You say you are concerned. Yet you don't say a word about it. That is fucking stupid of you. Unless you're lying. Which you clearly are.
I didn't say a word to you...... and why would I?

Are you fucking kidding me? If I don't have a history of discussing my concerns about my family with random posters on a public internet message board then they don't actually exist and I'm a liar?
Who the fuck do you think you are, anyway?

I hope you get hit at a crosswalk and dragged to death down the block.

Go fuck yourself, you self-important little cvnt.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
That's not true.

All of us that have female offspring have been concerned about it for a few years now.
You just never cared to ask us about our concerns because at best you don't care about us, and at the extreme end, your side wants us all dead and plowed under, and our children indoctrinated and enslaved, so you can pimp them out to your friends.
yeah, okay. Thanks for the chuckle.
Do you lie to yourself as much as you do to the rest of us?

Show us the threads you've made on this topic that has "concerned" you for years now, Rambo?
I didn't make any.

Are you implying that it's impossible for me to be concerned about something unless I have posted about it here?

Because if so, that's just fucking stupid of you.

You say you are concerned. Yet you don't say a word about it. That is fucking stupid of you. Unless you're lying. Which you clearly are.
I didn't say a word to you...... and why would I?

Are you fucking kidding me? If I don't have a history of discussing my concerns about my family with random posters on a public internet message board then they don't actually exist and I'm a liar?
Who the fuck do you think you are, anyway?

I hope you get hit at a crosswalk and dragged to death down the block.

Go fuck yourself, you self-important little cvnt.

You say you are concerned. Yet you don't say a word about it. That is fucking stupid of you. Unless you're lying. Which you clearly are.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
I don't know who out there is supporting this anonymous "blob" you speak of, but I guess they're happy doing it. In the real world, you could have asked me at any point about my stance on allowing boys to dominate girls' sports and I would have been glad to expound on it. Instead, you insist on the group think that is so prevalent among the usual suspects. Why is that?


I choose to stick to more important topics such as crunch vs smooth peanut butter, mayo or mustard in the potato salad and if the fridge light stays on when you close the door.

Strange how YOU never brought up the topic that means so much to you--why you have never started a thread on it. You've been here for 8 years or so. No threads about it. Why is that?
Yet here you are, opining away on a topic you don't care about. Thus, your opinion is ignored.

You will notice that I do not generally start threads. On the other hand, I comment on many and have expressed my views on this subject before. IOW, you have nothing to complain about. Now that we have eliminated your attempt at diversion and exposed your feeble attempt to pretend you don't care about the topic, you didn't bother to address your little problem with group think. Telling.
The "outrage" is what I'm commenting on. We have like 4 threads on the topic. Your "outrage" was never there until you were told to be outraged by it.

Then it should be easy for you to say who told who to be outraged and then somehow prove that I cannot be opposed to something if I don't start threads about it on an internet debate board. And you're still not dealing with your little group think problem.


February 1:

This was the slop put down in front of you guys. And you ate it up and of course regurgitated it.

You never cared before and in a month, you won't care again.
Run faster!

Regardless, track probably won't be your career. You will have one less trophy, that you will blame on a transgender athlete. Get pissy as hell girl, about something that no one but you will ever remember. Or, run faster.

Men have greater bone density, muscle density, and better stamina. It is anti science to let men compete against women.

Trans folks should compete against other Trans folks. That's the only way to keep sporting events on a level playing field.
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
I don't know who out there is supporting this anonymous "blob" you speak of, but I guess they're happy doing it. In the real world, you could have asked me at any point about my stance on allowing boys to dominate girls' sports and I would have been glad to expound on it. Instead, you insist on the group think that is so prevalent among the usual suspects. Why is that?


I choose to stick to more important topics such as crunch vs smooth peanut butter, mayo or mustard in the potato salad and if the fridge light stays on when you close the door.

Strange how YOU never brought up the topic that means so much to you--why you have never started a thread on it. You've been here for 8 years or so. No threads about it. Why is that?
Yet here you are, opining away on a topic you don't care about. Thus, your opinion is ignored.

You will notice that I do not generally start threads. On the other hand, I comment on many and have expressed my views on this subject before. IOW, you have nothing to complain about. Now that we have eliminated your attempt at diversion and exposed your feeble attempt to pretend you don't care about the topic, you didn't bother to address your little problem with group think. Telling.
The "outrage" is what I'm commenting on. We have like 4 threads on the topic. Your "outrage" was never there until you were told to be outraged by it.

Then it should be easy for you to say who told who to be outraged and then somehow prove that I cannot be opposed to something if I don't start threads about it on an internet debate board. And you're still not dealing with your little group think problem.


February 1:

This was the slop put down in front of you guys. And you ate it up and of course regurgitated it.

You never cared before and in a month, you won't care again.
Interesting. Something published in February that I never read is supposed to be proof that I don't care about a subject I've been commenting on for months if not years. You're a little strange, aren't you?
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
I don't know who out there is supporting this anonymous "blob" you speak of, but I guess they're happy doing it. In the real world, you could have asked me at any point about my stance on allowing boys to dominate girls' sports and I would have been glad to expound on it. Instead, you insist on the group think that is so prevalent among the usual suspects. Why is that?


I choose to stick to more important topics such as crunch vs smooth peanut butter, mayo or mustard in the potato salad and if the fridge light stays on when you close the door.

Strange how YOU never brought up the topic that means so much to you--why you have never started a thread on it. You've been here for 8 years or so. No threads about it. Why is that?
Yet here you are, opining away on a topic you don't care about. Thus, your opinion is ignored.

You will notice that I do not generally start threads. On the other hand, I comment on many and have expressed my views on this subject before. IOW, you have nothing to complain about. Now that we have eliminated your attempt at diversion and exposed your feeble attempt to pretend you don't care about the topic, you didn't bother to address your little problem with group think. Telling.
The "outrage" is what I'm commenting on. We have like 4 threads on the topic. Your "outrage" was never there until you were told to be outraged by it.

Then it should be easy for you to say who told who to be outraged and then somehow prove that I cannot be opposed to something if I don't start threads about it on an internet debate board. And you're still not dealing with your little group think problem.


February 1:

This was the slop put down in front of you guys. And you ate it up and of course regurgitated it.

You never cared before and in a month, you won't care again.
Interesting. Something published in February that I never read is supposed to be proof that I don't care about a subject I've been commenting on for months if not years. You're a little strange, aren't you?

Televised in February....Since then the blabbers have been going full blast on women's sports.... something them (and you) never cared about before. us your proud lineage of discussing women's sports....I'm sure you can point to some post from like 2016 or so of yours about women's sports...can't you?
Just out of curiosity...

Are there any statistics on how often this happens?

Please none of the "Once is too often" responses.

Actual stats on how often, in the US, this has taken place?
We are still in the early phases of allowing boys that pretend to be girls to compete with biological girls. Seeing the results after only a few years strongly indicates that within a short period of time all the female athletic records will be held by males pretending to be female.
The tragedy!
Obviously you have no daughters.

Thats true.

What is also true is that 2 months ago, getting a blob supporter to talk about women's sports would be like getting a blob supporter to admit that climate change is real. It wasn't going to happen.

Now, all of the sudden, it's the most important topic...EVER!

You guys are just eating the slop put down in front of you and regurgitating it.
I don't know who out there is supporting this anonymous "blob" you speak of, but I guess they're happy doing it. In the real world, you could have asked me at any point about my stance on allowing boys to dominate girls' sports and I would have been glad to expound on it. Instead, you insist on the group think that is so prevalent among the usual suspects. Why is that?


I choose to stick to more important topics such as crunch vs smooth peanut butter, mayo or mustard in the potato salad and if the fridge light stays on when you close the door.

Strange how YOU never brought up the topic that means so much to you--why you have never started a thread on it. You've been here for 8 years or so. No threads about it. Why is that?
Yet here you are, opining away on a topic you don't care about. Thus, your opinion is ignored.

You will notice that I do not generally start threads. On the other hand, I comment on many and have expressed my views on this subject before. IOW, you have nothing to complain about. Now that we have eliminated your attempt at diversion and exposed your feeble attempt to pretend you don't care about the topic, you didn't bother to address your little problem with group think. Telling.
The "outrage" is what I'm commenting on. We have like 4 threads on the topic. Your "outrage" was never there until you were told to be outraged by it.

Then it should be easy for you to say who told who to be outraged and then somehow prove that I cannot be opposed to something if I don't start threads about it on an internet debate board. And you're still not dealing with your little group think problem.


February 1:

This was the slop put down in front of you guys. And you ate it up and of course regurgitated it.

You never cared before and in a month, you won't care again.
Interesting. Something published in February that I never read is supposed to be proof that I don't care about a subject I've been commenting on for months if not years. You're a little strange, aren't you?

Televised in February....Since then the blabbers have been going full blast on women's sports.... something them (and you) never cared about before. us your proud lineage of discussing women's sports....I'm sure you can point to some post from like 2016 or so of yours about women's sports...can't you?
You're accusing me of not commenting. Go through my posting history and see, then come back and deal with your group think issue.
Run faster!

Regardless, track probably won't be your career. You will have one less trophy, that you will blame on a transgender athlete. Get pissy as hell girl, about something that no one but you will ever remember. Or, run faster.

Men have greater bone density, muscle density, and better stamina. It is anti science to let men compete against women.

Trans folks should compete against other Trans folks. That's the only way to keep sporting events on a level playing field.
Liberals champion science only so long as it's convenient.

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