Fasting against marriage equality

And this would be an example of an American freely exhibiting his ignorance and hate.

Quit being an asshole. I was pointing out the author's lies, which could be clearly seen if one had read the group's statement. Don't you people ever tell the truth?

It might be useful for you to point out the lie in the OP rather than just state it.
What did he lie about?
He provided a direct quote from the group.

And promptly ignored it.

Is there more information that you could cite for us that will support your accusation, or are you simply striking out in embarrassment?

Well, since you couldn't be bothered to do your own research, I'll tell you. This is from the original statement from the group in question:

The Family Foundation is asking that you join us for 40 Days of Prayer, Fasting and Repentance for Marriage from August 27 until October 5, 2014...We must look within and ask, “Have we as believers been the salt and light that Jesus commanded us to be?” So many churches in America have become lukewarm and have lost the ability to impact culture in the way they once did. Our nation, built on a Judeo-Christian foundation, has been greatly blessed by the Lord, but instead of being thankful, we have turned our back on the Lord and His teachings and have and followed after other gods. That is why we are asking you to join us zealously in humility and fasting in repentance before God and implore Him to heal our land.

Humility. Repentance. Fasting. And you were supposed to have been a pastor at one time so I shouldn't have to explain what fasting is for.

This is how the asshole who reported it put it:

Members of a religious organization called the Family Foundation are so hungry for hatred that they want to throw a temper tantrum for 40 days to protest same-sex marriage.

That's beyond stupid, it's dishonest.

And I get tired of these liars screaming "hate" and "racism" at the drop of a hat. They are not a solution to the problem, they ARE the problem.
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You bear false witness with this libel and have the nerve to invoke God?

"This week, a group of desperate Christians announced their intention to fast for 40 days and 40 nights in the name of hate. It’s basically the same idea that a religious bigot in Utah attempted back in January."

Prostitutes and tax collectors will see the Kingdom of heaven before you do.

And this would be an example of an American freely exhibiting his ignorance and hate.

Quit being an asshole. I was pointing out the author's lies, which could be clearly seen if one had read the group's statement. Don't you people ever tell the truth?

By standing rule #23, you just forfeit.
"In a statement, the group claims that the federal government, the media, corporations, the public education system, and the entertainment industry are all ganging up against churches in the fight for equality."

Really? Is that what they said? I don't agree with them but it's their bellies and i doubt they said that. Marriage has been equal, all eligible men could marry any eligible woman. The lie gets repeated and people need to be reminded the gays want marriage redefined to include them. Maybe the gays will fast when bisexuals demand the same.
There is no room in Obama's America for dissent, difference of opinion, or the Christian religion.

Freedom of speech and expression that runs counter to any culture will earn you the label of Bigot and Racist.


It is the right that is hostile to diversity and dissent, the cited in the OP is evidence of that.

And one earns the label of bigot or racist because he is in fact a bigot or racist.
What would their god have to say about this?

You bear false witness with this libel and have the nerve to invoke God?

"This week, a group of desperate Christians announced their intention to fast for 40 days and 40 nights in the name of hate. It’s basically the same idea that a religious bigot in Utah attempted back in January."

Prostitutes and tax collectors will see the Kingdom of heaven before you do.

And this would be an example of an American freely exhibiting his ignorance and hate.

You really didn't have to show hate to provide an example. Most of us are already aware of what hate is.
And this would be an example of an American freely exhibiting his ignorance and hate.

Quit being an asshole. I was pointing out the author's lies, which could be clearly seen if one had read the group's statement. Don't you people ever tell the truth?

It might be useful for you to point out the lie in the OP rather than just state it.
What did he lie about?
He provided a direct quote from the group.
Is there more information that you could cite for us that will support your accusation, or are you simply striking out in embarrassment?

Really? You are really going to assert that the group claimed to be fasting "for hate"?
Can we organize a counter-fast? What if everyone ate a piece of chocolate a day for the 40 days in support of marriage equality?



Im not sure you understand the point of fast.

I understand far better than you. You take yourself and your pop religion far too seriously.

Bold claim. Sacred things are meant to be serious. We can joke about the rest of life.
There is no room in Obama's America for dissent, difference of opinion, or the Christian religion.

Freedom of speech and expression that runs counter to any culture will earn you the label of Bigot and Racist.


It is the right that is hostile to diversity and dissent, the cited in the OP is evidence of that.

And one earns the label of bigot or racist because he is in fact a bigot or racist.

Right, so why be hostile to people fasting for the Lord to heal this nation? And claim they are doing so for hate?
It is the right that is hostile to diversity and dissent, the cited in the OP is evidence of that.


This is what makes "discussing" anything with the left maddening, so arrogant they are - all they have to do is speak it and it becomes reality. It would never occur to this guy to ask himself if he is the bigot.
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Quit being an asshole. I was pointing out the author's lies, which could be clearly seen if one had read the group's statement. Don't you people ever tell the truth?

It might be useful for you to point out the lie in the OP rather than just state it.
What did he lie about?
He provided a direct quote from the group.
Is there more information that you could cite for us that will support your accusation, or are you simply striking out in embarrassment?

Really? You are really going to assert that the group claimed to be fasting "for hate"?

They would use the canard of hating "the sin".
The rest of us would notice they have never fasted for the elimination of greed.
It might be useful for you to point out the lie in the OP rather than just state it.
What did he lie about?
He provided a direct quote from the group.
Is there more information that you could cite for us that will support your accusation, or are you simply striking out in embarrassment?

Really? You are really going to assert that the group claimed to be fasting "for hate"?

They would use the canard of hating "the sin".
The rest of us would notice they have never fasted for the elimination of greed.

Starting to see why you didn't make it as a pastor. What makes you think they don't come against greed?
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? Conservative Christians Plan 40 Day Hunger Strike ? A Temper Tantrum To Demonstrate Hatred Of Gay People

“Our Constitution declares that ‘all men’ are created equal. Surely this means all of us.”

Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen of United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, in Norfolk wrote these words in February in a decision that overturned Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage. Ever since, conservative Christians have been throwing a fit over it. This week, a group of desperate Christians announced their intention to fast for 40 days and 40 nights in the name of hate. It’s basically the same idea that a religious bigot in Utah attempted back in January.

Members of a religious organization called the Family Foundation are so hungry for hatred that they want to throw a temper tantrum for 40 days to protest same-sex marriage. In a statement, the group claims that the federal government, the media, corporations, the public education system, and the entertainment industry are all ganging up against churches in the fight for equality.

“Our state and nation are mired in a morass of confusion and post-modern thinking that does not believe in absolutes nor that any truth can even be known,” the statement says. “Nowhere is this more evident than in the current debate raging about what constitutes marriage. Pagan philosophies, a secular humanist education establishment and an entertainment industry that is absolutely determined in pushing the envelope on decency and morality have all combined to turn this great land into a country that our forefathers could not even begin to recognize.[/QUOTE]


What would their god have to say about this?

All men are equal, that is until we lace up our boots and out work the competition


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