Fat Chicks

Here, let me post another picture. Now, will somebody PLEASE tell me what looks over 40 about me? Bonzi says this is my best one, so . . . :D I'm just not seeing how I look over 40, and, other than online, no one has ever mistook me for being older. Usually, people are surprised to learn that I'm almost 40, so I have to admit this is quite confusing for me, and I would certainly like to know if there is something I could change to make me NOT look like an old lady. :)

View attachment 48730
I think the clothes make you look like 50.. take them off.. let's see
According to who??? Buy him eyeglasses…
Loosing 10# ??? You want to look like a skinny cat like Chris? No….no….no…

I work out every day, aerobics and strength training and I am MUCHO healthy. :D I'll bet I look better and am healthier than you will ever be.

View attachment 48728

You look pretty good for your age! I'd go there.

How do you know how old I am?

I do not know how old you are. I am also not a very good judge of age sometimes. You look pre-menopausal, which is good. But you also look too old to safely carry and birth a child. If I had to guess I'd say 47.
You just fucked it up... she is 38... don't piss her off...

Do you notice that none of these people can point out anything about me that looks over 40 though? They all SAY I look over 40, yet I don't have wrinkles or anything. :dunno: So, since you've now joined the band wagon that I look at least 10 years older than my actual age, what is it about my appearance that looks old to you? Is it my hair, my skin???
Here, let me post another picture. Now, will somebody PLEASE tell me what looks over 40 about me? Bonzi says this is my best one, so . . . :D I'm just not seeing how I look over 40, and, other than online, no one has ever mistook me for being older. Usually, people are surprised to learn that I'm almost 40, so I have to admit this is quite confusing for me, and I would certainly like to know if there is something I could change to make me NOT look like an old lady. :)

View attachment 48730
I think the clothes make you look like 50.. take them off.. let's see

No, I seriously want a serious answer to my question. If there is something I can change so that I don't look 10 years older, I would like to know please.
I'm fat according to him, but, I'm OK with it! I do want to lose about 10 lbs and tone it up a bit!
I'm trying! Going to the gym a few times a week and tennis when I can :)
According to who??? Buy him eyeglasses…
Loosing 10# ??? You want to look like a skinny cat like Chris? No….no….no…

I work out every day, aerobics and strength training and I am MUCHO healthy. :D I'll bet I look better and am healthier than you will ever be.

View attachment 48728

You look pretty good for your age! I'd go there.

How do you know how old I am?

Who cares,I'd tap that ass.
I'm not seeing that at all. I see a guy who seems genuinely frustrated about not being able to find whatever it is he is looking for. Since you really don't know anything about this particular person except for what you are basing a couple of posts on the internet, it seems a bit out of line to accuse him of such a horrible and violent crime. A lot of men don't like extra weight on women. I understand that a lot of people are going to take offense to that, but that is just the way it is. Perhaps he could have a bit more couth about the topic, but that is no reason for such accusations IMO.

What I am seeing in Mr. Jenkins, here, that is the same as what I saw all those many years ago in another man who turned out to be a violent rapist, are…

  • A sense of being entitled to sex.
  • An eagerness to disparage the character and virtue of any woman who will not give him the sexual attention that he demands.
  • No regard for woman as having any value other than to satisfy his sexual demands.
If he's not an actual rapist, then he certainly has a major part of the mindset of that other man who was, that led to that sort of behavior.

I think you will have to admit, that you feel much safer knowing that he is probably not anywhere near you, than you would if he lived near you in the real world, and that you'd caught his attention.

I don't feel threatened by him at all. :dunno: He has done nothing to make me fear for my safety.
Here, let me post another picture. Now, will somebody PLEASE tell me what looks over 40 about me? Bonzi says this is my best one, so . . . :D I'm just not seeing how I look over 40, and, other than online, no one has ever mistook me for being older. Usually, people are surprised to learn that I'm almost 40, so I have to admit this is quite confusing for me, and I would certainly like to know if there is something I could change to make me NOT look like an old lady. :)

View attachment 48730

You're a cutie.
I'm fat according to him, but, I'm OK with it! I do want to lose about 10 lbs and tone it up a bit!
I'm trying! Going to the gym a few times a week and tennis when I can :)
According to who??? Buy him eyeglasses…
Loosing 10# ??? You want to look like a skinny cat like Chris? No….no….no…

I work out every day, aerobics and strength training and I am MUCHO healthy. :D I'll bet I look better and am healthier than you will ever be.

View attachment 48728

You look pretty good for your age! I'd go there.

How do you know how old I am?

Who cares,I'd tap that ass.

I care of course.
Here, let me post another picture. Now, will somebody PLEASE tell me what looks over 40 about me? Bonzi says this is my best one, so . . . :D I'm just not seeing how I look over 40, and, other than online, no one has ever mistook me for being older. Usually, people are surprised to learn that I'm almost 40, so I have to admit this is quite confusing for me, and I would certainly like to know if there is something I could change to make me NOT look like an old lady. :)

View attachment 48730

You're a cutie.

I don't care about that! I don't want to look like I'm 47 years old!!!!
I work out every day, aerobics and strength training and I am MUCHO healthy. :D I'll bet I look better and am healthier than you will ever be.

View attachment 48728

You look pretty good for your age! I'd go there.

How do you know how old I am?

I do not know how old you are. I am also not a very good judge of age sometimes. You look pre-menopausal, which is good. But you also look too old to safely carry and birth a child. If I had to guess I'd say 47.
You just fucked it up... she is 38... don't piss her off...

Do you notice that none of these people can point out anything about me that looks over 40 though? They all SAY I look over 40, yet I don't have wrinkles or anything. :dunno: So, since you've now joined the band wagon that I look at least 10 years older than my actual age, what is it about my appearance that looks old to you? Is it my hair, my skin???
You know I am pulling your legs... playing... you look great..
According to who??? Buy him eyeglasses…
Loosing 10# ??? You want to look like a skinny cat like Chris? No….no….no…

I work out every day, aerobics and strength training and I am MUCHO healthy. :D I'll bet I look better and am healthier than you will ever be.

View attachment 48728

You look pretty good for your age! I'd go there.

How do you know how old I am?

Who cares,I'd tap that ass.

I care of course.

I wouldnt,whatever your age is you look great.
You look pretty good for your age! I'd go there.

How do you know how old I am?

I do not know how old you are. I am also not a very good judge of age sometimes. You look pre-menopausal, which is good. But you also look too old to safely carry and birth a child. If I had to guess I'd say 47.
You just fucked it up... she is 38... don't piss her off...

Do you notice that none of these people can point out anything about me that looks over 40 though? They all SAY I look over 40, yet I don't have wrinkles or anything. :dunno: So, since you've now joined the band wagon that I look at least 10 years older than my actual age, what is it about my appearance that looks old to you? Is it my hair, my skin???
You know I am pulling your legs... playing... you look great..

Well, why do you think I look 47 years old then? That is almost 50 years old??? When I look at myself, I do not see a 50-year-old woman. What am I missing?
Bob, if you caught me on the wrong day and pulled this shit in person I would beat you senseless with my cock!

I am 45 fucking years old and have never hurt a woman physically in my life. It makes my skin crawl even writing this. I do not hate women. I love them. I am just not fit for commitment. It is my personal shortcoming. But, I know how to make myself satisfied, and I do.

You, my friend, are the sick fucker. I am a stranger to you and yet you remotely psychoanalyze me and conclude that I may be inclined toward violence against women? That is fucking sick! I hope you are not guilty of projecting here, as it is pretty fucked up that you are associating sex with violence in they puny brain of yours.

Well, you seem to have proven part of what I speculated about you, that you are inclined to senseless violence. The attitudes that you have so far expressed about women cast serious doubt on your claim, now, that you wouldn't direct that violent inclination toward them, if they failed to give in to your sexual demands.

I don't know what the point is in mentioning your age, yet again, other to emphasize that you are middle-aged, while still having the level of sexual maturity, at best, of an early adolescent.
Here, let me post another picture. Now, will somebody PLEASE tell me what looks over 40 about me? Bonzi says this is my best one, so . . . :D I'm just not seeing how I look over 40, and, other than online, no one has ever mistook me for being older. Usually, people are surprised to learn that I'm almost 40, so I have to admit this is quite confusing for me, and I would certainly like to know if there is something I could change to make me NOT look like an old lady. :)

View attachment 48730

You're a cutie.

I don't care about that! I don't want to look like I'm 47 years old!!!!

You dont look 47 relax...
How do you know how old I am?

I do not know how old you are. I am also not a very good judge of age sometimes. You look pre-menopausal, which is good. But you also look too old to safely carry and birth a child. If I had to guess I'd say 47.
You just fucked it up... she is 38... don't piss her off...

Do you notice that none of these people can point out anything about me that looks over 40 though? They all SAY I look over 40, yet I don't have wrinkles or anything. :dunno: So, since you've now joined the band wagon that I look at least 10 years older than my actual age, what is it about my appearance that looks old to you? Is it my hair, my skin???
You know I am pulling your legs... playing... you look great..

Well, why do you think I look 47 years old then? That is almost 50 years old??? When I look at myself, I do not see a 50-year-old woman. What am I missing?
You have great hair but do something with it... don't cut it though... pull it up, do pony tail every once in a while, change it up here and there... and let it down when... you know when...;)
Here, let me post another picture. Now, will somebody PLEASE tell me what looks over 40 about me? Bonzi says this is my best one, so . . . :D I'm just not seeing how I look over 40, and, other than online, no one has ever mistook me for being older. Usually, people are surprised to learn that I'm almost 40, so I have to admit this is quite confusing for me, and I would certainly like to know if there is something I could change to make me NOT look like an old lady. :)

View attachment 48730

You're a cutie.

I don't care about that! I don't want to look like I'm 47 years old!!!!

You dont look 47 relax...

Well, that's what a lot of people here keep telling me, that I look at LEAST 47 if not in my 50s. :dunno: I just want to know why they would think that? I look at my pictures and so do my friends, and none of us seem to see that. However, at least SEVERAL people here have thought so or said that.
Well, you seem to have proven part of what I speculated about you, that you are inclined to senseless violence. The attitudes that you have so far expressed about women cast serious doubt on your claim, now, that you wouldn't direct that violent inclination toward them, if they failed to give in to your sexual demands.

I don't know what the point is in mentioning your age, yet again, other to emphasize that you are middle-aged, while still having the level of sexual maturity, at best, of an early adolescent.
....we got another psychologist... great!
I do not know how old you are. I am also not a very good judge of age sometimes. You look pre-menopausal, which is good. But you also look too old to safely carry and birth a child. If I had to guess I'd say 47.
You just fucked it up... she is 38... don't piss her off...

Do you notice that none of these people can point out anything about me that looks over 40 though? They all SAY I look over 40, yet I don't have wrinkles or anything. :dunno: So, since you've now joined the band wagon that I look at least 10 years older than my actual age, what is it about my appearance that looks old to you? Is it my hair, my skin???
You know I am pulling your legs... playing... you look great..

Well, why do you think I look 47 years old then? That is almost 50 years old??? When I look at myself, I do not see a 50-year-old woman. What am I missing?
You have great hair but do something with it... don't cut it though... pull it up, do pony tail every once in a while, change it up here and there... and let it down when... you know when...;)

That does not answer my question. Obviously my LONG hair does not make me look like a 50-year-old woman. Now, if you please, answer my question.
I'm fat according to him, but, I'm OK with it! I do want to lose about 10 lbs and tone it up a bit!
I'm trying! Going to the gym a few times a week and tennis when I can :)
According to who??? Buy him eyeglasses…
Loosing 10# ??? You want to look like a skinny cat like Chris? No….no….no…

Yep, I want to be skinnier :)
I'm fat according to him, but, I'm OK with it! I do want to lose about 10 lbs and tone it up a bit!
I'm trying! Going to the gym a few times a week and tennis when I can :)
According to who??? Buy him eyeglasses…
Loosing 10# ??? You want to look like a skinny cat like Chris? No….no….no…

Yep, I want to be skinnier :)
A little cusion/paddig does not hurt.... unless you dealing with fakirs who like to be pricked by protruding bones

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