Fatah Official Accuses Hamas Of Stealing $700m From Gazans


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The mother fuckers STEAL from themselves!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Times of Israel ^

Despite a recent rapprochement between the rival Palestinian factions, a Fatah spokesman recently accused the Hamas terror of stealing $700 million in charity donations that were supposed to help rehabilitate the Gaza Strip after the summer’s conflict. “During the Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza, the Hamas leaders in Gaza received $700 million,” Assaf said, according to a MEMRI translation published Tuesday. “This figure is well documented, and we know the money sources. Hamas collected money from all over the world. Where is it?”“The Hamas leaders took it all,” Assaf charged.Funding the reconstruction of the Strip has become a...
Hey, they're just takin' a page from Yassar Arafat's play-book... bottom-feeders gonna feed.
Now, now, we have been told numerous times that anything the Times of Israel publishes is just "Zionist Propaganda"
Greedy little scums, It won't be long until we probably gonna start hearing how Israel stole the money to cover the budget cuts following the operation.

I Believe this is a perfect example to all of who ever doubted someone actually care for the Palestinians, Starting the list again now - lets make it clear - Hamas doesn't.
et al,

It is pretty standard (not unusual at all) for insurgents, terrorist, jihadists, and revolutionaries, to engage in extortion, robbery, theft, kidnap and ransom, to support their activities by robbing banks, currency exchanges, and/or large cash businesses, as alternative funding when other monetary streams are cut-off. Already HAMAS has a history, since taking power, of such activity. Just within the last month or so, they held-up a bank in Gaza.

Most Respectfully,
The mother fuckers STEAL from themselves!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Times of Israel ^

Despite a recent rapprochement between the rival Palestinian factions, a Fatah spokesman recently accused the Hamas terror of stealing $700 million in charity donations that were supposed to help rehabilitate the Gaza Strip after the summer’s conflict. “During the Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza, the Hamas leaders in Gaza received $700 million,” Assaf said, according to a MEMRI translation published Tuesday. “This figure is well documented, and we know the money sources. Hamas collected money from all over the world. Where is it?”“The Hamas leaders took it all,” Assaf charged.Funding the reconstruction of the Strip has become a...
The two factions came to a reconciliation agreement in June, ending seven years of bad blood after the Palestinian Authority was ousted from Gaza by Hamas.
It always makes me laugh when propaganda sites pimp this lie.
The mother fuckers STEAL from themselves!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Times of Israel ^

Despite a recent rapprochement between the rival Palestinian factions, a Fatah spokesman recently accused the Hamas terror of stealing $700 million in charity donations that were supposed to help rehabilitate the Gaza Strip after the summer’s conflict. “During the Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza, the Hamas leaders in Gaza received $700 million,” Assaf said, according to a MEMRI translation published Tuesday. “This figure is well documented, and we know the money sources. Hamas collected money from all over the world. Where is it?”“The Hamas leaders took it all,” Assaf charged.Funding the reconstruction of the Strip has become a...
The two factions came to a reconciliation agreement in June, ending seven years of bad blood after the Palestinian Authority was ousted from Gaza by Hamas.
It always makes me laugh when propaganda sites pimp this lie.
Where's the money, Tinmore? Why do un-employed Hamas members have villas on the French Riviera and drive Rolls Royces?
The mother fuckers STEAL from themselves!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Times of Israel ^
Despite a recent rapprochement between the rival Palestinian factions, a Fatah spokesman recently accused the Hamas terror of stealing $700 million in charity donations that were supposed to help rehabilitate the Gaza Strip after the summer’s conflict. “During the Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza, the Hamas leaders in Gaza received $700 million,” Assaf said, according to a MEMRI translation published Tuesday. “This figure is well documented, and we know the money sources. Hamas collected money from all over the world. Where is it?”“The Hamas leaders took it all,” Assaf charged.Funding the reconstruction of the Strip has become a...
Ah! No sharing forthcoming, abu-mazenians cry bloody theft!
The mother fuckers STEAL from themselves!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Times of Israel ^

Despite a recent rapprochement between the rival Palestinian factions, a Fatah spokesman recently accused the Hamas terror of stealing $700 million in charity donations that were supposed to help rehabilitate the Gaza Strip after the summer’s conflict. “During the Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza, the Hamas leaders in Gaza received $700 million,” Assaf said, according to a MEMRI translation published Tuesday. “This figure is well documented, and we know the money sources. Hamas collected money from all over the world. Where is it?”“The Hamas leaders took it all,” Assaf charged.Funding the reconstruction of the Strip has become a...
The two factions came to a reconciliation agreement in June, ending seven years of bad blood after the Palestinian Authority was ousted from Gaza by Hamas.
It always makes me laugh when propaganda sites pimp this lie.

What LIE tinny, that hamas and fatah were at each others throats and went round exterminating each other for fun

Hamas gangs kill Fatah members in Gaza

Hamas has murdered "dozens of Fatah members" in the Gaza Strip for merely violating the Hamas-imposed house arrest. According to the Palestinian daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida the atrocities, which also included shooting people in the legs, has created a backlash in the West Bank and caused "anger, which influenced the level of popular activities carried out in solidarity with the Gaza residents in the towns Ramallah and El-Bira."
It always makes me laugh when propaganda sites pimp this lie.
Impotent attempts to paint hamas white make us laugh, of course.
Of course they will, no surprise in that, even when it comes from the Palestinians he just say this is a lie, why is that a lie tinmore?
after the Palestinian Authority was ousted from Gaza by Hamas.
Because it didn't happen. Hamas changed nothing in the PA. Look it up.
after the Palestinian Authority was ousted from Gaza by Hamas.
Because it didn't happen. Hamas changed nothing in the PA. Look it up.

Here we go again, Tinmore's circle of deceit and conspiracy . . . . How's it go again? The U.S. and Israel are actually in control of Gaza and the West Bank because they created Hamas and Fatah or something like that?
Just another Israel created news story. If you can find another source wrote before Israel wrote it, I'll believe it, a credible source.
Actually, palistanian embezzlement artists demanded $4 bln. to be forked out by donors to "rebuild" gazabad. It's a lot of dough to line their bank accounts, indeed.

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