Father, 23, 'punched three-year-old son in the face so hard he went flying to the ground'

What a fucking coward. If I witnessed something like this I would beat the fuck out of that guy right then and there.

Justin Whittington who punched son in the face in a store pictured Daily Mail Online

Is anyone else noticing that the Daily Mail in Europe is now giving Americans news stories that the American news media is purposely missing? I am noting a pattern here and it isn't good. I'll tell you something about Bakersfield,California, Taz. It's saturated in satanism and is a stronghold area - which leads me to believe the Father who is tattooed with markings on his head - is involved in the occult. Many have become so comfortable with this sort of vile abuse of children in private that it is now spilling out into the public places - even on video camera as this story reveals.

Do you remember the McMartin daycare story of mass sex abuse, child rape, children reported the workers at McMartin had taken them into tunnels and performed satanic rituals - killing animals - human sacrifice - forcing the toddlers to participate also? Later the head of FBI for 27 years - Ted Gunderson - found the tunnels under the daycare that had been reported to have "never been found" - they found evidence of satanic rituals having been performed and childrens lunch bag among other things down there - where were the tunnels? Under the McMartin daycare - when it was sold - prior to demolition the new owner gave Gunderson permission to excavate underneath and that was when it was found - the children had told the truth. Because there were govt officials and police, high up politicians involved - the story was buried and Gunderson was stonewalled but this all took place down in Bakersfield, California. So I am not surprised to learn these parents are living in Bakersfield, California. The entire area is cursed and under a satanic stronghold.
What's kind of scary for me, is that while I used to be firmly on the side of "spanking" being a parental right and not "abuse" [when used properly], I do find my viewpoints changing, not because of any potential harm to the child's emotional well being, but because of the parents who cannot control themselves and use /my/ argument to excuse /actual/ abuse. I find it sad that parents are no longer parents as /I/ remember them.

My father was military, he threatened to spank me when I was out of line, and I remember the immediate reaction I had when he'd start pulling off his belt. In hind-sight though I realize that he actually only spanked me ONCE that I remember and that was it... I just find that tid-bit amusing.
Spanking is rare when good parenting is in play. The last spanking any of my kids got was when my 7 year old threw his older brother's cell phone in the fish tank. On purpose. That was a few years ago I think.
Punching a three year old in the face isn't discipline - its' child abuse - the father should be sent to prison for attempted murder. The child could have died and it is quite clear the father had no consideration for that possibility when he sent him flying. Had the child hit his head he could have been killed. It's a horrific story.
Maybe the occult told him to do it.
Spanking is rare when good parenting is in play. The last spanking any of my kids got was when my 7 year old threw his older brother's cell phone in the fish tank. On purpose. That was a few years ago I think.

That was kind of my point, my father /threatened/ to spank me, but actually hadn't now that I think back on it. I honestly can't remember why I got spanked, but I do remember constantly sassing my father because it got a rise out of him - I was a red-headed rebel as a child, still have a little streak of it left today heh Of course, as an adult I thank my father for being the strict backbone my mother never was, it is because of his parenting, his expectance of my personal-responsibility and discipline has served me quite well through my life.
What's kind of scary for me, is that while I used to be firmly on the side of "spanking" being a parental right and not "abuse" [when used properly], I do find my viewpoints changing, not because of any potential harm to the child's emotional well being, but because of the parents who cannot control themselves and use /my/ argument to excuse /actual/ abuse. I find it sad that parents are no longer parents as /I/ remember them.

My father was military, he threatened to spank me when I was out of line, and I remember the immediate reaction I had when he'd start pulling off his belt. In hind-sight though I realize that he actually only spanked me ONCE that I remember and that was it... I just find that tid-bit amusing.
Spanking is rare when good parenting is in play. The last spanking any of my kids got was when my 7 year old threw his older brother's cell phone in the fish tank. On purpose. That was a few years ago I think.

It is really really really hard to not spank a kid. Not because spanking works - but because sometimes nothing else seems to work either!!! We've never spanked our child, but at least a couple of times I've said "Hey, do you think we should try spanking?"
What's kind of scary for me, is that while I used to be firmly on the side of "spanking" being a parental right and not "abuse" [when used properly], I do find my viewpoints changing, not because of any potential harm to the child's emotional well being, but because of the parents who cannot control themselves and use /my/ argument to excuse /actual/ abuse. I find it sad that parents are no longer parents as /I/ remember them.

My father was military, he threatened to spank me when I was out of line, and I remember the immediate reaction I had when he'd start pulling off his belt. In hind-sight though I realize that he actually only spanked me ONCE that I remember and that was it... I just find that tid-bit amusing.
Spanking is rare when good parenting is in play. The last spanking any of my kids got was when my 7 year old threw his older brother's cell phone in the fish tank. On purpose. That was a few years ago I think.

It is really really really hard to not spank a kid. Not because spanking works - but because sometimes nothing else seems to work either!!! We've never spanked our child, but at least a couple of times I've said "Hey, do you think we should try spanking?"
And every kid is different. We got four of them and four different strategies to handle their misbehavior. Luckily we didn't get the kid that responds ONLY to spanking, but we don't judge the parents that did.
It is really really really hard to not spank a kid. Not because spanking works - but because sometimes nothing else seems to work either!!! We've never spanked our child, but at least a couple of times I've said "Hey, do you think we should try spanking?"

I've swatted my kids on the butt, though not with any strength (I'm an executive not a fitness person heh) it was more a get their attention thing, and mostly my youngest who would get onto something and like shut down, a light swat on the butt was usually enough of a "shock" to snap him out of it and he'd be listening again. Heck at 16, I still swat him to get his attention, though its on the arm or the back of his head these days; and ya know, not as discipline... I certainly wouldn't think about picking a fight with my "little" devil though, he's like 6'4" hahaha

I think I'm lucky, my kids are all highly intelligent; logic was our tactic of choice for the most part, even at a young age, so I didn't have to deal with as much frustration and stuff. I generally just told them /why/ I wanted something done x way, and at most I got a "but mooooommmmyyyy, this way is better" - and ya know what, sometimes they were right... I have to admit I kinda hate it when they are right, but that's a different subject :p

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