Father accused of robbing South Lyon Vibe Credit Union to pay for daughter's cancer treatments

Very sad story.. the american healthcare system needs to be fixed to prevent people from feeling this desperate..
Father accused of robbing South Lyon Vibe Credit Union to pay for daughter's cancer treatments
SOUTH LYON, Mich. (WXYZ) -- The family of 23-year-old Brian Randolph says the only reason the Oakland County man robbed a bank was to pay for his young daughter's chemo treatments.

Now, he's being held on $500,000 bond.

"He just asked me, when am I gonna get out of here. I said you may not get out of here," says Karri Mitchell, Randolph's attorney.

Randolph was arrested August 14th, two days after police say he robbed a Vibe Credit Union in South Lyon.

His one year old daughter's insurance was abruptly canceled, and with no money, his family says the desperate father tried robbing a bank.

His girlfriend tells 7 Action News, "I'm not sure what he was thinking at that point, but at the end of the day the only thing I can think about is him trying to take care of his child."

Brailynn Randolph goes to chemo every four weeks, as she battles retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

Police say surveillance photos show Randolph giving the teller a note, also indicating he had a gun on August 12th, but never showed one.

His aunt tells us, "The only thing he kept telling me is I want to be the man I'm supposed to be. I want to provide for my child."

Brailynn's mother told 7 Action News this afternoon that the insurance company finally called her back. She was told the insurance was canceled because she didn't renew the policy once Brailynn turned one.

She claims she wasn't aware that was necessary. She says she's still working on getting back coverage for Brailynn.

Yes, it's a sad story all right and speaks to how screwed up our medical insurance is, BUT, rob a bank! Two decades ago, I had complete bone marrow failure. Long story short, doctors eventually put me on an injection that unfortunately was FDA approved for a different purpose. As such, insurance wouldn't pay for this "experimental" treatment, and it ended up costing us over $120,000 of our savings, i.e., equity we had to pull out of our home. Rob a bank? No, absolutely no. I would have sooner died before that happened.
Very sad story.. the american healthcare system needs to be fixed to prevent people from feeling this desperate..
Father accused of robbing South Lyon Vibe Credit Union to pay for daughter's cancer treatments
SOUTH LYON, Mich. (WXYZ) -- The family of 23-year-old Brian Randolph says the only reason the Oakland County man robbed a bank was to pay for his young daughter's chemo treatments.

Now, he's being held on $500,000 bond.

"He just asked me, when am I gonna get out of here. I said you may not get out of here," says Karri Mitchell, Randolph's attorney.

Randolph was arrested August 14th, two days after police say he robbed a Vibe Credit Union in South Lyon.

His one year old daughter's insurance was abruptly canceled, and with no money, his family says the desperate father tried robbing a bank.

His girlfriend tells 7 Action News, "I'm not sure what he was thinking at that point, but at the end of the day the only thing I can think about is him trying to take care of his child."

Brailynn Randolph goes to chemo every four weeks, as she battles retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

Police say surveillance photos show Randolph giving the teller a note, also indicating he had a gun on August 12th, but never showed one.

His aunt tells us, "The only thing he kept telling me is I want to be the man I'm supposed to be. I want to provide for my child."

Brailynn's mother told 7 Action News this afternoon that the insurance company finally called her back. She was told the insurance was canceled because she didn't renew the policy once Brailynn turned one.

She claims she wasn't aware that was necessary. She says she's still working on getting back coverage for Brailynn.

Yes, it's a sad story all right and speaks to how screwed up our medical insurance is, BUT, rob a bank! Two decades ago, I had complete bone marrow failure. Long story short, doctors eventually put me on an injection that unfortunately was FDA approved for a different purpose. As such, insurance wouldn't pay for this "experimental" treatment, and it ended up costing us over $120,000 of our savings, i.e., equity we had to pull out of our home. Rob a bank? No, absolutely no. I would have sooner died before that happened.
Is this in relation to your 1 year old daughter? Yeah, I know the American health system is a disgrace.
"A man told police he robbed a bank in a desperate attempt to pay for his baby daughter’s chemotherapy treatment.

But when cops caught up with him, they discovered a Gucci bag and several newly bought pairs of expensive shoes and clothes in his car, according to authorities."

For his daughter.

Hold the phone Jake.

A) I seen no corroboration to support that.
B) I thought this was "for cancer treatments". He stole $8000...and there was only $3100 left after his shopping spree.
C) A Gucci bag for a toddler...c'mon...
I see no corroboration for your conclusion was my set up, and you stepped right into it.

So this really about your gut feeling. OK.

You're not making any sense today Jake.

The premise of the thread is he stole the money to pay for cancer treatment.

That is categorically false.

He stole $8000 and spent $4900 on everything BUT cancer treatments.

Ergo, this thread and his excuses are complete and utter bullshit.

Better luck next time.

Just to make it so clear that even the most obtuse poster understands, $5000 worth of Gucci bags and expensive clothes and shoes are NOT cancer treatments.

Your opinion based on the limited story so far is not "self-evident truth."

It is your opionion so far.
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I thought ObamaCare fixed that?
Obamacare has helped many people, but nothing is perfect, and I disagree with obamacare, I want universal healthcare.

said the boy who pays no taxes while mommy and daddy pay his way through school.
What the fuck? You know nothing about me.

only what you've told us..you're a college kid working minimum wage while mommy pays for your school...naturally, however, you're an "Expert" in...EVERYthing..based on your vast wealth of life experience......all kiddies are...
Very sad story.. the american healthcare system needs to be fixed to prevent people from feeling this desperate..
Father accused of robbing South Lyon Vibe Credit Union to pay for daughter's cancer treatments
SOUTH LYON, Mich. (WXYZ) -- The family of 23-year-old Brian Randolph says the only reason the Oakland County man robbed a bank was to pay for his young daughter's chemo treatments.

Now, he's being held on $500,000 bond.

"He just asked me, when am I gonna get out of here. I said you may not get out of here," says Karri Mitchell, Randolph's attorney.

Randolph was arrested August 14th, two days after police say he robbed a Vibe Credit Union in South Lyon.

His one year old daughter's insurance was abruptly canceled, and with no money, his family says the desperate father tried robbing a bank.

His girlfriend tells 7 Action News, "I'm not sure what he was thinking at that point, but at the end of the day the only thing I can think about is him trying to take care of his child."

Brailynn Randolph goes to chemo every four weeks, as she battles retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

Police say surveillance photos show Randolph giving the teller a note, also indicating he had a gun on August 12th, but never showed one.

His aunt tells us, "The only thing he kept telling me is I want to be the man I'm supposed to be. I want to provide for my child."

Brailynn's mother told 7 Action News this afternoon that the insurance company finally called her back. She was told the insurance was canceled because she didn't renew the policy once Brailynn turned one.

She claims she wasn't aware that was necessary. She says she's still working on getting back coverage for Brailynn.

I thought the ACA took care of everyone at someone else's expense???
I thought ObamaCare fixed that?
Obamacare has helped many people, but nothing is perfect, and I disagree with obamacare, I want universal healthcare.
Move to Cuba. They have what you want right there. The bonus is the rest of us won't have to listen to your commie crap any more.
Troll comment.
You are the one who wants Cuban style health care. I only suggested that you might be more comfortable there.
"A man told police he robbed a bank in a desperate attempt to pay for his baby daughter’s chemotherapy treatment.

But when cops caught up with him, they discovered a Gucci bag and several newly bought pairs of expensive shoes and clothes in his car, according to authorities."

For his daughter.

Hold the phone Jake.

A) I seen no corroboration to support that.
B) I thought this was "for cancer treatments". He stole $8000...and there was only $3100 left after his shopping spree.
C) A Gucci bag for a toddler...c'mon...
I see no corroboration for your conclusion was my set up, and you stepped right into it.

So this really about your gut feeling. OK.

You're not making any sense today Jake.

The premise of the thread is he stole the money to pay for cancer treatment.

That is categorically false.

He stole $8000 and spent $4900 on everything BUT cancer treatments.

Ergo, this thread and his excuses are complete and utter bullshit.

Better luck next time.

Just to make it so clear that even the most obtuse poster understands, $5000 worth of Gucci bags and expensive clothes and shoes are NOT cancer treatments.

Criminals will say anything to justify themselves. I know an old lady that had her credit card stolen, her daughter tracked it down and found the asshole. He was buying all kinds of expensive shit for himself like watches, but when caught he claimed it was for his kids. Thieving c*nts have no honor.
Agreed. The immediate comparison is the movie "John Q" which has the hostage taker made into a hero just trying to save his son. This is a Leftist dream come true.
I thought ObamaCare fixed that?
Obamacare has helped many people, but nothing is perfect, and I disagree with obamacare, I want universal healthcare.

Dear David_42
What I see happening to afford universal care
* reforming the prison system to focus on medical treatment and cure
The millions if not billions wasted on a failed criminal justice and mental health system
that merely placates symptoms with expensive pharmaceuticals (or expensive cancer treatments as this man coudn't afford)
doesn't address the CAUSE of the actual disease and thus not the root cure either.
This makes money for companies producing drugs that profit off diseases,
it empowers and profits contractors and politicians making money off the crime,
but doesn't cure the cause of either one.
Why not refocus on early diagnosis, treatment and cure of mental and criminal illness,
stop the escalating costs of abuse, violence and crime; and invest those same resources
into expanding medical programs in training more interns, nurses and doctors to provide preventative care? Why not build more teaching hospitals instead of more prisons from lack of prevention?

* medical research and development of Spiritual Healing methods of early diagnosis and treatment that HAVE cured the causes of abuse, addiction, physical mental and even criminal illness. Look up David Berkowitz testimony of being cured of his criminal obsessions that compelled him to stalk and kill people. Had he gotten help for his sick disorder in time, his victims could have been spared. But he didn't get help until afterwards.
Same with Karla Faye Tucker who was a different person than the drug addict she was when she cruelly killed someone with a pick axe high on drugs.

David if you are SERIOUS about universal care, health care can be paid for by addressing preventionat the very root level, and curing the causes of a wide range of diseases, addiction, abuse and crime at the same time.

The billions in resources and the lives saved, by reforming the prison and mental health system to stop the losses,
means saving more lives and serving more and more of the broader population on a lower cost scale with those same resources.

See resources for medical research posted at
These are the references I recommend the most for formal medical studies
needed to establish how this process works through secular science
so the knowledge and access to this help can be made more public.

Scott Peck's books on "Glimpses of the Devil" and "People of the Lie" describe his successes in studying the spiritual healing process and using that to remove "demonic" voices obsessions and personalities in schizophrenic patients otherwise deemed "incureable."

These same methods are taught in seminary as described in Francis MacNutt's book on "Healing" (edition 1999 or later includes a study on Rheumatoid Arthritis conducted and published by a medical team)

Not only can mental and criminal illness be cured, but also any number of diseases by facilitating the natural healing process instead of blocking it by unforgiven conflicts that the therapy addresses.
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What happened to all those charity children's cancer treatment centers? Have they all gone out of business?
Very sad story.. the american healthcare system needs to be fixed to prevent people from feeling this desperate..
Father accused of robbing South Lyon Vibe Credit Union to pay for daughter's cancer treatments
SOUTH LYON, Mich. (WXYZ) -- The family of 23-year-old Brian Randolph says the only reason the Oakland County man robbed a bank was to pay for his young daughter's chemo treatments.

Now, he's being held on $500,000 bond.

"He just asked me, when am I gonna get out of here. I said you may not get out of here," says Karri Mitchell, Randolph's attorney.

Randolph was arrested August 14th, two days after police say he robbed a Vibe Credit Union in South Lyon.

His one year old daughter's insurance was abruptly canceled, and with no money, his family says the desperate father tried robbing a bank.

His girlfriend tells 7 Action News, "I'm not sure what he was thinking at that point, but at the end of the day the only thing I can think about is him trying to take care of his child."

Brailynn Randolph goes to chemo every four weeks, as she battles retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

Police say surveillance photos show Randolph giving the teller a note, also indicating he had a gun on August 12th, but never showed one.

His aunt tells us, "The only thing he kept telling me is I want to be the man I'm supposed to be. I want to provide for my child."

Brailynn's mother told 7 Action News this afternoon that the insurance company finally called her back. She was told the insurance was canceled because she didn't renew the policy once Brailynn turned one.

She claims she wasn't aware that was necessary. She says she's still working on getting back coverage for Brailynn.
Poor choices.
Very sad story.. the american healthcare system needs to be fixed to prevent people from feeling this desperate..
Father accused of robbing South Lyon Vibe Credit Union to pay for daughter's cancer treatments
SOUTH LYON, Mich. (WXYZ) -- The family of 23-year-old Brian Randolph says the only reason the Oakland County man robbed a bank was to pay for his young daughter's chemo treatments.

Now, he's being held on $500,000 bond.

"He just asked me, when am I gonna get out of here. I said you may not get out of here," says Karri Mitchell, Randolph's attorney.

Randolph was arrested August 14th, two days after police say he robbed a Vibe Credit Union in South Lyon.

His one year old daughter's insurance was abruptly canceled, and with no money, his family says the desperate father tried robbing a bank.

His girlfriend tells 7 Action News, "I'm not sure what he was thinking at that point, but at the end of the day the only thing I can think about is him trying to take care of his child."

Brailynn Randolph goes to chemo every four weeks, as she battles retinoblastoma, a form of eye cancer.

Police say surveillance photos show Randolph giving the teller a note, also indicating he had a gun on August 12th, but never showed one.

His aunt tells us, "The only thing he kept telling me is I want to be the man I'm supposed to be. I want to provide for my child."

Brailynn's mother told 7 Action News this afternoon that the insurance company finally called her back. She was told the insurance was canceled because she didn't renew the policy once Brailynn turned one.

She claims she wasn't aware that was necessary. She says she's still working on getting back coverage for Brailynn.
Funny this happens to lots of people but its a black guy who decides to rob a bank.

Maybe he shouldn't have had a child without a job.

Why doesn't he have obamacare? Shouldn't he qualify?

I know a black drug dealer who got desperate and tried to rob a bank too. His kids were fine. This is an argument for birth control.

You can't be a bum then expect a million dollars in healthcare when you get sick. This is what the aca was supposed to fix.

We can't say we will help this once but no more. We've already said that before. My bet is even if healthcare were $100 a month this guy wouldn't be paying it. I bet he never even looked into it.

So I'm with you on healthcare but let this be a lesson the the next baby mamma who thinks about screwing a scrub.
I thought ObamaCare fixed that?
Obamacare has helped many people, but nothing is perfect, and I disagree with obamacare, I want universal healthcare.
Hop an inner tube for Cuba
I could go to any other country, almost all of them have it, and it's more cost effective then American healthcare spending, we spend so much more.. Keep using confirmation bias and ignore literally every developed country with UHC. Cubans also drive cars, I guess that means cars are communist now.. Fuck off.

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