Father James Martin on DACA: Jesus is everyone you exclude. And everyone you exclude is Jesus

In the end times, the followers of the antichrist movement, will have their empathy waxed cold, it what the bible says.....

Is that what is going on with these purported christians on this site and in the right wing?

the government better not give these DACA applicants and recipients information to ICE. Our government PROMISED it would never turn them over to ICE, TO GET them to come out of the underground and sign up.

Out of ALL of the groups of illegals here, NONE are more innocent than these children. They broke no laws, their average age when brought here was 6 years old, they know no other country, they are law abiding, educated with at minimum a high school diploma or college degree, they are working...93% are working others are in school....

NONE, NOT ONE, of these DACA kids, illegally did anything...and we should not punish children for the sins of the father....

so if there ever was a group to not prioritize for immediate deportation, it's these people...
Charlie Rose: Can I remind you, a good Catholic, that Cardinal [Timothy] Dolan is opposed to what's happened with DACA?.
Bannon: The Catholic Church has been terrible about this.
Rose: Okay.
Bannon: The bishops have been terrible about this. By the way, you know why? You know why?
Because unable to really – to – to – to come to grips with the problems in the church, they need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches.
That's – it's obvious on the face of it. That's what – the entire Catholic bishops condemn him. ... They have – they have an economic interest.

They have an economic interest in unlimited immigration, unlimited illegal immigration. And as much as –

Rose: Boy, that's a tough thing to say about your church.

Bannon: As much as I respect Cardinal Dolan and the bishops on doctrine, this is not doctrine. This is not doctrine at all.
I totally respect the pope and I totally respect the Catholic bishops and cardinals on doctrine.
This is not about doctrine. This is about the sovereignty of a nation.
And in that regard, they're just another guy with an opinion.
Steve Bannon says Catholic Church has "economic interest" in "unlimited illegal immigration" - CBS News

In the end times, the followers of the antichrist movement, will have their empathy waxed cold, it what the bible says.....
Is that what is going on with these purported christians on this site and in the right wing?
the government better not give these DACA applicants and recipients information to ICE. Our government PROMISED it would never turn them over to ICE, TO GET them to come out of the underground and sign up.
Out of ALL of the groups of illegals here, NONE are more innocent than these children. They broke no laws, their average age when brought here was 6 years old, they know no other country, they are law abiding, educated with at minimum a high school diploma or college degree, they are working...93% are working others are in school....
NONE, NOT ONE, of these DACA kids, illegally did anything...and we should not punish children for the sins of the father....
so if there ever was a group to not prioritize for immediate deportation, it's these people...

Why do progressives hate religion, yet love it when only they find someone like this guy.

If it makes you feel better, we are sending well fed and educated folks back to their shit hole countries to teach them how to succeed.

See, how much more Christian can you get?

You're sending American kids back to countries they've never really lived in and have no experience with. In most cases, they don't even speak the language.

Oh, so they have documents that made the Americans? Really Joe? Is crossing the border the only requirement?

So if a stranger breaks into your home or walks in through an open door into your home and refuses to leave, does that make them a legal resident of your home?

You can't make this shit up folks.
In the end times, the followers of the antichrist movement, will have their empathy waxed cold, it what the bible says.....

Is that what is going on with these purported christians on this site and in the right wing?

the government better not give these DACA applicants and recipients information to ICE. Our government PROMISED it would never turn them over to ICE, TO GET them to come out of the underground and sign up.

Out of ALL of the groups of illegals here, NONE are more innocent than these children. They broke no laws, their average age when brought here was 6 years old, they know no other country, they are law abiding, educated with at minimum a high school diploma or college degree, they are working...93% are working others are in school....

NONE, NOT ONE, of these DACA kids, illegally did anything...and we should not punish children for the sins of the father....

so if there ever was a group to not prioritize for immediate deportation, it's these people...
You quote the bible, but support abortion?
Joe B, the atheist Roman Catholic combo ....

Here's the thing, my atheism is based on reason. There is no God.

Your anti-Catholic hatred is based on bigotry.

I'm sorry this is lost on you, but your vision of God is why people become atheists to start with. We refuse to believe the universe is that badly designed.
This jackass really thinks he is intelligent because he states something he cannot prove.
In the end times, the followers of the antichrist movement, will have their empathy waxed cold, it what the bible says.....

Is that what is going on with these purported christians on this site and in the right wing?

the government better not give these DACA applicants and recipients information to ICE. Our government PROMISED it would never turn them over to ICE, TO GET them to come out of the underground and sign up.

Out of ALL of the groups of illegals here, NONE are more innocent than these children. They broke no laws, their average age when brought here was 6 years old, they know no other country, they are law abiding, educated with at minimum a high school diploma or college degree, they are working...93% are working others are in school....

NONE, NOT ONE, of these DACA kids, illegally did anything...and we should not punish children for the sins of the father....

so if there ever was a group to not prioritize for immediate deportation, it's these people...
Jesus never promoted lawlessness but your seditious democrats and a few treacherous republicans have. The people do not have to accept illegals or their seditious proponents that are pushing their communist and marxist ideologies.
Charlie Rose: Can I remind you, a good Catholic, that Cardinal [Timothy] Dolan is opposed to what's happened with DACA?.
Bannon: The Catholic Church has been terrible about this.
Rose: Okay.
Bannon: The bishops have been terrible about this. By the way, you know why? You know why?
Because unable to really – to – to – to come to grips with the problems in the church, they need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches.
That's – it's obvious on the face of it. That's what – the entire Catholic bishops condemn him. ... They have – they have an economic interest.

They have an economic interest in unlimited immigration, unlimited illegal immigration. And as much as –

Rose: Boy, that's a tough thing to say about your church.

Bannon: As much as I respect Cardinal Dolan and the bishops on doctrine, this is not doctrine. This is not doctrine at all.
I totally respect the pope and I totally respect the Catholic bishops and cardinals on doctrine.
This is not about doctrine. This is about the sovereignty of a nation.
And in that regard, they're just another guy with an opinion.

I do believe that some of the Church's attitudes are motivated by self-interest. Old school immigrant Catholics are either becoming evangelicals or are becoming atheists.. So they probably do support immigration reform in part to protect their congregants.

That said, repealling DACA isn't something Jesus would advocate.

And this is my problem with fundy shitheads like yourself. You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.

I have lots of problems with the Catholic Church, but at least they are walking the walk.
Jesus never promoted lawlessness but your seditious democrats and a few treacherous republicans have. The people do not have to accept illegals or their seditious proponents that are pushing their communist and marxist ideologies.

Jesus never promoted lawlessness?

Do you guys actually read your own book of fairy tales?

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Charlie Rose: Can I remind you, a good Catholic, that Cardinal [Timothy] Dolan is opposed to what's happened with DACA?.
Bannon: The Catholic Church has been terrible about this.
Rose: Okay.
Bannon: The bishops have been terrible about this. By the way, you know why? You know why?
Because unable to really – to – to – to come to grips with the problems in the church, they need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches.
That's – it's obvious on the face of it. That's what – the entire Catholic bishops condemn him. ... They have – they have an economic interest.

They have an economic interest in unlimited immigration, unlimited illegal immigration. And as much as –

Rose: Boy, that's a tough thing to say about your church.

Bannon: As much as I respect Cardinal Dolan and the bishops on doctrine, this is not doctrine. This is not doctrine at all.
I totally respect the pope and I totally respect the Catholic bishops and cardinals on doctrine.
This is not about doctrine. This is about the sovereignty of a nation.
And in that regard, they're just another guy with an opinion.

I do believe that some of the Church's attitudes are motivated by self-interest. Old school immigrant Catholics are either becoming evangelicals or are becoming atheists.. So they probably do support immigration reform in part to protect their congregants.

That said, repealling DACA isn't something Jesus would advocate.

And this is my problem with fundy shitheads like yourself. You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.

I have lots of problems with the Catholic Church, but at least they are walking the walk.
You are a self proclaim atheist telling us what Jesus would say. You definitely are a clueless liar. Jesus did not advocate for lawlessness, ever. The word does give warning about letting in wolves who slaughter the flock though and it also warns what will happen when his people turn away from him.
This jackass really thinks he is intelligent because he states something he cannot prove.

Um, you see, I don't think you understand how "proof" works. If you go around claiming that there are pink unicorns that fart rainbows, it's not up to me to prove they don't exist, it's on you to prove that they do.

And if you think there's a magic fairy in the sky who is going to punish you for all eternity if you touch yourself in the wrong way, the burden is really on you to prove he exists, not the other way around.
Learning about the Roman Catholic Inquisitions inclines more people to Atheism than does the critical of RC POV

um, no. I don't know of any atheist who said, "Wow, there was an inquisition? I'm totally turning into an atheist!" Reality check, buddy. The Catholic church teaches that the Inquisition was wrong. They've probably done more apologizing for it than it deserves. (Compared to inbred ass Evangelicals, who have yet to apologize for slavery, which was much, much worse.)

FYI: The pope does not intend to rule the USA. The Pope intends to destroy the USA.

Please... RIght, Pope Francis, probably the most inoffensive guy to hold the office, ever, is scheming to destroy the USA. Right.

Stop making me stick up for the Catholics... dammit, stop it.
Jesus never promoted lawlessness but your seditious democrats and a few treacherous republicans have. The people do not have to accept illegals or their seditious proponents that are pushing their communist and marxist ideologies.

Jesus never promoted lawlessness?

Do you guys actually read your own book of fairy tales?

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
And you again are clueless. He taught about the spirit and evil humans try to apply that to mean take a sword and kill someone or something. He said the battle was not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and your attempt to confuse may work with some but it won't with me. What you birth in your spirit, your spiritual mother, lil' demons and your father the devil is what you are responsible to remove and separate but you deny it all so take a hike and teach your shit somewhere else with someone you may have an edge with.
And you again are clueless. He taught about the spirit and evil humans try to apply that to mean take a sword and kill someone or something. He said the battle was not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and your attempt to confuse may work with some but it won't with me. What you birth in your spirit, your spiritual mother, lil' demons and your father the devil is what you are responsible to remove and separate but you deny it all so take a hike and teach your shit somewhere else with someone you may have an edge with.

again, how about concentrating on what is actually IN the bible instead of how you interpret it?

That would be a big help.

I am not trying to confuse you. Your fear of death means the God-Scammers have your balls in the lockbox,and that's fine.

Jesus was a religious revolutionary. It's why the Jewish Elders and the Romans had him executed. Supposedly. He's probably just made up, though.
In the end times, the followers of the antichrist movement, will have their empathy waxed cold, it what the bible says.....

Is that what is going on with these purported christians on this site and in the right wing?

the government better not give these DACA applicants and recipients information to ICE. Our government PROMISED it would never turn them over to ICE, TO GET them to come out of the underground and sign up.

Out of ALL of the groups of illegals here, NONE are more innocent than these children. They broke no laws, their average age when brought here was 6 years old, they know no other country, they are law abiding, educated with at minimum a high school diploma or college degree, they are working...93% are working others are in school....

NONE, NOT ONE, of these DACA kids, illegally did anything...and we should not punish children for the sins of the father....

so if there ever was a group to not prioritize for immediate deportation, it's these people...
Jesus never promoted lawlessness but your seditious democrats and a few treacherous republicans have. The people do not have to accept illegals or their seditious proponents that are pushing their communist and marxist ideologies.
But if you are doing it with just an ounce of hatred or bigotry in your decision, then you are doing wrong imo. Mercy should always over rule those thoughts... again imo.

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