Father James Martin on DACA: Jesus is everyone you exclude. And everyone you exclude is Jesus

In the end times, the followers of the antichrist movement, will have their empathy waxed cold, it what the bible says.....

Is that what is going on with these purported christians on this site and in the right wing?

the government better not give these DACA applicants and recipients information to ICE. Our government PROMISED it would never turn them over to ICE, TO GET them to come out of the underground and sign up.

Out of ALL of the groups of illegals here, NONE are more innocent than these children. They broke no laws, their average age when brought here was 6 years old, they know no other country, they are law abiding, educated with at minimum a high school diploma or college degree, they are working...93% are working others are in school....

NONE, NOT ONE, of these DACA kids, illegally did anything...and we should not punish children for the sins of the father....

so if there ever was a group to not prioritize for immediate deportation, it's these people...
Jesus never promoted lawlessness but your seditious democrats and a few treacherous republicans have. The people do not have to accept illegals or their seditious proponents that are pushing their communist and marxist ideologies.
But if you are doing it with just an ounce of hatred or bigotry in your decision, then you are doing wrong imo. Mercy should always over rule those thoughts... again imo.
There is no malice or bigotry in my determination of what is right or wrong in this decision. Using Jesus to attempt to justify illegal actions won't work nor should it be the basis for a decision to give a free pass to the children of illegal perps. I own property and neighbors have made up bogus deeds should I allow their children to keep my property because of the illegal activities of their parents attempting to steal it? The sins of the father are not on the son but what if the son persist in the father's ways, should I let them keep it?

Furthermore Care if you have a tumor growing will you want to simply remove a portion of it but leave a few remnants of it behind to continue to grow?

If legislators allow this illegal and seditious behavior to continue and keep making excuses for lawlessness it will bring this country into a darkness that is not necessary and it will take generations to overcome it.

And you again are clueless. He taught about the spirit and evil humans try to apply that to mean take a sword and kill someone or something. He said the battle was not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and your attempt to confuse may work with some but it won't with me. What you birth in your spirit, your spiritual mother, lil' demons and your father the devil is what you are responsible to remove and separate but you deny it all so take a hike and teach your shit somewhere else with someone you may have an edge with.

again, how about concentrating on what is actually IN the bible instead of how you interpret it?

That would be a big help.

I am not trying to confuse you. Your fear of death means the God-Scammers have your balls in the lockbox,and that's fine.

Jesus was a religious revolutionary. It's why the Jewish Elders and the Romans had him executed. Supposedly. He's probably just made up, though.
You are the one making up shit. Again as an atheist and a hater you have no clue. Just because you cannot get or understand how that spirit works doesn't make me fearful. Its all on you.
From the Mexican constitution..."Non-citizens cannot participate in the country’s political life" (Article 33). Take notes America
........................ And this is my problem with fundy shitheads like yourself. You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. .

You have homes and correspondence of Bible believers under surveillance ?
You have my home and correspondence under surveillance ?

Pray tell how do you know we don't "walk the walk" ?

I have lots of problems with the Catholic Church, but at least they are walking the walk .

So when RC leaders demand to determine USA immigration and border policy
(deem people non-Christian for disagreeing with Pope position regarding government immigration and border policy),
demanding tax exemptions while making government pay them for such as bringing Somalian immigrants into USA

that is "walking the walk" ?

There is no malice or bigotry in my determination of what is right or wrong in this decision. Using Jesus to attempt to justify illegal actions won't work nor should it be the basis for a decision to give a free pass to the children of illegal perps. I own property and neighbors have made up bogus deeds should I allow their children to keep my property because of the illegal activities of their parents attempting to steal it? The sins of the father are not on the son but what if the son persist in the father's ways, should I let them keep it?

You see, here's the problem with that analogy. The DACA kids aren't taking anything away from you. You aren't personally losing ANYTHING because a DACA kid was given residency status (not citizenship). That's why you guys who support Trump's decision (not really even a decision, he's just hoping Congress will bail him out) come off as kind of mean-spirited. You want to take something away from these kids because their parents are brown-skinned... er, they did something illegal. yeah. that's it, they did something illegal.

Furthermore Care if you have a tumor growing will you want to simply remove a portion of it but leave a few remnants of it behind to continue to grow?

Now you are comparing these kids to a tumor? Most of them hold down jobs, some of them joined the military, they pay taxes, they go to school and they are productive members of society. YOu see why a lot of think you guys are a bit racist?

If legislators allow this illegal and seditious behavior to continue and keep making excuses for lawlessness it will bring this country into a darkness that is not necessary and it will take generations to overcome it.

Again, 100 years ago, some WASP said the same thing about the Irish, the Germans, the Italians and the Poles. Those people turned out to be great citizens and contributed a lot to this country.

You are the one making up shit. Again as an atheist and a hater you have no clue. Just because you cannot get or understand how that spirit works doesn't make me fearful. Its all on you.

Uh, no, because you are taking someone else's word that this spirit exists. and you let other people tell you how to run your life because of it.
You have homes and correspondence of Bible believers under surveillance ?
You have my home and correspondence under surveillance ?

Pray tell how do you know we don't "walk the walk" ?

Fundemental message of Christianity is "do unto others". Would you really want people to treat you the way you are treating the Dreamers? Again, they didn't do anything wrong, their parents did.

the problem with you guys are that your vision of Jesus is the one who hates gays and abortions (neither of which Jesus talked about), not the one who said to treat others well, give your wealth to others and so on.

So when RC leaders demand to determine USA immigration and border policy
(deem people non-Christian for disagreeing with Pope position regarding government immigration and border policy),
demanding tax exemptions while making government pay them for such as bringing Somalian immigrants into USA

that is "walking the walk" ?

Please point out to me where Jesus said to turn people away because they were different?
There is no malice or bigotry in my determination of what is right or wrong in this decision. Using Jesus to attempt to justify illegal actions won't work nor should it be the basis for a decision to give a free pass to the children of illegal perps. I own property and neighbors have made up bogus deeds should I allow their children to keep my property because of the illegal activities of their parents attempting to steal it? The sins of the father are not on the son but what if the son persist in the father's ways, should I let them keep it?

You see, here's the problem with that analogy. The DACA kids aren't taking anything away from you. You aren't personally losing ANYTHING because a DACA kid was given residency status (not citizenship). That's why you guys who support Trump's decision (not really even a decision, he's just hoping Congress will bail him out) come off as kind of mean-spirited. You want to take something away from these kids because their parents are brown-skinned... er, they did something illegal. yeah. that's it, they did something illegal.

Furthermore Care if you have a tumor growing will you want to simply remove a portion of it but leave a few remnants of it behind to continue to grow?

Now you are comparing these kids to a tumor? Most of them hold down jobs, some of them joined the military, they pay taxes, they go to school and they are productive members of society. YOu see why a lot of think you guys are a bit racist?

If legislators allow this illegal and seditious behavior to continue and keep making excuses for lawlessness it will bring this country into a darkness that is not necessary and it will take generations to overcome it.

Again, 100 years ago, some WASP said the same thing about the Irish, the Germans, the Italians and the Poles. Those people turned out to be great citizens and contributed a lot to this country.

You are the one making up shit. Again as an atheist and a hater you have no clue. Just because you cannot get or understand how that spirit works doesn't make me fearful. Its all on you.

Uh, no, because you are taking someone else's word that this spirit exists. and you let other people tell you how to run your life because of it.
I realize illegal means nothing to you but it does to the rest of us whether you like it or not. Those 20+ year olds are not kids and they have parents to blame for their predicament not USA citizens. If even one breaks the law or kills someone who is a citizen that is one too many and it has already happened so FO and your family here illegally can go back to where they belong.
This is what "brown" USA citizens really think of ILLEGALS in their country....
I realize illegal means nothing to you but it does to the rest of us whether you like it or not. Those 20+ year olds are not kids and they have parents to blame for their predicament not USA citizens. If even one breaks the law or kills someone who is a citizen that is one too many and it has already happened so FO and your family here illegally can go back to where they belong.

You're right, "illegal" means nothing to me when it's an unworkable law.

"Oh, noes, you crossed an imaginary line after we offered you a bunch of money to do it!"

'Well, i didn't. My parents did, I was just along for the ride."

So if only one person dies because of a situation, then that should be a reason to punish everyone in similar circumstances.

You better not say that around NRA members, they might be upset with you.
I realize illegal means nothing to you but it does to the rest of us whether you like it or not. Those 20+ year olds are not kids and they have parents to blame for their predicament not USA citizens. If even one breaks the law or kills someone who is a citizen that is one too many and it has already happened so FO and your family here illegally can go back to where they belong.

You're right, "illegal" means nothing to me when it's an unworkable law.

"Oh, noes, you crossed an imaginary line after we offered you a bunch of money to do it!"

'Well, i didn't. My parents did, I was just along for the ride."

So if only one person dies because of a situation, then that should be a reason to punish everyone in similar circumstances.

You better not say that around NRA members, they might be upset with you.
The law concerning illegals in the country is fine it simply has to be enforced. Your illegitimate bought and paid for creeps in congress desire to take away GOD given Constitutional rights of self defense and replace American workers with illegals. If you don't want 'your illegals' shot then tell them to stay in their home countries.
........................ And this is my problem with fundy shitheads like yourself. You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. .

You have homes and correspondence of Bible believers under surveillance ?
You have my home and correspondence under surveillance ?

Pray tell how do you know we don't "walk the walk" ?

I have lots of problems with the Catholic Church, but at least they are walking the walk .

So when RC leaders demand to determine USA immigration and border policy
(deem people non-Christian for disagreeing with Pope position regarding government immigration and border policy),
demanding tax exemptions while making government pay them for such as bringing Somalian immigrants into USA

that is "walking the walk" ?

His popeness and some of the illegitimates here seem to think they can direct Americans into wanting to be communist.
The law concerning illegals in the country is fine it simply has to be enforced. Your illegitimate bought and paid for creeps in congress desire to take away GOD given Constitutional rights of self defense and replace American workers with illegals. If you don't want 'your illegals' shot then tell them to stay in their home countries.

okay, guy, if you shoot an illegal, you are still going to prison for it. It's not like there's a bagging limit.

No, the law isn't fine, otherwise, not so many people would be breaking it. And not just the people who cross the border, but the people who hire them. Often rich people who can't be bothered to raise their own kids.

NOw, there are a lot of things we could do to fix the problem. One would be have a national ID card.
Jesus loves and welcomes everyone
Only when they are willing to be changed and repent. Joe prefers going it on his own and living that thousand years as a dead soul in the dust of the earth (where confusion reigns).

The law concerning illegals in the country is fine it simply has to be enforced. Your illegitimate bought and paid for creeps in congress desire to take away GOD given Constitutional rights of self defense and replace American workers with illegals. If you don't want 'your illegals' shot then tell them to stay in their home countries.

okay, guy, if you shoot an illegal, you are still going to prison for it. It's not like there's a bagging limit.

No, the law isn't fine, otherwise, not so many people would be breaking it. And not just the people who cross the border, but the people who hire them. Often rich people who can't be bothered to raise their own kids.

NOw, there are a lot of things we could do to fix the problem. One would be have a national ID card.
They break the law willingly because it has not been enforced properly. If an employer is caught they should be fined as the law already allows for, again it is an enforcement issue.

If by chance one of your illegals puts themselves into a situation where they are threatening the life or safety of a citizen they deserve to be shot.

States already have ID systems in place that has not stopped your illegals from identity theft and creating false ID's which is also illegal.
They break the law willingly because it has not been enforced properly. If an employer is caught they should be fined as the law already allows for, again it is an enforcement issue.

Excatly my point. If they enforced it at the employer level, you'd solve the demand problem. The problem with the "catch the illegal" strategy is that there's always another one ready to replace him.

If by chance one of your illegals puts themselves into a situation where they are threatening the life or safety of a citizen they deserve to be shot.

Okay, look, man, I don't want to interrupt your racist wank fantasies, but you missed my point. My point is, if you want to penalize ALL of a group for what one person does, punishing all Dreamers for one criminal alien makes about as much sense as punishing all gun owners for the disaffected loser who shoots up a pre-school.

States already have ID systems in place that has not stopped your illegals from identity theft and creating false ID's which is also illegal.

That's why you need a national ID system. One where if you hire "John Smith 444-44-4444, a picture will come up of him and you will know that's not the guy.
You have homes and correspondence of Bible believers under surveillance ?
You have my home and correspondence under surveillance ?
Pray tell how do you know we don't "walk the walk" ?

Fundemental message of Christianity is "do unto others".
Would you really want people to treat you the way you are treating the Dreamers?

Joe, you and the Pope share a same misunderstanding.
The Pope and you think that being a good follower of Christ depends on holding political opinions that just happen to coincide with yours.
Jesus: "my kingdom is not of this world"
Pope: "I am the rightful ruler of this world"

Jesus didn't lobby government to do or cease doing anything. And today his REAL followers are not lobbying government to do or cease doing anything.

So when RC leaders demand to determine USA immigration and border policy
(deem people non-Christian for disagreeing with Pope position regarding government immigration and border policy),
demanding tax exemptions while making government pay them for such as bringing Somalian immigrants into USA
that is "walking the walk" ?

Please point out to me where Jesus said to turn people away because they were different? [/QUOTE]

Please point out where Jesus ever demanded government take care of anyone.

Did Jesus appeal to government to cease executions ? No
Did Jesus appeal to government to free the slaves ? No
Did Jesus appeal to government to make and then raise a "minimum wage" ? No.
Did Jesus appeal to government to give food to anybody ? No.

But Jesus did honor a man who took his own money and time and aided a needy person. No doubt you've heard of this man.

Pope and his followers plainly spit on the whole notion of "separation of Church and State" ... a concept the Papacy never even pretended to honor.
Jesus: "my kingdom is not of this world" Pope: "I am the rightful ruler of this world"
Joe, you and the Pope share a same misunderstanding.
The Pope and you think that being a good follower of Christ depends on holding political opinions that just happen to coincide with yours.
Jesus: "my kingdom is not of this world"
Pope: "I am the rightful ruler of this world"

When did the Pope say that? (I mean Francis I, not some guy in the middle ages.)

I don't think I'm misunderstanding it at all. Jesus said to love our neighbors, to treat people the way we want to be treated, to forgive your enemies, and to help the poor.

Now, I have a LOT of problems with the Catholic Church and religion in general for that matter. But the Catholics do a far better job of getting close to that than the kind of fuckstick who reads Jack Chick and says, 'Yup, I hate them homos and Mexicans, too!"

moving on..

Jesus didn't lobby government to do or cease doing anything. And today his REAL followers are not lobbying government to do or cease doing anything.

Okay, dude, but the point is, which government policy is closer to what Jesus would have done.

"Round all them Mexican Kids up and ship them back, even though they don't even speak Spanish!!!"

"Give them a chance to be good citizens!"

Based on what I posted above, certainly the latter.
Pope and his followers plainly spit on the whole notion of "separation of Church and State" ... a concept the Papacy never even pretended to honor.

again, anyone on the right who is trying to ban abortion and gay marriage isn't keeping that wall between Church and State up, either. Somehow, I don't think you are suddenly cool wiht gay marriage and abortion, are you?

Neither are the Catholics, but at least they have the common decency to be closer to what Jesus said about treating people.

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