Father launches billboard campaign to tell the world his son was killed by the pfizer vaccine

If you had kept up, you would understand.

The UKHSA said that there is no link to the Covid vaccines. It’s understood that most affected children are too young to be eligible for vaccination.

that doesn't say that they were not vaxxed or vaxxed. It is very important how the media words things...how health 'authorities' WORD things. Your problem is that you labor under the fairytale belief that the gov't and WHO and CDC are all the good guys. LOLOOLOLOLOLO

They were not vaxxed because the UK did not start offering vaccines to under 12 year olds till the 4th of April this fucking year.

The kids in Alabama were under 6, Alabama was not allowing vaccines to kids under 6.

I do not believe the gov't and WHO and CDC are all the good guys, but I do have a brain and am not one prone to stupid ass conspiracy theories that have less evidence than the Flat earthers I used to debate.
It's too early. In time...it will ALL come out. And we all will SEE the truth. if i find out that our health 'authorities' are innocent, i will be glad.
'What are you gonna do if we all find out just the opposite. THAT I and others like me were right to doubt the whole thing. Will you continue with your naivete? There's a virus alright...manufactured by our very own countrymen and our enemies. And the vaxxine...we already know who owns the patents and how early those patents were granted.

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An adverse reaction can be a sore arm for a day or a fever for 12 hours. Also, anyone and everyone can report in VAERS, none of it is confirmed data. The CDC does check on some of it but never updates VAERS as that is not its purpose

It is weird how they can provide a screen shot to the "contract" but not a link.

Why is that?
okay. We'll all find out eventually beyond any shadow of doubt on the part of the believers. I'm willing to wait.
okay. We'll all find out eventually beyond any shadow of doubt on the part of the believers. I'm willing to wait.

Me too.

I have been told the exact same thing by the folks that say the election was stolen.

I wonder which of you will prove your case first....

my bet it.......................neither will ever do so.
Yea.. doctors not employed by Pfizer are keeping it under wraps because that’s just what doctors do… they love killing people. You guys are morons.
When one can’t learn where the fact lay then you probably deserve to take all the jabs you want. LOL
You won’t ever figure out what made you sick when in the real world if yah just wouldn’t have taken that vaccine you might be alive dumbasses, or not so sick…..

Some Covid-19 vaccines could increase risk of HIV infection, warn researchers who have seen ... [+] GETTY


The researchers warn of a “cautionary tale” from efforts to create an HIV vaccine over a decade ago, where a promising vaccine candidate actually increased the risk of some men catching the virus.

The vaccine made use of a modified virus — called adenovirus 5 (Ad5) — as a vector to transport some of HIV’s genetic material into the body.

Exactly how the vaccine increased the risks of HIV transmission is unknown, but a conference convened by the National Institutes of Health recommended against further use of Ad5 as a vector in HIV vaccines (Dr. Anthony Fauci was lead author of the paperoutlining this position.)

We suppose FORBES is on your conspiracy list too bahahha.


I took the link to this post and showed the father WHAT IGNORANT POS losers are that say what they said about a man who lost his son and the f—-n rude low life scum that attack a man who lost his child
you ppl are below the name of a PIG!!!
I took the link to this post and showed the father WHAT IGNORANT POS losers are that say what they said about a man who lost his son and the f—-n rude low life scum that attack a man who lost his child
you ppl are below the name of a PIG!!!

Which post did you link to?

You seem to stupid to know how to use the reply function, people should take this in to mind when you give them medical advice
and you are no different

I don’t need to con you into knowing what I do, I have the knowledge and I could tell you people I was a gawd dam brain surgeon and when ppl get it into thier heads they know it all , they never figure out they just don’t know what they don’t know.

We can show you until we turn blue but whatever health and welfare of the each person isn’t my problem it’s your and those who can’t find the facts because msm told them so w/e.

like I said HIV is in the works too. ON CHILDREN……


& The denying fools can’t even get the facts when it is provided by the British Medical Journal telling you lol
excuses still get made, it’s old, that’s different’ that’s fake, oh BMJ aehehehhe oh that’s a conspiracy
omg…….what’s so funny is the Nuremberg Code proved everybody was doing just what the people were claiming. and yeah they all looked like Foolish Idiots.

It's too early. In time...it will ALL come out. And we all will SEE the truth. if i find out that our health 'authorities' are innocent, i will be glad.
'What are you gonna do if we all find out just the opposite. THAT I and others like me were right to doubt the whole thing. Will you continue with your naivete? There's a virus alright...manufactured by our very own countrymen and our enemies. And the vaxxine...we already know who owns the patents and how early those patents were granted.

And VAERS is a passive reporting system, and from the VAERS site - "Underreporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. The degree of underreporting varies widely."

VAERS - Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data"Underreporting"%20is%20one%20of%20the,degree%20of%20underreporting%20varies%20widely.

One million is a small fraction of the actual events.

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