'Father' To Marry 'Son' In Bucks County (PA) -- With Court's Blessing

Actually, there's no valid incest argument against same sex incestuous marriages because the primary traditional argument against incest has always been the possible genetic consequences of two closely related people having children.

Marriage isn't about children. As with the perverbial 70 year-old couple who can't have any anyway.

The incest laws are, at least from an argumentative legal point of view. In short, like it or not, it's an invalid argument. Like it or not, there's no logical argument against marriage equality for biologically related couples,

given what we allow unrelated couples.
Actually, there's no valid incest argument against same sex incestuous marriages because the primary traditional argument against incest has always been the possible genetic consequences of two closely related people having children.

Marriage isn't about children. As with the perverbial 70 year-old couple who can't have any anyway.

The incest laws are, at least from an argumentative legal point of view. In short, like it or not, it's an invalid argument. Like it or not, there's no logical argument against marriage equality for biologically related couples,

given what we allow unrelated couples.

No there isn't. So what? Just as I don't care if two men or women get married, or one man and woman, I couldn't care less if two family members so, or in the case of polygamy a group of people do.

Other people's unions don't concern me nor do they affect me in any way. Mazel tov.
OMG how horrible, wait, not biologically related? Never mind.

Are gays ‘born that way’? Most Americans now say yes, but science says no

PRINCETON, NJ, May 20, 2015 -- For the first time, a majority of Americans say that homosexuals are "born that way."

According to the latest Gallup poll, 51 percent of Americans say that people are born gay or lesbian, while only 30 percent say outside factors such as upbringing and environment determine sexual orientation.

However, science would not bear that out. No fewer than eight major studies from around the world have found homosexuality is not a genetic condition.

Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council says that these numerous, rigorous studies of identical twins have now made it impossible to argue that there is a "gay gene." If homosexuality were inborn and predetermined, then when one identical twin is homosexual, the other should be, as well.

Yet one study from Yale and Columbia Universities found homosexuality common to only 6.7 percent of male identical twins and 5.3 percent of female identical twins.

The low rate of common homosexuality in identical twins – around six percent – is easily explained by nurture, not nature.

Are gays born that way Most Americans now say yes but science says no News LifeSite

Just because there is no identifiable gene does not mean you were not "born that way"

There is no identifiable gene for being left handed ...yet you are born that way
Hmmmm. Born with a dick in their mouth. Interesting.
It is totally irrelevant whether gays are born that way or not. You don't have to be born in some certain way in order to have rights.
No one for example has to be born Catholic in order to have the right to practice Catholicism.
What is relevant is that a homosexual relationship isn't a person. You have the right to go to a Catholic church or sodomize a man but there's no Constitutional right to a marriage. Incest and racial laws were put in place because of reproduction (it's a birds and bees thing, you wouldn't understand) so the whole gay marriage schtick is to mimic traditional marriages while condemning tradition.
It's beginning: the first step on the road to legalized incest:

This week, Bill Novak and Norman MacArthur will go from being father and son to a married couple.

Before you jump to conclusions, consider this: Novak and MacArthur are not father and son biologically. Rather, their relationship through adoption was solely a technicality to enable the rights they desperately wanted but were not legally able to attain as a married couple.

The same-sex couple, who have been together for more than 50 years, registered as domestic partners in New York City in 1994. After moving to Bucks County, they learned that Pennsylvania law does not recognize domestic partners and prohibits same sex marriages.

“The time came about to do estate planning,” MacArthur said. “We were told at that time ‘hell would freeze over before Pennsylvania approves same sex marriage’.”

They were advised by a lawyer that the only avenue to becoming legally related was through adoption. “It was the only legal method we could use in Pennsylvania to give underpinning to our relationship,” MacArthur said.

Good news for you and your sister.
It is totally irrelevant whether gays are born that way or not. You don't have to be born in some certain way in order to have rights.
No one for example has to be born Catholic in order to have the right to practice Catholicism.
What is relevant is that a homosexual relationship isn't a person. You have the right to go to a Catholic church or sodomize a man but there's no Constitutional right to a marriage. Incest and racial laws were put in place because of reproduction (it's a birds and bees thing, you wouldn't understand) so the whole gay marriage schtick is to mimic traditional marriages while condemning tradition.

So the traditional ban on interracial marriage should be brought back.

whoa. The old racism pops up again.
So let's see, they're a couple for 50 years who wanted to be able to visit each other in the hospital and help each other in case of an emergency but they couldn't because the law prevented them; so they used adoption as a loophole.

I'm happy for them :thup:

It's a legal basis for justifying incestuous marriages.

How many times is your nonsense going to be spewed???
Are gays ‘born that way’? Most Americans now say yes, but science says no

PRINCETON, NJ, May 20, 2015 -- For the first time, a majority of Americans say that homosexuals are "born that way."

According to the latest Gallup poll, 51 percent of Americans say that people are born gay or lesbian, while only 30 percent say outside factors such as upbringing and environment determine sexual orientation.

However, science would not bear that out. No fewer than eight major studies from around the world have found homosexuality is not a genetic condition.

Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council says that these numerous, rigorous studies of identical twins have now made it impossible to argue that there is a "gay gene." If homosexuality were inborn and predetermined, then when one identical twin is homosexual, the other should be, as well.

Yet one study from Yale and Columbia Universities found homosexuality common to only 6.7 percent of male identical twins and 5.3 percent of female identical twins.

The low rate of common homosexuality in identical twins – around six percent – is easily explained by nurture, not nature.

Are gays born that way Most Americans now say yes but science says no News LifeSite

Family Research Counsel = the KKK of homophobia.
It is totally irrelevant whether gays are born that way or not. You don't have to be born in some certain way in order to have rights.
No one for example has to be born Catholic in order to have the right to practice Catholicism.
What is relevant is that a homosexual relationship isn't a person. You have the right to go to a Catholic church or sodomize a man but there's no Constitutional right to a marriage. Incest and racial laws were put in place because of reproduction (it's a birds and bees thing, you wouldn't understand) so the whole gay marriage schtick is to mimic traditional marriages while condemning tradition.

There is a constitutional right to equal protection under the law. There are laws applicable to marriage and the rights thereof.
So let's see, they're a couple for 50 years who wanted to be able to visit each other in the hospital and help each other in case of an emergency but they couldn't because the law prevented them; so they used adoption as a loophole.

I'm happy for them :thup:
This is another thing that puts a nail in the gay argument. They were father and son. That's sick.
It is totally irrelevant whether gays are born that way or not. You don't have to be born in some certain way in order to have rights.
No one for example has to be born Catholic in order to have the right to practice Catholicism.
What is relevant is that a homosexual relationship isn't a person. You have the right to go to a Catholic church or sodomize a man but there's no Constitutional right to a marriage. Incest and racial laws were put in place because of reproduction (it's a birds and bees thing, you wouldn't understand) so the whole gay marriage schtick is to mimic traditional marriages while condemning tradition.

There is a constitutional right to equal protection under the law. There are laws applicable to marriage and the rights thereof.

does that apply to multiple person marriages? why would you discriminate against them? why would you prevent them from marrying who they love?

This is where gay marriage will lead----------------to the complete destruction of our culture.
It is totally irrelevant whether gays are born that way or not. You don't have to be born in some certain way in order to have rights.
No one for example has to be born Catholic in order to have the right to practice Catholicism.
What is relevant is that a homosexual relationship isn't a person. You have the right to go to a Catholic church or sodomize a man but there's no Constitutional right to a marriage. Incest and racial laws were put in place because of reproduction (it's a birds and bees thing, you wouldn't understand) so the whole gay marriage schtick is to mimic traditional marriages while condemning tradition.
There is a constitutional right to equal protection under the law. There are laws applicable to marriage and the rights thereof.
There's nothing in the Constitution about marriage. It's defined at the state level. Is that news to you? You also missed my point, a relationship isn't a person so you can't claim it has protection.
It's beginning: the first step on the road to legalized incest:

This week, Bill Novak and Norman MacArthur will go from being father and son to a married couple.

Before you jump to conclusions, consider this: Novak and MacArthur are not father and son biologically. Rather, their relationship through adoption was solely a technicality to enable the rights they desperately wanted but were not legally able to attain as a married couple.

The same-sex couple, who have been together for more than 50 years, registered as domestic partners in New York City in 1994. After moving to Bucks County, they learned that Pennsylvania law does not recognize domestic partners and prohibits same sex marriages.

“The time came about to do estate planning,” MacArthur said. “We were told at that time ‘hell would freeze over before Pennsylvania approves same sex marriage’.”

They were advised by a lawyer that the only avenue to becoming legally related was through adoption. “It was the only legal method we could use in Pennsylvania to give underpinning to our relationship,” MacArthur said.

You're being very deceptive.

Their relationship was never that of father/son - it was a legal technicality in order to gain rights.
It's beginning: the first step on the road to legalized incest:

This week, Bill Novak and Norman MacArthur will go from being father and son to a married couple.

Before you jump to conclusions, consider this: Novak and MacArthur are not father and son biologically. Rather, their relationship through adoption was solely a technicality to enable the rights they desperately wanted but were not legally able to attain as a married couple.

The same-sex couple, who have been together for more than 50 years, registered as domestic partners in New York City in 1994. After moving to Bucks County, they learned that Pennsylvania law does not recognize domestic partners and prohibits same sex marriages.

“The time came about to do estate planning,” MacArthur said. “We were told at that time ‘hell would freeze over before Pennsylvania approves same sex marriage’.”

They were advised by a lawyer that the only avenue to becoming legally related was through adoption. “It was the only legal method we could use in Pennsylvania to give underpinning to our relationship,” MacArthur said.

Not really. It's more like a silly reaction to a problem being fixed. Good for them.

You may think it's "silly" now, but you have to be stupid not to realize that every court case can become the basis for future court decisions.

Not necessarily - it depends on how broad or narrow the ruling was.
So let's see, they're a couple for 50 years who wanted to be able to visit each other in the hospital and help each other in case of an emergency but they couldn't because the law prevented them; so they used adoption as a loophole.

I'm happy for them :thup:
This is another thing that puts a nail in the gay argument. They were father and son. That's sick.
Hey guess what, if gay marriage was legal, they would never have felt the need to do this. Either you did not read the article, or you are willfully choosing to ignore the information in it. This is not incest. You should look up what incest means.

If someone told you tomorrow you could not see your wife or husband in the hospital for some legal reason, wouldn't you try to find a loophole to be able to? That is the only reason they turned to adoption.

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