Fauci: ‘Hopefully’ Forcing Kids to Wear Masks Won’t Have ‘Lasting Negative Impact.’

You have to be joking or demented.
Fauci pleaded with him to start but he dithered for 3 weeks. He called it a probable Democrat hoax. He said it would disappear overnight like a miracle. Yet you think Fauci is at fault?
You're as dumb as dogshit and a liar.

Biden is dealing with a new strain which is why it is gathering speed. You repigs conspiracy theorists won't get jabbed because it's some Democrat conspiracy to destroy the country or possibly waiting for God to save you. You people are barking mad.

Look at the statistics about the huge percentage of hospital admissions who were unvaccinated. Don't call me a liar on that one because you can research it easily.
You know nothing. Go away.
Trump said people should live their lives and people with health problems should stay home. He was right, the lockdowns are proven to be worse than not. Trump stopped travel from China when fauci said there was no problem and you loons called him a racist. When Biden became president, the virus was on the way out. Now the cases are back to the beginning of it. So screw off, democrat policies are a failure.
Sure, keep listening to Dr. Carlson, Dr. DeSantis, Dr. Abbott, Dr. Paul (a dentist), Dr. Hannity and Dr. Trump.

“I like this stuff,” Trump said. “I really get it … Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.”

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
UV disinfectants are injected into cancer patients and activated by light..these treatments are already utilized and have been for years. Stop pretending to know anything about “ science” when all you do is spout talking points fed to you by the democrats and the leftist media.
My county is 70% vaxxed and is at the same % as all surrounding counties. In fact, is at a higher percentage of cases than counties with less people vaxxed. So I have no idea where you're getting this "1/1000 of a percent" but it's obviously blatant garbage.
You obviously can't prove that... For privacy purpose, so it's meaningless.
No one spends that time in that job and is an idiot. Look what happened to trump. They soon showed that idiot the do it.
Successive governments supported that program in China and Fauci DID NOT secretly funnel illegal funds to it.
It was government policy and trump approved it.

I can certainly inform you he has forgotten more about science than you'll ever understand. Basically, it's the same old repig rant on how you hate Every thing and Every one that's a Democrat.
If that's you're only opinion, you have nothing. Go back down your burrow.
Fauci secretly funneled funds to it and it has been proven. He was even against the travel ban from China after knowing it's origin. Fauci should be executed.
Anyone, stupid or not, can spot evil.
Rand did >>>


“Now we’re tracking that, the CDC is tracking that really very carefully, so it’s going to be a balance that we would feel very badly if we all of a sudden said OK, kids, don’t wear masks, then you find out retrospectively that this virus in a very, very strange and unusual way is really hitting kids really hard,” he added. “But hopefully, this will be a temporary thing, temporary enough that it doesn’t have any lasting negative impact on them.”

The covid infections and the masks

Kids are resilient. They deal with things far better than Republicans
You realize the CDC Director herself said the vaccines do not prevent transmission, right?

A new CDC study provides strong evidence that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections in real-world conditions among health care personnel, first responders, and other essential workers. These groups are more likely than the general population to be exposed to the virus because of their occupations.

The study looked at the effectiveness of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections among 3,950 study participants in six states over a 13-week period from December 14, 2020 to March 13, 2021.

Results showed that following the second dose of vaccine (the recommended number of doses), risk of infection was reduced by 90 percent two or more weeks after vaccination. Following a single dose of either vaccine, the participants’ risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 was reduced by 80 percent two or more weeks after vaccination.
You realize the CDC Director herself said the vaccines do not prevent transmission, right?

True, they don't completely protect the vaccinated...

And I was wrong on the 1/1000th of a percent as break through cases.... I just looked it up again and it is presently running 0.09 percent...

And noteworthy that there are likely more because people vaccinated could have it, without symptoms.... So there is no need to get tested because they are unaware of having it.
True, they don't completely protect the vaccinated...

And I was wrong on the 1/1000th of a percent as break through cases.... I just looked it up again and it is presently running 0.09 percent...

And noteworthy that there are likely more because people vaccinated could have it, without symptoms.... So there is no need to get tested because they are unaware of having it.


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